319 research outputs found

    „Egy becsületbeli ügy”

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    O popločavanju pravilnim kvadratskim prizmama u prostoru widetilde{SL_2R}

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    In [9] and [10] we have studied the regular prisms and prism tilings and their geodesic ball packings in widetilde{SL_2R} space that is one among the eight Thurston geometries. This geometry can be derived from the 3-dimensional Lie group of all 2 ×2 real matrices with determinant one. In this paper we consider the regular infinite and bounded square prism tilings whose existence was proved in [9]. We determine the data of the above tilings and visualize them in the hyperboloid model of widetilde{SL_2R} space. We use for the computations and visualization of the widetilde{SL_2R} space its projective model introduced by E. Molnár.U [9] i [10] smo proučavali pravilne prizme, popločavanje prizmama te njihovo popunjavanje geodetskim kuglama u prostoru widetilde{SL_2R}, koji je jedan od osam Thurstonovih geometrija. Ova se geometrija može dobiti iz 3-dimenzionalne Lieve grupe svih 2×2 matrica s jediničnom determinantom. U ovom članku promatramo popločavanje pravilnim beskonačnim i omeđenim kvadratskim prizmama čije je postojanje dokazano u [10]. Određujemo podatke gore spomenutog popločavanja i vizualiziramo ih u modelu hiperboloida u widetilde{SL_2R} prostoru. Za računanje i vizualizaciju widetilde{SL_2R} prostora koristimo projektivni model koji je uveo E. Molnár

    Vizualizacija geodetskih krivulja, sfera i ekvidistantnih ploha u prostoru S^2×R

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    The S^2×R geometry is derived by direct product of the spherical plane S^2 and the real line R. In [9] the third author has determined the geodesic curves, geodesic balls of S^2×R space, computed their volume and defined the notion of the geodesic ball packing and its density. Moreover, he has developed a procedure to determine the density of the geodesic ball packing for generalized Coxeter space groups of S^2×R and applied this algorithm to them. E. MOLNÁR showed in [3], that the homogeneous 3-spaces have a unified interpretation in the projective 3-sphere PS^3(V^4,V_ 4,R). In our work we shall use this projective model of S^2×R geometry and in this manner the geodesic lines, geodesic spheres can be visualized on the Euclidean screen of computer. Furthermore, we shall define the notion of the equidistant surface to two points, determine its equation and visualize it in some cases. We shall also show a possible way of making the computation simpler and obtain the equation of an equidistant surface with more possible geometric meaning. The pictures were made by the Wolfram Mathematica software.S^2×R geometrija izvodi se kao direktni produkt sferne rav- nine S^2 i realnog pravca R. U članku [9], treći je autor odredio geodetske krivulje i geodetske kugle prostora S^2×R, izračunao njihov volumen i definirao pojam popunjavanja geodetskim kuglama i njegovu gustoću. Pored toga, razvio je metodu određivanja gustoće popunjavanja geodetskim kuglama za generalizirane Coxeterove grupe prostora S^2×R i primijenio taj algoritam na njih. U [3] je E. MOLNAR pokazao da homogeni 3-prostori imaju jedinstvenu interpretaciju u projektivnim 3-sferama PS^3(V^4,V_3,R). U našem članku koristit ćemo projektivni model S^2×R geometrije te se na taj način geodetske linije i kugle mogu vizualizirati na euklidskom ekranu računala. Nadalje, definirat ćemo pojam plohe jednako udaljene od dviju točaka, odrediti njezinu jednadžbu te je vizualizirati u pojedinim slučajevima. Također ćemo pokazati mogući način pojednostavljena računa i dobiti jednadžbe plohe s točnijim geometrijskim značenjem. Slike su napravljene u Wolframovom programu Mathematica

    O popločavanju pravilnim kvadratskim prizmama u prostoru widetilde{SL_2R}

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    In [9] and [10] we have studied the regular prisms and prism tilings and their geodesic ball packings in widetilde{SL_2R} space that is one among the eight Thurston geometries. This geometry can be derived from the 3-dimensional Lie group of all 2 ×2 real matrices with determinant one. In this paper we consider the regular infinite and bounded square prism tilings whose existence was proved in [9]. We determine the data of the above tilings and visualize them in the hyperboloid model of widetilde{SL_2R} space. We use for the computations and visualization of the widetilde{SL_2R} space its projective model introduced by E. Molnár.U [9] i [10] smo proučavali pravilne prizme, popločavanje prizmama te njihovo popunjavanje geodetskim kuglama u prostoru widetilde{SL_2R}, koji je jedan od osam Thurstonovih geometrija. Ova se geometrija može dobiti iz 3-dimenzionalne Lieve grupe svih 2×2 matrica s jediničnom determinantom. U ovom članku promatramo popločavanje pravilnim beskonačnim i omeđenim kvadratskim prizmama čije je postojanje dokazano u [10]. Određujemo podatke gore spomenutog popločavanja i vizualiziramo ih u modelu hiperboloida u widetilde{SL_2R} prostoru. Za računanje i vizualizaciju widetilde{SL_2R} prostora koristimo projektivni model koji je uveo E. Molnár