934 research outputs found

    Bisphenol A in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alih media koleksi manuskrip local sebagai bentuk pelestarian di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapanya itu mulai dari membentuk tim kerja, melakukan survey, menjalin komunikasi dengan pihak pemilik manuskrip dan melakukan proses alih media. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam alih media koleksi manuskrip local sebagai bentuk pelestarian di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan adalah pada ruang penyimpanan microfilm yang sangat tergantung pada suhu ruangan dan adanya persyaratan adat dari pihak pemilik manuskrip yang perlu di penuhi apa bila ingin melihat dan menyentuh manuskrip

    Bisphenol A in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Several types of medical devices are produced using polycarbonate (PC) polymer. Unfortunately, these medical devices produced using PC could contain and release Bisphenol A (BPA) residual in routinely use. Published evidence on BPA in dialysis or Chronic Kidney patients (CKD) is scarce and limited to the observation of increased blood BPA levels. Increased serum BPA with decreasing renal function was observed in a smaller study of 32 CKD patients, suggesting that BPA may accumulate. Recently a crossover study evaluated the impact of the choice of dialyzer (BPA-free versus BPA-containing) on serum and intracellular BPA levels and on inflammation and oxidative stress markers. Currently, BPA is still considered, from regulatory agencies, safe enough in the general population, despite several red flags, as it is readily excreted in the urine. However, patients in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) are unable to excrete BPA in their urine, leading to BPA accumulation. Repeated loading of BPA during hemodialysis with BPA-containing membranes may aggravate the problem due to migration of BPA from dialyzers to the blood of patients. In contrast, some recent studies on the chronic use of BPA-free dialyzers, results in decreased BPA levels

    Emplacement of sandstone intrusions during contractional tectonics

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    Acknowledgments We acknowledge the support of sponsoring companies of Phase 3 of the Sand Injection Research Group (SIRG). We are very grateful to John Waldron and Jessica Ross for the constructive reviews of the manuscript. We also wish to thank and acknowledge the continuing help and access provided by the Bureau of Land Management.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Reconstruction of tectonically disrupted carbonates through quantitative microfacies analyses: an example from the Middle Triassic of Southern Italy

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    AbstractThe main goal of the paper is the reconstruction of a Middle Triassic buildup cropping out in the central part of the Southern Apennines. Middle Triassic reefs of the western Tethys realm are well known in the Northern and Southern Alps. In contrast, few studies of the Anisian–Ladinian carbonate platforms of the southern Apennines are available, due to the diagenetic alteration and tectonic disruption that hinder their paleoenvironmental and stratigraphic reconstruction. In an attempt to fill this gap, and to improve the knowledge on the Anisian–Ladinian carbonates of central Mediterranean area, this research is focused on a carbonate buildup cropping out in the "La Cerchiara" area, Sasso di Castalda (Basilicata, Southern Italy). The buildup, affected by intense tectonic deformation associated with the development of the Apennine thrust and fold belt, was studied using a statistical evaluation of the quantitative microfacies data. The research enabled a reconstruction of the original stratigraphic relationships of the various buildup fragments. A positive linear regression between the sample positions vs the percentage of autochthonous carbonates indicates an increase of the autochthons carbonate toward the top of the succession. The allochthonous fabrics (packstone/wackestone) at the base of the section (Unit IIIa) pass gradually upward into autochthonous (boundstones) facies (Units IIIb, I), consisting of microbialites (clotted peloidal micrite, microbial-derived laminae, and aphanitic micrite), microproblematica and cyanobacterial crusts, with few encrusting skeletal organisms. Statistical data suggest that units IIIa, IIIb, and I are in stratigraphic order while unit II appears to have been moved by tectonic dislocation from its original position at the base of the succession. The absence of metazoan reef framework, and the richness of micro-encrusters, autochthonous micrite and synsedimentary cements, suggest a mud-mound style of growth for the carbonate bodies of the Southern Apennine during the Anisian

    Modelling the spread of Covid19 in Italy using a revised version of the SIR model

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    In this paper, we present a model to predict the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic and apply it to the specific case of Italy. We started from a simple Susceptible, Infected, Recovered (SIR) model and we added the condition that, after a certain time, the basic reproduction number R0R_0 exponentially decays in time, as empirically suggested by world data. Using this model, we were able to reproduce the real behavior of the epidemic with an average error of 5\%. Moreover, we illustrate possible future scenarios, associated to different intervals of R0R_0. This model has been used since the beginning of March 2020, predicting the Italian peak of the epidemic in April 2020 with about 100.000 detected active cases. The real peak of the epidemic happened on the 20th of April 2020, with 108.000 active cases. This result shows that the model had predictive power for the italian case.Comment: The model presented in this paper has been adopted on Covstat.it. Errata corrige in the abstrac

    Geological and geophysical characterization of the Brindisi di Montagna Scalo landslide (Basilicata, Southern Italy)

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    The Brindisi di Montagna Scalo Landslide in Southern Italy is an active complex mass movement, which affects the left slope of the Basento River. In the last few decades, this landslide has been continuously monitored, as it directly threatened some of the most important communication routes in the Basilicata Region. Nevertheless, little progresses have been made to prevent further landslide advancement, and continuous maintenance is required. With the aims of better understanding, the main factors controlling the evolution of this landslide, and suggesting the most appropriate countermeasures, a multidisciplinary study, based on the integration of direct and indirect techniques, was carried out. Direct techniques included multi-temporal geomorphological analysis of the slope, alongside geological and structural field observations. Indirect techniques consisted of electrical resistivity tomography acquisition. The combined analyses of the geological and geophysical data showed that Quaternary tectonic processes played a fundamental role as a predisposing factor, whereas seasonal rainfall, and the perpetual undercutting by erosional processes caused by the Basento River at the toe of the landslide are the main triggering mechanisms. The Brindisi di Montagna Scalo Landslide represents an outstanding case-study, concerning the interaction between a flow-like complex landslide and essential linear infrastructure, such as motorways and railways

    The Tumey Giant Injection Complex, Tumey Hill, California (USA)

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Shell Brazil and CNPq through the “BG05: UoAUFRGS-SWB Sedimentary Systems” project at UFRGS and UoA and the strategic importance of the support given by ANP through the R&D levy regulation. We also wish to thank the support from the Sand Injection Research Group (SIRG) and the researchers who collaborated during fieldwork. We also wish to thank the support and help of the Bureau of Land Management (CA) providing guidance and legal access to the study area.Postprin

    Seismic imaging of complex geometry : Forward modeling of sandstone intrusions

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    We acknowledge the support of sponsoring companies of Phase 3 of the Sand Injection Research Group (SIRG). The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) are thanked for providing seismic data from Volund oil field. Also, we wish to acknowledge NORSAR Innovation AS for providing the academic licence for the SeisRoX software and the California Bureau of Land Management for facilitating access to the outcrop area.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Caratteri geomorfologici della instabilità del versante sinistro del Fiume Basento interessato dalla grande frana di Brindisi di Montagna Scalo (Potenza, Basilicata).

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    Geomorphological instability in the left slope of the river Basento involved in the huge Brindisi di Montagna ScaloLandslide (Potenza, Basilicata) ABSTRACT: The left slope of the river Basento valley near Brindisi di Montagna (PZ) railway station is characterized by the presence of diffuse geomorphological instability. There is a large complex landslide that from Tempa Pizzuta hill develops down to the base of the slope where river Basento flows and the Potenza-Metaponto railway and an important motorway occur. In the upper part the landslide has the form of a deep slide, that in the lower part of the hill becomes a large earthflow with retrogressive evolution. A detailed study of the stability condition of the whole left hand slope of river Basento valley has been carried out after the last reactivation of the earth-flow. On the base of a detailed geological and geomorphological survey it has been possible to define the relationships between the different geological formations outcropping in the area and to define the geomorphological evolution. In the area a complex superposition of tectonic units have, characterized by an eastward vergence, can be observed. The study, starting from the analysis of the geomorphological characters of the studied area, tried to explain the complex interaction between the slide in the upper part of the slope and the earth-flow at the bottom

    Landslides and predisposing factors of the Southern Apennines, Italy

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    The FiumarelladiCorletodrainagebasinisanemblematicsectorofthesouthernApennine thrust beltintheBasilicataregion(SouthernItaly),whichisstronglyaffected bylandslides. Landslides bothaffect theurbanareaandthefacilitiesrelatedtohydrocarbonexploitation, such asthepipelinesandoilwellsconnectedwiththeoilcentrelocatedjustoutsidethe eastern borderofthestudyarea.Basedonadetailed field survey,supportedby stereoscopic analysis,alandslideinventorymaphasbeenrealized,whichalsoreportsthe associated processesandlandforms.Therelationshipsbetweenthedifferent typesof landslides andthevariouspredisposingfactorslikeoutcroppinglithologies,slopes steepness, slopeexpositionandlandusehavebeenalsoinvestigated.Theacquireddata relate toageologicallycomplexareaofthesouthernApenninessubjecttorecentupliftand represent afundamentalcontributionusefulforthecorrectmanagementoftheterritory