5 research outputs found

    Educational policy of life quality of social and cultural forms of the educational organisation throughout life

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    The relevance of the study of continuous education through the prism of the analysis of its socio-cultural dimension lies in the needs of studying modern transformations of educational systems in the cultural and educational plane. The purpose of this article is to analyze the educational policy of the quality of life of socio-cultural forms of education throughout life. The article is based on the use of theoretical pedagogical research methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. The content analysis of professional literature showed that scientists do not pay much attention to lifelong education. This is explained by the criticism of some of its principles in scientific circles. The results highlight the historical foundations of permanent education, outline its main socio-cultural features and principles of use in practice, analyze European and American models of implementation of this type of education. Practical significance: creating a recommendation for the implementation of continuous education in Ukraine and revealing its additional advantages. In the conclusions, it is noted that this synthesized study in general opens a wider discussion on the justification of the need to harmonize the European and Ukrainian education systems through the prism of the analysis of the socio-cultural significance of continuous education

    Cosmological and Cultural-Anthropological Turns in the Christian Philosophical Theology: Educational Implications in the Post-secular Contexts

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    The article proposes the analysis of the changes in self-understanding of the Christian theology, which is regarded as a hybrid philosophical discipline in the post-secular cultural and social contexts with references to cosmology. This transformation is caused by the cosmological and cultural-anthropological turns in the Christian theoretical theology and its practices, which were enriched with the actual cosmological and philosophical knowledge about human and non-human nature. The new perspectives of philosophical theology are showed with its cultural and educational implications. The psycho-therapeutical potential of philosophical theology is explicated

    Взаємозв’язок показників гуморального імунітету та патоморфологічних змін у синовіальній оболонці колінного суглоба хворих на ревматоїдний артрит

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    The article assesses results of a study of the indices of humoral immunity in blood serum and synovial fluid and results of a pathomorphological analysis of the synovial membrane in patients with a proven diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (synovitis) of the knee joint, who underwent synovectomy with use of the arthroscopic technique. A relationship between the examined parameters was established and indications for knee joint synovectomy at early stages of the disease were substantiated.В работе оценены результаты исследования показателей гуморального иммунитета в сыворотке крови и синовиальной жидкости, патоморфологического анализа синовиальной оболочки у пациентов с установленным диагнозом ревматоидный артрит (синовит) коленного сустава, которым выполняли синовэктомию с применением артроскопической техники. Установлена взаимосвязь между исследуемыми параметрами и обоснованы показания к проведению синовэктомии коленного сустава на ранних стадиях заболевания.У роботі оцінені результати дослідження показників гуморального імунітету в сироватці крові та синовіальній рідині, патоморфологічного аналізу синовіальної оболонки в пацієнтів з діагнозом ревматоїдний артрит (синовіт) колінного суглоба, яким виконували синовектомію із застосуванням артроскопічної техніки. Встановлений взаємозв’язок між досліджуваними параметрами і обґрунтовані показання для проведення синовектомії колінного суглоба на ранніх стадіях захворювання


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    Bekh, Y., Panchenko, L., Bondarenko, O., Yemelianenko, Y., & Shapovalova, I. (2021). Socio-Philosophical Analysis of Mass Media as a Factor in the Formation of Public Opinion. WISDOM, 20(4), pp. 42-50. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v20i4.547 (Armenia)Computer and telecommunication technologies have led to the development of modern mass media and have made significant competition with the print edition (newspapers, magazines, and books), the dominance of telecracy, etc. The media have gone a significant path of development from a channel of information and entertainment to a political institution, significantly increasing their capabilities as an instrument of influencing public consciousness. The study‟s main purpose is to conduct a socio-philosophical analysis of mass media as a factor in the formation of public consciousness. In this article, the process of cognition of mass media and socio-philosophical analysis of its impact on society were used: general scientific methods; logical methods of theoretical analysis; technical analysis, clarification

    Quality and life safety aspects in the educational policy of Ukrainian educational institutions

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    The aspects of quality and safety of life activities in the educational policy of educational institutions in Ukraine are considered in the article. The authors have paid considerable attention to the employment of the population as a fundamental factor in the aspects of the full promotion of quality and safety of life activities in the educational policy of Ukrainian educational institutions. It has been noted that in the most stable countries in this matter, the quality of education is much higher than in countries experiencing some turmoil in this regard. And the situation is particularly disastrous in countries where the employment of the population cannot be high due to economic and political problems. In the transition from one political structure to another, as in the case of Ukraine - from a totalitarian society to a democratic one - radical shifts begin both in employment and in the educational policy of the state. The growth of the population has a direct impact on the quality of education and on aspects of life safety in general. However, without a developed traditional system of education, which fully or even partially satisfied the vast majority of people with wealth, this process becomes somewhat negative