380 research outputs found

    The Low Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Rays as an Indicator of Primary Source Characteristics and Interstellar Propagation

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    Low energy spectrum of cosmic rays as indicator of primary source characteristics and interstellar propagatio

    Observations of medium energy gamma ray emission from the galactic center region

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    Measurements of the gamma-ray emission in the medium energy range between 15 and 100 MeV, obtained during two ballon flights from Brazil are presented. The importance of this energy region in determining whether pi deg - decay of electron bremsstrahlung is the most likely dominant source mechanism is discussed along with the implications of such observations. Specifically, the data from this experiment suggest that emission from the galactic plane is similar to theoretical spectrum calculations including both sources mechanisms, but with the bremsstrahlung component enhanced by a factor of about 2. A spectral distribution of gamma-rays produced in the residual atmosphere above the instrument is also presented and compared with other data. A rather smooth spectral variation from high to low energies is found for the atmospheric spectrum

    Lactobacillus crispatus as the etiological agent in cytolytic vaginosis

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    Introduction: Lactobacillus spp. dominate the vaginal niche but can also be involved in other vaginal dysbiosis, such as cytolytic vaginosis (CV), which remains poorly studied. It is characterized by a cryptic symptomatology, that often confounds the clinic. Goals: The aim of this work was to search for the etiological agent of CV, by studying the vaginal microbiome and metabolomics of women afflicted with this disease and compare it with women with other clinical diagnostic. Methods: Twenty-one vaginal washes have been collected from women attending a gynaecology consultation of a private clinic. The samples were categorized according with clinical diagnosis at the time of sampling (CV, 11; vulvovaginal candidosis, 8; Healthy, 2). The distribution of bacterial species, and their prevalence was assessed by next-generation sequencing of the 16S V4 region. In addition, total lactate D-lactic acid and L-lactic acid was quantified in all washes by a commercial kit, as well as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Results: L. crispatus was dominant (>70%) in all CV samples. Lactate was increased in CV in comparison with other cases. The presence of D-lactic acid isomer was associated with presence of L. crispatus. LDH activity was increased in vaginal washes that tested positive for the presence of L. crispatus, however no direct association was found with CV cases. Discussion/Conclusions: The microbiome of women afflicted with CV was dominated in all cases by L. crispatus, contrarily with the results obtained for women diagnosed with other clinical symptomatology. In addition, the finding that an increase in D-lactic acid is associated with CV patients can be related to the role of L. crispatus in CV. The determination of LDH activity did not correlate exclusively with CV cases. On the other hand, D-lactic acid and total lactate quantification could be used as a valuable biomarker to diagnose this cryptic vaginal infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Active video games: An opportunity for enhanced learning and positive health effects?

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    Active video games are an emerging genre of electronic games that provide engaging exercise experiences by combining physical exertion with interactive game play. As such they have attracted increased interest from health promotion professionals to reduce sedentary behavior, increase physical activity, and improve health outcomes such as body composition. However their potential for enhancing the educational experience has not been extensively explored. This paper provides a brief overview of active video game research to date and outlines opportunities for future research. Specifically, we highlight the need to develop a conceptual framework to better understand the determinants, mediators, moderators, and consequences of active video gaming and integrate learning and health outcomes. We propose that active video games can be a key part of a wider “digital” supportive environment where education and health researchers and professionals work with, rather than against, video game technologies to promote learning and health

    Low-energy proton increases associated with interplanetary shock waves

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    Impulsive increases in the low energy proton flux observed by the Explorer 34 satellite, in very close time association with geomagnetic storm sudden commencements are described. It is shown that these events are of short duration (20-30 min) and occur only during the decay phase of a solar cosmic-ray flare event. The differential energy spectrum and the angular distribution of the direction of arrival of the particles are discussed. Two similar increases observed far away from the earth by the Pioneer 7 and 8 deep-space probes are also presented. These impulsive increases are compared with Energetic Storm Particle events and their similarities and differences are discussed. A model is suggested to explain these increases, based on the sweeping and trapping of low energy cosmic rays of solar origin by the advancing shock front responsible for the sudden commencement detected on the Earth

    Energy spectrum of medium energy gamma-rays from the galactic center region

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    A balloon-borne magnetic core digitized spark chamber with two assemblies of spark-chambers above and below the scintillation counters was used to measure the medium energy gamma ray flux from the galactic center region. Gamma ray calculations are based on the multiple scattering of the pair electrons in 15 aluminum plates interleaved in the spark chamber modules. Counting rates determined during ascent and at ceiling indicate the presence of diffuse component in this energy range. Preliminary results give an integral flux between 15 and 70 MeV compared to the differential points in other results

    Ensino de cancerologia nos cursos de graduação de enfermagem: análise da produção científica nacional

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    Ensino em Cancerologia na Enfermagem surgiu mediante a prática assistencial, acompanhando a evolução dos atos médicos no tratamento do câncer. Em 1987, durante o 1º Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Educação em Cancerologia, realizado em Brasília na qual se formou a Comissão Nacional para o Ensino de Cancerologia nos Cursos de Graduação em Enfermagem. Mantendo-se em 2º lugar entre as causas de morte no país, cada vez mais confirmando as semelhanças nos padrões de incidência e mortalidade dos países desenvolvidos, o câncer no Brasil, também detém características evolutivas da doença demarcadas pela grande desinformação da população em geral e acesso precário as instituições especializadas. Os profissionais de saúde reconhecem a importância dos diversos tratamentos de câncer, porém, a assistência quimioterápica requer maior atenção dos enfermeiros. Diante desta realidade surge a necessidade da qualificação dos profissionais de saúde desde a Graduação em Enfermagem, para que possam atuar adequadamente perante os anseios e medos dos pacientes durante seu período de tratamento. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar as produções científicas nacionais sobre ensino de cancerologia na graduação de enfermagem. Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, onde adotaremos a revisão integrativa da literatura, segundo o proposto por Ganong, visto que ela contribui no processo de sistematização e análise dos resultados visando à compreensão de um determinado tema a partir de outros estudos independentes

    An instrument to measure anisotropies of cosmic ray electrons and protons for the explorer 34 satellite

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    An instrument to measure the anisotropy and energy spectra of cosmic-ray electrons and protons, and X-rays of solar and galactic origin is described. Such instruments were launched on 24 May, 1967 and 21 June, 1969 as component parts of the scientific payloads of the Explorer 34 and 41 satellites. A general description and the main characteristics of the detectors are presented and the stability of the instrument on Explorer 34 over its 23 months of operation is discussed. The method of analysis of the obtained angular distribution of solar cosmic ray particles in the ecliptic plane is given. It is shown that the anisotropy of low energy particles of solar origin decreases sharply to a very small value when the satellite penetrates the magnetosphere

    A novel scaling methodology to reduce the biases associated with missing data from commercial activity monitors

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    Background Commercial physical activity monitors have wide utility in the assessment of physical activity in research and clinical settings, however, the removal of devices results in missing data and has the potential to bias study conclusions. This study aimed to evaluate methods to address missingness in data collected from commercial activity monitors. Methods This study utilised 1526 days of near complete data from 109 adults participating in a European weight loss maintenance study (NoHoW). We conducted simulation experiments to test a novel scaling methodology (NoHoW method) and alternative imputation strategies (overall/individual mean imputation, overall/individual multiple imputation, Kalman imputation and random forest imputation). Methods were compared for hourly, daily and 14-day physical activity estimates for steps, total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and time in physical activity categories. In a second simulation study, individual multiple imputation, Kalman imputation and the NoHoW method were tested at different positions and quantities of missingness. Equivalence testing and root mean squared error (RMSE) were used to evaluate the ability of each of the strategies relative to the true data. Results The NoHoW method, Kalman imputation and multiple imputation methods remained statistically equivalent (p<0.05) for all physical activity metrics at the 14-day level. In the second simulation study, RMSE tended to increase with increased missingness. Multiple imputation showed the smallest RMSE for Steps and TDEE at lower levels of missingness (<19%) and the Kalman and NoHoW methods were generally superior for imputing time in physical activity categories. Conclusion Individual centred imputation approaches (NoHoW method, Kalman imputation and individual Multiple imputation) offer an effective means to reduce the biases associated with missing data from activity monitors and maximise data retention

    Anti-inflammatory potential of Portuguese thermal waters

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    In light of Medical Hydrology, thermal waters (TW) are all-natural mineral waters that emerge inside a thermal resort and have therapeutic applications. Their beneficial effect has been empirically recognized for centuries, being indicated for symptom alleviation and/or treatment of several diseases, almost all associated with inflammation. Indeed, an anti-inflammatory effect has been attributed to many different Portuguese TW but there is no scientific validation supporting this empiric knowledge. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the anti-inflammatory properties of 14 TW pertaining to thermal centers located in the Central Region of Portugal, and grouped according to their ionic profile. Mouse macrophage cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a Toll-like receptor 4 agonist, were exposed to culture medium prepared in TW. Metabolism, nitric oxide (NO) production, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression levels and the scavenging capacity of TW, were investigated in vitro. 11 out of 14 TW reduced NO production and/or iNOS expression, and/or scavenging activity, in macrophages exposed to LPS. The sulphated/calcic TW did not show any effect on at least one of the inflammatory parameters evaluated. Two sulphurous/bicarbonate/sodic TW and the sulphurous/chlorinated/sodic TW promoted an increase in NO production and/or iNOS expression. Our results validate, for the first time, the anti-inflammatory properties of Portuguese TW, supporting their therapeutic use in the treatment of inflammation-related diseases and promoting their putative application in cosmetic products and medical devices