110 research outputs found

    Changes in the heart rate variability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and its response to acute CPAP treatment

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The goal of this study was to demonstrate whether the use of CPAP produces significant changes in the heart rate or in the heart rate variability of patients with OSA in the first night of treatment and whether gender and obesity play a role in these differences. METHODS: Single-center transversal study including patients with severe OSA corrected with CPAP. Only patients with total correction after CPAP were included. Patients underwent two sleep studies on consecutive nights: the first night a basal study, and the second with CPAP. We also analyzed the heart rate changes and their relationship with CPAP treatment, sleep stages, sex and body mass index. Twenty-minute segments of the ECG were selected from the sleep periods of REM, no-REM and awake. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were studied by comparing the R-R interval in the different conditions. We also compared samples from the basal study and CPAP nights. RESULTS: 39 patients (15 females, 24 males) were studied. The mean age was 50.67 years old, the mean AHI was 48.54, and mean body mass index was 33.41 kg/m(2) (31.83 males, 35.95 females). Our results showed that HRV (SDNN) decreased after the use of CPAP during the first night of treatment, especially in non-REM sleep. Gender and obesity did not have any influence on our results. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support that cardiac variability improves as an acute effect, independently of gender or weight, in the first night of CPAP use in severe OSA patients, supporting the idea of continuous use and emphasizing that noncompliance of CPAP treatment should be avoided even if it is just once

    Regenerative electrochemical ion pumping cell based on semi-solid electrodes for sustainable Li recovery

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    Demand of lithium is expected to increase drastically in coming years driven by the market penetration of electric vehicles powered by Li-ion batteries, which will require faster and more efficient Li extraction technologies than conventional ones (evaporation in brines). The Electrochemical Ion Pumping Cell (EIPC) technology based on the use of Faradaic materials is one of the most promising approaches. However, its relatively short lifespan prevents its commercial deployment. Herein, a new EIPC concept based on the use of semi-solid electrodes is proposed for the first time, which takes advantage of the rheological characteristics of semi-solid electrodes that enable simple and cheap regeneration of the Regenerative Electrochemical Ion Pumping Cell (REIPC) systems after reaching its end-of-life. A proof-of-concept for REIPC is accomplished by simple replacement of the semi-solid electrode demonstrating a remarkable electrochemical performance (e.g. 99.87%cycle− 1 , 99.98%h− 1 , 3–4 mAh cm− 2 ) along with a competitive ion separation (e.g. 16.2 mgLi⋅gNiHCF− 1 , 4 gLi m− 2 and 15.6 Wh⋅mol− 1 ). The use of semisolid electrode offers other unique features such as a significant cost reduction of 95% for every regeneration regarding conventional EIPC, proving that REIPC concept successfully addresses the issues associated to the sustainability and recyclability of the conventional EIPC's for lithium capturing.J.J. Lado acknowledges Comunidad de Madrid for the postdoctoral fellowship as part of the Young Talent Attraction Program (2020-T1/ AMB-19799). E. Ventosa acknowledges the financial support by the Spanish Government through the Research Challenges Programme (Grant RTI2018- 099228-A-I00), Ramon y Cajal Programme (RYC2018-026086-I) as well as “la Caixa” Foundation (LCF/PR/PR18/51130007)

    Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the low Galactic latitude globular cluster 2MASS-GC03

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    We present deep near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the globular cluster 2MASS-GC03 projected in the Galactic disk using MMIRS on the Clay telescope (Las Campanas Observatory) and VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea survey (VVV) data. Most probable cluster member candidates were identified from near-infrared photometry. Out of ten candidates that were followed-up spectroscopically, five have properties of cluster members, from which we calculate = -0.9 +/- 0.2 and a radial velocity of v_r > = -78 +- 12km/s. A distance of 10.8kpc is estimated from 3 likely RRLyrae members. Given that the cluster is currently at a distance of 4.2kpc from the Galactic center, the cluster's long survival time of an estimated 11.3 +/- 1.2 Gyr strengthens the case for its globular-cluster nature. The cluster has a hint of elongation in the direction of the Galactic center.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic cardiac tone in patients with sleep related alveolar hypoventilation

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    Patients with SRAH exhibited an abnormal cardiac tone during sleep. This fact appears to be related to the severity of nocturnal oxygen desaturation. Moreover, there were no differences between OSA and SRAH, supporting the hypothesis that autonomic changes in OSA are primarily related to a reduced nocturnal oxygen saturation, rather than a consequence of other factors such as nocturnal respiratory event

    Cartografía de zonas inundables y análisis de riesgo en Cataluña (Plan Inuncat)

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    Ponencia presentada en: V Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Zaragoza del 18 al 21 de septiembre de 2006.[ES]Se expone el contenido y la metodología empleada en la elaboración del Plan de Emergencias por inundaciones de Cataluña (INUNCAT). El Plan comprende el sistema de alerta, la organización y los procedimientos de actuación en el caso de inundaciones extraordinarias, de los servicios de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de las otras administraciones y de las entidades públicas. La asignación del nivel de riesgo requiere del análisis de la peligrosidad para diferentes períodos de retorno, del análisis de la vulnerabilidad de los elementos expuestos, así como de la zonificación del territorio y la localización de los puntos conflictivos.[EN]The special plan of floods emergencies of Catalonia (INUNCAT) must face as main objective the flood emergencies in the territorial Catalonia (DGESC). Thus, the warning system, the organization and the procedures of performance in case of flood are defined. All its previous quantification and location of the fundamental aspects for the risk analysis, between which they emphasize the hazard analysis and the establishment of the recurrence times, the vulnerability, the zonation and the location of conflicting points

    The impact of insect herbivory on biogeochemical cycling in broadleaved forests varies with temperature

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    Herbivorous insects alter biogeochemical cycling within forests, but the magnitude of these impacts, their global variation, and drivers of this variation remain poorly understood. To address this knowledge gap and help improve biogeochemical models, we established a global network of 74 plots within 40 mature, undisturbed broadleaved forests. We analyzed freshly senesced and green leaves for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and silica concentrations, foliar production and herbivory, and stand-level nutrient fluxes. We show more nutrient release by insect herbivores at non-outbreak levels in tropical forests than temperate and boreal forests, that these fluxes increase strongly with mean annual temperature, and that they exceed atmospheric deposition inputs in some localities. Thus, background levels of insect herbivory are sufficiently large to both alter ecosystem element cycling and influence terrestrial carbon cycling. Further, climate can affect interactions between natural populations of plants and herbivores with important consequences for global biogeochemical cycles across broadleaved forests

    Interaction of mumps virus V protein variants with STAT1-STAT2 heterodimer: experimental and theoretical studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mumps virus V protein has the ability to inhibit the interferon-mediated antiviral response by inducing degradation of STAT proteins. Two virus variants purified from Urabe AM9 mumps virus vaccine differ in their replication and transcription efficiency in cells primed with interferon. Virus susceptibility to IFN was associated with insertion of a non-coded glycine at position 156 in the V protein (VGly) of one virus variant, whereas resistance to IFN was associated with preservation of wild-type phenotype in the V protein (VWT) of the other variant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>VWT and VGly variants of mumps virus were cloned and sequenced from Urabe AM9 vaccine strain. VGly differs from VWT protein because it possesses an amino acid change Gln<sub>103</sub>Pro (Pro<sup>103</sup>) and the Gly<sup>156 </sup>insertion. The effect of V protein variants on components of the interferon-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), STAT1 and STAT2 proteins were experimentally tested in cervical carcinoma cell lines. Expression of VWT protein decreased STAT1 phosphorylation, whereas VGly had no inhibitory effect on either STAT1 or STAT2 phosphorylation. For theoretical analysis of the interaction between V proteins and STAT proteins, 3D structural models of VWT and VGly were predicted by comparing with simian virus 5 (SV5) V protein structure in complex with STAT1-STAT2 heterodimer. <it>In silico </it>analysis showed that VWT-STAT1-STAT2 complex occurs through the V protein Trp-motif (W<sup>174</sup>, W<sup>178</sup>, W<sup>189</sup>) and Glu<sup>95 </sup>residue close to the Arg<sup>409 </sup>and Lys<sup>415 </sup>of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of STAT2, leaving exposed STAT1 Lys residues (K<sup>85</sup>, K<sup>87</sup>, K<sup>296</sup>, K<sup>413</sup>, K<sup>525</sup>, K<sup>679</sup>, K<sup>685</sup>), which are susceptible to proteasome degradation. In contrast, the interaction between VGly and STAT1-STAT2 heterodimer occurs in a region far from the NLS of STAT2 without blocking of Lys residues in both STAT1 and STAT2.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that VWT protein of Urabe AM9 strain of mumps virus may be more efficient than VGly to inactivate both the IFN signaling pathway and antiviral response due to differences in their finest molecular interaction with STAT proteins.</p

    A Chirality-Based Quantum Leap

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    There is increasing interest in the study of chiral degrees of freedom occurring in matter and in electromagnetic fields. Opportunities in quantum sciences will likely exploit two main areas that are the focus of this Review: (1) recent observations of the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect in chiral molecules and engineered nanomaterials and (2) rapidly evolving nanophotonic strategies designed to amplify chiral light-matter interactions. On the one hand, the CISS effect underpins the observation that charge transport through nanoscopic chiral structures favors a particular electronic spin orientation, resulting in large room-temperature spin polarizations. Observations of the CISS effect suggest opportunities for spin control and for the design and fabrication of room-temperature quantum devices from the bottom up, with atomic-scale precision and molecular modularity. On the other hand, chiral-optical effects that depend on both spin- and orbital-angular momentum of photons could offer key advantages in all-optical and quantum information technologies. In particular, amplification of these chiral light-matter interactions using rationally designed plasmonic and dielectric nanomaterials provide approaches to manipulate light intensity, polarization, and phase in confined nanoscale geometries. Any technology that relies on optimal charge transport, or optical control and readout, including quantum devices for logic, sensing, and storage, may benefit from chiral quantum properties. These properties can be theoretically and experimentally investigated from a quantum information perspective, which has not yet been fully developed. There are uncharted implications for the quantum sciences once chiral couplings can be engineered to control the storage, transduction, and manipulation of quantum information. This forward-looking Review provides a survey of the experimental and theoretical fundamentals of chiral-influenced quantum effects and presents a vision for their possible future roles in enabling room-temperature quantum technologies.ISSN:1936-0851ISSN:1936-086