29 research outputs found


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    Corporate Human Resources (CHR) is a division at MRN that has a role to manage human resources in the company. MRN is a holding company, supervising its business units, and through its business units, mostly operates in mass media. In line with its vision, CHR MRN is highly expected to provides data analysis to help higher management in making strategic decision. But in fact, most of CHR’s employee only provides documentation data. This kind data can’t be used for strategic decision making in Human Recources. This situation shows there is indication of work engagement problem, where the employee’s lack of willingness to make and provide analysis data. The data collection method used Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-17 and 55 respondents at CHR’s MRN participated in this research. Data analysis technique used in this research is anova one-way. The result of this research shows that 69% CHR’s employees have work engagement in the middle level, an there is 18% in the low level, and the rest is 13 % in the high level. Result of statistic calculation shows that there is significant difference in demographic data, such as working period, where group of employees that have 1-5 years working period have lowest score comparing with other group of employees. Considering the importance of increasing work engagement to improve company effectiveness, the suggested intervention designs are socialization program, employee work plan form, feedback giving from superior, monitoring form


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    The aim of this study is to describe the followership type of the employees of SHM—an organization committed in printed media. By knowing the followership type of its employees, an organization can manage each of them efficiently to achieve the organization’s goal. Because a leader’s contribution is less than the workers’ contribution for the organizational success, knowing the employees’ followership type is pivotal for the further management of each worker. This study used quantitative approach, using followership questionnaire developed by Robert Kelley. The questionnaires were distributed to all SHM employees, with the total of 99 workers. The results showed that SHM employees are mostly pragmatic followers (53.12%), while the rest are exemplary followers (46.88%). The intervention recommendation was informed to the higher-ups using survey-feedback framework; the information included the followership type of SHM employees and the effective way to manage them


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    Intolerance and radicalism that occur in the community proved to have entered the realm of the world of education, especially in schools and colleges. The role of educators in instilling values in students is important. So the rise of religious intolerance and radicalism in the world of education raises questions about the role of educators, especially religious teachers. This research tries to explain how the relationship between religiosity and multiculturalism in religion teachers in public schools. Research participants are religion teachers in state schools in Jakarta (N = 152, 83 boys and 69 girls).The sampling technique used was accidental, in the data retrieval stage.The level of religiosity of religious teachers was measured by the adaptation measuring instrument The Centrality Scale (CRS) which had a reliability value of 0.83 (Huber and Huber, 2012). While the multiculturalism attitude of religious teachers was measured by the adaptation measuring instrument Multicultural Efficacy Scale which has a reliability value of 0.87 (Guyton & Wesche, 2005). Research results show that religiosity has a significant and positive relationship with multiculturalism. This is seen from the correlation value of 0.319, which confirms that a high level of religiosity will result in a high attitude of multiculturalism, and vice versa


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    University is expected to be a role model in the application of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), because it is the place where the values related to idealism are developed. In practicing GCG’s principles, organizational culture acts as a top layer for an early detection system against fraud. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of the internalization of organizational culture in University X. The data were collected through questionnaires distributed to selected education staff of University X. Sampling was done using sampling stratified technique with 180 participants. The research data were analyzed using descriptive statistical technique by exerting theoretical mean from the result of data collected to measure the level of understanding and application of behavior of university values. The results show that there is a gap between the expected (ideal) and current (actual) level of organizational culture internalization


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    ABSTRACT Stunting is an indicator of chronic malnutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s life. This threatens the quality of human resources of Indonesia. The local communities generally interpret stunting as “short” and use different terms such as ‘kerdil’, ‘cebol’, ‘kuntet’, and ‘kuntring’. Having short posture is frequently perceived as heredity rather than as malnutrition.  Inadequate meanings derived from social perception process may lead mothers to ignore such behavior that will increase risks of stunting and undermine community participation in government-led programme to reduce stunting. This qualitative study aims to describe facts on how community preceived stunted children. Data were obtained through field observation and in-depth interviews with four mothers having under-five-aged children in Tangerang. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the collected data. This study revealed that stunting is not being associated with health or nutrition issues. In fact, participants perceive stunted children as smart children. Holding on to such perception may jeopardize optimal community participation in government’s efforts to reduce stunting prevalences. Design of appropriate activities may need to consider social perception held by local communities where the intervention will be implemented.  Keywords: Stunting, social perception, childhood nutrition   ABSTRAK  Stunting adalah indikator kekurangan gizi kronis dalam periode 1000 hari pertama kehidupan seseorang. Hal ini mengancam kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Masyarakat setempat pada umumnya memaknai stunting sebatas “berbadan pendek” dengan menggunakan istilah yang berbeda, misalnya ‘kerdil’, ‘cebol’, ‘kuntet’, dan ‘‘kuntring’’ sebagai akibat dari faktor keturunan. Perspektif persepsi sosial penting dalam pemaknaan tersebut, karena berpotensi mengabaikan perilaku berisiko anak stunting oleh para ibu dan menghambat partisipasi masyarakat dalam program pemerintah menurunkan kejadian stunting. Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana masyarakat memaknai balita berbadan pendek. Data diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan empat orang ibu yang memiliki anak balita di kabupaten Tangerang. Data diolah dengan analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan balita pendek tidak dikaitkan dengan masalah kesehatan maupun gizi, bahkan responden memandang anak ‘‘kuntring’’ sebagai anak yang pintar. Persepsi demikian dapat berdampak pada keterlibatan masyarakat yang tidak optimal dalam upaya pemerintah mengurangi kejadian stunting. Perencanaan intervensi pencegahan yang tepat perlu mempertimbangkan persepsi sosial yang berlaku dalam masyarakat.  Kata kunci: Stunting, persepsi sosial, gizi anak balit

    Analisis Kohesi dan Koherensi pada Novel Rindu Karya Tere Liye

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    Penyajian data merupakan usaha yang dilakukan untuk menggambarkan hasil dari pengolahan data-data dalam penelitian yang akan diperoleh berdasarkan adanya proses yang dilakukan pada novel yang berjudul Rindu  karya Tere Liye. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian mengenai analisis kohesi dan koherensi dalam novel Rindu Karya Tere Liye yaitu penelitian deksriptif kualiatif. Data yang diteliti berupa satuan gramatikal berupa kata sampai kalimat. Kata dan kalimat akan disajikan berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang ada dalam novel Rindu Karya Tere Liye. Hasil analisis tersebut akan berupa kata-kata sehingga penelitian ini desebut penelitian deskriptif kuaitatif. Teknik analisis data dilakukan agar fokus pada tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan. Teknik dasar yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik BUL (Bagi Unsur Langsung) yang cara kerjanya nantinya akan membagi saruan lingual datanya menjadi beberapa unsur. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian dan pembahasan, terdapat kohesi leksikal, kohesi gramatikal dan koherensi dalam novel Rindu

    Exploring Parenting Stress in Young Adulthood with Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE)

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    Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) has a significant impact on people’s lives. Few studies have been conducted on young parents with ACE in Indonesia, of which indicated that parenting stress is more common in young parents with ACE.The gap between resources, expectations, and negative mental judgment in response to differences lead to parental stress. The purpose of this research is to explore parenting experiences among young adults with ACE, specifically understanding how they cope with stress. This qualitative study adopted a snowball sampling (Yin, 2016) to identify six participants who are currently a parent with ACE. This research employed a phenomenological qualitative design (Yin, 2016). In-depth interviews are the primary data collection and data was analysed with a thematic analysis. The result indicated that ACE has a significant influence on current parenting stress experiences. Religiosity was found to have an essential role in coping with parenting stress. Cultural standard is a significant characteristic of a nation’s culture, impacting an individual’s thought patterns, emotions, and behavior. Religiosity is an appreciation of a specific religion that helps overcome parenting stress. The ability to overcome this situation, find personal growth, and appreciate life and spiritual changes is called post-traumatic growth


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    Corporate Human Resources (CHR) is a division at MRN that has a role to manage human resources in the company. MRN is a holding company, supervising its business units, and through its business units, mostly operates in mass media. In line with its vision, CHR MRN is highly expected to provides data analysis to help higher management in making strategic decision. But in fact, most of CHR’s employee only provides documentation data. This kind data can’t be used for strategic decision making in Human Recources. This situation shows there is indication of work engagement problem, where the employee’s lack of willingness to make and provide analysis data. The data collection method used Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-17 and 55 respondents at CHR’s MRN participated in this research. Data analysis technique used in this research is anova one-way. The result of this research shows that 69% CHR’s employees have work engagement in the middle level, an there is 18% in the low level, and the rest is 13 % in the high level. Result of statistic calculation shows that there is significant difference in demographic data, such as working period, where group of employees that have 1-5 years working period have lowest score comparing with other group of employees. Considering the importance of increasing work engagement to improve company effectiveness, the suggested intervention designs are socialization program, employee work plan form, feedback giving from superior, monitoring form