158 research outputs found

    Neuronal and Cognitive Plasticity: A Neurocognitive Framework for Ameliorating Cognitive Aging

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    What is the neurocognitive basis for the considerable individual differences observed in functioning of the adult mind and brain late in life? We review the evidence that in healthy old age the brain remains capable of both neuronal and cognitive plasticity, including in response to environmental and experiential factors. Neuronal plasticity (e.g., neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, cortical re-organization) refers to neuron-level changes that can be stimulated by experience. Cognitive plasticity (e.g., increased dependence on executive function) refers to adaptive changes in patterns of cognition related to brain activity. We hypothesize that successful cognitive aging requires interactions between these two forms of plasticity. Mechanisms of neural plasticity underpin cognitive plasticity and in turn, neural plasticity is stimulated by cognitive plasticity. We examine support for this hypothesis by considering evidence that neural plasticity is stimulated by learning and novelty and enhanced by both dietary manipulations (low-fat, dietary restriction) and aerobic exercise. We also examine evidence that cognitive plasticity is affected by education and training. This is a testable hypothesis which could be assessed in humans in randomized trials comparing separate and combined effects of cognitive training, exercise, and diet on measures of cognitive and brain integrity. Greater understanding of the factors influencing the course of cognitive aging and of the mechanisms underlying those factors could provide information on which people could base choices that improve their ability to age successfully

    Comparing the Relative Strengths of EEG and Low-Cost Physiological Devices in Modeling Attention Allocation in Semiautonomous Vehicles

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    As semiautonomous driving systems are becoming prevalent in late model vehicles, it is important to understand how such systems affect driver attention. This study investigated whether measures from low-cost devices monitoring peripheral physiological state were comparable to standard EEG in predicting lapses in attention to system failures. Twenty-five participants were equipped with a low-fidelity eye-tracker and heart rate monitor and with a high-fidelity NuAmps 32-channel quick-gel EEG system and asked to detect the presence of potential system failure while engaged in a fully autonomous lane changing driving task. To encourage participant attention to the road and to assess engagement in the lane changing task, participants were required to: (a) answer questions about that task; and (b) keep a running count of the type and number of billboards presented throughout the driving task. Linear mixed effects analyses were conducted to model the latency of responses reaction time (RT) to automation signals using the physiological metrics and time period. Alpha-band activity at the midline parietal region in conjunction with heart rate variability (HRV) was important in modeling RT over time. Results suggest that current low-fidelity technologies are not sensitive enough by themselves to reliably model RT to critical signals. However, that HRV interacted with EEG to significantly model RT points to the importance of further developing heart rate metrics for use in environments where it is not practical to use EEG

    Effects of Calcium β-HMB Supplementation During Training on Markers of Catabolism, Body Composition, Strength and Sprint Performance

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    Calcium β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation has been reported to reduce catabolism and promote gains in strength and fat free mass in untrained individuals initiating training. However, the effects of HMB supplementation on strength and body composition alterations during training in athletes is less clear. This study examined the effects of 28-d of calcium HMB supplementation during intense training on markers of catabolism, body composition, strength, and sprint performance. In a double-blind and randomized manner, 28 NCAA division I-A football players were matched-paired and assigned to supplement their diet for 28-d during winter resistance/agility training (~8 hr/wk) with a carbohydrate placebo supplement (P) or the P supplement with 3 g/day of HMB as a calcium salt (HMB). Prior to and following supplementation: dietary records and fasting blood samples were obtained; body composition was determined via DEXA; subjects performed maximal effort bench press, barbell back squat, and power clean isotonic repetition tests; and, subjects performed a repeated cycle ergometer sprint test (12 x 6-s sprints with 30-s rest recovery) to simulate a 12-play drive in football. Results revealed no significant differences between the placebo and HMB supplemented groups in markers of catabolism, muscle/liver enzyme efflux, hematological parameters, body composition, combined lifting volume, or repetitive sprint performance. Results indicate that HMB supplementation (3 g/day) during off-season college football resistance/agility training does not reduce catabolism or provide ergogenic benefit

    Analysis of the 24-Hour Activity Cycle: An illustration examining the association with cognitive function in the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) Study

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    The 24-hour activity cycle (24HAC) is a new paradigm for studying activity behaviors in relation to health outcomes. This approach captures the interrelatedness of the daily time spent in physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior (SB), and sleep. We illustrate and compare the use of three popular approaches, namely isotemporal substitution model (ISM), compositional data analysis (CoDA), and latent profile analysis (LPA) for modeling outcome associations with the 24HAC. We apply these approaches to assess an association with a cognitive outcome, measured by CASI item response theory (IRT) score, in a cohort of 1034 older adults (mean [range] age = 77 [65-100]; 55.8% female; 90% White) who were part of the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) Activity Monitoring (ACT-AM) sub-study. PA and SB were assessed with thigh-worn activPAL accelerometers for 7 days. We highlight differences in assumptions between the three approaches, discuss statistical challenges, and provide guidance on interpretation and selecting an appropriate approach. ISM is easiest to apply and interpret; however, the typical ISM model assumes a linear association. CoDA specifies a non-linear association through isometric logratio transformations that are more challenging to apply and interpret. LPA can classify individuals into groups with similar time-use patterns. Inference on associations of latent profiles with health outcomes need to account for the uncertainty of the LPA classifications which is often ignored. The selection of the most appropriate method should be guided by the scientific questions of interest and the applicability of each model's assumptions. The analytic results did not suggest that less time spent on SB and more in PA was associated with better cognitive function. Further research is needed into the health implications of the distinct 24HAC patterns identified in this cohort.Comment: 51 pages, 11 tables, 8 figure

    Transcranial direct current stimulation facilitates cognitive multi-task performance differentially depending on anode location and subtask

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    There is a need to facilitate acquisition of real world cognitive multi-tasks that require long periods of training (e.g., air traffic control, intelligence analysis, medicine). Non-invasive brain stimulation—specifically transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)—has promise as a method to speed multi-task training. We hypothesized that during acquisition of the complex multi-task Space Fortress, subtasks that require focused attention on ship control would benefit from tDCS aimed at the dorsal attention network while subtasks that require redirection of attention would benefit from tDCS aimed at the right hemisphere ventral attention network. We compared effects of 30 min prefrontal and parietal stimulation to right and left hemispheres on subtask performance during the first 45 min of training. The strongest effects both overall and for ship flying (control and velocity subtasks) were seen with a right parietal (C4, reference to left shoulder) montage, shown by modeling to induce an electric field that includes nodes in both dorsal and ventral attention networks. This is consistent with the re-orienting hypothesis that the ventral attention network is activated along with the dorsal attention network if a new, task-relevant event occurs while visuospatial attention is focused (Corbetta et al., 2008). No effects were seen with anodes over sites that stimulated only dorsal (C3) or only ventral (F10) attention networks. The speed subtask (update memory for symbols) benefited from an F9 anode over left prefrontal cortex. These results argue for development of tDCS as a training aid in real world settings where multi-tasking is critical

    Front Psychol

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    The 24-h activity cycle (24HAC) is a new paradigm for studying activity behaviors in relation to health outcomes. This approach inherently captures the interrelatedness of the daily time spent in physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior (SB), and sleep. We describe three popular approaches for modeling outcome associations with the 24HAC exposure. We apply these approaches to assess an association with a cognitive outcome in a cohort of older adults, discuss statistical challenges, and provide guidance on interpretation and selecting an appropriate approach. We compare the use of the isotemporal substitution model (ISM), compositional data analysis (CoDA), and latent profile analysis (LPA) to analyze 24HAC. We illustrate each method by exploring cross-sectional associations with cognition in 1,034 older adults (Mean age = 77; Age range = 65-100; 55.8% female; 90% White) who were part of the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) Activity Monitoring (ACT-AM) sub-study. PA and SB were assessed with thigh-worn activPAL accelerometers for 7-days. For each method, we fit a multivariable regression model to examine the cross-sectional association between the 24HAC and Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument item response theory (CASI-IRT) score, adjusting for baseline characteristics. We highlight differences in assumptions and the scientific questions addressable by each approach. ISM is easiest to apply and interpret; however, the typical ISM assumes a linear association. CoDA uses an isometric log-ratio transformation to directly model the compositional exposure but can be more challenging to apply and interpret. LPA can serve as an exploratory analysis tool to classify individuals into groups with similar time-use patterns. Inference on associations of latent profiles with health outcomes need to account for the uncertainty of the LPA classifications, which is often ignored. Analyses using the three methods did not suggest that less time spent on SB and more in PA was associated with better cognitive function. The three standard analytical approaches for 24HAC each have advantages and limitations, and selection of the most appropriate method should be guided by the scientific questions of interest and applicability of each model's assumptions. Further research is needed into the health implications of the distinct 24HAC patterns identified in this cohort

    Characterization of Developmental Pathway of Natural Killer Cells from Embryonic Stem Cells In Vitro

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    In vitro differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells is often used to study hematopoiesis. However, the differentiation pathway of lymphocytes, in particular natural killer (NK) cells, from ES cells is still unclear. Here, we used a multi-step in vitro ES cell differentiation system to study lymphocyte development from ES cells, and to characterize NK developmental intermediates. We generated embryoid bodies (EBs) from ES cells, isolated CD34(+) EB cells and cultured them on OP9 stroma with a cocktail of cytokines to generate cells we termed ES-derived hematopoietic progenitors (ES-HPs). EB cell subsets, as well as ES-HPs derived from EBs, were tested for NK, T, B and myeloid lineage potentials using lineage specific cultures. ES-HPs derived from CD34(+) EBs differentiated into NK cells when cultured on OP9 stroma with IL-2 and IL-15, and into T cells on Delta-like 1-transduced OP9 (OP9-DL1) with IL-7 and Flt3-L. Among CD34(+) EB cells, NK and T cell potentials were detected in a CD45(−) subset, whereas CD45(+) EB cells had myeloid but not lymphoid potentials. Limiting dilution analysis of ES-HPs generated from CD34(+)CD45(−) EB cells showed that CD45(+)Mac-1(−)Ter119(−) ES-HPs are highly enriched for NK progenitors, but they also have T, B and myeloid potentials. We concluded that CD45(−)CD34(+) EB cells have lymphoid potential, and they differentiate into more mature CD45(+)Lin(−) hematopoietic progenitors that have lymphoid and myeloid potential. NK progenitors among ES-HPs are CD122(−) and they rapidly acquire CD122 as they differentiate along the NK lineage

    Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase Genotype Identifies Individuals Less Susceptible to Bias in Computer-Assisted Decision Making

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    Computerized aiding systems can assist human decision makers in complex tasks but can impair performance when they provide incorrect advice that humans erroneously follow, a phenomenon known as “automation bias.” The extent to which people exhibit automation bias varies significantly and may reflect inter-individual variation in the capacity of working memory and the efficiency of executive function, both of which are highly heritable and under dopaminergic and noradrenergic control in prefrontal cortex. The dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH) gene is thought to regulate the differential availability of dopamine and norepinephrine in prefrontal cortex. We therefore examined decision-making performance under imperfect computer aiding in 100 participants performing a simulated command and control task. Based on two single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) of the DBH gene, −1041 C/T (rs1611115) and 444 G/A (rs1108580), participants were divided into groups of low and high DBH enzyme activity, where low enzyme activity is associated with greater dopamine relative to norepinephrine levels in cortex. Compared to those in the high DBH enzyme activity group, individuals in the low DBH enzyme activity group were more accurate and speedier in their decisions when incorrect advice was given and verified automation recommendations more frequently. These results indicate that a gene that regulates relative prefrontal cortex dopamine availability, DBH, can identify those individuals who are less susceptible to bias in using computerized decision-aiding systems

    Highlights of children with Cancer UK’s workshop on drug delivery in paediatric brain tumours

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    The first Workshop on Drug Delivery in Paediatric Brain Tumours was hosted in London by the charity Children with Cancer UK. The goals of the workshop were to break down the barriers to treating central nervous system (CNS) tumours in children, leading to new collaborations and further innovations in this under-represented and emotive field. These barriers include the physical delivery challenges presented by the blood–brain barrier, the underpinning reasons for the intractability of CNS cancers, and the practical difficulties of delivering cancer treatment to the brains of children. Novel techniques for overcoming these problems were discussed, new models brought forth, and experiences compared

    Genome-Wide Association of Bipolar Disorder Suggests an Enrichment of Replicable Associations in Regions near Genes

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    Although a highly heritable and disabling disease, bipolar disorder's (BD) genetic variants have been challenging to identify. We present new genotype data for 1,190 cases and 401 controls and perform a genome-wide association study including additional samples for a total of 2,191 cases and 1,434 controls. We do not detect genome-wide significant associations for individual loci; however, across all SNPs, we show an association between the power to detect effects calculated from a previous genome-wide association study and evidence for replication (P = 1.5×10−7). To demonstrate that this result is not likely to be a false positive, we analyze replication rates in a large meta-analysis of height and show that, in a large enough study, associations replicate as a function of power, approaching a linear relationship. Within BD, SNPs near exons exhibit a greater probability of replication, supporting an enrichment of reproducible associations near functional regions of genes. These results indicate that there is likely common genetic variation associated with BD near exons (±10 kb) that could be identified in larger studies and, further, provide a framework for assessing the potential for replication when combining results from multiple studies