1,066 research outputs found

    Global legislation and its discontents

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    ‘Legislation’ is flourishing in the global sphere from a large number of sources, in the lack of a unified system. Current redefinitions of legality/validity, or attempts at a global constitution deserve some scrutiny and should cope with a global sphere legislation bearing unprecedented features: issued from deracinated sources, bearing new scope and functions, developing ‘managerial’/regulatory modes, cancelling the distinction vis-à-vis 'administration', electing functional rationalities with 'limited responsibility', loosing connection to the comprehensive well being of social communities. Despite the search for devices of accountability ‘global’ legislation remains a source of discontents. The promises of legal form are at stake in keeping alive the distinction between global decision making and universalizability. The future of global legislation (and its legitimacy) shall depend not only on shared criteria of legality, but also on how it shall interfere against the autonomy of less-than-global orders: that is, on the justice-related, legal quality of the relationships between the plurality of orders

    Irreversible Choices and Future Generations’ Rights.

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    The article revolves around the question whether, given some very “fundamental threats” to future generations’ living, their very conditions of survival can be construed as rights. The issue has to tackle the problem of the non-existence of the presumptive holders of such a right, as well as with the problem of their (non-)identity. The article shows the reasons for separating what we owe to future persons under the challenge of some fundamental threats for humanity from our will to hand down our cultural and ethical ideas of the good information and eventually from paternalistic or selfish imposition upon future generations of our irreversible choices. The framework refers essentially to a conceptual grammar of justice. Moreover, it is suggested to articulate rights through the lens of “disposability” and “non-disposability” principles

    Access to Justice: Dynamic, Foundational, and Generative

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    AbstractAccess to justice reveals its contours through, and is best understood for, its dynamic nature. Conceptually, it shows a number of peculiar oscillations within couplets of opposites, like rights and structure, autonomous and derivative right, and substance and procedure. What does make for its foundational nature, and how does the latter differ from and coexist with access as a fundamental right? It belongs to the requirements of the rule of law and plays a foundational role towards legality, beyond being counted among the most fundamental rights. Despite its apparent procedural character, it has a substantive value, as well as a peculiar "generative" function. The article enquires into these conceptual features by looking at the ways through which access to justice is provided in the main European and international legal documents, as well as at its progress under judicial interpretation

    Interlegality: On Interconnections and ‘External’ Sources

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    The development of legal governance interweaves a number of layers of legalities mutually exclusive and reluctant to partake in a global overarching and harmonising architecture. An array of legal ‘software’, self contained legal regimes pierce the veil of State systems. This article explains, also through a number of judicial cases at the Italian, European and International Courts, what a theory of inter-legality can contribute to the understanding of and how it can cope with inter-systemic issues and the overlapping of self-related normativities. It looks at the uneasiness of State legal orders vis à vis external sources and draws the lines of inter-legality as a method in adjudication and legislation, eventually turning to the inter-legal character of human rights

    Introduction : Situating Inter-Legality

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    About rights and their relation with duties and common aims

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    Los derechos humanos no expresan únicamente el respeto a la libertad y al principio de autonomía sino que también reflejan un ideal de la vida buena y pueden presentarse como condiciones mínimas de convivencia. Con los derechos se pretende evitar, sobre todo, la destrucción del tejido ético de la comunidad por lo que resulta esencial destacar su dimensión axiológica y colectiva

    Sostenibilità e moda: una prospettiva italiana

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    La pandemia actual está cambiando la atención de los consumidores hacia la adopción de una actitud más sostenible en sus elecciones de consumo. A falta de una regulación nacional e internacional específica sobre sostenibilidad, a menudo son las mismas empresas o asociaciones de empresas, como la Cámara Nacional de Moda de Italia, las que adoptan autorregulaciones para garantizar el desarrollo de un modelo de negocio más sostenible. En este sentido, la propiedad intelectual es clave para distinguir un negocio sostenible, por un lado para las actividades de investigación y desarrollo que conducen a la presentación de patentes verdes; por otro, a través de la identificación de características sostenibles de productos y servicios identificados por marcas de certificación.The current pandemic is shifting consumers’ attention towards the adoption of a more sustainable attitude in their consumption choices. Lacking of a specific international and domestic regulation concerning sustainability, it is often the same companies, or companies associations, such as the Italian National Chamber of Fashion, to adopt self-regulations to ensure the development of a more sustainable business model. In this respect, intellectual property is a key to distinguish a sustainable business, on the one hand for the research and development activities that lead to the filing of green patents; on the other, through the identification of sustainable features of products and services identified by certification marks.A atual pandemia está mudando a atenção dos consumidores para a adoção de uma atitude mais sustentável em suas escolhas de consumo. Na falta de uma regulamentação nacional e internacional específica sobre a sustentabilidade, muitas vezes são as mesmas empresas, ou associações de empresas, como a Câmara Nacional da Moda da Itália, que adotam autorregulamentações para garantir o desenvolvimento de um modelo de negócios mais sustentável. Nesse sentido, a propriedade intelectual é a chave para distinguir um negócio sustentável, por um lado, para as atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento que levam ao depósito de patentes verdes; de outro, por meio da identificação de características sustentáveis de produtos e serviços identificados por marcas de certificação