2,900 research outputs found

    Implementasi Asas Kelestarian dan Keberlanjutan pada Pembangunan Apartemen di Kota Semarang (Objek Kajian Apartemen Belini pada Mini Blok Paltrow City)

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    Apartemen adalah sebuah konsep hunian vertikal yang saat ini cukup berkembang pembangunannya di kota-kota besar karena ketersediaan tanah yang ada semakin terbatas. Adanya pembangunan apartemen yang terjadi di lapangan saat ini tentunya dapat berpengaruh terhadap Perubahan pada tata ruang kota, kondisi pertanahan, lingkungan dan pola hidup masyarakat. Apartemen Belini pada Mini Blok Paltrow City, Kota Semarang, adalah objek kajian penelitian hukum yang penulis ambil dengan melihat dasar kepada UU No. 20 tahun 2011 tentang Rumah Susun dalam hal pembangunannya.Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis terkait perolehan tanah untuk pembangunan Apartemen Belini dan mengetahui pelaksanaan pembangunannya sesuai dengan peraturan hukum serta asas kelestarian dan keberlanjutan dalam pembangunan apartemen.Metode pendekatan yang digunakan di dalam penelitian adalah yuridis empiris. Yuridis Empiris adalah penelitian hukum yang objek kajiannya meliputi ketentuan Perundang-undangan serta penerapannya pada peristiwa hukum.Pada kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, penulis menganalisa bahwa perolehan status tanah HGB di atas tanah Hak Milik untuk pembangunan Apartemen Belini pada Mini Blok Paltrow City ini telah sesuai dengan Pasal 37 UUPA jo. Pasal 24 PP No. 40 Tahun 1996 tentang Hak Guna Usaha, Hak Guna Bangunan, dan Hak Pakai Atas Tanah, serta dalam hal pelaksanaan pembangunannya, PT. Adhisatya Property, selaku developer telah cukup baik mengimplementasikan asas kelestarian dan keberlanjutan sebagaimana termaktub di Pasal 2 huruf k UU No. 20 tahun 2011 tentang Rumah Susun

    Hearing Voices: Non-Party Stories in Abortion and Gay Rights Advocacy

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    During the twelve years after Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court considered a number of abortion issues, but Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists was the first case to raise a direct call for Roe’s demise. The issues galvanized interests on all sides. Among the welter of amicus briefs was a remarkable brief destined to create a new, controversial, and potentially powerful form of appellate advocacy. Primarily authored by Lynn M. Paltrow, the brief was submitted on behalf of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Like a Brandeis Brief, the NARAL brief relies on sources outside the trial court record. Unlike a Brandeis Brief, however, the NARAL brief does not treat women as the objects of social science research. It does not treat women as “other”—that is, using the distancing third-person pronoun “they.” Instead, living, breathing women, speaking with the first-person pronoun “I,” tell their own abortion stories. Never before had non-parties been able to speak directly to the Court in a proceeding that would profoundly affect their own lives and those of others like them. This is the story of that first “voices” brief, its young author, and its amazing civil rights legacy

    Coercive Interventions in Pregnancy: Law and Ethics

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    Pregnant women and substance use: fear, stigma, and barriers to care

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    Dora maar & margaret michaelis: two photographers in front of the art and architecture

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    El interés por la labor callada del artista en su estudio o la atención continuada a la lenta gestación de la arquitectura, han sido constantes desde hace tiempo. Los buenos fotógrafos han estado siempre dispuestos a poner su mirada atenta sobre estos procesos. Resulta sumamente interesante desgranar lo ocurrido en este campo en las primeras décadas del siglo xx, y muy especialmente en los años que precedieron a la guerra civil española. De aquellos años, me fijaré en las figuras de dos mujeres fotógrafas –Dora Maar y Margaret Michaelis–, que entendieron el seguimiento de los procesos creativos como parte fundamental de su creación artistica y, gracias a las cuales, descubriremos a sus autores, visualizaremos los escenarios de su gestación y disfrutaremos con la plástica de sus procesos constructivos.The interest of the silent work of the artist in his studio or the continued attention of the slow gestation of the architecture, have been constant since long time ago. The good photographers have always been ready to put their careful look on this processes. It’s very interesting to peel what ocurred in the first decades of the 20Th century, and specially on the years before the spanish civil war. In this years, I will observe the figures of two women photographers – Dora Maar and Margaret Michaelis– that understood the creative processes as a fundamental part of the artistic creation, and thanks to which, we discovered this authors, we visualize the scenes of their gestation and we enjoy with the plastic arts of their constructive advances

    Dangerous or Just Pregnant? How Sanism & Biases Infect the Dangerousness Determination in the Civil Commitment of Pregnant Women

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    Sparked by the story of Alicia Beltran, this Note explores state use of civil commitment statutes to police pregnant women suspected of drug use. Civil commitment determinations are already infiltrated by sanism: an irrational prejudice against those with mental disabilities and illnesses expressed through stereotyping and stigmatization similar to that of other prejudices such as racism and sexism. Yet, deficiencies in civil commitment safeguards for pregnant women cannot be explained simply as an issue of sanism, gender oppression, wealth inequality, or racism. Rather, each of these components must be combined to reveal how the interaction of each erodes the constitutional protections of civil commitment, thereby preventing the law from being applied in a way that would avoid these problems. In effect, involuntary civil commitment of pregnant women suspected of substance use is both under- and over-inclusive. It is under-inclusive in that it targets women who are vulnerable to biases—women of racial minorities and low socioeconomic status—and ignores other populations of women who may use substances during pregnancy. It is over-inclusive in that it results in a deprivation of liberty for women who do not satisfy the traditional dangerousness standard. As written, statutes policing pregnant women with forcible civil commitment cannot be applied in a manner that would avoid the problems arising from sanism, sexism, racism, and socioeconomic biases