26 research outputs found

    Az alsó végtag myxoinflammatoricus fibroblastos sarcomája

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    A myxoinflammatoricus fibroblastos sarcoma (MIFS) ritka, ’low-grade’, fájdalommentes, mesenchymalis eredetű daganat. A lágyrész- és csonttumoroknak az Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) által kiadott jelenlegi, 5. kiadású osztályozásában a MIFS esetében nincs meghatározva pontos diagnosztikus genetikai eltérés. Egy 71 éves nőbeteg esetét mutatjuk be, akinek a kórtörténetében benignus essentialis hypertensio szerepelt. A jobb sípcsontja fölötti elváltozás miatt került kivizsgálásra. Az elváltozást 1,5 évvel az orvosi megjelenés előtt észlelte, és csak a bőrfelületen jelentkező fájdalom, erózió és papulaképződés miatt kereste fel az egészségügyi intézményt. Mikroszkóposan az elváltozás cellularis és pleiomorph megjelenésű, nodularis szerkezetű volt, a subcutan zsírszövet ún. lépesmézszerű infiltrációjával. A dermis kollagénrostjai között szintén tumorszövet volt látható. A daganatsejtek nagyrészt multinuclearis morfológiát mutattak prominens, vírusos inclusioszerű nucleolusszal, nagy mennyiségű fibrillaris, gyakran vakuolizált és ún. tejüvegszerű citoplazmával. Az immunhisztokémiai vizsgálat során a tumorsejtek multifokális pozitivitást mutattak CD34-, CD31-, podoplanin- (D2–40), ciklin-D1- és epithelialis membránantigén (EMA-) reakciókkal. A tumorsejtek továbbá diffúz pozitívnak bizonyultak a simaizomaktinnal (SMA). Mivel az általunk vizsgált elváltozás a jelenlegi WHO-osztályozás minden lényeges kritériumának megfelelt, az esetet ’high-grade’ vonásokat mutató MIFS-nek kórisméztük. Tapasztalataink alapján a podoplanin, ciklin-D1, CD10, EMA, CD34 és CD31 immunhisztokémiai reakciókból álló panel segíti a helyes diagnózis felállítását. Esetünk rávilágít e ritka, fokálisan ’high-grade’ vonásokat mutató, a hétköznapokban kihívást jelentő betegség szövettani jellemzőire. A diffúz SMA-pozitivitás ismert, de ritka jellemzője a daganatnak. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(41): 1637–1641

    TRPS1 expression in breast angiosarcoma

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    Angiosarcoma (AS) of the breast, a rare mesenchymal neoplasm, exhibits distinct forms based on etiological and genetic features. While cases with typical clinical presentation and morphology allow for a straightforward diagnosis, challenges arise when clinical data are scarce, diagnostic material is limited, or morphological characteristics overlap with other tumors, including undifferentiated carcinomas. The trichorhinophalangeal syndrome protein 1 (TRPS1), once regarded as highly specific for breast carcinomas, now faces doubts regarding its reliability. This study explores TRPS1 expression in breast AS. Our investigation revealed that 60% of AS cases displayed TRPS1 labeling, contrasting with the 40% lacking expression. Scoring by four independent readers established a consensus, designating 12/35 ASs as unequivocally TRPS1-positive. However, uncertainty surrounded nine further cases due to a lack of reader agreement (being substantial as reflected by a kappa value of 0.76). These findings challenge the perceived specificity of TRPS1, shedding light on its presence in a noteworthy proportion of breast ASs. Consequently, the study underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach in evaluating breast ASs and expands the range of entities within the differential diagnosis associated with TRPS1 labeling


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    The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt, URL: https://disprot.org) provides manually curated annotations of intrinsically disordered proteins from the literature. Here we report recent developments with DisProt (version 8), including the doubling of protein entries, a new disorder ontology, improvements of the annotation format and a completely new website. The website includes a redesigned graphical interface, a better search engine, a clearer API for programmatic access and a new annotation interface that integrates text mining technologies. The new entry format provides a greater flexibility, simplifies maintenance and allows the capture of more information from the literature. The new disorder ontology has been formalized and made interoperable by adopting the OWL format, as well as its structure and term definitions have been improved. The new annotation interface has made the curation process faster and more effective. We recently showed that new DisProt annotations can be effectively used to train and validate disorder predictors. We believe the growth of DisProt will accelerate, contributing to the improvement of function and disorder predictors and therefore to illuminate the 'dark' proteome


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    Membraneless organelles (MOs) are dynamic liquid condensates that host a variety of specific cellular processes, such as ribosome biogenesis or RNA degradation. MOs form through liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), a process that relies on multivalent weak interactions of the constituent proteins and other macromolecules. Since the first discoveries of certain proteins being able to drive LLPS, it emerged as a general mechanism for the effective organization of cellular space that is exploited in all kingdoms of life. While numerous experimental studies report novel cases, the computational identification of LLPS drivers is lagging behind, and many open questions remain about the sequence determinants, composition, regulation and biological relevance of the resulting condensates. Our limited ability to overcome these issues is largely due to the lack of a dedicated LLPS database. Therefore, here we introduce PhaSePro (https://phasepro.elte.hu), an openly accessible, comprehensive, manually curated database of experimentally validated LLPS driver proteins/protein regions. It not only provides a wealth of information on such systems, but improves the standardization of data by introducing novel LLPS-specific controlled vocabularies. PhaSePro can be accessed through an appealing, user-friendly interface and thus has definite potential to become the central resource in this dynamically developing field

    DisProt: intrinsic protein disorder annotation in 2020

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    The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt, URL: https://disprot.org) provides manually curated annotations of intrinsically disordered proteins from the literature. Here we report recent developments with DisProt (version 8), including the doubling of protein entries, a new disorder ontology, improvements of the annotation format and a completely new website. The website includes a redesigned graphical interface, a better search engine, a clearer API for programmatic access and a new annotation interface that integrates text mining technologies. The new entry format provides a greater flexibility, simplifies maintenance and allows the capture of more information from the literature. The new disorder ontology has been formalized and made interoperable by adopting the OWL format, as well as its structure and term definitions have been improved. The new annotation interface has made the curation process faster and more effective. We recently showed that new DisProt annotations can be effectively used to train and validate disorder predictors. We believe the growth of DisProt will accelerate, contributing to the improvement of function and disorder predictors and therefore to illuminate the ‘dark’ proteome

    Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction

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    Abstract: Intrinsically disordered proteins, defying the traditional protein structure–function paradigm, are a challenge to study experimentally. Because a large part of our knowledge rests on computational predictions, it is crucial that their accuracy is high. The Critical Assessment of protein Intrinsic Disorder prediction (CAID) experiment was established as a community-based blind test to determine the state of the art in prediction of intrinsically disordered regions and the subset of residues involved in binding. A total of 43 methods were evaluated on a dataset of 646 proteins from DisProt. The best methods use deep learning techniques and notably outperform physicochemical methods. The top disorder predictor has Fmax = 0.483 on the full dataset and Fmax = 0.792 following filtering out of bona fide structured regions. Disordered binding regions remain hard to predict, with Fmax = 0.231. Interestingly, computing times among methods can vary by up to four orders of magnitude

    Cerebral manifestation and diagnostic dilemma of Rosai-Dorfman disease

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    Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a rare, S100-positive histiocytic proliferation, that can cause both nodal and extranodal illness. We present a case of a 53-year-old male patient. Magnetic resonance imaging described a plaque-like meningeal lesion, and the preoperative diagnosis was meningioma. Histologically, dense infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and histiocytes was seen, furthermore, the presence of emperipolesis in the sample was pronounced. In the histiocytes nuclear and cytoplasmic positivity with S100 protein, and nuclear positivity with Cyclin D1 was observed. The case was concluded as RDD. Morphological appearance of intracranial RDD with imaging procedures can present a differential diagnostic challenge. The correct diagnosis is based on the presence of histiocytes with emperipolesis, and properly defined immunohistochemical characteristics