902 research outputs found

    Effect of breakfast fat content on glucose tolerance and risk factors of atherosclerosis and thrombosis

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    Twenty-four middle-aged healthy men were given a low-fat high-carbohydrate (5.5 g fat; L), or a moderately-fatty, (25.7 g fat; M) breakfast of similar energy contents for 28 d. Other meals were under less control. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was given at 09.00 hours on day 1 before treatment allocation and at 13.30 hours on day 29. There were no significant treatment differences in fasting serum values, either on day 1 or at the termination of treatments on day 29. The following was observed on day 29: (1) the M breakfast led to higher OGTT C-peptide responses and higher areas under the curves (AUC) of OGTT serum glucose and insulin responses compared with the OGTT responses to the L breakfast (P < 0.05); (2) treatment M failed to prevent OGTT glycosuria, eliminated with treatment L; (3) serum non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) AUC was 59% lower with treatment L than with treatment M, between 09.00 and 13.20 hours (P < 0.0001), and lower with treatment L than with treatment M during the OGTT (P = 0.005); (4) serum triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations were similar for both treatments, especially during the morning, but their origins were different during the afternoon OGTT when the Svedberg flotation unit 20-400 lipid fraction was higher with treatment L than with treatment M (P = 0.016); plasma apolipoprotein B-48 level with treatment M was not significantly greater than that with treatment L (P = 0.086); (5) plasma tissue plasminogen-activator activity increased after breakfast with treatment L (P = 0.0008), but not. with treatment M (P = 0.80). Waist:hip circumference was positively correlated with serum insulin and glucose AUC and with fasting LDL-cholesterol, Waist:hip circumference and serum TAG and insulin AUC were correlated with factors of thrombus formation; and the OGTT NEFA and glucose AUC were correlated. A small difference in fat intake at breakfast has a large influence on circulating diurnal NEFA concentration, which it is concluded influences adversely glucose tolerance up to 6 h later

    Blood transcriptional biomarkers for active pulmonary tuberculosis in a high-burden setting: a prospective, observational, diagnostic accuracy study.

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    BACKGROUND: Blood transcriptional signatures are candidates for non-sputum triage or confirmatory tests of tuberculosis. Prospective head-to-head comparisons of their diagnostic accuracy in real-world settings are necessary to assess their clinical use. We aimed to compare the diagnostic accuracy of candidate transcriptional signatures identified by systematic review, in a setting with a high burden of tuberculosis and HIV. METHODS: We did a prospective observational study nested within a diagnostic accuracy study of sputum Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra (Ultra) tests for pulmonary tuberculosis. We recruited consecutive symptomatic adults aged 18 years or older self-presenting to a tuberculosis clinic in Cape Town, South Africa. Participants provided blood for RNA sequencing, and sputum samples for liquid culture and molecular testing using Xpert and Ultra. We assessed the diagnostic accuracy of candidate blood transcriptional signatures for active tuberculosis (including those intended to distinguish active tuberculosis from other diseases) identified by systematic review, compared with culture or Xpert MTB/RIF positivity as the standard reference. In our primary analysis, patients with tuberculosis were defined as those with either a positive liquid culture or Xpert result. Patients with missing blood RNA or sputum results were excluded. Our primary objective was to benchmark the diagnostic accuracy of candidate transcriptional signatures against the WHO target product profile (TPP) for a tuberculosis triage test. FINDINGS: Between Feb 12, 2016, and July 18, 2017, we obtained paired sputum and RNA sequencing data from 181 participants, 54 (30%) of whom had confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis. Of 27 eligible signatures identified by systematic review, four achieved the highest diagnostic accuracy with similar area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (Sweeney3: 90·6% [95% CI 85·6-95·6]; Kaforou25: 86·9% [80·9-92·9]; Roe3: 86·9% [80·3-93·5]; and BATF2: 86·8% [80·6-93·1]), independent of age, sex, HIV status, previous tuberculosis, or sputum smear result. At test thresholds that gave 70% specificity (the minimum WHO TPP specificity for a triage test), these four signatures achieved sensitivities between 83·3% (95% CI 71·3-91·0) and 90·7% (80·1-96·0). No signature met the optimum criteria, of 95% sensitivity and 80% specificity proposed by WHO for a triage test, or the minimum criteria (of 65% sensitivity and 98% specificity) for a confirmatory test, but all four correctly identified Ultra-positive, culture-negative patients. INTERPRETATION: Selected blood transcriptional signatures met the minimum WHO benchmarks for a tuberculosis triage test but not for a confirmatory test. Further development of the signatures is warranted to investigate their possible effects on clinical and health economic outcomes as part of a triage strategy, or when used as add-on confirmatory test in conjunction with the highly sensitive Ultra test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA. FUNDING: Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship, Wellcome Trust, National Institute of Health Research, and UK Medical Research Council

    Speed and Accuracy of Static Image Discrimination by Rats

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    When discriminating dynamic noisy sensory signals, human and primate subjects achieve higher accuracy when they take more time to decide, an effect attributed to accumulation of evidence over time to overcome neural noise. We measured the speed and accuracy of twelve freely behaving rats discriminating static, high contrast photographs of real-world objects for water reward in a self-paced task. Response latency was longer in correct trials compared to error trials. Discrimination accuracy increased with response latency over the range of 500-1200ms. We used morphs between previously learned images to vary the image similarity parametrically, and thereby modulate task difficulty from ceiling to chance. Over this range we find that rats take more time before responding in trials with more similar stimuli. We conclude that rats' perceptual decisions improve with time even in the absence of temporal information in the stimulus, and that rats modulate speed in response to discrimination difficulty to balance speed and accuracy

    Human Visual Search Does Not Maximize the Post-Saccadic Probability of Identifying Targets

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    Researchers have conjectured that eye movements during visual search are selected to minimize the number of saccades. The optimal Bayesian eye movement strategy minimizing saccades does not simply direct the eye to whichever location is judged most likely to contain the target but makes use of the entire retina as an information gathering device during each fixation. Here we show that human observers do not minimize the expected number of saccades in planning saccades in a simple visual search task composed of three tokens. In this task, the optimal eye movement strategy varied, depending on the spacing between tokens (in the first experiment) or the size of tokens (in the second experiment), and changed abruptly once the separation or size surpassed a critical value. None of our observers changed strategy as a function of separation or size. Human performance fell far short of ideal, both qualitatively and quantitatively

    Schizophrenia in males of cognitive performance: discriminative and diagnostic values

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the discriminative and diagnostic values of neuropsychological tests for identifying schizophrenia patients. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with 36 male schizophrenia outpatients and 72 healthy matched volunteers was carried out. Participants underwent the following neuropsychological tests: Wisconsin Card Sorting test, Verbal Fluency, Stroop test, Mini Mental State Examination, and Spatial Recognition Span. Sensitivity and specificity estimated the diagnostic value of tests with cutoffs obtained using Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. The latent class model (diagnosis of schizophrenia) was used as gold standard. RESULTS: Although patients presented lower scores in most tests, the highest canonical function for the discriminant analysis was 0.57 (Verbal Fluency M). The best sensitivity and specificity were obtained in the Verbal Fluency M test (75 and 65, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The neuropsychological tests showed moderate diagnostic value for the identification of schizophrenia patients. These findings suggested that the cognitive impairment measured by these tests might not be homogeneous among schizophrenia patients

    Internal Monitoring of Acoustic Emission in Graphite-Epoxy Composites Using Imbedded Optical Fiber Sensors

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    The monitoring of acoustic emission (AE) is an important technique for the nondestructive characterization of strained materials because time and frequency domain analyses of AE events yield information about the type, geometry, and location of defects, as well as how material failure may occur. The quantitative interpretation of AE event signatures is critically dependent upon the faithfulness of the acoustic transduction and signal processing system in reproducing localized stress wave amplitude as a function of time. Although the usual sensor for acoustic emission is the piezoelectric transducer, several investigators have considered the application of interferometric optical sensing techniques which offer good spatial resolution and frequency response [1,2]. These techniques typically focus one beam of a modified Michelson interferometer to a small spot on the surface of a specimen and measure the time-dependent normal component of surface displacement at the location of that spot

    Aerosolized amikacin for treatment of pulmonary Mycobacterium avium infections: an observational case series

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    BACKGROUND: Current systemic therapy for nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary infection is limited by poor clinical response rates, drug toxicities and side effects. The addition of aerosolized amikacin to standard oral therapy for nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary infection may improve treatment efficacy without producing systemic toxicity. This study was undertaken to assess the safety, tolerability and preliminary clinical benefits of the addition of aerosolized amikacin to a standard macrolide-based oral treatment regimen. CASE PRESENTATIONS: Six HIV-negative patients with Mycobacterium avium intracellulare pulmonary infections who had failed standard therapy were administered aerosolized amikacin at 15 mg/kg daily in addition to standard multi-drug macrolide-based oral therapy. Patients were monitored clinically and serial sputum cultures were obtained to assess response to therapy. Symptomatic improvement with radiographic stabilization and eradication of mycobacterium from sputum were considered markers of success. Of the six patients treated with daily aerosolized amikacin, five responded to therapy. All of the responders achieved symptomatic improvement and four were sputum culture negative after 6 months of therapy. Two patients became re-infected with Mycobacterium avium intracellulare after 7 and 21 months of treatment. One of the responders who was initially diagnosed with Mycobacterium avium intracellulare became sputum culture positive for Mycobacterium chelonae resistant to amikacin after being on intermittent therapy for 4 years. One patient had progressive respiratory failure and died despite additional therapy. There was no evidence of nephrotoxicity or ototoxicity associated with therapy. CONCLUSION: Aerosolized delivery of amikacin is a promising adjunct to standard therapy for pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial infections. Larger prospective trials are needed to define its optimal role in therapy of this disease

    Predicting Eye Fixations on Complex Visual Stimuli Using Local Symmetry

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    Most bottom-up models that predict human eye fixations are based on contrast features. The saliency model of Itti, Koch and Niebur is an example of such contrast-saliency models. Although the model has been successfully compared to human eye fixations, we show that it lacks preciseness in the prediction of fixations on mirror-symmetrical forms. The contrast model gives high response at the borders, whereas human observers consistently look at the symmetrical center of these forms. We propose a saliency model that predicts eye fixations using local mirror symmetry. To test the model, we performed an eye-tracking experiment with participants viewing complex photographic images and compared the data with our symmetry model and the contrast model. The results show that our symmetry model predicts human eye fixations significantly better on a wide variety of images including many that are not selected for their symmetrical content. Moreover, our results show that especially early fixations are on highly symmetrical areas of the images. We conclude that symmetry is a strong predictor of human eye fixations and that it can be used as a predictor of the order of fixation

    The stellar halo of the Galaxy

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    Stellar halos may hold some of the best preserved fossils of the formation history of galaxies. They are a natural product of the merging processes that probably take place during the assembly of a galaxy, and hence may well be the most ubiquitous component of galaxies, independently of their Hubble type. This review focuses on our current understanding of the spatial structure, the kinematics and chemistry of halo stars in the Milky Way. In recent years, we have experienced a change in paradigm thanks to the discovery of large amounts of substructure, especially in the outer halo. I discuss the implications of the currently available observational constraints and fold them into several possible formation scenarios. Unraveling the formation of the Galactic halo will be possible in the near future through a combination of large wide field photometric and spectroscopic surveys, and especially in the era of Gaia.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures. References updated and some minor changes. Full-resolution version available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~ahelmi/stellar-halo-review.pd