80 research outputs found

    Topological excitations in statistical field theory at the upper critical dimension

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    We present a high-precision Monte Carlo study of the classical Heisenberg model in four dimensions, showing that in the broken-symmetry phase it supports topological, monopole-like excitations, whose properties confirm previous analytical predictions derived in quantum field theory. We discuss the relevance of these findings and their possible experimental applications in condensed-matter physics.Comment: 1+13 pages, 9 pdf figures; v2: typos corrected, version published in the journa

    Confinement-deconfinement and universal string effects from random percolation

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    The 't Hooft criterion leading to confinement out of a percolating cluster of central vortices suggests defining a novel three-dimensional gauge theory directly on a random percolation process. Wilson loop is viewed as a counter of topological linking with the random clusters. Beyond the percolation threshold large Wilson loops decay with an area law and show the universal shape effects due to flux tube fluctuations. Wilson loop correlators define a non-trivial glueball spectrum. The crumbling of the percolating cluster when one periodic direction narrows accounts for the finite temperature deconfinement, which belongs to 2D percolation universality class.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice2003(topology

    The quenched glueball spectrum from smeared spectral densities

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    The standard approach to compute the glueball spectrum on the lattice relies on the evaluation of effective masses from two-point correlation functions of operators with the quantum numbers of the desired state. In this work, we propose an alternative procedure, based on the numerical computation of smeared spectral densities. Even though the extraction of the latter from lattice correlators is a notoriously ill-posed inverse problem, we show that a recently developed numerical method, based on the Backus-Gilbert regularization, provides a robust way to evaluate a smeared version of the spectral densities. Fitting the latter to a combination of Gaussians, we extract the masses of the lightest glueball and of its first excitation in the spectrum of the theory. While the preliminary results presented in this contribution are restricted to simulations at finite lattice spacing and finite volume, and for the purely gluonic sector of QCD, they represent the first step in a systematic investigation of glueballs using spectral-reconstruction methods.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 31st of July - 4th of August, 2023, Fermilab, Batavia, U.S.

    Nanostructured tin-carbon/ LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 lithium-ion battery operating at low temperature

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    An advanced lithium ion battery using nanostructured tinecarbon lithium alloying anode and a high voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel-type cathode is studied, with particular focus to the low temperature range. The stable behavior of the battery is assured by the use of an electrolyte media based on a LiPF6 salt dissolved in EC-DEC-DMC, i.e. a mixture particularly suitable for the low temperature application. Cycling tests, both in half cells and in full lithium ion battery using the SneC anode and the LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode, performed in a temperature range extending from room temperature to "30 C, indicate that the electrode/electrolyte configuration here adopted may be suitable for effective application in the lithium ion battery field. The full cell, cycled at -5 °C, shows stable capacity of about 105 mAh g-1 over more than 200 chargee-discharge cycles that is considered a relevant performance considering the low temperature region

    Lattice QCD study of inclusive semileptonic decays of heavy mesons

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    We present an ab initio study of inclusive semileptonic decays of heavy mesons from lattice QCD. Our approach is based on a recently proposed method, that allows one to address the study of these decays from the analysis of smeared spectral functions extracted from four-point correlators on the lattice, where the smearing is defined in terms of the phase-space integration relevant to the inclusive decays. We present results obtained from gauge-field ensembles from the JLQCD and ETM collaborations, and discuss their relation with theoretical predictions from the operator-product expansion.Comment: 49 pages, 25 figures and 4 table

    Inclusive semileptonic BB-decays from lattice QCD

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    We present the lattice QCD calculation of inclusive semileptonic BsB_s-meson decays. We follow a recently proposed method, which is based on the extraction of smeared spectral densities from Euclidean correlation functions and on the numerical reconstruction of the integration kernel relevant for the inclusive decay rate calculation. We compute four-point Euclidean correlation functions using JLQCD and ETM gauge ensembles with unphysically light bb-quark masses, and apply two different methods for the integration kernel reconstruction. Finally, we show that the lattice results obtained in this work are in good agreement with the analytic predictions of the operator-product-expansion. This opens the path for a future full lattice QCD calculation to be used as theoretical input for the determination of the magnitude of the CKM element VcbV_{cb}.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 8th-13th August, 2022, Bonn, Germany. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2209.1549

    Towards the computation of inclusive decay rates using lattice QCD

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    We present a non-perturbative computation of inclusive rates of semileptonic decays of heavy mesons from lattice QCD simulations. The calculation is based on the extraction of smeared spectral functions obtained from four-point Euclidean correlation functions computed on configuration ensembles of the JLQCD and ETM collaborations. We compare our results for the inclusive decay rates with analytical predictions from the operator-product expansion, finding a good agreement for the calculation of the inclusive decay rate. This opens the path to the theoretical determination of the magnitude of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element VcbV_{cb} to a level of precision competitive with the present experimental uncertainty.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of the 51st International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD

    Electrochemical synthesis of nanowires electrodes and their application in energy storage devices

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    In this work, an electrochemical approach to synthesize Metal-MetalOxide/Hydroxide core-shell nanowires electrodes (NWE) is illustrated. NWE electrodes were obtained by electrodeposition of a targeted metal into the nanopores of nanoporous alumina templates generated by one-step anodization of aluminum. Following metal electrodeposition, the alumina template was selectively etched to obtain an array of free-standing metal nanowires. The imposed electrodeposition conditions allowed directly attaining a core-shell nanostructure, with a metal core covered by a thin metal oxide/hydroxide film. NWE electrodes produced by the proposed synthesis route were tested for the application as electrodes in lithium batteries and supercapacitors. To this purpose, an array of cobalt nanowires (CoNWs) supported by a nanostructured copper current collector was produced by sequential electrodeposition of cobalt and copper, and it was employed as anode in a lithium battery, while a NWE based on Ni-NiO/OH2 (NiNWs) was obtained by nickel electrodeposition and tested as electrode in a supercapacitor. A thorough analysis and characterization of the produced electrodes were performed. The experiments with the lithium cell evidenced the positive effect of metallic core on stability, while the electrochemical characterization of the supercapacitor showed the presence of both NiO and NiOH2 leading, when cycled, to a capacity close to the best literature value

    SU(N_c) gauge theories at deconfinement

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    The deconfinement transition in SU(NcN_c) Yang--Mills is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations of the gauge theory discretized on a spacetime lattice. We present new results for 4≤Nc≤8 4 \le N_c \le 8 (in particular, for Nc=5N_c = 5 and Nc=7N_c = 7), which are analysed together with previously published results. The increased amount of data, the improved statistics and simulations closer to the continuum limit provide us with better control over systematic errors. After performing the thermodynamic limit, numerical results for the ratio of the critical temperature TcT_c over the square root of the string tension σ\sqrt{\sigma} obtained on lattices with temporal extensions Nt=5,6,7,8N_t = 5,6,7,8 are extrapolated to the continuum limit. The continuum results at fixed NcN_c are then extrapolated to Nc=∞N_c = \infty. We find that our data are accurately described by the formula Tc/σ=0.5949(17)+0.458(18)/Nc2T_c/\sqrt{\sigma} = 0.5949(17) + 0.458(18)/N_c^2. Possible systematic errors affecting our calculations are also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Minor corrections. Version published on Physics Letters
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