62 research outputs found

    Alergia alimentaria a proteínas de leche de vaca: mecanismos inmunológicos en sensibilización alérgica alimentaria, implicaciones diagnósticas y pronósticas.

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    La alergia a proteínas de leche de vaca es una de las causas más frecuente de alergia alimentaria en niños, afectando a un 2-5% de la población infantil. La alergia a la leche es una reacción adversa mediada por un mecanismo inmunológico frente a las proteínas del alimento. Se han sugerido varios mecanismos favorecedores de esta falta de tolerancia inmunológica y diversos factores asociados o modificadores. En los últimos años el aumento de la prevalencia de la alergia alimentaria de forma global ha suscitado un renovado interés por ampliar el conocimiento más profundo de esta entidad. Se hace necesario optimizar el diagnóstico y mejorar las herramientas disponibles, así como buscar nuevas técnicas o procedimientos que aseguren detectar estos pacientes de forma precoz y rápida, con el mejor resultado posible valorando el riesgo/beneficio que conlleva cualquier procedimiento. El propósito de esta Tesis se puede resumir en los siguientes objetivos: Determinar si la desensibilización alimentaria es un método válido y seguro como procedimiento terapéutico en la pacientes con alergia grave a proteínas de leche de vaca, además de identificar las características clínicas de los pacientes con alergia persistente a proteínas de leche y posibles marcadores biológicos que ayuden a identificarlos y evaluar la evolución del proceso de desensibilización alérgica. El diagnóstico se realiza según protocolos establecidos previamente. En los pacientes con evolución desfavorable en los que persiste la sensibilización alergénica con factores de mal pronóstico se valora la indicación de realizar una desensibilización alimentaria. A modo de conclusiones, el presente trabajo confirma que el procedimiento de desensibilización alimentaria a leche de vaca utilizado en este estudio es un método válido, eficaz y seguro en pacientes con alergia a proteínas de leche de vaca grave persistente, logrando la tolerancia clínica a corto plazo. Del mismo modo, demuestra que el mantenimiento de la inmunoterapia oral con alimentos induce cambios inmunológicos a largo plazo que pueden derivar en la tolerancia definitiva, alcanzando la normalización en la dieta del paciente alérgico a leche y mejorando la calidad de vida del paciente y su entorno familiar

    Sugammadex revierte el bloqueo inducido por rocuronio en cesáreas: serie de 7 casos clínicos

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    La relajación neuromuscular con rocuronio a 0,9 ó 1,2mg/kg ha demostrado ser una alternativa a la succinilcolina en la inducción de secuencia rápida (ISR) 1,2,5. Sin embargo, la duración de su efecto suele exceder el tiempo necesario para realizar una cesárea. Se presenta una serie de 7 casos de cesáreas bajo Anestesia General en los que se hizo una ISR con rocuronio y se revirtió la relajación neuromuscular con sugammadex al finalizar la intervención

    Explaining shopping behavior in a market economy country: A short-term mathematical model applied to the case of Spain

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    [EN] In recent decades, pathological consumption has become a growing behavioral misbehavior. Impulsive consumption is governed by two internal behavioral mechanisms that respond fundamentally to the hedonism or Pascal effect and to the emulation or Veblen effect. Today's development of technology acts as a catalyst of consumption by increasing access and availability to products, as well as the advertisement impact. This paper presents a compartmental discrete matrix mathematical model that allows short-term estimates of ordinary, impulsive, and pathological buyers in Spain in three different economic scenarios. The results show that impulsive and pathological buyers will increase in all the economic scenarios. Notable differences in the number of ordinary buyers are found for the group aged over 65 years.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Grant/Award Numbers: Spanish MTM2017-89664-PMerello, P.; De La Poza, E.; Jódar Sánchez, LA. (2020). Explaining shopping behavior in a market economy country: A short-term mathematical model applied to the case of Spain. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 43(14):8089-8104. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.6072S808981044314Reith, G. (2004). Consumption and its discontents: addiction, identity and the problems of freedom. The British Journal of Sociology, 55(2), 283-300. doi:10.1111/j.1468-4446.2004.00019.xAlthofer J Musgrove B. “A Ghost in Daylight” Drugs and the Horror of Modernity. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave Communications; 2018 4 112.Hunter, K. M. B. (2016). Shopaholic stories: Tales of therapeutic addiction, governance, and political economy. Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(4), 497-519. doi:10.1177/1469540516684186Tsai, W. S., Yang, Q., & Liu, Y. (2013). Young Chinese Consumers’ Snob and Bandwagon Luxury Consumption Preferences. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 25(5), 290-304. doi:10.1080/08961530.2013.827081Leibenstein, H. (1950). Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers’ Demand. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 64(2), 183. doi:10.2307/1882692Ozen, H., & Engizek, N. (2014). Shopping online without thinking: being emotional or rational? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(1), 78-93. doi:10.1108/apjml-06-2013-0066Ryabov, I. (2016). Conspicuous consumption among Hispanics: Evidence from the Consumer Expenditure Survey. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 44, 68-76. doi:10.1016/j.rssm.2016.02.003Raafat, R. M., Chater, N., & Frith, C. (2009). Herding in humans. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(10), 420-428. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2009.08.002Goldthorpe, J. H. (2015). Sociology as a Population Science. doi:10.1017/cbo9781316412565Haddad, W. M., Chellaboina, V., & Nersesov, S. G. (2002). Hybrid nonnegative and computational dynamical systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 8(6), 493-515. doi:10.1080/1024123021000066426García, I., Jódar, L., Merello, P., & Santonja, F.-J. (2011). A discrete mathematical model for addictive buying: Predicting the affected population evolution. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(7-8), 1634-1637. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.12.012Edman, J., & Berndt, J. (2017). Oniomaniacs: the popular framing of consumption as a disease. Addiction Research & Theory, 26(6), 431-438. doi:10.1080/16066359.2017.1396585Kurt, D., Inman, J. J., & Gino, F. (2018). Religious shoppers spend less money. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 78, 116-124. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2018.03.019Mihić, M., Anić, I.-D., & Kursan Milaković, I. (2018). Time spent shopping and consumer clothing purchasing behaviour. Ekonomski pregled, 69(2), 89-105. doi:10.32910/ep.69.2.1Niesiobędzka, M. (2018). An experimental study of the bandwagon effect in conspicuous consumption. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 6(1), 26-33. doi:10.5114/cipp.2017.67896De la Poza, E., Guadalajara, N., Jódar, L., & Merello, P. (2013). Modeling Spanish anxiolytic consumption: Economic, demographic and behavioral influences. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(7-8), 1619-1624. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.10.020Fischhoff, B., & Kadvany, J. (2011). Risk. doi:10.1093/actrade/9780199576203.001.0001Graham A.Kronocker Products and Matrix Calculus: With Applications. New York USA: John Wiley and Sons; 1981. a:22; b: 25; c:27.VENN, S., BURNINGHAM, K., CHRISTIE, I., & JACKSON, T. (2015). Consumption junkies or sustainable consumers: considering the grocery shopping practices of those transitioning to retirement. Ageing and Society, 37(1), 14-38. doi:10.1017/s0144686x15000975Müller, A., Mitchell, J. E., & de Zwaan, M. (2015). Compulsive buying. The American Journal on Addictions, 24(2), 132-137. doi:10.1111/ajad.12111Yi, S. (2013). Heterogeneity of compulsive buyers based on impulsivity and compulsivity dimensions: A latent profile analytic approach. Psychiatry Research, 208(2), 174-182. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2012.09.058Schlosser, S., Black, D. W., Repertinger, S., & Freet, D. (1994). Compulsive buying. General Hospital Psychiatry, 16(3), 205-212. doi:10.1016/0163-8343(94)90103-1Faber, R. J., & O’Guinn, T. C. (1992). A Clinical Screener for Compulsive Buying. Journal of Consumer Research, 19(3), 459. doi:10.1086/209315Ridgway, N. M., Kukar-Kinney, M., & Monroe, K. B. (2008). An Expanded Conceptualization and a New Measure of Compulsive Buying. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(4), 622-639. doi:10.1086/591108BelkRW.Third World Consumer Culture Marketing and Development Erdogan Kumuc and A. Fuat Firat eds. Greenwich CT: JAI; 1988 103‐127.Hoffman, D. L., & Novak, T. P. (1996). Marketing in Hypermedia Computer-Mediated Environments: Conceptual Foundations. Journal of Marketing, 60(3), 50. doi:10.2307/1251841Babin, B. J., & Attaway, J. S. (2000). Atmospheric Affect as a Tool for Creating Value and Gaining Share of Customer. Journal of Business Research, 49(2), 91-99. doi:10.1016/s0148-2963(99)00011-9Klein, J. F., Falk, T., Esch, F.-R., & Gloukhovtsev, A. (2016). Linking pop-up brand stores to brand experience and word of mouth: The case of luxury retail. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5761-5767. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.172QasemZ.Technostress effect in consumer context: the negative effect of following social media influencers. In: Dwivedi Y. Ayaburi E. Boateng R. Effah J. (eds) ICT unbounded social impact of bright ICT adoption. TDIT 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Springer Cham 2019; vol 558.Germano, R. (2018). Outsourcing Welfare. Oxford Scholarship Online. doi:10.1093/oso/9780190862848.001.0001Cancian, S., & Wegge, S. A. (2016). ‘If it is not too expensive, then you can send me sugar’: money matters among migrants and their families. The History of the Family, 21(3), 350-367. doi:10.1080/1081602x.2016.1147372Bilgili, Ö. (2015). Economic Integration to Send Money Back Home? Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 13(4), 379-400. doi:10.1080/15562948.2015.1017630Essoo, N., & Dibb, S. (2004). Religious Influences on Shopping Behaviour: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Marketing Management, 20(7-8), 683-712. doi:10.1362/0267257041838728deLeonDiario. Pensión soledad y salud acaparan la preocupación de los jubilados. Available at:http://www.diariodeleon.es/noticias/sociedad/pension-soledad-salud-acaparan-preocupacion-jubilados_65124.html(Accessed 21.09.2018) (In Spanish).Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Remesas e inclusión financiera. (2016). 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Encuesta sobre religiosidad. Available at:http://www.cis.es/cis/export/sites/default/-Archivos/Marginales/2740_2759/2752/Cru275200EDAD.html(Accessed 05.01.2019) (In Spanish).Eurostat Indicator at‐risk of poverty rate of unemployed persons. Available at:https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=table&init=1&language=en&pcode=tesem210&plugin=1(Accessed 05.01.2019)MacLaren, V. V., & Best, L. A. (2010). Multiple addictive behaviors in young adults: Student norms for the Shorter PROMIS Questionnaire. Addictive Behaviors, 35(3), 252-255. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2009.09.023Maraz, A., Griffiths, M. D., & Demetrovics, Z. (2016). The prevalence of compulsive buying: a meta-analysis. Addiction, 111(3), 408-419. doi:10.1111/add.13223Koran, L. M., Faber, R. J., Aboujaoude, E., Large, M. D., & Serpe, R. T. (2006). Estimated Prevalence of Compulsive Buying Behavior in the United States. American Journal of Psychiatry, 163(10), 1806-1812. doi:10.1176/ajp.2006.163.10.1806Black, D. W. (2007). 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    Modeling Political Corruption in Spain

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    [EN] Political corruption is a universal phenomenon. Even though it is a cross-country reality, its level of intensity and the manner of its effect vary worldwide. In Spain, the demonstrated political corruption cases that have been echoed by the media in recent years for their economic, judicial and social significance are merely the tip of the iceberg as regards a problem hidden by many interested parties, plus the shortage of the means to fight against it. This study models and quantifies the population at risk of committing political corruption in Spain by identifying and quantifying the drivers that explain political corruption. Having quantified the problem, the model allows changes to be made in parameters, as well as fiscal, economic and legal measures being simulated, to quantify and better understand their impact on Spanish citizenship. Our results suggest increasing women's leadership positions to mitigate this problem, plus changes in the political Parties' Law in Spain and increasing the judiciary system's budget.De La Poza, E.; Jódar Sánchez, LA.; Merello, P. (2021). Modeling Political Corruption in Spain. Mathematics. 9(9):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/math90909521199

    7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21)

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    Information and communication technologies together with new teaching paradigms are reshaping the learning environment.The International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd) aims to become a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences,opinions and research results relating to the preparation of students and the organization of educational systems.Doménech I De Soria, J.; Merello Giménez, P.; Poza Plaza, EDL. (2021). 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD21.2021.13621EDITORIA

    Oral mite anaphylaxis by Thyreophagus entomophagus in a child: a case report

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    Sensitization to Thyreophagus entomophagus, a storage mite, is uncommon and might produce occupational respiratory disorders in farmers. We present the first case of a child suffering anaphylaxis produced by ingestion of contaminated flour with Thyreophagus entomophagus

    Interaction in spoken academic discourse in an EMI context: the use of questions

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    Studies on metadiscourse (Hyland 2005) have focussed on engagement as interaction. An example of engagement is asking questions (Hyland 2009: 112) and indeed the importance of questioning for content learning has been researched extensively in pedagogical studies as fundamental in co-constructing meaning (Dafouz Milne &amp; Sanchez Garcia 2013: 130). Research in an English Mediated Instruction (EMI) context found that teachers’ usage of questions in the classroom was affected by low levels of language competence and in these cases, strategies such as questioning could easily be underused or even misused, thus affecting the teaching and learning of content (Drljaca Margic &amp; Vodopija-Krstanovic 2018: 32). Our study examines lecturer questioning at an Italian University by triangulating face-to-face surveys of lecturers, student questionnaires, and transcribed lecture recordings. Findings have practical applications for providing targeted coaching for non-native EMI lecturers with regard to appropriate linguistic strategies to encourage interaction, and also have implications for research into linguistic strategies used within EMI. Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE <w:LsdException Locked="falseJohnson, JH.; Picciuolo, M. (2020). Interaction in spoken academic discourse in an EMI context: the use of questions. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):211-219. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11018OCS21121930-05-202

    Predicting workaholism in Spain: a discrete mathematical model

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    At the present time one of the most 'desirable' behavioural addictions that any person could develop is workaholism, a negative psychological state characterized by working excessively and compulsively. In our society, the successful person is one who spends all of their time working. Moreover, a common pattern of company management consists of stressing and putting pressure on employees to achieve the maximum profit. This trend has increased with the economic crisis in Spain and over the world. As a consequence, the terms hard working and workaholism are easily confounded, but their effects on the companies are highly different in terms of productivity. This paper proposes a discrete mathematical model to forecast the development of workaholism in Spain in the next years. A questionnaire is used in order to measure and classify our sample in subpopulations by their level of addiction. Then, different economic scenarios are simulated. Finally, economic and social consequences of this addiction are studied and public health recommendations are suggested.De La Poza, E.; Líbano, MD.; García, I.; Jódar Sánchez, LA.; Merello Giménez, P. (2014). Predicting workaholism in Spain: a discrete mathematical model. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 91(2):233-240. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207160.2013.783205S233240912Schou Andreassen, C., Ursin, H., & Eriksen, H. R. (2007). The relationship between strong motivation to work, «workaholism», and health. Psychology & Health, 22(5), 615-629. doi:10.1080/14768320600941814Bowling, N. A., Beehr, T. A., & Swader, W. M. (2005). Giving and receiving social support at work: The roles of personality and reciprocity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67(3), 476-489. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2004.08.004Burke, R. J., & Koksal, H. (2002). Workaholism among a Sample of Turkish Managers and Professionals: An Exploratory Study. Psychological Reports, 91(1), 60-68. doi:10.2466/pr0.2002.91.1.60Burke, R. J., Oberklaid, F., & Burgess, Z. (2004). Workaholism among Australian women psychologists: antecedents and consequences. Women in Management Review, 19(5), 252-259. doi:10.1108/09649420410545971De la Poza, E., Guadalajara, N., Jódar, L., & Merello, P. (2013). Modeling Spanish anxiolytic consumption: Economic, demographic and behavioral influences. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(7-8), 1619-1624. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.10.020Duato, R., & Jódar, L. (2013). Mathematical modeling of the spread of divorce in Spain. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(7-8), 1732-1737. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.11.020Fry, L. W., & Cohen, M. P. (2008). Spiritual Leadership as a Paradigm for Organizational Transformation and Recovery from Extended Work Hours Cultures. Journal of Business Ethics, 84(S2), 265-278. doi:10.1007/s10551-008-9695-2García, I., Jódar, L., Merello, P., & Santonja, F.-J. (2011). A discrete mathematical model for addictive buying: Predicting the affected population evolution. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(7-8), 1634-1637. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.12.012Gustafsson, P. E., Janlert, U., Virtanen, P., & Hammarström, A. (2012). The association between long-term accumulation of temporary employment, the cortisol awakening response and circadian cortisol levels. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(6), 789-800. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.09.011Hochschild, A. (1997). The Time Bind. WorkingUSA, 1(2), 21-29. doi:10.1111/j.1743-4580.1997.tb00019.xNelder, J. A., & Mead, R. (1965). A Simplex Method for Function Minimization. The Computer Journal, 7(4), 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308Ng, T. W. H., Sorensen, K. L., & Feldman, D. C. (2006). Dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of workaholism: a conceptual integration and extension. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(1), 111-136. doi:10.1002/job.424W.E. Oates,Confessions of a Workaholic: The Facts about Work Addiction, World Publishing Company, New York, 1971.Raafat, R. M., Chater, N., & Frith, C. (2009). Herding in humans. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(10), 420-428. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2009.08.002Robinson, B. E., & Post, P. (1997). Risk of Addiction to Work and Family Functioning. Psychological Reports, 81(1), 91-95. doi:10.2466/pr0.1997.81.1.91Schaufeli, W. B., & Bakker, A. B. (2004). Job demands, job resources, and their relationship with burnout and engagement: a multi-sample study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(3), 293-315. doi:10.1002/job.248Schaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., & Salanova, M. (2006). The Measurement of Work Engagement With a Short Questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66(4), 701-716. doi:10.1177/0013164405282471Schaufeli, W. B., Taris, T. W., & van Rhenen, W. (2008). Workaholism, Burnout, and Work Engagement: Three of a Kind or Three Different Kinds of Employee Well-being? Applied Psychology, 57(2), 173-203. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2007.00285.xSchaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., van der Heijden, F. M. M. A., & Prins, J. T. (2009). Workaholism, burnout and well-being among junior doctors: The mediating role of role conflict. Work & Stress, 23(2), 155-172. doi:10.1080/02678370902834021Shimazu, A., Schaufeli, W. B., & Taris, T. W. (2010). How Does Workaholism Affect Worker Health and Performance? The Mediating Role of Coping. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17(2), 154-160. doi:10.1007/s12529-010-9077-xSonnentag, S. (2003). Recovery, work engagement, and proactive behavior: A new look at the interface between nonwork and work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(3), 518-528. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.88.3.518Yaniv, G. (2011). Workaholism and marital estrangement: A rational-choice perspective. Mathematical Social Sciences, 61(2), 104-108. doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2010.11.00

    Universities’ reporting on sdgs: using the impact rankings to model and measure their contribution to sustainability

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    Higher education institutions (HEIs) have voiced growing concerns about sustainability issues since Agenda 2030 was approved, but this is not enough for societal stakeholders seeking and delivering innovation and excellence. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action, and pose a challenge for HEIs as for the efforts made to fulfill them and knowing how to assess their performance. However, the metric management system implemented by HEIs quickly led to rankings emerging, which compare HEIs to metrics not related to the sustainability dimensions of the 17 SDGs. The main aim of the paper is to assess the level of reporting and alignment of SDG achievements with the overall the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking score. For this purpose, our study (i) models and quantifies the impact of HEIs’ disclosure of SDG information on HEIs’ overall THE Impact Rankings score, (ii) analyzes whether the best ranked universities are indeed significantly related to different SDGs than other not-so-well-ranked ones, and (iii) models the differences in the overall score and its alignment with distinct SDGs by dimensions, subjects, and geographical regions. In order to do so, a descriptive analysis, non-parametric tests, and linear and logistic regression analyses were performed. Our results reveal that the overall ranking is related to the reporting of HEIs’ SDG achievements. Moreover, the more positive actions related to health, education, industry, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and partnerships there were, the higher the position of HEIs in the general ranking was. However, we found differences between top-ranking universities and others in geographical location, disclosed information, and impact. Thus, the best-ranked universities are more committed to transferring knowledge to industry to satisfy its needs (SDG9), support strong institutions in their countries, and promote peace and justice (SDG16). Finally, SDG9 and SDG17 are the most relevant and constant SDGs when modeling the alignment of SDGs with HEIs’ dimensions (teaching, research, citations, industry income, international outlook) and subjects (technological and social sciences and humanities). HEIs integrating SDG actions into the strategic management of universities and, consequently, reporting their SDG performance to promote sustainability and contribute to sustainable development, is advisable

    Depiction of Major Mite Allergens in Severe Allergic Rhinitis with High Mite Perennial Exposure

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    Objective: Airway diseases, including allergic rhinitis, are prompted by specific IgE antibodies against airborne allergens and notably those derived from mites. The presented study focused on the specific IgE immediate response to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D. pteronyssinus) mite major allergens and the corresponding pertinence of molecular diagnosis in patients bothered with severe persistent rhinitis.Methods: Individuals exhibiting confirmed sensitization to D. pteronyssinus along with a clinical diagnosis of coexisting severe allergic rhinitis were included in the study. In vivo investigations encompassed intradermal testing with a battery of standardized allergenic extracts, concurrent with in vitro specific IgE to the crude extract of D. pteronyssinus, and associated individual molecular allergens were assessed.Results: Fifty-five out of 59 subjects showed serodominant IgE responses to the major allergens Der p 1, Der p 2 and Der p 23. Both Der p 2 and Der p 23 reached a prevalence above 80%, while group 10 allergen tropomyosin was scarcely depicted (<10%) and exclusively present in younger individuals.Conclusion: The proposed component-resolved diagnosis panel accurately recognized 93.22% of D. pteronyssinus allergic patients. The raised seroprevalence of IgE response to Der p 23 also confirmed this constituent as a major D. pteronyssinus allergen in severe allergic rhinitis. A molecular approach appears to be essential to frame a more precise diagnosis and eventually a personalized immunotherapy regarding this allergic condition