8 research outputs found

    EFEKTIVITAS ISOLAT Trichoderma spp. DALAM PENGENDALIAN PENYAKIT AKAR GADA (Plasmodiaphora brassicae Wor.) PADA SAWI HIJAU (Brassica rapa)

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dosis dan usia biakan dari isolat Trichoderma spp. dalam pengendalain penyakit akar gada pada tanaman sawi. RAK Faktorial digunakan pada penelitian dengan 2 faktor dan  3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah dosisdari isolat Trichoderma spp. yang terdiri dari 3 level dosis, yaitu 500 ml; 250 ml dan 0 ml. Faktor kedua adalah usia biakan dari isolate Trichoderma spp. yang terdiri dari 3 lever usia biakan isolate Trichoderma spp yaitu usia biakan 1 minggu; usia biakan 2 minggu dan usia biakan 3 minggu. Pada tanaman sawi yang terinfeksi penyakit akar gada, perlakuan beberapa dosis isolat Trichoderma spp. dan perlakuan beberapa usia biakan dari Trichoderma spp. memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap variabel tinggi tanaman sawi, daun tanaman sawi dan persentase penyakit. Perlakuan dari isolat Trichoderma spp. dosis 500 ml menghasilkan tinggi tanaman 21,68% dan  daun tanaman 26,63 %  lebih tinggi secara nyata dibandingkan  dengan tinggi tanaman dan  daun pada perlakuan  tanpa pemberian isolat Trichoderma spp. Perlakuan  dari isolat Trichoderma spp. dengan usia biakan 2 minggu,  menghasilkan tinggi tanaman 12,80 % dan daun 16,04% nyata lebih tinggi, dibandingkan dengan  tinggi dan daun tanaman pada perlakuan isolat Trichoderma spp. usia biakan 1 minggu . Persentase penyakit akar gada pada tanaman sawi pada perlakuan kombinasai isolat Trichoderma spp. dosis biakan 500 ml dan usia biakan isolat Trichoderma spp 2 minggu,  mencapai 0 %,  yang berarti tanpa adanya serangan penyakit akar gada. DOI: 10.37637/ab.v3i1.42

    Resistance test of several varieties and critical phase for cucumis sativus towards cucumber mosaic virus infectio

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    The present study was intended to obtain resistant cucumber varieties and to know the critical phase of cucumber plant towards Cucumber Mosaic Virus infection (CMV) therefore, it could be used as a basis for controlling the mosaic disease spread of CMV-induced at cucumber plants. The research was conducted in Baturiti Village Tabanan Bali within an insect-proof greenhouse. Elisa test was performed using CMV, WMV and PRsV antiserum. The resistance test of several cucumber varieties included Roberto, Harmony, Citra baby and Manggala was conducted by mechanical transmission from CMV inoculum source sap. Testing of cucumber plant critical phase of CMV infection was done by mechanically inoculating sap from CMV infected plant, for healthy cucumber plant as testing plant i.e. inoculation at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks after planting and control (plant without CMV inoculation). An observation was done for incubation period variables, disease incidence, disease severity and crop yield. The results and conclusions of the four cucumber varieties tested were not found to be CMV resistant varieties, however, the moderately sensitive Harmony varieties deserve attention for choosing in the cultivation. The cucumber plant that was CMV infected from the age at planting until 4 weeks after planting shows 100% disease incidence and plants could not produce fruits. The critical phase of cucumber plant towards CMV infection occurred from the time at planting until 4 weeks after planting

    Diseases Incidence and Severity of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus in Sweetpotato in Gianyar Regency, Bali

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    Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) (Potyvirus) was first discovered in Indonesia in 2018. No one has reported information about the incidence and severity of SPFMV disease. Therefore, this study aims to determine the incidence and severity of SPFMV in Gianyar, Bali. The research was carried out directly in the field with observational parameters such as symptoms, incidence and disease severity. Observations were made every week when the plants were 63 to 91 days after planting (DAP). The results showed that SPFMV causes purple ringspot symptoms. The incidence of the disease did not increase when the plants were aged 63 to 91 DAP, while the severity of the disease increased every week. The highest incidence and severity of the disease were 70% and 20.7%. The main cause of SPFMV infection in the field is probably due to the continuous use of stem cuttings from previous crops

    Symptom variation and disease severity of Sweet potato leaf curl virus on sweet potato in Gianyar

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    Sweet potato production fluctuates every year, one of the factors causing the decline in production is the presence of pests and diseases. Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) has been reported to infect sweet potatoes in Indonesia in 2022. Until now, there is no information regarding the variation in symptoms and severity of SPLCV disease in sweet potatoes. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the variation in symptoms and severity of SPLCV disease in Gianyar, Bali. The research was carried out directly in the field with observational parameters such as symptoms variation, incidence and disease severity. Observations were made every week when the plants were 63 to 91 days after planting (DAP). The results showed that SPLCV causes a variety of symptoms in the form of mild vein clearing, severe vein clearing, upward vein clearing, and downward vein clearing. The incidence and severity of the disease has increased every week. The incidence and severity of the disease were highest when the plants were 91 HST, namely 73.33% and 40%, respectively. The high incidence and severity of the disease in the field is due to the use of stem cuttings from previous plants which may have been infected with SPLCV and whitefly vectors are always found in the field

    Resistance test of several varieties and critical phase for cucumis sativus towards cucumber mosaic virus infectio

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    The present study was intended to obtain resistant cucumber varieties and to know the critical phase of cucumber plant towards Cucumber Mosaic Virus infection (CMV) therefore, it could be used as a basis for controlling the mosaic disease spread of CMV-induced at cucumber plants. The research was conducted in Baturiti Village Tabanan Bali within an insect-proof greenhouse. Elisa test was performed using CMV, WMV and PRsV antiserum. The resistance test of several cucumber varieties included Roberto, Harmony, Citra baby and Manggala was conducted by mechanical transmission from CMV inoculum source sap. Testing of cucumber plant critical phase of CMV infection was done by mechanically inoculating sap from CMV infected plant, for healthy cucumber plant as testing plant i.e. inoculation at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks after planting and control (plant without CMV inoculation). An observation was done for incubation period variables, disease incidence, disease severity and crop yield. The results and conclusions of the four cucumber varieties tested were not found to be CMV resistant varieties, however, the moderately sensitive Harmony varieties deserve attention for choosing in the cultivation. The cucumber plant that was CMV infected from the age at planting until 4 weeks after planting shows 100% disease incidence and plants could not produce fruits. The critical phase of cucumber plant towards CMV infection occurred from the time at planting until 4 weeks after planting

    Resistance test of several varieties and critical phase for cucumis sativus towards cucumber mosaic virus infectio

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    The present study was intended to obtain resistant cucumber varieties and to know the critical phase of cucumber plant towards Cucumber Mosaic Virus infection (CMV) therefore, it could be used as a basis for controlling the mosaic disease spread of CMV-induced at cucumber plants. The research was conducted in Baturiti Village Tabanan Bali within an insect-proof greenhouse. Elisa test was performed using CMV, WMV and PRsV antiserum. The resistance test of several cucumber varieties included Roberto, Harmony, Citra baby and Manggala was conducted by mechanical transmission from CMV inoculum source sap. Testing of cucumber plant critical phase of CMV infection was done by mechanically inoculating sap from CMV infected plant, for healthy cucumber plant as testing plant i.e. inoculation at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks after planting and control (plant without CMV inoculation). An observation was done for incubation period variables, disease incidence, disease severity and crop yield. The results and conclusions of the four cucumber varieties tested were not found to be CMV resistant varieties, however, the moderately sensitive Harmony varieties deserve attention for choosing in the cultivation. The cucumber plant that was CMV infected from the age at planting until 4 weeks after planting shows 100% disease incidence and plants could not produce fruits. The critical phase of cucumber plant towards CMV infection occurred from the time at planting until 4 weeks after planting

    Exploration and collection of cucumber mosaic virus isolates of horticultural plants from Bali

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    Information regarding the existence and biological character of CMV isolates from several horticultural plants from Bali is still limited. The results of this research on information are very much needed in the further research and development of science and technology, due to it is known that CMV isolates from different hosts can cause different symptoms of infection or specific symptoms in certain plants. Based on these problems, this research was conducted through exploration, collection, and biological testing of CMV isolates found in several horticultural plants in Bali. Therefore, the existence and biological characteristics of each isolate were known. The results showed that all isolates obtained from the field, as many as 36 isolates, only 18 isolates showed symptoms of N. glutinousa. The isolates showed symptoms in N. glutinosa plants were isolates from cucumber plants 4 isolates, eggplant 3 isolates, pumpkin 1 isolate, 3 chili isolates, 2 isolates tomatoes, 2 beans isolates, and watermelons 3 isolates. The types of symptoms that appeared varied, i.e., 10 symptomatic mosaic isolates, 4 malformed isolates, and 4 necrotic symptomatic isolates. Detection of I-ELISA using CMV antiserum succeeded in getting 6 positive CMV isolates, i.e., isolates derived from cucumber plants (CMV-MB isolates), eggplant (CMV-TRB isolates) watermelon (CMV-SB isolates), chili (CMV-CB isolates), pumpkin (CMV-LB isolates), and tomatoes (CMV-TB isolates). The results of biological testing of CMV isolates from Bali, mosaic symptoms occurred in the indicator plants Nicotiana glutinosa, Capsicum annuum (big chili), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Lycopersum esculentum (tomato), and Cucurbita moschata (pumpkin). Severe mosaic symptoms only occurred in Cucumis sativus (cucumber) plants. In Vigna sinensis (long bean) infection CMV-Bali isolates only cause symptoms of malformation and even cause no symptoms