29 research outputs found

    Mycorrhizal Inoculation Improves Plant Growth and Yield of Micropropagated Early Globe Artichoke under Field Conditions

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    The micropropagation appears to be a valid alternative method for the production of large-scale, phenotypically homogeneous, and disease-free plants, particularly for spring globe artichoke genotypes. Nevertheless, micropropagated plants have some problems during the acclimatization in field environments. The inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi appeared to overcome the transplanting stress. Therefore, a comparison was drawn between the field performances of different vegetative propagation techniques (micropropagated/mycorrhized and offshoots cultivation) of early globe artichoke clones over two growing seasons. The micropropagation/mycorrhization appeared to deliver a better field performance in terms of both plant growth and productivity traits as compared with offshoots cultivated. In particular, the micropopagated/mycorrhized plants exhibited the highest vegetative growth values than the offshoots of the cultivated ones, such as the plant height and the main floral stem length. The micropopagated/mycorrhized plants were also more productive, exceeding the head yield of offshoots cultivated ones by about 63%. However, the micropopagated/mycorrhized plants accumulated almost a month late on the first harvest respect to offshoots cultivated ones. Our data also showed that the effects of the new proposed propagation method were genotype-and season-dependent. Accordingly, some plant growth and productivity traits showed significant ‘propagation method × genotype’ and ‘propagation method × growing season’ interaction. This study revealed that the micropropagation, as well as the mycorrhization, could represent an efficient and sustainable cropping system to reintroduce and increase the productivity of autochthons landraces

    Variation in seed mineral elements profile and yield in field bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor) genotypes

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    Field bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor) is one of the major leguminous crops cultivated in the world and mainly destined for animal feed. Although its seed is generally recognised as a good protein source, little is known about its mineral elements profile, which is an important aspect for a balanced animal diet. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to assess the seed mineral elements composition, along with some key production parameters, in eight field bean genotypes grown in a Mediterranean environment, without intensive management, over two years (2009/10 and 2010/11). Independently of the year, the seed of Chiaro di Torre Lama was the richest in phosphorus (P), magnesium, calcium and iron contents, while that of Sint 6 and Motta Chiaro 69 were the most effective accumulators of potassium and zinc, respectively. While all the genotypes yielded better in the second year (with more rainfall), the seasonal effect on seed mineral elements composition depended on the genotype. Indeed, the P content was 46% lower in Chiaro di Torre Lama, Motta Chiaro 69 and Sint 6 in the second year, while there was only a negligible seasonal effect for Sint 8 with respect to Fe content. Overall, this crop is reasonably productive under a low management regime and its seed can supply significant amounts of certain minerals (particularly P) in feed formulations. Both aspects are important in a perspective of optimising field bean production in the Mediterranean area and, hence, improving farmers' income

    The effect of sous vide packaging with rosemary essential oil on storage quality of fresh-cut potato

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    Selection of suitable raw materials and technologies are essential for the fresh-cut segment, since they represent key factors to be competitive in the modern markets. This study aimed at assessing the suitability of six early potato cultivars, grown in an experimental field, for minimal processing. In particular, the sous vide packaging method, in association with rosemary essential oil (REO), was evaluated as a strategy for the quality preservation of sliced potatoes. Physical, mechanical, chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics were monitored in order to estimate qualitative changes of the product over refrigerated storage. Results demonstrated that the synergic use of REO and sous vide packaging had a positive effect on texture, and limited the growth of mesophilic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae over the storage period; it also ensured a certain retention of ascorbic acid, total polyphenol content, and antioxidant activity. Hence, the proposed technological strategy could represent a valid solution for the preservation of sliced potatoes, contributing to limit, for the most suitable cultivars identified as Fontane and Marabel, the quality decrease until 11 days of cold storage

    Morphological evaluation of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.): assessing biodiversity for applications based on tradition, innovation and sustainability

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    Selected cardoon cultivars established in the “Serra da Estrela” region were analysed to evaluate morphological characteristics related principally to the production of cardoon flowers, which are a compulsory ingredient for particular Mediterranean PDO cheese regions. The biodiversity of twelve cardoon cultivars installed in an experimental field were evaluated over three growing seasons using thirty-four morphological descriptors. Statistically significant differences were found between cultivars for twenty-four morphological characteristics which indicate a wide genetic diversity. The relationship among the cultivars and characteristics was analysed using principal component analysis. A three dimensional template was found to be very significant and explained 71% of the total variation. The first component is dominated positively by plant height, diameter of stalk, inflorescence characteristics and flower production, while the second component is positively dominated by leaf characteristics. Cultivars A26, D32 and D33, present a plant architecture simultaneously well adapted for flower production, ease of harvesting and plant biomass. These characterizations and understandings can be useful for a plant breeding programme to develop cultivars for innovative potential applications besides flowers, and also for application by other cheese producers in Mediterranean regions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of cultivar x ozone treatment interaction on the total polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of globe artichoke

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    Two globe artichoke cultivars (Violet de Provence and Apollo) were harvested at an experimental field in Sicily, immediately washed with ozonised water and stored in: i) normal atmosphere; ii) ozone-enriched atmosphere for 3 days and for the last 4 days in normal atmosphere; iii) ozone-enriched atmosphere for 7 days. A control (samples unwashed and stored at room temperature) was also investigated. The effect of cultivar x ozone treatment interaction on water content losses, total polyphenols content and antioxidant activity was evaluated after 0, 3 and 7 days of storage. Washing with ozonised water and storage under O3-enriched atmosphere allowed higher water retention compared with the control, especially for Violet de Provence. After 3 days of storage in ozone-enriched atmosphere, on average of cultivars, the total polyphe-nols content and antioxidant activity increased by 11.7% and 5.5%, respectively. By contrast, after further 4 days of storage in ozonised atmosphere, Apollo and Violet de Provence displayed a significant reduction in their level of total polyphenols and aantioxidant activity. The exposure of globe artichoke heads to an ozone-enriched atmosphere should not exceed 3 days aimed at preserving their high nutritional value, with special emphasis on total polyphenols content

    An innovative combined water ozonisation/O3-atmosphere storage for preserving the overall quality of two globe artichoke cultivars Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

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    Effects of ozonised water, gaseous ozone exposure, and their combined treatments on microbiological and qualitative parameters of two globe artichoke cultivars (Violet de Provence and Romanesco clone C3) were studied during storage at 4 °C. At the end of this period, microbial counts were significantly lowered. Considering the qualitative parameters, ozone can be successfully applied to cv. Romanesco clone C3 without significantly increasing the respiration rate, while it could determine the acceleration of senescence in Violet de Provence heads. The storage under ozone-enriched atmosphere improved the initial polyphenol content in Violet de Provence, while for Romanesco clone C3 it seemed to be opportune to interrupt the ozonisation within the 4th day of storage for preventing excessive losses of polyphenol content. The ascorbic acid reduction, for both cultivars, was significantly increased by postharvest treatments with gaseous ozone suggesting to reduce, also in this case, the exposure days to the gas. Industrial relevance: The globe artichoke is a herbaceous crop native to the Mediterranean basin, which gives an important contribution both to agricultural economy and to human health due to the high content of promoting nutrients. Unfortunately, globe artichoke heads are very perishable because of their high respiratory activity, susceptibility to weight loss, and microbial decay. In particular, fungal decay is one of the main factors affecting the postharvest quality of globe artichoke and, so far, it is controlled by the application of chemical fungicides. However, resistance phenomena in microbial populations, growing public health and environmental concerns are urging for the use of alternative treatments. Among them, ozone is one of the most promising technologies from the health and environmental points of view for its spontaneous decomposition to non-toxic product. In addition, it has emerged as a potential antimicrobial agent in the post-harvest treatment of fruits and vegetables and is able to decompose pesticides and chemical residues. On the other side, the effect of ozone treatments on other qualitative parameters, including the level of antioxidant compounds, is highly dependent on the commodity and storage conditions. In this view, the combined water ozonisation/O3-atmosphere storage represents innovative and applicable postharvest treatments for globe artichoke, whose exposure time and concentrations need to be customized for each cultivar

    Influence of an O3-atmosphere storage on microbial growth and antioxidant contents of globe artichoke as affected by genotype and harvest time

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    We investigated the effects of storage at 4 °C under ozone-enriched atmospheres onmicrobiological quality and antioxidant content of three globe artichoke cultivars ('Violet de Provence','Tema 2000' and 'Apollo'), harvested at different times (winter, early-spring, late-spring), immediatelytreated under real industrial operation conditions and analysed after 0, 3 and 7 days of storage.Response of cultivars to postharvest treatments strictly depended upon harvest time. The reduction ofboth mesophilic bacteria and yeasts and moulds was significant in heads stored under ozone-enrichedatmosphere for 3 or 7 days with major reductions for 'Tema 2000' and 'Apollo' harvested in winter andearly-spring, respectively. Ozone-treated heads of 'Violet de Provence' and 'Apollo' reported a majorascorbic acid retention and a higher total polyphenols content in winter and early-spring harvests, respectively. Finally, regardless of the harvest time, the exposure of globe artichoke heads to an ozoneenrichedatmosphere should not exceed 3 days in order to preserve the antioxidant content andmaintain the microbiological standards

    Effect of packaging film and antibrowning solution on quality maintenance of minimally processed globe

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    The effects of three different packaging materials (macroperforated, microperforated and non-perforated films) in combination with an antibrowning solution (containing 1.0% ascorbic acid and 0.2% citric acid) on the qualitative traits of minimally processed globe artichoke heads (cvs. 'Violet de Provence' and 'Tema 2000') were studied during refrigerated storage for 16 days. Results highlighted that the heads treated with the antibrowning solution and packaged in the microperforated and non-perforated films maintained better qualitative attributes (i.e.; lower microbial growth, moderate respiration rate and browning degree, higher total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity) than those not treated with the antibrowning solution and packaged in the macroperforated film. 'Tema 2000' displayed better performances in terms of browning degree and antioxidant activity, as well as lower bacterial count values, than 'Violet de Provence'. However, the choice of a proper packaging film is crucial for extending the shelf life of minimally processed globe artichoke heads. Industrial relevance The fresh heads of globe artichoke are a well-known source of healthy compounds (mainly polyphenols), but the tedious culinary preparation limits their fresh consumption to the original area of cultivation (i.e.; Mediterranean basin). Minimal processing could, therefore, ease its consumption on a wider scale, but may also result in a more perishable product. Hence, with the aim to improve the current knowledge on the qualitative maintenance of minimally processed globe artichoke heads, we examined the effects of three packaging films in combination with an antibrowning solution on physical, physiological, chemical and microbiological traits of two cultivars during refrigerated storage. Our results demonstrated the effectiveness of the micro-perforated and non-perforated films to reduce microbial growth and enhance the total polyphenol content, especially for the heads treated with the antibrowning solution. It was also shown that the cultivar choice should be considered as crucial in order to preserve the overall quality of the product. Finally, from an industrial standpoint, this study provides relevant data for extending product shelf life through a proper packaging procedure and, hence, promoting the exportation of minimally processed globe artichoke heads on a wider scale

    Quality traits of ready-to-use globe artichoke slices as affected by genotype, harvest time and storage time. Part II: Physiological, microbiological and sensory aspects

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    The microbiological, physiological and sensory characteristics of ready-to-use globe artichoke slices subjected to a shelf life study are reported. The traits of three genotypes (‘Apollo’, ‘Exploter’ and ‘Spinoso di Palermo’), grown in an experimental field, were monitored for 11 d at 4 °C. Significant variations due to genotype, harvest time, storage time and their interactions were found. The selected packaging system allowed the generation of a passive atmosphere, which did not affect the produce metabolism. Microbial populations, with the exception of yeasts and moulds, did not exceed the limits suggested for minimally processed vegetables. Sliced artichoke heads from early and late harvests showed a shelf life of 11 and 7 d, respectively. The ‘Exploter’ proved to be the most suitable genotype for minimal processing as it received the highest overall sensory score at the end of the storage period