54 research outputs found

    Career Self-Management Scale (CEDLE scale) In The Indonesian Version of The Social Cognitive Model

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    Abstract. This study aimed to measure the adaptability of the Indonesian version of the Career Self-Management Scale (CEDLE Scale) and obtain a model fit from that scale. The CEDLE Scale was developed by Lent, et al in 2017. The process of adapting the CEDLE scale using the backward-translation technique method is translating the original scale into the Indonesian version, consulting with linguists, and translating back to the original language version. The population in this study were students in the province of South Sulawesi who registered in the 2021/2022 academic year. The sampling technique used stratified random sampling. The sample of this research is 320 students; 170 females and 150 males. This research instrument uses the CEDLE scale, which consists of 3 (three) indicators, namely Personal mastery (PM), Verbal persuasion (VP), and Vicarious learning (VL). The CEDLE scale consists of 12 items, and 8 items related to the emotions felt when conducting career exploration. The data analysis technique used a validity test concerning the corrected correlation item value and item reliability concerning Cronbach and McDonald's alpha values. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results showed that the adaptation of the CEDLE scale was in the Fit Index category with values of chi-square (90.263/51), RMSEA (0.053), GFI (0.950), CFI (0.963), GFI (0.952).

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Kompetensi serta dan Implikasinya terhadap Penguatan Kapasitas Guru Bimbingan Konseling di Sulawesi Selatan

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian disertasi ini dirancang untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor usia, pengalaman kerja, latar pendidikan, dan pengalaman sertifikasi terhadap hasil uji kompetensi serta implikasinya terhadap peningkatan kompetensi guru bimbingan konseling di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan kuantitatif dikombinasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah guru bimbingan konseling yang mengikuti uji kompetensi guru (UKG) tahun 2015, berjumlah 1949 orang. Sampel sebanyak 322 atau 16.22% dari populasi diambil menggunakan teknik proporsional random sampling dengan memperhatikan keterwakilan secara proporsial guru BK jenjang SMP, SMA, dan SMK, serta keterwakilan 24 kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Selatan. Data hasil uji kompetensi menggunakan data hasil UKG dari Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan. Studi pendalaman dilakukan melalui wawancara dan FGD terhadap guru BK, pengelola musyawarah guru bimbingan konseling (MGBK), instruktur dan pelatihan bimbingan konseling, dan pengawas bidang bimbingan konseling. Analisis data mencakup analisis deskriptif, analisis kualitatif, dan analisis statistik inferensial dengan teknik analisis regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) nilai rerata UKG guru BK Sulawesi Selatan telah berada di atas standar kompetensi minimal (SKM) tahun 2015 namun masih jauh dari target SKM untuk dicapai pada akhir 2019. Guru BK membutuhkan penguatan pada semua butir kompetensi yang tercakup dalam sepuluh kompetensi inti konselor. (2) Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan faktor usia memiliki pengaruh negatif signifikan, sementara latar pendidikan dan pengalaman sertifikasi memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap hasil UKG guru BK. Faktor pengalaman kerja tidak menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan terhadap hasil UKG guru BK. (3) Implikasi hasil penelitian terhadap penguatan kompetensi guru BK di Sulawesi Selatan, mencakup: target penguatan harus meliputi seluruh aspek kompetensi inti, menggunakan pendekatan berpusat guru dan berorientasi produk, pelaksanaan memperhatikan kalender akademik sekolah, dan melibatkan narasumber kombinasi pakar dan praktisi di bidang BK

    Training of Trainer (ToT) Guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam Melakukan Trauma Healing Melalui Konseling Sebaya Model Bantuan Antar Siswa di Kabupaten Majene

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    Pada pertengahan Januari 2021 terjadi gempa bumi bermagnitudo 6,2 di Kabupaten Majene. Gempa ini menelan banyak korban manusia dan meluluhlantakkan banyak bangunan, termasuk memberikan gangguan psikis kepada siswa yang terdampak bencana. Hal ini tentu perlu diantisiapsi mengingat wilayah Sulawesi Barat yang rawan bencana. Pengabdian ini mencoba mengadopsi model program konseling sebaya yang telah kami kembangkan dengan sejumlah revisi dan adaptasi untuk digunakan sebagai strategi intervensi untuk pelayanan bantuan antar siswa pada jenjang SMA di Kabupaten Majene. Kegiatan Training of Trainer (ToT) Guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam melakukan pendampingan dilakukan melalui workshop bersama mitra, yaitu MGMP Bimbingan dan Konseling Kabupaten Majene dan Asosiasi Guru Bimbingan Konseling (ABKIN) Sulawesi Barat. Pelatihan keterampilan konseling dilakukan dengan melakukan praktik simulasi langsung. Tindak lanjut kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan metode off class, di mana peserta diminta untuk melakukan pendampingan kepada siswa di sekolah masing-masing dengan memanfaatkan keterampilan yang dilatihkan dalam bentuk mikro-konseling. Berdasarkan data-data yang dihasilkan melalui sebaran angket ke peserta dapat ditemukan bahwa guru Bimbingan Konseling belum memiliki pemahaman dan pengalaman melaksanakan dan membuat program konseling sebaya sebelum kegiatan Training of Trainer (ToT) ini dilakukan. Untuk meluruskan dan memperkaya pemahaman guru BK dalam melaksanakan tugasnya untuk mendampingi siswa, maka pelaksanaan ToT pendampingan psikososial siswa denngan konseling sebaya untuk trauma healing siswa memberikan dampak signifikan dalam pemahaman guru tentang model yang ditawarkan

    Program Konseling Sebaya Di Sekolah

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    Development of a traditional game-based guidance and counseling module to promote prosocial behavior in students

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    This study aims to: (i) describe the need of developing a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN (State Elementary School) 86 Longi; (ii) describe the prototype of a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN 86 Longi;and (iii) examine the acceptability of the development of a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN 86 Longi. This study used the Research and Development approach that was developed by Borg and Gall and consisted of seven stages. The subjects of this study were eight students of SDN 86 Longi. The data of this study were collected through interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that (1) developing a traditional game-based guidance and counseling module for SDN 86 Longi students was very necessary; (ii) the prototype of the traditional game-based guidance and counseling module consisted of a module for students, teacher’s manuals and worksheets; (iii) the acceptability of the traditional game-based guidance and counseling module was considered valid and usable based on the results of the utility, feasibility, accuracy, content and small group testing.

    The development of an inventory to measure high school students’ academic resilience in online learning

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    This study aims to develop an inventory to measure the academic resilience of high school students in online learning. The research and development framework by Borg and Gall was employed to conduct this study. Results showed that: (1) the development of this inventory is highly needed by school counselors and students due to their lack of knowledge about the classifications of academic resilience that students may exhibit during online learning; (2) the inventory prototype is designed as a systematic guide in digital format, which includes discussions on academic resilience and online learning, as well as guidance on analyzing inventory data and delivering test results; and (3) the inventory has been rated highly for its validity and practicality by expert validators. The academic resilience indicator has a Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.821 for 41 items, and the online learning indicator has a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.845 for 33 items. Both values are greater than 0.70, indicating high reliability. Therefore, this inventory can be used as a testing instrument for guidance and counselin

    Gender Analysis of Student Career Self-Efficacy and Implications in Career Guidance Services at State Vocational Schools

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    This study aims to determine the differences in career self-efficacy of female and male students at SMK Negeri Makassar City. The study took a population of high school students in Makassar City, with a sample of 426 students, consisting of 215 girls and 211 boys. The career self-efficacy variable data collection instrument was developed and adapted from the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSE-SF) from Betz, Klein, & Taylor. The results of the study show that there was no significant difference in the career self-efficacy scores of female students and male students at SMK Negeri Makassar City. Significant differences were seen only in the maritime skills program, where female students' self-efficacy was higher than male students. In contrast, in the six skill programs, both sexes showed no significant difference in career self-efficacy.
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