8 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Peningkatan Keterampilan Perempuan Pesisir Sebagai Penggerak Ekonomi Keluarga di Desa Batu Jaya Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Desa Batu Jaya adalah salah satu desa pesisir di Kecamatan Laonti. Sumber daya ikan yang masih menjanjikan tidak diimbangi dengan hasil produksi perikanan yang besar di desa tersebut. Hal ini diduga akibat beralihnya ketertarikan nelayan Batu Jaya dari perikanan ke sektor tambang. Hal tersebut secara sosial ekonomi memberi dampak kepada perempuan pesisir Desa Batu Jaya dalam menghadapi kerasnya kehidupan ditinggal merantau oleh para suaminya. Tujuan penelitian ini meningkatkan kapasitas perempuan pesisir melalui pembelajaran dan pemberdayaan pengolahan limbah sampah plastik dan olahan makanan berbahan dasar ikan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara terstruktur, wawancara mendalam, dan observasi partisipatif. Hasil pengolahan limbah sampah plastik berhasil  dibuat dalam bentuk lima produk lampion dan 10 produk bunga. Program olahan makanan berbahan dasar ikan berhasil dibuat melalui pembuatan bakso ikan, nugget ikan, dan abon ikan. Semua produk tersebut akan dijual oleh ibu-ibu nelayan Batu Jaya untuk menambah pendapatan keluarg

    Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Bahari Desa Namu Guna Mendukung Perekonomian Masyarakat Sadar Wisata

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    The consequence of tourist village is the community's psychology and environmental carrying capacity. Good strategy will be able to realize the welfare of the village community. The purpose of this study is to make a tourism development strategy in the Namu Village. Methods of data collection using sampling techniques through interviews and questionnaires with a total samples of 70 respondents. Characteristics of tourism conditions and potential are analyzed by supply-demand. While demand analysis is used to recognize the pattern of visitor demand. Both of these analyzes are used as reference materials for development strategies by strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats SWOT analyzed. Furthermore, based on the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS), the beauty of Namu and the waterfall become the main attraction for tourist destination. On the other side the disadvantage is the unpreparedness of the Namu village community make them not enough in economically. External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), partisanship of the government enable for Namu to be developing in marine tourism. However the threats was come from outside investor which can reduce the role of the community to improve their economy. Based on the analysis of IFAS and EFAS, the Namu Village's tourism development strategy is to improve the quality of tourism objects, increasing the role of the government, looking for investors especially in the transportation sector, improve community capacity. For instance manufacture of fishery products, souvenirs, and culinary. Finally safeguard ecosystems through waste managemen


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    IDENTIFIKASI BAKTERI PATOGEN PENYEBAB PENYAKIT PURPLE SYNDROME PADA KARANG FUNGIA DI PULAU HARI SULAWESI TENGGARA Nowadays coral disease is one of the causes of damage to coral reefs in Indonesia. Causative agents were found for some types of coral disease. This study aims to identify the type of pathogenic bacteria that cause purple syndrome which attacks Fungia corals. The study was conducted using descriptive exploratory methods. Corals infected with purple syndrome were collected on Pulau Hari, Southeast Sulawesi, through scuba diving. Then, microbiological analysis was carried out which included isolation using the scatter method, purification using a scratch method, a challenge test (antagonistic), a Koch Postulate test, and DNA analysis of putative bacterial isolates. Results showed that 5 bacterial isolates lived in symbiosis with the corals infected with purple syndrome (PSMH1, PSMH2, PSMH3, PSMH4, and PSMH5). Based on the Koch postulate test, 2 bacterial isolates which were pathogenic were obtained, namely PSHM2 and PSHM4 isolates. These bacteria infected the test corals with the characteristics of coral skeleton damage and coral bleaching (dead). Based on biomolecular testing, the two isolates were members of Enterobacter cloacae with a 99% similarity level.Keywords: Coral disease; Enterobacter cloacae; Fungia coral; Hari island; Purple syndromeABSTRAKSaat ini penyakit karang menjadi salah satu penyebab kerusakan terumbu karang di Indonesia. Penyebab pembawa untuk beberapa jenis penyakit karang sudah ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis bakteri patogen penyebab penyakit purple syndrome yang menyerang karang Fungia. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Sampel karang yang terinfeksi purple syndrome diambil di Pulau Hari, Sulawesi Tenggara, melalui scuba diving. Selanjutnya, analisis mikrobiologi dilakukan yang meliputi isolasi menggunakan metode sebar, purifikasi menggunakan metode gores, uji tantang (antagonistik), uji Postulat Koch, dan analisa DNA isolat bakteri yang diduga bersifat patogen. Hasil penelitian menemukan 5 isolat bakteri yang bersimbiosis dengan karang yang terinfeksi penyakit purple syndrome (PSMH1, PSMH2, PSMH3, PSMH4, dan PSMH5). Berdasarkan uji postulat Koch, 2 isolat bakteri yang bersifat patogen didapatkan, yaitu isolat PSHM2 dan PSHM4. Bakteri tersebut menginfeksi karang uji dengan ciri kerusakan skeleton karang dan pemutihan karang (mati). Berdasarkan uji biomolekuler kedua isolat tersebut merupakan anggota Enterobacter cloacae dengan tingkat kemiripan 99%

    Pemberdayaan Nelayan melalui Optimalisasi Karamba Tancap Multifungsi untuk Mendukung Wisata Bahari di Desa Pamata Raya, Kendari

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    The village of Pamata Raya is a coastal area near from tourism of Bokori Island. This community service in collaboration with students field work practice program of faculty of fisheries and marine science Halu Oleo University aimed to provide knowledge and to empowerment community through the optimize a pen culture activity into a multifunctional facilities, such as for rear of fish, marine tourism, and education. The activity was conducted for July 2017 and consists of two steps, which is technical guidance to making a pilot multifunctional pen culture and training to make various food value added products based on fish. The results of the community service programs have been built multifunctional pen culture (9 m2) which is equipped with gazebos as a tourist spot for fishing, culinary, and education. This pen culture is used to cultivated various species of reef fish (mullet fish, parrotfish, groupers, and lobsters). Furthermore, culinary tourism is carried out by training fish-based food processing by groups of women fishermen, such as of fish meat floss, fish meatballs, and fish nuggets. Successfully this program can be obtained from the increased participation of partner in program implementation, the improvement of the quality of human resources through the transfer of technology, and economically there has been an increase in fish production and fishermen’s income especially for the target groups. This multifunctional pen culture can be an alternative fishermen livelihood during high wave season. The presence of multifunctional pen culture indirectly increase the number of visitors in Bokori Island which was also beneficial to the local community

    Peningkatan Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia melalui Pelatihan Budi Daya Rumput Laut dan Berbagai Makanan Olahannya, serta Pengelolaan Terumbu Karang Guna Peningkatan Potensi Daerah Menuju Kemandirian di Kec. Laonti Kab. Konawe Selatan

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    This program was carried out in the Tambolosu and Rumbi-Rumbia villages which is a coastal village in district of South Konawe. As a coastal village communities would have been very different characteristics with the majority of the land village. It is a fact that the majority of people in these villages are working as fishermen, so they financial life is dependent on the fishery resources. Meanwhile the high potential of coastal resources are not comparable with the quality of human resources. The purposes of these service community are to enhance participation of target community to make a coastal and marine resources management, namely, coral reefs, sea grass, and fish. The second aim are for Halu Oleo students who joint in this program for make problem solving in the society with related with they  college material. There are four programs was done, namely seaweed cultivation by using long line methods, restoration of coral reefs through artificial reefs and coral transplants, and the last program is manufacture of processed food made from seaweed and fish (seaweed chips, fish meatballs, legs dragon, and cendol seaweed ice. The method used observation and experimentation, analysis techniques using qualitativede scriptive method. The Results of the community services by Halu oleo lecturer are the level of community participation is in the high level in both villages as the target society. Participation of the target society were also seen with the good cooperation with students for example for determining site selection and placement in the waters for artificial reef and coral transplantation. In addition both villages of  target by fisheries and marine sains faculty will be a “village built” to sustainability in order to achieve public welfare activities

    Status of Coral Health and Disease in Kessilampe Waters, Kendari, South East Sulawesi

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    Diseases of coral reef organisms have become a global threat to coral reefs and a major cause of reef deterioration. The presence of coral diseases influence marine resources productivity that interact with coral reefs. The purpose of this research is to identify coral disease types and prevalence which include coral health compromiser. Data collection was done by using 40 m2 belt transects at three observation stations. The result showed that the White Syndrome (WS), Bleaching, Ulcerative White Spot (UWS), Skeleton Eroding Band (SEB), White Patch (WP), and Non Focal Bleaching were found at research sites, while the coral health compromisers were Sediment damage, fish bite, invertebrate galls, flatworm infestation, and pigmentation response. In addition disease of White Syndrome (WS), Bleaching, and Ulcerative White Spot (UWS) were the main disease with prevalence of disease is approximately 4%, while the others were lower than 1%. Overall the prevalence of diseases (14,52%) is higher than compromise health (13,98%). A total of 186 coral colonies observed with 27 colonies were affected by diseases. Meanwhile, the waters quality (salinity, pH, and nitrate) were below the threshold quality standards for marine aquatic animal and not supported of coral organism was presume organisms against pathogens bacterial. Although the prevalence of coral disease is still in normal condition but the decrease of water quality can lead the risk. Good management is required from local government to improve the water quality especially from terrestrial impact

    Karakteristik Pola Arus dan Nutrien Perairan Pada Areal Budi Daya Rumput Laut Di Pantai Bone-Bone Kota Baubau

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    ABSTRAKBudidaya rumput laut banyak dijadikan sebagai mata pencaharian bagi masyarakat pesisir Pantai Bone-Bone, dalam budidayanya rumput sangat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor oseanografi perairan, seperti faktor kimia nitrat dan fosfat yang dapat memengaruhi pertumbuhan rumput laut, dan faktor fisika perairan seperti arah dan kecepatan arus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2022. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pola arus dan kaitannya dengan kandungan nitrat dan fosfat pada areal budi daya rumput laut. Pengukuran arus dilakukan secara insitu dengan menggunakan current meter EAM 213-D, selanjutnya datanya diolah menggunakan software MIKE 21. Pengambilan sampel nutrien menggunakan botol sampel kaca 150 ml pada permukaan perairan yang dilakukan pada 5 titik stasiun, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis laboratorium, dengan metode analisis Brucine (nitrat) dan analisis spektrofotometer (fosfat). Hasil didapatkan pola arus di lokasi penelitian saat pasang menuju ke arah Barat dengan kecepatan arus 0,1-0,25 m/s dan saat surut menuju arah ke Timur dengan kecepatan 0,016-0,080 m/s. Nilai konsentrasi nitrat yang diperoleh di lokasi penelitian berkisar 0,074-0,112 mg/L sedangkan nilai konsentrasi fosfat berkisar 0,023-0,040 mg/L. Pola dan kecepatan arus memberikan pengaruh terhadap sebaran nutrien, semakin tinggi kecepatan arus perairan maka semakin luas sebaran nutrien di perairan. Berdasarkan nilai kecepatan arus dan nilai konsentrasi nutrien yang diperoleh di setiap stasiun, secara keseluruhan Pantai Bone-Bone termasuk layak digunakan sebagai daerah budi daya rumput laut.Kata kunci: Arus, nutrien, Pantai Bone-Bone, pasang surut, rumput laut.ABSTRACTSeaweed cultivation is widely used as a livelihood for the coastal people of Bone-Bone Beach; in its cultivation, the grass is strongly influenced by several marine environmental factors, such as nitrate and phosphate, and physics factors, such as currents velocity that can affect the growth of seaweed. This study was held on March 2022. This study aims to determine the characteristics of current patterns and their relation to nitrate and phosphate content in seaweed cultivation areas. Current measurement is carried out in situ using the current meter EAM 213-D, then the data is processed using MIKE21 software. Nutrient sampling using a 150 ml glass sample bottle on the surface of the waters was carried out at 5 station points, then continued in the laboratory with the Brucine (nitrate) analysis method and spectrophotometer (phosphate) analysis. The results obtained a current pattern at the study site when the tide was heading Westwards with the speed of the current 0,1-0,25 m/s and then at low tide towards the East with the speed 0,016-0,080 m/s. The nitrate concentration value obtained ranges from 0.074-0.112 mg/L, and the phosphate concentration value ranges from 0.023-0.040 mg/L; the pattern and speed of the current have an influence on the distribution of nutrients, the higher the rate of the water current, the wider the distribution of nutrients in the waters. Based on the value of the current velocity and the value of the concentration of nutrients obtained at each station, overall Bone-Bone Beach is decent for use as a seaweed cultivation area.Keywords: Bone-bone beach, currents, nutrients, seaweed, tides

    Status Rekruitmen Karang Scleractinia di Perairan Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara (Recruitment Status of Coral Scleractinian In Kendari Waters Southeast Sulawesi)

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    Proses rekruitmen karang dapat dilihat berdasarkan jumlah juvenil karang yang dapat hidup di suatu ekosistem perairan. Kesuksesan planula melakukan penempelan pada substrat dan akhirnya dapat berkembang menjadi juvenil karang merupakan indikator kesuksesan biota karang untuk kelangsungan hidup keturunannya. Tujuan penelitian rekruitmen karang di Perairan Kendari adalah untuk menginformasikan status juvenil karang di lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan juvenil karang tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun penelitian Tukalanggara (gosong) dan Pulau Bahulu (7.7 dan 8.6 rekruit/m2), sedangkan ketiga stasiun penelitian lainnya (Teluk Wawobatu, Tukalanggara daerah tanjung, dan Pulau Labengke) menunjukkan hasil kelimpahan juvenil yang lebih rendah, yaitu beturut-turut 4.0; 3.9; dan 3.3 rekruit/m2. Ukuran juvenil karang dengan tingkat kelulushidupan tertinggi dicapai pada saat juvenil berukuran 2-4.9 cm. Karakteristik habitat lokasi penelitian yang berbeda dan kondisi bentik terumbu merupakan faktor utama kesusksesan karang muda untuk dapat tumbuh. Kata kunci: juvenil, perairan Kendari, rekruitmen karang, kelimpahan Process of coral recruitment can be assessed base on the number of existing juvenile corals in an aquatic ecosystem. The success of planula attachment on the substrate and may eventually develop into juvenile coral is an indicator of coral reefs to continue there generation. Objectives of the study were to inform the status of coral recruitment at the research site. Results showed that the higher abundance of juvenile corals found in Tukalanggara (gosong) and Bahulu Island (7.7 and 8.6 rekruit/m2) than those in other locations (Gulf Wawobatu, Tukalanggara cape area, and Labengke island). Range size of coral juvenile with the highest survival rate is at 2-4.9 cm length. Characteristics of research sites and condition of benthic substrattum is the main factor upon the success juvenile corals to grow. Key words: juvenile, Kendari waters, recruitment of coral, abundanc