1,145 research outputs found

    International Ultraviolet Explorer Atlas of O-typespectra from 1200 to 1900 Angstrom

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    The IUE archives provide an unprecedented sample of uniform, high-quality ultraviolet stellar spectra. In particular, they contain high-resolution SWP data for nearly 200 different O stars. We have undertaken a survey of the 1200-1900 A region in about 120 of them having homogeneous optical spectral classifications to investigate systematically the behavior of the ultraviolet features, incuding the prominent stellar wind profiles and the degree to which they correlate with the optical types. The standard extracted spectrograms have been rebinned to a constant wavelength resolution of 0.25A and uniformly normalized (not dereddened) at the GSFC RDAF. They are then plotted at 10A/cm, with reseau, photometric quality and echelle order junction flags available. This atlas contains such plots for about 100 stars, arranged in spectral-type, luminosity and peculiar object sequences. The results show a high degree of correlation between the ultraviolet features, both photospheric and stellar-wind, and the optical classifications for the majority of the O-type stars

    Increased Frequency of Moderate Intensity Walking Increases Consumption of Low Energy Density Foods

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    Panek-Scarborough, L., Temple, J., University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Figure 1: Mean + SEM change in laboratory energy consumed from pre to post exercise intervention from HED foods (top) and LED foods (bottom). The 5 day/week group consumed significantly more energy from LED food from pre- to post-exercise treatment (p = 0.002) compared to the other groups. Background: There is evidence that exercise has an effect on the type and amount of food consumed. One factor that regulates eating is the reinforcing value of food. While previous studies have demonstrated interactions between exercise and eating, to date, no one has investigated the influence of exercise frequency on the reinforcing value of food. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that varying frequencies of a short-term exercise regimen alters the reinforcing value of low energy density (LED) and high energy density (HED) foods in sedentary male and female adults. In addition, we predicted that increased frequency of physical activity would be associated with greater intake of LED foods and reduced intake of HED foods. Methods: Eighteen to 50 year old sedentary adults were randomized to 0, 1, 3, or 5 days/week of exercise. We measured the reinforcing value and intake of LED and HED foods at baseline and again after two weeks of exercise. Results: We found no effect of exercise frequency on the reinforcing value of HED or LED food over time (all p \u3e 0.05). However, exercise frequency effected the amount of energy consumed from LED food (p = 0.002) with the 5 days/week group consuming significantly more LED food after two weeks of exercise compared to the other groups. There was no significant effect of exercise frequency on energy intake from HED foods. Conclusion: This study suggests that increasing exercise frequency in sedentary adults may increase consumption of healthier food options, such as fruits and vegetables. Future studies will examine the impact of a longer exercise intervention and/or a higher intensity or interval type training on the reinforcing value of food and on LED and HED food intake

    Biased Preferences to Names

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    The experimenters intended to show support that children have a bias against names that are uncommon and difficult to pronounce. Common and uncommon names were taken from the social security administration. Sixty-nine college students participated in a survey to determine what names are difficult to pronounce. Names that were common and easy to pronounce were paired with those names that were uncommon and difficult to pronounce. These pairings underwent a t-test to ensure they were significantly different from each other. Twenty-one children whose ages range from 6 to 12 took part in an interview on preferences of names. In using a chi square analysis, statistical significance was found at the .001 level, showing support for the hypothesis that children prefer names that are common and easy to pronounc

    Ultraviolet light curves of U Geminorum and VW Hydri

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    Ultraviolet light curves were obtained for the quiescent dwarf novae U Gem and VW Hyi. The amplitude of the hump associated with the accretion hot spot is much smaller in the UV than in the visible. This implies that the bright spot temperature is roughly 12000 K if it is optically thick. The flux distribution of U Gem in quiescence cannot be fitted by model spectra of steady state, viscous accretion disks. The absolute luminosity, the flux distribution, and the far UV spectrum suggest that the primary star is visible in the far UV. The optical UV flux distribution of VW Hyi can be matched roughly by the model accretion disks

    The 1981 outburst of the old nova GK Persei

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    Old nova GK Per was observed in 1981 with the IUE, during its rise, maximum, and subsequent return to minimum. In outburst, GK Per is luminous but much redder than dwarf novae or standard model accretion disks. The observed spectrum can be explained qualitatively with the Ghosh and Lamb (1979) model for the interaction of an accretion disk with the magnetic field of the accreting white dwarf. The N V and He2 are enhanced relative to other emission lines during outburst. This can be understood with photoionization by very soft X-rays having a luminosity comparable to that of the hard X-rays

    Interaction of Spatially Localized LHW with Banana Particles

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    The paper proposes a novel mechanism of LHW stochastic acceleration of electrons in a tokamak

    The suboptimal structures find the optimal RNAs: homology search for bacterial non-coding RNAs using suboptimal RNA structures

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    Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are regulatory molecules encoded in the intergenic or intragenic regions of the genome. In prokaryotes, biocomputational identification of homologs of known ncRNAs in other species often fails due to weakly evolutionarily conserved sequences, structures, synteny and genome localization, except in the case of evolutionarily closely related species. To eliminate results from weak conservation, we focused on RNA structure, which is the most conserved ncRNA property. Analysis of the structure of one of the few well-studied bacterial ncRNAs, 6S RNA, demonstrated that unlike optimal and consensus structures, suboptimal structures are capable of capturing RNA homology even in divergent bacterial species. A computational procedure for the identification of homologous ncRNAs using suboptimal structures was created. The suggested procedure was applied to strongly divergent bacterial species and was capable of identifying homologous ncRNAs