578 research outputs found

    Dance and Disability: A Look at Integrated Dance as Art and Therapy, and its Impact on Society

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    Dance and Disability: A Look at Integrated Dance as Art and Therapy, and its Impact on Society is a research thesis. For my thesis, I set out to discover exactly what integrated dance is and how it is considered to be both therapy and art. I incorporated research on how integrated dance is viewed by society, as well as a section on how to spread education on disability. My thesis also includes a detailed description of an interview with Occupational Therapist, Nicole Palminteri, as well as my personal reflection on the research I discovered and the topic in general. In conducting my research, I used many secondary sources including books, journals, conference proceedings, videos, and newspaper reviews. I also incorporated research from dance company websites. My research discoveries were confirmed by my primary source, an occupational therapist in the field. Ultimately, my thesis not only introduces the idea of integrated dance, but it also proves how it can be considered both an art and therapy

    Studying and improving reasoning in humans and machines

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    In the present study, we investigate and compare reasoning in large language models (LLM) and humans using a selection of cognitive psychology tools traditionally dedicated to the study of (bounded) rationality. To do so, we presented to human participants and an array of pretrained LLMs new variants of classical cognitive experiments, and cross-compared their performances. Our results showed that most of the included models presented reasoning errors akin to those frequently ascribed to error-prone, heuristic-based human reasoning. Notwithstanding this superficial similarity, an in-depth comparison between humans and LLMs indicated important differences with human-like reasoning, with models limitations disappearing almost entirely in more recent LLMs releases. Moreover, we show that while it is possible to devise strategies to induce better performance, humans and machines are not equally-responsive to the same prompting schemes. We conclude by discussing the epistemological implications and challenges of comparing human and machine behavior for both artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology.Comment: The paper is split in 4 parts : main text (pages 2-27), methods (pages 28-34), technical appendix (pages 35-45) and supplementary methods (pages 46-125

    LA RIFORMA DEL TITOLO V DELLA COSTITUZIONE:problematiche e nuove proposte di revisione

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    La tesi traccia una breve evoluzione del regionalismo italiano, partendo dalla nascita delle Regioni e soffermandosi sulle cause che hanno indotto il legislatore nazionale a intervenire modificando l'assetto preesistente attraverso la riforma del Titolo V parte seconda della Costituzione, per soffermarsi successivamente sulle cause del fallimento della riforma stessa, e sulle conseguenti nuove proposte di revisione del testo costituzionale