44 research outputs found

    High-stress abrasive wear performance of medium-carbon direct-quenched and partitioned, carbide-free bainitic, and martensitic steels

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    Experimental steels, a direct-quenched and partitioned (DQP) steel and a carbide-free bainitic steel (CFB), were tested along with a commercial martensitic 500 HB grade wear resistant steel in high-stress abrasive conditions. The three steels had different microstructures consisting of varying fractions and morphologies of martensite, retained austenite, and bainitic ferrite. The results showed that the CFB steel had a lower mass loss compared to the martensitic 500 HB steel with a similar hardness level. The DQP steel had a higher initial hardness and outperformed the other two steels. Wear surface characterization revealed that the investigated steels had significant work hardening of the wear surface, except with different mechanisms. Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) increased the hardness of the DQP and CFB steels, while the fully martensitic 500 HB had more white layer formation on the wear surface resulting in increased hardness.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    On the factors affecting the ductile-brittle transition in as-quenched fully and partially martensitic low-carbon steels

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    Abstract From the largest discontinuities to the smallest of the elements, various factors can threaten structural integrity. Susceptibility to these factors elevates with higher yield strengths. As-quenched low-carbon steels with a martensitic or martensitic-bainitic microstructure are modern ultra-high-strength structural steels. They can possess sufficient toughness, formability, and weldability, and are typically used in weight-critical and high-performance structures. Common problems with as-quenched steels with a yield strength of 900 MPa or more are that they do not obey the conventional correlation between the fracture toughness reference temperature T₀ and the impact toughness transition temperature T₂₈ᮊ used in many standards and structural integrity assessment procedures, and a lack of design rules in general. This thesis studies the relationship between the T₀ and T₂₈ᮊ to provide additional knowledge for future standardisation, the microstructural features governing the toughness at these temperatures on both global and local scale, and whether hydrogen embrittlement is present at subzero temperatures. It uses steels produced via laboratory rolling and quenching as well as from pilot-scale and full-scale industrial production, studying them with standardised toughness tests, microstructural characterisation, fractography, and cohesive zone modelling. As-quenched steels have a distinct correlation between T₀ and T₂₈ᮊ. An improved general T₀ – T₂₈ᮊ correlation applies to a wide range of steels. T₂₈ᮊ correlates closely with a dynamic reference toughness, which can be used together with the fraction of detrimental {100} cleavage planes near the main fracture plain to effectively estimate the transition temperatures. On a local scale, centreline segregation decreases the effective coarse grain size, which more than compensates for the harmful effects associated with the higher hardness and inclusion content of the centreline, resulting in increased fracture toughness. Hydrogen embrittlement causes a decrease in fracture toughness and local deformability, thereby increasing T₀ while leaving T₂₈ᮊ unaffected. Overall, the results show that high toughness demands good control of effective coarse grain size and hydrogen content.TiivistelmĂ€ TekijĂ€t suurimmista epĂ€jatkuvuuskohdista aina pienimpÀÀn alkuaineeseen voivat uhata rakenteellista eheyttĂ€, minkĂ€ lisĂ€ksi alttius nĂ€ille kasvaa materiaalin myötölujuuden kasvaessa. Modernit karkaistun tilan ultralujat matalahiiliset rakenneterĂ€kset voivat silti omata riittĂ€vĂ€n sitkeyden, muovattavuuden ja hitsattavuuden. TyypillisiĂ€ kĂ€yttökohteita nĂ€ille ovat painon suhteen kriittiset ja korkean suorituskyvyn rakenteet. Yleinen ongelma myötölujuudeltaan noin ja yli 900 MPa karkaistun tilan terĂ€ksillĂ€ on se, ettĂ€ ne eivĂ€t noudata perinteistĂ€ murtumissitkeyden referenssilĂ€mpötilan T₀ ja iskusitkeyden transitiolĂ€mpötilan T₂₈ᮊ vĂ€listĂ€ korrelaatiota, jota kĂ€ytetÀÀn useissa standardeissa ja suunnitteluohjeissa, jotka eivĂ€t myöskÀÀn vielĂ€ salli nĂ€in lujien terĂ€sten kĂ€yttöÀ. TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöstyö tutkii transitiolĂ€mpötilojen T₀ ja T₂₈ᮊ vĂ€listĂ€ suhdetta edistÀÀkseen nĂ€iden terĂ€sten sisĂ€llyttĂ€mistĂ€ standardeihin, haurasmurtuma-sitkeyteen vaikuttavia mikrorakenteellisia tekijöitĂ€ sekĂ€ yleisellĂ€ ettĂ€ paikallisella tasolla, ja vetyhaurautta matalissa lĂ€mpötiloissa. KoeterĂ€kset ovat laboratoriovalmisteisia, tuotantokokeita ja tuotantolaatuja. NiitĂ€ tutkitaan standardisoiduilla sitkeyskokeilla, mikrorakenteen karakterisoinnilla, fraktografialla ja koheesiovyöhykettĂ€ hyödyntĂ€vĂ€llĂ€ mallinnuksella. Tulokset osoittavat karkaistun tilan terĂ€sten omaavan erityisen korrelaation T₀ ja T₂₈ᮊ vĂ€lillĂ€. Muokattu, ultralujat terĂ€kset huomioiva yleinen T₀ – T₂₈ᮊ -korrelaatio soveltuu laajalti eri terĂ€styypeille. T₂₈ᮊ korreloi lĂ€heisesti dynaamisen referenssisitkeyden kanssa, jonka avulla yhdessĂ€ haitallisten {100} lohkomurtumatasojen osuuden kanssa voidaan estimoida joukko transitiolĂ€mpötiloja. Paikallisella tasolla keskilinjasuotauma pienentÀÀ efektiivistĂ€ karkeiden rakeiden kokoa, mikĂ€ suotauman suurista sulkeumista ja kovuudesta huolimatta parantaa murtumissitkeyttĂ€. Vetyhauraus taas huonontaa sitkeyttĂ€ ja paikallista muodonmuutoskykyĂ€ myös matalissa lĂ€mpötiloissa nostaen T₀ lĂ€mpötiloja. Kokonaisuutena erinomainen transitiolĂ€mpötilasitkeys vaatii efektiivisen karkearaekoon ja vetypitoisuuden minimointia

    Estimating low temperature fracture properties for very high strength steels

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    Estimating low temperature fracture properties for very high strength steels

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    Applicability of the Master Curve method to Ultra High Strength Steels

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    Although Ultra High Strength Steels (UHSS) with nominal strengths up to 1500 MPa have been available on the market for many years, the use of these steels in the civil engineering industry is still rather uncommon. One critical point limiting the use of UHSS steels lies in their rather poorly documented fracture properties in relation to more conventional steels covered by the codes. The major concept governing the assessment of steels is the Master Curve (MC) methodology. It provides a description for the fracture toughness scatter, size effect and temperature dependence in the ductile to brittle transition region. It enables a complete characterization of brittle fracture toughness of a material based on only a few small size specimens. The method combines a theoretical description of the scatter, a statistical size effect and an empirically found temperature dependence of fracture toughness. The fracture toughness in the brittle fracture regime is thus described with only one parameter, the transition temperature T0. At this temperature the mean fracture toughness for a 25.4 mm thick specimen is 100 MPa√m. The Master Curve method as defined in ASTM E1921-13a is applicable to ferritic structural steels with yield strength between 275 MPa and 825 MPa. Very few studies have been made with respect to the applicability of the Master Curve to Ultra High Strength Steels with yield strengths in the excess of 900 MPa. This is the topic of this work. Focusing on novel directly quenched high performance steels, the applicability of the Master Curve methodology with special emphasis on the temperature dependence will be investigated. Possible improvements to the Master Curve will be proposed for further consideration.</jats:p

    Effects of local grain size and inclusions on the low-temperature toughness of low-carbon as-quenched martensite

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    The segregation of alloying elements that occurs during the solidification of steel leads to microscale and macroscale microstructural heterogeneity that can cause anomalous mechanical behaviour. The centreline macrosegregation of a cast and its increased inclusion content are usually considered to be particularly detrimental in the case of conventional structural steels. Samples from centreline and off-centreline positions in a single continuously cast slab of an ultrahigh-strength steel were subjected to hot rolling, reheating and water quenching to 12 mm thick fully martensitic plates to explore the differences in mechanical properties between a homogeneous clean matrix and a heterogeneous inclusion-rich centreline. Despite the presence of strong macrosegregation and a high inclusion content, the centreline material has a significantly better, i.e. a 15 °C lower, fracture toughness reference temperature T0. However, neither the 28 J Charpy V impact toughness transition temperature T28J nor the tensile properties show notable differences. The inclusion rich heterogeneous material achieves its unexpected toughness properties despite the higher hardness of the centreline and an abundance of large inclusions. Thorough microstructural characterisation shows that the centreline enrichment of alloying elements and impurities leads to a profound refinement in the local grain size, which more than compensates for the expected detrimental effects of the inclusions and the harder microstructure. The results have practical importance regarding the levels of macrosegregation and inclusion contents that can be tolerated by ultrahigh-strength steels

    A multi-barrier model assisted CAFE method for predicting ductile-to-brittle transition with application to a low-carbon ultrahigh-strength steel

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    The conventional micromechanical approaches today are still not able to properly predict the ductile-to-brittle transition (DBT) of steels because of their inability to consider the co-operating ductile fracture and cleavage mechanisms in the transition region, and simultaneously to incorporate the inherent complexity of microstructures. In this study, a complete methodology with coupled cellular automata finite element method (CAFE) and multi-barrier microcrack propagation models is presented to advance the prediction of DBT. The methodology contains three key elements: (i) a multiscale CAFE modelling approach to realize the competition between ductile damage and cleavage fracture and embrace the probabilistic nature of microstructures, (ii) a continuum approach to estimate the effective surface energy for a microcrack to penetrate over particle/matrix interface, and (iii) a method to calculate the effective surface energy for the microcrack to propagate across grain boundaries. The prediction of DBT therefore needs only (1) the stress-strain curves tested at different temperatures, (2) the activation energy for DBT, (3) the ratio between the size of cleavage facets and cleavage-initiating defects, and (4) key statistical distributions of the given microstructures. The proposed methodology can accurately reproduce the experimental DBT curve of a low carbon ultrahigh-strength steel