2,732 research outputs found

    The occlusion illusion: Partial modal completion or apparent distance?

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    In the occlusion illusion, the visible portion of a partly occluded object (eg a semicircle partly hidden behind a rectangle) appears to be significantly larger than a physically identical region that is fully visible. This illusion may occur either because the visual system 'fills in' a thin strip along the occluded border (the partial-modal-completion hypothesis) or because the partly occluded object is perceived as farther away (the apparent-distance hypothesis). We measured the magnitude of the occlusion illusion psychophysically in several experiments to investigate its causes. The results of experiments 1-3 are consistent with the general proposal that the magnitude of the illusion varies with the strength of the evidence for occlusion, supporting the inference that it is due to occlusion. Experiment 4 provides a critical test between apparent-distance and partial-modal-completion explanations by determining whether the increase in apparent size of the occluded region results from a change in its perceived shape (due to the modal extension of the occluded shape along the occluding edge, as predicted by the partial-modal-completion hypothesis) or from a change in its perceived overall size (as predicted by the apparent-distance hypothesis). The results more strongly support the partial-modal-completion hypothesis

    Investigating the role of a dynamin-actin interaction

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    Endocytosis is a fundamental cellular process which facilitates the uptake of lipids and proteins from the plasma membrane. During endocytosis, the plasma membrane is internalised through the formation of an invagination, which is then pinched off to form a vesicle. Endocytosed vesicles are then able to fuse with endosomal compartments allowing cargo to be sorted within the endo-lysosomal system. One of the most well characterised forms of endocytosis is clathrin mediated, which takes place in distinct stages. These include coat and clathrin recruitment, membrane invagination and finally scission which releases the vesicle into the cytoplasm. Cells require many different molecules to orchestrate each stage including the GTPase dynamin and cytoskeletal protein actin. Dynamin facilitates the scission stage of endocytosis where it oligomerises around the vesicle neck and, through the hydrolysis of GTP, enables scission. Furthermore dynamin-1 has been reported to bind directly to actin. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) actin is essential to endocytic invagination in order to overcome turgor pressure. Yeast contain a dynamin-like protein Vps1 which acts during endocytic scission and has orthology with dynamin-1. In this thesis the direct interaction between Vps1 and actin was explored to elucidate how this interaction may be required during endocytosis. It is understood that both dynamin and actin are involved in other cellular processes and therefore the knowledge gained from investigating this interaction during endocytosis may well provide new insight into how these two molecules work together in other molecular systems. Thus, mutations found to perturb the Vps1-actin interaction were created in human dynamin-1 and preliminary results suggest this could have an effect on mammalian cell endocytosis and cell migration. This project has identified a novel Vps1-actin interaction which is required for the scission stage of yeast endocytosis. It also describes a point mutation in Vps1 E461K, which has been found to cause an early stage endocytic defect

    A multiproxy analysis of extreme wave deposits in a tropical coastal lagoon in Jamaica, West Indies

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    The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Caribbean Region are vulnerable to natural hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis and tropical cyclones that can cause widespread devastation. Sedimentary archives of these hazards are often well-preserved in coastal lagoons; however, few studies in the Caribbean have adopted a multiproxy approach to their reconstruction. Here, we present a 1200-year multiproxy record of extreme washover events deposited within a coastal mangrove lagoon on the south coast of Jamaica. Manatee Bay lagoon is a permanent fresh-brackish-water mangrove lagoon separated from the Caribbean Sea by a low-elevation carbonate beach. Fifteen sediment cores recovered along five shore-normal transects contain ostracod-rich authigenic carbonate lake muds interspersed with beds of organic lake mud and mangrove peat. The cores contain evidence of multiple palaeo-washover deposits that are readily distinguished by their sedimentology, geochemistry and microfossil assemblages. Hypersaline conditions dominated the early part of the record (~ 800 to 900 CE), and we infer a freshening of lagoonal waters and the subsequent expansion of the mangrove community following an extreme wave event that occurred some time before ~ 1290 to 1400 CE. We constrain the primary historical-washover deposit to 1810–1924 CE (2σ; 71% probability), a period characterised by extreme tectonic and meteorological events, which include the Great Kingston Earthquake of 1907 and a local episode of enhanced hurricane activity. Whilst the balance of circumstantial evidence indicates that the deposit was probably emplaced during the tsunami generated by the 1907 earthquake, we are currently unable to differentiate between tectonically and meteorologically driven washover events based on their sedimentological characteristics

    Ten-Year Trends in Children’s Caloric-Beverage Consumption and Behavioral Intent

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    Soft drinks, fruit juice and milk are the most common caloric-beverages consumed by adolescents and teens. We report the ten-year trends in the percentage of daily calories consumed in the form of caloric-beverages from a broad sample of fifth-grade students in the United States. This is a major area of concern related to dietary quality and body weight amongst children. The study was conducted from 2001-2011 through the Healthy Hearts for Kids (HH4K) online instructional program. A total of 17,559 students from 1,048 schools in 49 US states participated. Results reveal there were no changes across the ten-year period in reported fruit juice and milk consumption in the past week. There was a significant downward trend in soft drink consumption in the ten-year period. Juice consumption was positively correlated with soft drink and milk consumption in the past week. Soft drink consumption was positively correlated with milk consumption. The intent to drink two or more soft drinks tomorrow was significantly related to soft drink consumption in the last week and to expected soft drink consumption a year from now. The intent to drink two or more soft drinks in a day one year from now was not related to reported soft drink consumption in the last week. The intent to drink two or more soft drinks tomorrow was not correlated with juice consumption in the past week or with milk consumption in the past week. In conclusion, soft drink consumption declined, but there were no changes in consumption of milk and fruit juice. Soft drinks did not appear to displace either milk or fruit juice. These participants appear to be aware that soft drinks are a less healthy choice

    'Part'ly first among equals: Semantic part-based benchmarking for state-of-the-art object recognition systems

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    An examination of object recognition challenge leaderboards (ILSVRC, PASCAL-VOC) reveals that the top-performing classifiers typically exhibit small differences amongst themselves in terms of error rate/mAP. To better differentiate the top performers, additional criteria are required. Moreover, the (test) images, on which the performance scores are based, predominantly contain fully visible objects. Therefore, `harder' test images, mimicking the challenging conditions (e.g. occlusion) in which humans routinely recognize objects, need to be utilized for benchmarking. To address the concerns mentioned above, we make two contributions. First, we systematically vary the level of local object-part content, global detail and spatial context in images from PASCAL VOC 2010 to create a new benchmarking dataset dubbed PPSS-12. Second, we propose an object-part based benchmarking procedure which quantifies classifiers' robustness to a range of visibility and contextual settings. The benchmarking procedure relies on a semantic similarity measure that naturally addresses potential semantic granularity differences between the category labels in training and test datasets, thus eliminating manual mapping. We use our procedure on the PPSS-12 dataset to benchmark top-performing classifiers trained on the ILSVRC-2012 dataset. Our results show that the proposed benchmarking procedure enables additional differentiation among state-of-the-art object classifiers in terms of their ability to handle missing content and insufficient object detail. Given this capability for additional differentiation, our approach can potentially supplement existing benchmarking procedures used in object recognition challenge leaderboards.Comment: Extended version of our ACCV-2016 paper. Author formatting modifie

    Robot computing for music visualization

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. This paper presents an algorithm design of Music Visualization on Robot (MVR) which could automatically link the flashlight, color, and emotion through music. We call this algorithm as MVR algorithm that composed by two analyses. First, we focus on Music Signal Analysis. Second, we focus on Music Sentiment Analysis. We integrate two analysis results and implement the MVR algorithm on a robot called Zenbo which is released from ASUS Company. We perform the Zenbo Robot in luminous environments. The MVR system not only could be used in Zenbo robot but also could extend to other fields of Artificial Intelligent (AI) equipment in the future

    IVUS-based imaging modalities for tissue characterization: similarities and differences

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    Gray-scale intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is the modality that has been established as the golden standard for in vivo imaging of the vessel wall of the coronary arteries. The use of IVUS in clinical practice is an important diagnostic tool used for quantitative assessment of coronary artery disease. This has made IVUS the de-facto invasive imaging method to evaluate new interventional therapies such as new stent designs and for atherosclerosis progression-regression studies. However, the gray-scale representation of the coronary vessel wall and plaque morphology in combination with the limited resolution of the current IVUS catheters makes it difficult, if not impossible, to identify qualitatively (e.g. visually) the plaque morphology similar as that of histopathology, the golden standard to characterize and quantify coronary plaque tissue components. Meanwhile, this limitation has been partially overcome by new innovative IVUS-based post-processing methods such as: virtual histology IVUS (VH-IVUS, Volcano Therapeutics, Rancho Cordova, CA, USA), iMAP-IVUS (Bostoc Scientific, Santa Clara, CA, USA), Integrated Backscatter IVUS (IB-IVUS) and Automated Differential Echogenicity (ADE)

    A signal sequence suppressor mutant that stabilizes an assembled state of the twin arginine translocase

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    \ua9 2017, National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. The twin-arginine protein translocation (Tat) system mediates transport of folded proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria and the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts. The Tat system of Escherichia coli is made up of TatA, TatB, and TatC components. TatBC comprise the substrate receptor complex, and active Tat translocases are formed by the substrate-induced association of TatA oligomers with this receptor. Proteins are targeted to TatBC by signal peptides containing an essential pair of arginine residues. We isolated substitutions, locating to the transmembrane helix of TatB that restored transport activity to Tat signal peptides with inactivating twin arginine substitutions. A subset of these variants also suppressed inactivating substitutions in the signal peptide binding site on TatC. The suppressors did not function by restoring detectable signal peptide binding to the TatBC complex. Instead, site-specific cross-linking experiments indicate that the suppressor substitutions induce conformational change in the complex and movement of the TatB subunit. The TatB F13Y substitution was associated with the strongest suppressing activity, even allowing transport of a Tat substrate lacking a signal peptide. In vivo analysis using a TatA-YFP fusion showed that the TatB F13Y substitution resulted in signal peptide-independent assembly of the Tat translocase. We conclude that Tat signal peptides play roles in substrate targeting and in triggering assembly of the active translocase

    Effects of university affiliation and “school spirit” on color preferences: Berkeley versus Stanford

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    The ecological valence theory (EVT) posits that preference for a color is determined by people’s average affective response to everything associated with it (Palmer & Schloss, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 8877–8882, 2010). The EVT thus implies the existence of sociocultural effects: Color preference should increase with positive feelings (or decrease with negative feelings) toward an institution strongly associated with a color. We tested this prediction by measuring undergraduates’ color preferences at two rival universities, Berkeley and Stanford, to determine whether students liked their university’s colors better than their rivals did. Students not only preferred their own colors more than their rivals did, but the degree of their preference increased with self-rated positive affect (“school spirit”) for their university. These results support the EVT’s claim that color preference is caused by learned affective responses to associated objects and institutions, because it is unlikely that students choose their university or develop their degree of school spirit on the basis of preexisting color preferences