12 research outputs found

    Discovery of a New, Recurrent Enzyme in Bacterial Phosphonate Degradation: (R)‑1-Hydroxy-2-aminoethylphosphonate Ammonia-lyase

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    Phosphonates represent an important source of bioavailable phosphorus in certain environments. Accordingly, many microorganisms (particularly marine bacteria) possess catabolic pathways to degrade these molecules. One example is the widespread hydrolytic route for the breakdown of 2-aminoethylphosphonate (AEP, the most common biogenic phosphonate). In this pathway, the aminotransferase PhnW initially converts AEP into phosphonoacetaldehyde (PAA), which is then cleaved by the hydrolase PhnX to yield acetaldehyde and phosphate. This work focuses on a pyridoxal-5’-phosphate-dependent enzyme that is encoded in over 13 % of the bacterial gene clusters containing the phnW-phnX combination. This enzyme (which we termed PbfA) is annotated as a transaminase, but there is no obvious need for an additional transamination reaction in the established AEP degradation pathway. We report here that PbfA from the marine bacterium Vibrio splendidus catalyzes an elimination reaction on the naturally occurring compound (R)-1-hydroxy-2-aminoethylphosphonate (R-HAEP). The reaction releases ammonia and generates PAA, which can be then hydrolyzed by PhnX. In contrast, PbfA is not active towards the (S) enantiomer of HAEP or other HAEP-related compounds such as ethanolamine and D,L-isoserine, indicating a very high substrate specificity. We also show that R-HAEP (despite being structurally similar to AEP) is not processed efficiently by the PhnW-PhnX couple in the absence of PbfA. In sum, the reaction catalyzed by PbfA serves to funnel R-HAEP into the hydrolytic pathway for AEP degradation, expanding the scope and the usefulness of the pathway itself

    Phosphonodifluoropyruvate is a mechanism-based inhibitor of phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase from Bacteroides fragilis

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    Bacteroides fragilis, a human pathogen, helps in the formation of intra-abdominal abscesses and is involved in 90% of anaerobic peritoneal infections. Phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase (PnPDC), a thiamin diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzyme, plays a key role in the formation of 2-aminoethylphosphonate, a component of the cell wall of B. fragilis. As such PnPDC is a possible target for therapeutic intervention in this, and other phosphonate producing organisms. However, the enzyme is of more general interest as it appears to be an evolutionary forerunner to the decarboxylase family of ThDP-dependent enzymes. To date, PnPDC has proved difficult to crystallize and no X-ray structures are available. In the past we have shown that ThDP-dependent enzymes will often crystallize if the cofactor has been irreversibly inactivated. To explore this possibility, and the utility of inhibitors of phosphonate biosynthesis as potential antibiotics, we synthesized phosphonodifluoropyruvate (PnDFP) as a prospective mechanism-based inhibitor of PnPDC. Here we provide evidence that PnDFP indeed inactivates the enzyme, that the inactivation is irreversible, and is accompanied by release of fluoride ion, i.e., PnDFP bears all the hallmarks of a mechanism-based inhibitor. Unfortunately, the enzyme remains refractive to crystallization

    Towards understanding the magnetism of Os(iv) complexes: an ab initio insight

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    10.1039/d1dt01558cDALTON TRANSACTIONS503612537-1254

    Scientific Reports / In vivo evaluation of radiotracers targeting the melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 : [11C]SNAP-7941 and [18F]FE@SNAP reveal specific uptake in the ventricular system

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    The MCHR1 is involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis and changes of the expression are linked to a variety of associated diseases, such as diabetes and adiposity. The study aimed at the in vitro and in vivo evaluation of [11C]SNAP-7941 and [18F]FE@SNAP as potential PET-tracers for the MCHR1. Competitive binding studies with non-radioactive derivatives and small-animal PET/CT and MRI brain studies were performed under baseline conditions and tracer displacement with the unlabelled MCHR1 antagonist ()-SNAP-7941. Binding studies evinced high binding affinity of the non-radioactive derivatives. Small-animal imaging of [11C]SNAP-7941 and [18F]FE@SNAP evinced high tracer uptake in MCHR1-rich regions of the ventricular system. Quantitative analysis depicted a significant tracer reduction after displacement with ()-SNAP-7941. Due to the high binding affinity of the non-labelled derivatives and the high specific tracer uptake of [11C]SNAP-7941 and [18F]FE@SNAP, there is strong evidence that both radiotracers may serve as highly suitable agents for specific MCHR1 imaging.(VLID)461586

    SNAPshots of the MCHR1 : a Comparison Between the PET-Tracers [18F]FE@SNAP and [11C]SNAP-7941

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    Purpose The melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) has become an important pharmacological target, since it may be involved in various diseases, such as diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity. Hence, a suitable positron emission tomography radiotracer for the in vivo assessment of the MCHR1 pharmacology is imperative. The current paper contrasts the extensive in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo assessments of the radiotracers [18F]FE@SNAP and [11C]SNAP-7941 and provides comprehensive information about their biological and physicochemical properties. Furthermore, it examines their suitability for first-in-man imaging studies. Procedures Kinetic real-time cell-binding studies with [18F]FE@SNAP and [11C]SNAP-7941 were conducted on adherent Chines hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells stably expressing the human MCHR1 and MCHR2. Small animal imaging studies on mice and rats were performed under displacement and baseline conditions, as well as after pretreatment with the P-glycoprotein/breast cancer resistant protein inhibitor tariquidar. After the imaging studies, detailed analyses of the ex vivo biodistribution were performed. Ex vivo metabolism was determined in rat blood and brain and analyzed at various time points using a quantitative radio-HPLC assay. Results [11C]SNAP-7941 demonstrates high uptake on CHO-K1-hMCHR1 cells, whereas no uptake was detected for the CHO-K1-hMCHR2 cells. In contrast, [18F]FE@SNAP evinced binding to CHO-K1-hMCHR1 and CHO-K1-hMCHR2 cells. Imaging studies with [18F]FE@SNAP and [11C]SNAP-7941 showed an increased brain uptake after tariquidar pretreatment in mice, as well as in rats, and exhibited a significant difference between the time-activity curves of the baseline and blocking groups. Biodistribution of both tracers demonstrated a decreased uptake after displacement. [11C]SNAP-7941 revealed a high metabolic stability in rats, whereas [18F]FE@SNAP was rapidly metabolized. Conclusions Both radiotracers demonstrate appropriate imaging properties for the MCHR1. However, the pronounced metabolic stability as well as superior selectivity and affinity of [11C]SNAP-7941 underlines the decisive superiority over [18F]FE@SNAP.(VLID)365868

    Optimization of the Automated Synthesis of [11C]mHED—Administered and Apparent Molar Activities

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    The tracer [[11C]meta-Hydroxyephedrine ([[11C]mHED) is one of the most applied PET tracers for cardiac imaging, whose radiosynthesis was already reported in 1990. While not stated in the literature, separation difficulties and an adequate formulation of the product are well known challenges in its production. Furthermore, the precursor (metaraminol) is also a substrate for the norepinephrine transporter, and can therefore affect the image quality. This study aims at optimizing the synthetic process of [[11C]mHED and investigating the effect of the apparent molar activity (sum of mHED and metaraminol) in patients and animals. The main optimization was the improved separation through reverse phase-HPLC by a step gradient and subsequent retention of the product on a weakly-cationic ion exchange cartridge. The µPET/µCT was conducted in ten rats (ischemic model) and the apparent molar activity was correlated to the VOI- and SUV-ratio of the myocardium/intra-ventricular blood pool. Moreover, nine long-term heart transplanted and five Morbus Fabry patients underwent PET and MRI imaging for detection of changes in the sympathetic innervation. In summary, the fully-automated synthesis and optimized purification method of [[11C]mHED is easily applicable and reproducible. Moreover, it was shown that the administered apparent molar activities had a negligible effect on the imaging quality

    Development and <i>In Vivo</i> Evaluation of Small-Molecule Ligands for Positron Emission Tomography of Immune Checkpoint Modulation Targeting Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 1

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    A substantial portion of patients do not benefit from programmed cell death protein 1/programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) checkpoint inhibition therapies, necessitating a deeper understanding of predictive biomarkers. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has played a pivotal role in assessing PD-L1 expression, but small-molecule positron emission tomography (PET) tracers could offer a promising avenue to address IHC-associated limitations, i.e., invasiveness and PD-L1 expression heterogeneity. PET tracers would allow for improved quantification of PD-L1 through noninvasive whole-body imaging, thereby enhancing patient stratification. Here, a large series of PD-L1 targeting small molecules were synthesized, leveraging advantageous substructures to achieve exceptionally low nanomolar affinities. Compound 5c emerged as a promising candidate (IC50 = 10.2 nM) and underwent successful carbon-11 radiolabeling. However, a lack of in vivo tracer uptake in xenografts and notable accumulation in excretory organs was observed, underscoring the challenges encountered in small-molecule PD-L1 PET tracer development. The findings, including structure–activity relationships and in vivo biodistribution data, stand to illuminate the path forward for refining small-molecule PD-L1 PET tracers