33 research outputs found

    Evidence for the in vivo existence and mobilization of myeloid angiogenic cells and pericyte-like cells in wound patients after skin grafting

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    Myeloid angiogenic cells (MACs) and pericyte-like cells, derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) by in vitro culturing, are suggested as relevant cell types for angiogenesis and tissue repair. However, the in vivo existence and relevance of these cells has so far remained unknown. Our aim was thus to study, if MACs and pericyte-like cells exist in circulation during the wound healing of skin graft patients, and to evaluate the cellular features of wound repair. MNCs were isolated from blood samples of healthy controls (n = 4) and patients with a traumatic full thickness skin defect (n = 4) before skin grafting and on postoperative days 1 and 6. The numbers of circulating CD14+ CD45+ CD31+ CD34- MACs and CD14+ CD45+ NG2+ pericyte-like cells were assessed by flow cytometry, and gene expression of various pro-angiogenic factors was analysed by qPCR. Wound bed biopsies were taken on postoperative days 6 and 14, and MAC (CD31, CD14 and CD45) and pericyte-related markers (NG2 and PDGFRβ) were histologically studied. MACs and pericyte-like cells were detected in both healthy controls and in patients. Before reconstruction, on average 18% of all circulating MNCs represented MACs and 2% pericyte-like cells in wound patients. Number of MACs significantly increased 1.1-1.7-fold in all patients 1 day after skin grafting (p </p

    Evidence for the in vivo existence and mobilisation of myeloid angiogenic cells and pericyte-like cells in wound patients after skin grafting

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    Myeloid angiogenic cells (MACs) and pericyte-like cells, derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) by in vitro culturing, are suggested as relevant cell types for angiogenesis and tissue repair. However, the in vivo existence and relevance of these cells has so far remained unknown. Our aim was thus to study, if MACs and pericyte-like cells exist in circulation during the wound healing of skin graft patients, and to evaluate the cellular features of wound repair. MNCs were isolated from blood samples of healthy controls (n = 4) and patients with a traumatic full thickness skin defect (n = 4) before skin grafting and on postoperative days 1 and 6. The numbers of circulating CD14+CD45+CD31+CD34− MACs and CD14+CD45+NG2+ pericyte-like cells were assessed by flow cytometry, and gene expression of various pro-angiogenic factors was analysed by qPCR. Wound bed biopsies were taken on postoperative days 6 and 14, and MAC (CD31, CD14 and CD45) and pericyte-related markers (NG2 and PDGFRβ) were histologically studied. MACs and pericyte-like cells were detected in both healthy controls and in patients. Before reconstruction, on average 18% of all circulating MNCs represented MACs and 2% pericyte-like cells in wound patients. Number of MACs significantly increased 1.1−1.7-fold in all patients 1 day after skin grafting (p < 0.01). In addition, histological analysis demonstrated effective vascularization of skin grafts, as well as presence of pericytes, and CD14 and CD45 expressing myeloid cells during wound healing. In conclusion, our data shows, for the first time, the presence and mobilisation of MACs and pericyte-like cells in human circulation.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Decreased burden of revision hip replacements despite substantial rise in prevalence : a register-based analysis in Finland

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    Background and purpose — While the incidence of THR operations has been established, little is known about the prevalence or the ratio of the annual number of revision THRs to the total number of THRs in the general population. By combining data from nationwide registers, we calculated the annual prevalence of THRs and the revision burden caused by THR survivors in Finland. Patients and methods — All primary THRs performed between 1980 and 2020 were identified from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register (FAR). Patient deaths were extracted from the Finnish Digital and Population Data Services Agency and THR revisions and removals from the FAR and the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register. We analyzed annual THR prevalence by dividing the number of THRs by the population aged 40 or older and the revision burden factor (RBF) by dividing the annual number of revisions by the total number of primary and revision THRs in the population. The proportions of bilateral implants and patients with THRs performed more than 10 years earlier (older THRs) were identified. Results — THR prevalence in Finland increased rapidly, reaching 3.6% in 2020. Between 2010 and 2020, the number of THRs increased by 50% and the prevalence of THRs by 38%. In 2020, the proportion of bilateral THRs had risen to 29% and the proportion of patients with older THRs to 36%. The RBF decreased between 1996 and 2020 from 3.1% to 1.3% (age-and sex-adjusted proportion ratio PR 0.42 [95% CI 0.39–0.45]). Interpretation — Despite the decrease in the RBF, the rapidly increasing prevalence of THRs potentially increases the number of revisits and revisions and thus poses a challenge for healthcare in the future.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Early Predictors of Recovery From Nonoperatively Treated Achilles Tendon Rupture: 1 Year Follow‐Up Study

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    Purpose: To investigate early structural and mechanical predictors of plantarflexor muscle strength and the magnitude of Achilles tendon (AT) nonuniform displacement at 6 and 12 months after AT rupture. Methods: Thirty-five participants (28 males and 7 females; mean ± SD age 41.7 ± 11.1 years) were assessed for isometric plantarflexion maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and AT nonuniformity at 6 and 12 months after rupture. Structural and mechanical AT and plantarflexor muscle properties were measured at 2 months. Limb asymmetry index (LSI) was calculated for all variables. Multiple linear regression was used with the 6 and 12 month MVC LSI and 12 month AT nonuniformity LSI as dependent variables and AT and plantarflexor muscle properties at 2 months as independent variables. The level of pre- and post-injury sports participation was inquired using Tegner score at 2 and 12 months (scale 0-10, 10 = best possible score). Subjective perception of recovery was assessed with Achilles tendon total rupture score (ATRS) at 12 months (scale 0-100, 100=best possible score). Results: Achilles tendon resting angle (ATRA) symmetry at 2 months predicted MVC symmetry at 6 and 12 months after rupture (β = 2.530, 95% CI 1.041-4.018, adjusted R2 = 0.416, p = 0.002; β = 1.659, 95% CI 0.330-2.988, adjusted R2 = 0.418, p = 0.016, respectively). At 12 months, participants had recovered their pre-injury level of sports participation (Tegner 6 ± 2 points). The median (IQR) ATRS score was 92 (7) points at 12 months. Conclusion: Greater asymmetry of ATRA in the early recovery phase may be a predictor of plantarflexor muscle strength deficits up to 1 year after rupture

    Cross cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Finnish version of Western Ontario shoulder instability index (WOSI)

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    Background: Western Ontario shoulder instability index (WOSI) is a widely used disease-specific self-assessment measurement tool for patients with shoulder instability. The main aim of this study was to translate and cross culturally adapt the WOSI into Finnish language and to test its measurement properties.Methods: WOSI was translated in Finnish and adapted into an electronic user interface. 62 male patients with traumatic anteroinferior shoulder instability, programmed for stabilizing shoulder surgery, answered the questionnaire twice preoperatively (2 and 0 weeks), and twice postoperatively (3 and 12 months). Additional scoring tools, such as satisfaction to treatment outcome, subjective shoulder value (SSV), Oxford shoulder instability index (OSIS) and Constant score (CS), were used as comparators. The reliability, validity and responsiveness of WOSI were investigated through statistical analysis.Results: Preoperative test-retest results were available for 49 patients, and 54 patients were available at final follow up. The mean WOSI was 57.8 (SD 20.3), 70.4 (SD 18.9), and 85.9 (SD 15.5), at baseline, 3, and 12 months, respectively. There was a statistically significant mean improvement of 28.8 (SD 24.5) in WOSI between baseline and 12 months (p Conclusion: Finnish version of WOSI is a reliable and valid tool for assessing health state and improvement after operative treatment of shoulder instability in young male patients.</p

    Onko olkapään kiertäjäkalvosimen repeämän hoitopaikka kuntosali vai leikkaussali?

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    Tiivistelmä Olkapään kiertäjäkalvosimen repeämä voi syntyä jänteen rappeuman, äkillisen tapaturman tai näiden yhdistelmän seurauksena. Suurin osa on oireettomia eikä tarvitse hoitoa. Tyypillisiä oireita ovat levossa tai rasituksessa esiintyvä kipu sekä liikelaajuuksien ja voimien pieneneminen. Diagnostiikka perustuu kliiniseen tutkimukseen ja röntgenkuvaukseen. Kaikututkimus tai magneettikuvaus saattavat olla tarpeen. Rappeumaperäisen repeämän ensilinjan hoito on konservatiivinen. Kirurgista hoitoa tarvitaan lähinnä tapaturman jälkeen

    Risk of total knee replacement after proximal tibia fracture: a register-based study of 7,701 patients

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis following proximal tibia fracture (PTF) is a common complication that may lead to total knee replacement as secondary treatment (TKRS). We determined the risk of TKRS following PTF, whether treated nonoperatively or operatively, and compared the results with a 38-fold control group without prior PTF. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We identified all patients over 18 years of age in Finland with PTF treated during the period 2009–2018 from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR) and Finnish Arthroplasty Register (FAR). Age, sex, treatment method, follow-up time, and possible TKRS were recorded. RESULTS: 7,701 patients were treated for PTF during the period 2009–2018. Over the 5.1-year (SD 3.1) follow-up, TKRS was performed in 340 (4.3%) patients with a prior PTF after a mean of 2.1 (SD 2.0) years post-fracture. TKRS was needed in 138 (3.7%, HR 1.8) patients in the nonoperatively treated group and in 202 (5.0%, HR 3.2) patients in the operatively treated group. Operative treatment, female sex, and high age were identified as risk factors for TKRS. The incidence of TKRS was highest during the first 2 years after fracture and remained elevated throughout the follow-up. INTERPRETATION: Patients with a prior PTF had a 1.8- to 3.2-fold higher risk of TKRS compared with controls during the first 5 years post-fracture. Risk of TKRS was associated with an operatively treated PTF, female sex, and high age. The patients in the operative group likely sustained more complex fractures, while female sex and age may be explained by more osteoporotic bone quality

    Rapid rise in prevalence of knee replacements and decrease in revision burden over past 3 decades in Finland: a register-based analysis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The prevalence of knee joint replacements (KJR) has been less investigated in situations where the increase in incidence is known. This study investigated the annual and population-based prevalence of KJR and the relationship between the prevalence of KJRs and the incidence of revision surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All KJRs performed between 1980 and 2020 were identified from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register (FAR). KJR revisions and removals were extracted from the FAR and hospital discharge registers and patient deaths from Finnish Digital and Population Data Services Agency. We analyzed the annual prevalence by dividing the number of KJR survivors by the population aged 40 or older. The revision burden factor (RBF) was determined by dividing the annual number of revisions by the number of primary and revision KJRs in the population. Proportions of bilateral implants and patients with older KJRs performed 10 or more years earlier were identified. RESULTS: KJR prevalence in Finland increased by 298% between 2000 and 2020, reaching 4.0% in 2020. The proportion of patients with bilateral KJRs and those with older KJRs had increased to 37% and 34%, respectively, by 2020. The annual RBF decreased statistically significantly from 1.9% to 0.7% between 1996 and 2020 (proportion ratio, PR 0.37 [95% CI 0.33-0.42]) and was higher among males (PR 1.23 [CI 1.20-1.26]). INTERPRETATION: Although the recent rapid increase in KJRs is abating and the RBF is diminishing, it is important to take the continuing increase in the prevalence of KJRs into account when assessing hospitals' future resources.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Fast-tracking for total knee replacement reduces use of institutional care without compromising quality

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    Background and purpose — Fast-tracking shortens the length of the primary treatment period (length of stay, LOS) after total knee replacement (TKR). We evaluated the influence of the fast-track concept on the length of uninterrupted institutional care (LUIC) and other outcomes after TKR. Patients and methods — 4,256 TKRs performed in 4 hospitals between 2009–2010 and 2012–2013 were identified from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register and the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. Hospitals were classified as fast track (Hospital A) and non-fast track (Hospitals B, C and D). We analyzed length of uninterrupted institutional care (LUIC), LOS, discharge destination, readmission, revision, manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) and mortality rate in each hospital. We compared these outcomes for TKRs performed in Hospital A before and after fast-track implementation and we also compared Hospital A outcomes with the corresponding outcomes for the other 3 hospitals. Results — After fast-track implementation, median LOS in Hospital A fell from 5 to 3 days (p < 0.001) and (median) LUIC from 7 to 3 (p < 0.001) days. These reductions in LOS and LUIC were accompanied by an increase in the discharge rate to home (p = 0.01). Fast-tracking in Hospital A led to no increase in 14- and 42-day readmissions, MUA, revision or mortality compared with the rates before fast-tracking, or with those in the other hospitals. Of the 4 hospitals, LOS and LUIC were most reduced in Hospital A. Interpretation — A fast-track protocol reduces LUIC and LOS after TKR without increasing readmission, complication or revision rates.Peer reviewe