6 research outputs found


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    Innovation is an important factor for the survival and growth of firms. Based on the value of Competitive Industrial Performance (CPI), the innovation performance of Indonesian manufacturing companies shows a fluctuating trend, lags behind other neighboring countries and have a low level of innovation awareness. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence Indonesian manufacturing firms on product innovation. The article uses logit regression method and secondary data focusing on 1,069 Indonesian manufacturing companies in 2015. The results showed that product innovation was positively and significantly influenced by the manager's work experience, total sales, exports and R&D. From these results, it can be concluded that to improve the innovation performance of Indonesian manufacturing firms, policies should be aimed at the factors which influence product innovation significantly.Inovasi merupakan faktor penting untuk kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan perusahaan.. Berdasarkan nilai Competitive Industrial Performance (CPI), kinerja Inovasi perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia menunjukkan tren fluktuatif, tertinggal dari negara tetangga dan memiliki tingkat kesadaran inovasi yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan perusahaan manufaktur dalam melakukan inovasi produk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi logit dan data sekunder yang berfokus pada 1.069 perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inovasi produk dipengaruhi secara positif dan signifikan oleh pengalaman kerja manajer, total penjualan, ekspor dan R&D. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kinerja inovasi perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia, kebijakan harus ditujukan pada faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi inovasi produk secara positif

    Determinan Intensi Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Ipb Pada Bidang Agribisnis

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     Increasing of population impacted to food needs and unemployment problem. so there is a solution to resolve with entrepreneurship. The aims of this study is to look the characteristics of respondents and the factors that influence the entrepreneurial intention of student at the Postgraduate School of Bogor Agricultural University (SPs-IPB) on agribusiness. The design of this study used cross sectional study. Respondent in this study are postgraduate student from magister program. The sampling technique used proportional stratified random sampling with 122 people. The analytical method used descriptive quantitative analysis and Structural Equation Modelling / SEM. The results showed that as (94%) of respondents have entrepreneurial intentions generally, (86.96%) of the respondents have the intention of entrepreneurship in agribusiness. The study found that entrepreneurial intention are influenced by subjective norm which is the influence of a number of parties that are considered important with regard to the behavior of entrepreneurs.The increasing population has an impact on increasing the need for food and the need for jobs. One solution to overcome this problem is entrepreneurship in the agribusiness sector which can reduce unemployment by creating jobs while increasing food production. This study aims to look at the desire and readiness and interest in entrepreneurship of postgraduate students at the Bogor Agricultural University Postgraduate School (SPs-IPB) in the field of agribusiness. The research design used a cross sectional study. Respondents in this study were postgraduate students in the master program (Strata 2/S2). The sampling technique used was proportionate stratified random sampling with a total of 122 people. The results showed that as many as (94.26%) of respondents stated that they had the desire to run a business in the future. A total of (86.96%) respondents have a specific desire for entrepreneurship in the field of agribusiness. Entrepreneurial intentions include businesses in the input subsystem (1.46%), onfarm (48.18%), postharvest processing (18.25%), trading (8.03%), services (9.49%), and supporting subsystems (14.6%). This study also found that the entrepreneurial intentions of postgraduate students in the field of agribusiness were influenced by subjective norm variables which were the influence of a number of parties that a person considered important for entrepreneurship. The suggestion from this research is that it is necessary to develop an entrepreneurship program for postgraduate students, especially in the field of agribusiness. In order to develop the soul and spirit of entrepreneurship in students and alumni


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    Untuk memperoleh konfigurasi rotor blade yang optimal untuk kondisi angin di Indonesia dikembangkan perangkat lunak perancangan turbine angin. Perangkat dikembangkan dengan mengacu pada power output dan kondisi angin sebagai input dan geometri blade sebagai output. Sebagai studi awal perancangan turbin, perancangan dilakukan dengan mengintroduksikan 3 tipe airfoil dan tiga tipe variasi sudut serang effektif sepanjang span sebagai variabel perancangann. Hasil perancangan yang diperoleh menunjukkan jenis airfoil dan bentuk distribusi sudut serang sangat menentukan prestasi turbin. Hasil basil ini memberikan landasan yang baik di dalam perancangan turbin angin yang lebih optimal.Hlm. 368-38

    Implementasi TOPSIS (Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution) Untuk Penentuan Tempat Pembuangan Akhir

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    Human population produces a fairly high waste every year. In Pemalang District there is only one final disposal site which is at Pegongsoran Village. A decision support system is needed that is expected to provide alternative options for determining the best landfill location other than such a site. In selecting the location of the Final Disposal Site, a method that can process data from each available alternative is needed. (TOPSIS) Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution is one of the various Decision Support System methods. TOPSIS is a multi-criteria method for identifying limited alternative sets based on minimizing the distance of the farthest ideal point and maximizing the distance of the lowest ideal point. Based on the calculation using the TOPSIS method, the available data is fourteen districts as an alternative location choice and seven parameters have been found that Warungpring District has the highest rank and Pulosari District has the lowest rank. Then the results of these calculations will be visualized using Carto Map on an information system


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    The transformation carried out in the warteg operating system (Warung Tegal) is one strategy in improving brand image and business mobility. The method used in this study is a case study using both a quantitative and qualitative approach. A data acquisition method using questionnaires and observations. The findings of this rebranding strategy have changed the brand image of warteg, which was originally a food that was easily displayed on traditional stalls, to stalls with better service standards, ordering options, general operation and quality. You can upgrade to. Permanent sales systems are also developed with mobile / mobile systems that use specially modified vehicles to move to crowded places and homes on a specific schedule and move beyond staying there. As the Warteg brand image grows, it is expected to help Warung tegal economists and users of the Waring brand increase sales in the competition in the culinary industry. The analytical tool used in this study was the logit model (Wald test), and the results of this study showed that the hypothetical results in the logit model reached 71.1% of the total