268 research outputs found
Light scalar mesons in NN decays in a chiral unitary approach
We study the four-body decays {\it meson meson} using
a chiral unitary approach to account for the meson meson final state
interaction (FSI). The calculation of the
process properly reproduces the experimental data after taking the FSI of
mesons and the contribution of intermediate meson into account. The
isoscalar resonances , and the isovector resonance
are generated through the FSI of the mesons in the channels
and ,
respectively. We also calculate the two mesons invariant mass distribution and
the partial decay width of and , on which there is still no experimental data available.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures in LaTex, version accepted by Phys. Rev.
A Typological Characterization of Organic Livestock Farms in the Natural Park Sierra de Grazalema Based on Technical and Economic Variables
This paper describes the typological characterization of the Natural Park Sierra de Grazalema (NPSG) livestock farms using its communal pastures (N = 23, 100% of population) in order to study their sustainability from 160 technical, economic and social variables (from direct on-farm data collection). A principal components analysis (PCA) produced four principal components related to size, livestock species, main productions and intensification level, explaining 73.6% of the variance. The subsequent cluster analysis classified the farms into four groups: C1 (medium size farms without sheep), C2 (large size and very extensive farms), C3 (farms with multipurpose sheep) and C4 (farms with dairy goat and without cattle). Forty-eight-point-seven percent of the surface was registered as organic but none of the farms’ commercialized products were organic. C2 and C3 (both having three ruminant species) are those farms that have more economic differences, the former generating the lowest profit, and the latter generating the highest; however, there is a risk to grasslands conservation from the current tendency that leads dairy farms to rapid intensification. Nevertheless, the very extensive farms are the most interesting for NPSG conservation and the administration should help to maintain the profitability of this sustainable traditional activity, which is necessary to conserve communal pastures
Transmit Power Minimization for MIMO Systems of Exponential Average BER with Fixed Outage Probability
This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Dian-Wu Yue, and Yichuang Sun, ‘Transmit Power Minimization for MIMO Systems of Exponential Average BER with Fixed Outage Probability’, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 90 (4): 1951-1970, first available online on 20 June 2016. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 20 June 2017. The final publication is available at Springer via https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11277-016-3432-4This paper is concerned with a wireless multiple-antenna system operating in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels with channel state information being known at both transmitter and receiver. By spatiotemporal subchannel selection and power control, it aims to minimize the average transmit power (ATP) of the MIMO system while achieving an exponential type of average bit error rate (BER) for each data stream. Under the constraints on each subchannel that individual outage probability and average BER are given, based on a traditional upper bound and a dynamic upper bound of Q function, two closed-form ATP expressions are derived, respectively, which can result in two different power allocation schemes. Numerical results are provided to validate the theoretical analysis, and show that the power allocation scheme with the dynamic upper bound can achieve more power savings than the one with the traditional upper bound.Peer reviewe
Jaw biodynamic data for 24 patients with chronic unilateral temporomandibular disorder
This study assessed 24 adult patients, suffering from severe chronic unilateral pain diagnosed as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD). The full dentate patients had normal occlusion and had never received an occlusal therapy, i.e., were with natural dental evolution/maturation. The following functional and dynamic factors were assessed: (1) chewing function; (2) TMJ remodeling or the condylar path (CP); and (3) lateral jaw motion or lateral guidance (LG). CPs were assessed using conventional axiography, and LG was assessed by K7 jaw tracking. Seventeen (71%) of the 24 (100%) patients consistently showed a habitual chewing side. The mean (standard deviation [SD]) of the CP angles was 47.90 (9.24) degrees. The mean (SD) of the LG angles was 42.95 (11.78) degrees. Data collection emerged from the conception of a new TMD paradigm where the affected side could be the habitual chewing side, the side with flatter lateral jaw motion or the side with an increased CP angle. These data may lead to improved diagnosis, therapy plans and evolution in TMD patients
Distance disintegration characterizes node-level topological dysfunctions in cocaine addiction
Previous investigations have used global graph theory measures in order to disentangle the complexity of the neural reorganizations occurring in cocaine use disorder (CUD). However, how these global topological alterations map into individual brain network areas remains unknown. In this study, we used resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data to investigate node-level topological dysfunctions in CUD. The sample was composed of 32 individuals with CUD and 32 healthy controls, matched in age, years of education and intellectual functioning. Graph theory measures of optimal connectivity distance, node strength, nodal efficiency and clustering coefficient were estimated in each participant using voxel-wise functional connectivity connectomes. CUD individuals as compared with healthy controls showed higher optimal connectivity distances in ventral striatum, insula, cerebellum, temporal cortex, lateral orbitofrontal cortex, middle frontal cortex and left hippocampus. Furthermore, clinical measures quantifying severity of dependence were positively related with optimal connectivity distances in the right rolandic operculum and the right lateral orbitofrontal cortex, whereas length of abstinence was negatively associated with optimal connectivity distances in the right temporal pole and the left insula. Our results reveal a topological distancing of cognitive and affective related areas in addiction, suggesting an overall reduction in the communication capacity of these regions. © 2021 The Authors. Addiction Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for the Study of Addiction
A Constitutive Model for the Annulus of Human Intervertebral Disc: Implications for Developing a Degeneration Model and Its Influence on Lumbar Spine Functioning
The study of the mechanical properties of the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral discs is significant to the study on the diseases of lumbar intervertebral discs in terms of both theoretical modelling and clinical application value. The annulus fibrosus tissue of the human intervertebral disc (IVD) has a very distinctive structure and behaviour. It consists of a solid porous matrix, saturated with water, which mainly contains proteoglycan and collagen fibres network. In this work a mathematical model for a fibred reinforced material including the osmotic pressure contribution was developed. This behaviour was implemented in a finite element (FE) model and numerical characterization and validation, based on experimental results, were carried out for the normal annulus tissue. The characterization of the model for a degenerated annulus was performed, and this was capable of reproducing the increase of stiffness and the reduction of its nonlinear material response and of its hydrophilic nature. Finally, this model was used to reproduce the degeneration of the L4L5 disc in a complete finite element lumbar spine model proving that a single level degeneration modifies the motion patterns and the loading of the segments above and below the degenerated disc
Monitoring new long-lasting intravitreal formulation for glaucoma with vitreous images using optical coherence tomography
Intravitreal injection is the gold standard therapeutic option for posterior segment patholo-gies, and long-lasting release is necessary to avoid reinjections. There is no effective intravitreal treatment for glaucoma or other optic neuropathies in daily practice, nor is there a non-invasive method to monitor drug levels in the vitreous. Here we show that a glaucoma treatment combining a hypotensive and neuroprotective intravitreal formulation (IF) of brimonidine–Laponite (BRI/LAP) can be monitored non-invasively using vitreoretinal interface imaging captured with optical coherence tomography (OCT) over 24 weeks of follow-up. Qualitative and quantitative characterisation was achieved by analysing the changes in vitreous (VIT) signal intensity, expressed as a ratio of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) intensity. Vitreous hyperreflective aggregates mixed in the vitreous and tended to settle on the retinal surface. Relative intensity and aggregate size progressively decreased over 24 weeks in treated rat eyes as the BRI/LAP IF degraded. VIT/RPE relative intensity and total aggregate area correlated with brimonidine levels measured in the eye. The OCT-derived VIT/RPE relative intensity may be a useful and objective marker for non-invasive monitoring of BRI/LAP IF
La teleconsulta de úlceras y heridas
Asegurar la continuidad de cuidados de enfermería en la atención prestada como modelo de interrelación entre profesionales de los diferentes niveles asistenciales, confiere elementos de mejora de los procesos asistenciales, poniendo a disposición del ciudadano la mejora de la calidad asistencial ,donde los registros enfermeros, a través de distintas modalidades facilitan la calidad y continuidad de la asistencia reconocida en múltiples artículos de relevancia enfermera .
En la actualidad una interconsulta enfermera es una realidad. Gracias al diseño de un modelo normalizado y de una herramienta de trabajo fiable como es la informática y por su alta resolución de los mensajes enviados a través de correo electrónico (E-mail), también denominada por los profesionales como "Teleconsulta".
La implantación de este informe de interconsulta ha sido compleja, por lo novedoso en el ámbito del cuidado enfermero, por la relación entre los distintos niveles a través de interlocución de una unidad de úlceras que su actividad es fundamentalmente ambulatoria, así como las dificultades de la integración del proceso deterioro de la integridad cutánea.
Presentamos en este trabajo las consultas realizadas a una Unidad de Enfermería dermatológica, ulceras y heridas (referente), por los compañeros del departamento 9 de salud de la Agencia Valenciana de Salud e incluso de otros departamentos, para la agilización en la resolución de los casos presentados.Enfermerí
Dermatitis atopica (DA): hidratación y plan de cuidados
Hablamos de una patología tan sencilla como problemática para la población ya que su hábitat es principalmente el infantil y que angustia a los adultos por verse inmersos en una irritabilidad y desasosiego del niño por una xerosis o sequedad de la piel que no pone en peligro su vida.
Podemos encontrarnos que la etiología es muy sencilla y que por supuesto el tratamiento médico y los cuidados de enfermería son tan simples como el cuidado diario de nuestra piel pero exceptuando que es una piel enferma y por tanto especial en su cuidado, con un diagnóstico de enfermería del Deterioro de la Integridad Cutánea de fácil solución apoyándonos en las intervenciones NIC, 3584 y 3590; diagnóstico de enfermería de Riesgo de Infección con la intervención 6540 como base y el diagnostico enfermero de Ansiedad y las intervenciones 5240, 7130 y 4430; aplicando las actividades necesarias para su resolución.
Los objetivos de los cuidados son evitar los factores de riesgo de la dermatitis atópica, el restablecimiento graso de la barrera cutánea y el riego de infección.Enfermerí
El pie de un diabético
Paciente de 38 años de edad, con antecedentes personales de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 desde los 14 años e IRC en tratamiento en diálisis, que acude a nuestra unidad en mayo del 2005 por UPP en sacro de III grado (clasificación de la National pressure ulcer advisorypanel), y dehiscencia quirúrgica necrosada en pierna izquierda por safenectomía y ya ambas cicatrizada. El paciente tiene un largo historial clínico debido a su enfermedad metabólica y a la mala aceptación de la misma desde que era joven. En los informes se hacen varias referencias a este hecho: era fumador, no acudía a las revisiones con el endocrino, no se realizaba controles sistemáticos de lo niveles de glucemia, ni llevaba una dieta acorde con su enfermedad. Todos estos hechos favorecieron la aparición precoz de las consecuencias derivadas de la diabetes: vasculopatía de pequeños y de grandes vasos.Enfermerí
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