69 research outputs found

    Сучасні аспекти експлуатації дійкової гуми доїльних стаканів

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    Major traumatic effect in milking cows has liner teat, a structural element of the milking cup. Tires that do not meet the requirements during milking animals may rub the nipple to corns and often causes bleeding, and is a peddler of disease, as are cracks rubber breeding sites of infection, which affects the quality of milk and often causes mastitis. An improved method of diagnosing performance properties liner teat milking cups is done as follows: using metering unit is working length rubber. Then make measurement extension product in tension under the weight of 6 kg, which occurs within 60 seconds, and exercise determine deformation sucker. The next phase is carried calculation of the duration of use liner in days (T), taking into account the number of milking machines in milking installation (к), frequency of milking herds per day (m) and the number of cows in the herd, which caters milking unit (n). After making these measurements and calculations, the results are interpreted as follows: liner teat milking cups usable only if its elongation under a load of 6 kg not exceeding 5 mm, deformation of the suction cup is in the range from 0 mm to 3 mm. If the life of the liner, as calculated by the formula is more than 185 days, it replaced no later than 6 months of operation. Scientific and economic experiments established that the introduction given by way of selection, condition monitoring and timely replacement liner teat milking cups enhances the intensity milk output 5.2 – 7.5%, decrease in the duration of the milking by 8.0 – 10.5%, disease of cows to mastitis to 8,5%. Implemented research and development will allow for broader studies that focus on technological process of machine milking cattle. Further findings will create prerequisites for optimum interaction liner teat milking cups from the udder of animals.Показники надоїв і здоров’я тварин суттєво залежать від якості і характеристик дійкової гуми, тому актуальним завданням при машинному доїнні є не тільки використання якісної гуми з оптимальними технологічними параметрами, а й своєчасний контроль зміни її фізико–механічних властивостей та заміна відпрацьованого виробу. Розроблений спосіб передбачає після здійснення відповідних вимірювань та розрахунків, отримані результати інтерпретувати наступним чином: дійкова гума доїльних стаканів придатна до використання за умови, якщо її подовження під навантаженням в 6 кг не перевищує 5 мм, деформація її присоски перебуває в межах від 0 мм до 3 мм. Якщо строк експлуатації гуми, розрахований за формулою, складає більше 185 днів, то її замінюють не пізніше ніж через 6 місяців експлуатації. Впровадження зазначеного способу за рахунок оптамального підбору, контролю стану та своєчасної заміни дійкової гуми доїльних стаканів забезпечує підвищення інтенсивності молоковиведення на 5,2 – 7,5%, зменшення тривалості доїння на 8,0 – 10,5%, рівня захворювання корів на мастит до 8,5%. Здійснені наукові розробки дадуть можливість розширити область досліджень, які присвячені технологічному процесу машинного доїння ВРХ


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    Безпека і якість молочної сировини та виготовленої з неї продукції є в даний час важливою і невирішеною проблемою. Традиційно низька якість молока, виробленого в господарствах країни, пов’язана з відсутністю системи забезпечення його якості.Вітчизняні вчені, узагальнюючи закордонний досвід і результати власних досліджень, дійшли наступних висновків: якість молока, насамперед, залежить від санітарно-гігієнічних чинників його одержання.Також на якість молока значною мірою впливають способи та умови одержання молока, а також його зберігання й транспортування. Порушення необхідних вимог може не тільки викликати швидке псування молока, зробивши його непридатним до переробки на готові продукти, а й призвести до зараження молока патогенними мікроорганізмами, здатними викликати у споживача інфекційні захворювання.Тому визначення критичних контрольних точок технологічного процесу виробництва молока на фермах та молочних комплексах спрямоване на вирішення проблем безпеки та надає інформацію про те, як найкраще контролювати небезпечні чинники у загальному процесі.Безопасность и качество молочного сырья и изготовленной из него продукции является в настоящее время важной и нерешенной проблемой. Традиционно низкое качество молока, производимого в хозяйствах страны, связано с отсутствием системы обеспечения его качества.Отечественные ученые, обобщая зарубежный опыт и результаты собственных исследований, пришли к следующим выводам: качество молока, в первую очередь, зависит от санитарно-гигиенических факторов его получения.Также на качество молока, в значительной степени, влияют способы и условия получения молока, а также его хранения и транспортировки. Нарушение необходимых требований может не только вызвать быструю порчу молока, сделавши его непригодным к переработке на готовые продукты, но и привести к заражению молока патогенными микроорганизмами, способными вызвать у потребителя инфекционные заболевания.Поэтому определение критических контрольных точек технологического процесса производства молока на фермах и молочных комплексах направлено на решение проблем безопасности и предоставляет информацию о том, как лучше контролировать опасные факторы в общем процессе.Safety and quality of raw milk and products made from it is now important and unresolved issue. Traditionally, the poor quality of the milk produced in the economy due to the lack of software quality.Domestic scientists, summarizing international experience and the results of their research, have reached the following conclusions: the quality of milk in the first place depends on hygiene factors of its receipt.Also on milk quality significantly affect the ways and conditions for obtaining milk, as well as its storage and transportation. Violation of the necessary requirements can not only cause rapid deterioration of milk to make it unfit for processing into finished products, but also lead to contamination of milk pathogens that can cause infectious diseases in consumers.Therefore, the definition critical control points the process of milk production on dairy farms and complexes aimed at addressing security issues and provides information on how best to control dangerous factors in the overall process

    Distribution of poultry ectoparasites in industrial farms, farms, and private plots with different rearing technologies

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    One of the problems in growing and keeping poultry, both in industrial and farm and kitchen garden environments is ectoparasites, which are responsible for lowering the productivity of poultry and causing economic losses. The study of the prevalence and diagnosis of bird ectoparasites on poultry farms with different maintenance technologies is important for the further development of integrated methods for combating them. Our research was conducted during 2006–2017 in 16 regions of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In total, 38 poultry farms specializing in egg production with poultry kept in battery cages, 18 poultry houses specializing in egg production with poultry kept on the floor and more than 150 farm and kitchen garden poultry houses for keeping chickens, turkeys, quails, guinea fowl and pigeons were examined. We found that, both with battery cages and when poultry are kept on the floor in poultry farms, the most common ectoparasites are chicken mites (Dermanyssus gallinae), which causes the disease of dermanyssiosis. It was determined that the extensivity of the invasion was, on average, from 56% to 80%. Also, in the chickens and turkeys, mallophages (Menopon gallinae, Menacanthus stramineus), which cause mallophagoses, were detected, and the extensivity of the invasion ranged from 27% to 45%. In farms and kitchen gardens where chickens, guinea fowl and quails were kept, the number of chicken mites in 1 g substrate was more than a thousand live mites, in dovecotes chicken mites were found in 50% to 100% of nests. In chickens and turkeys, besides the chicken mite, bird lice were found. In chickens, extensivity of invasion of M. gallinae, M. stramineus, Lipeurus variabilis, ranged from 15% to 22%, in turkeys, extensivity of invasion of M. gallinae and M. stramineus ranged from 16% to 25%. The scaly leg mite (Knemidocoptes mutans), which causes the disease knemidocoptiasis ("lame leg"), was detected in incubating hens over the age of two years, the extensivity of the invasion ranged from 5% to 7%. It was established that in poultry farms, both in battery cages and when the birds were kept on the floor, the main ectoparasite in chickens, guinea fowl and quail is red chicken mite (D. gallinae), and on poultry farms and kitchen gardens in addition to the chicken mite, three types of bird lice (M. gallinae, M. stramineus, L. variabilis) and K. mutans were found

    Інновації у встановленні фізіологічності технологій доїння високопродуктивних корів

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    As a result of continuous development and improvement of technology and technical devices passed a long way from mechanical milking machines, which traced the milk from the udder of a cow squeeze devices to stump mechanical operating in automatic mode, by continuous extraction by action of constant vacuum pressure to cyclical changes (two- and three-stroke milking machines). As a result of long development and differences of opinion offered by designers and authors of milking machines of today there are dozens of different types of milking means other than technological features, and by design. The design of milking machines, apparatus and technology should provide maximum stimulation conditional and unconditional reflexes of milk cows. Only under such physiological processes functioning animal can fully realize their genetic potential. For identifying promising innovative technologies and engineering solutions necessary to develop a method for evaluating their physiology that creates preconditions effective use of high producing dairy herds. Based on the overall performance efficiency of milking machines installed main indicators served as a basis to develop physiological way of milking technology assessment (Ukraine patent № 113769 on 10.02.2017). Physiological assessment of different technologies milking is carried out by comparing coefficients (К0), which includes the average value quantity latent period (t, s), the average intensity lactation (Q, d/s) and the average number of remaining milk (q, r). As a result of the definition К0 four milking machines installed, which is the least physiological milking machine № 3, since it has the smallest value К0 – 0.85. Most physiological was milking machine № 2 – К0 is 1,20. In addition, the milking machine № 1 was more than physiological than apparatus № 4 (1.04 > 0.98). Synthesis coefficients eliminates bias estimation parameters lactation, part К0, the value of which may differ little from each other, and provides a quantitative description physiological.Конструкція доїльних установок, апаратів і технологія доїння повинні забезпечувати максимальне стимулювання умовного та безумовного рефлексів молоковиведення у корів. Тільки за такого функціонування фізіологічних процесів тварина може повноцінно реалізувати свій генетичний потенціал. На основі загальних показників ефективності використання доїльних апаратів встановлені головні показники, що слугували основою до розробки способу фізіологічної оцінки технологій доїння (Патент України № 113769 від 10.02.2017). Фізіологічну оцінку різних технологій доїння проводять шляхом порівняння коефіцієнтів (К0), до яких входять середнє значення величини латентного періоду (t, с), середнє значення інтенсивності молоковиведення (Q, г/с) та середнє значення кількості залишкового молока (q, г). За результатами визначення К0 чотирьох доїльних апаратів встановлено, що найменш фізіологічним є доїльний апарат № 3, оскільки він має найменше значення К0 – 0,85. Найбільш фізіологічним виявився доїльний апарат № 2 – К0 складає 1,20. Поряд з цим доїльний апарат № 1 виявився більш фізіологічним, ніж апарат № 4 (1,04 > 0,98). Узагальнений коефіцієнт дозволяє виключити необ’єктивність оцінки показників молоковиведення, що входять до К0, значення яких можуть мало відрізнятися одне від одного та надає кількісну характеристику фізіологічності

    Мікробіологічна оцінка ефективності сучасних антисептиків, антимікробних матеріалів

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    Effectiveness of antiseptics decasan®(DC), chlorhexidine digluconate (CH), miramistin (MR), antimicrobial composition of decamethoxin (AMC, patent N 74853, Ukraine), antimicrobial dressings against isolated strains of S. aureus (n 32), E. coli (n 25), P. aeruginosa (n 20), C. albicans (n 16) in patients with diabetes having pyo-inflammatory complications has been researched. The antimicrobial properties of antiseptics have been studied by means of the serial dilutions method. The antimicrobial activity of dressings (1.0x1.0 cm), such as medical cotton impregnated with AMC; antiseptic overlay with CH (AOCH); Traumastem Biodress Disinfect®(TBD); activtex CH®, activtex CHF®, against clinical isolates of microorganisms has been studied on solid media. The bactericidal action against S. aureus in the presence of AMC (1.4±0.2 mkg/ml), DC (1.73±0.2 mkg/ml); CH (12.8±2.1 mkg/ml); MR (8.3±0.9 mkg/ml) has been found. The bactericidal properties of DC and MR in relation to E. coli in their concentrations of 6.68±0.71 and 17.9±1.9 mkg/ml, respectively, have been determined. AMC (4.9±0.5 mkg/ml) was six times more active than CH (p<0.001). The antipseudomonal action of DC against P. aeruginosa was 1.5 times higher than CH. AMC had also 2.8 times higher activity (p<0.001). The bactericidal action of MR was registered in the presence of 72.9±2.2 mkg/ml. It has been found that C. albicans is sensitive to AMC (7.4±1.9 mkg/ml), DC (14.6±1.9 mkg/ml), MR (26.0±3.6 mkg/ml). CH has a low effectiveness in relation to C. albicans (32.8±7.4 mkg/ml). Advantages of the antimicrobial activity of modern antimicrobial dressings with AMC against S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, fungi of Candida genus have been found.Исследовали эффективность антисептиков декасана (ДС), хлоргексидина биглюконата (ХГ), мирамистина (МР), антимикробной композиции декаметоксина (АМК, пат. №74853, Украина), противомикробных перевязочных материалов в отношении выделенных штаммов микроорганизмов S. aureus (n 32), E. coli (n 25), P. аureginosa (n 20), C. albicans (n 16) от больных сахарным диабетом с гнойно-воспалительными осложнениями. Противомикробные свойства антисептиков изучали методом серийных двукратных разведений. Противомикробную активность образцов (1,0x1,0 см) медицинской хлопчатобумажной ткани, импрегнированной АМК; официнальных перевязочных материалов: салфеток антисептических с хлоргексидином (САХ); Traumastem Biodress Disinfect® (TBD); активтекс® Х; активтекс®ХФ на клинические изоляты микроорганизмов изучали на плотных питательных средах. Установлено бактерицидное действие на S. aureus в присутствии АМК (1,4±0,2 мкг/мл); ДС (1,73±0,2 мкг/мл); ХГ (12,8±2,1 мкг/мл); МР (8,3±0,9 мкг/мл). Бактерицидные свойства ДС и МР в отношении E. соli определяли в присутствии 6,68±0,71 мкг/мл и 17,9±1,9 мкг/мл соответственно. АМК (4,9±0,5 мкг/мл) действовала в 6 раз активнее на E. соli по сравнению с ХГ (р<0,001). Антипсевдомонадное действие ДС было в 1,5 раза выше (79,2±7,4 мкг/мл), а у АМК в 2,8 раза выше, чем у ХГ (р<0,001). Бактерицидное действие МР в отношении P. aeruginosa установили в количестве 72,9±2,2 мкг/мл. Установлена чувствительность C. albicans к АМК (7,4±1,9 мкг/мл), ДС (14,6±1,9мкг/мл), мирамистина (26,0±3,6 мкг/мл). ХГ выявил низкую эффективность в отношении C. albicans (32,8±7,4 мкг/мл). Определены преимущества противомикробного действия современных антимикробных перевязочных материалов с АМК в отношении S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, C. albicans (р<0,05).Досліджена ефективність антисептиків декасану (ДС), хлорогексидину біглюконату (ХГ), мірамістину (МР), антимікробної композиції декаметоксину (АМК, пат. №74853, Україна), антимікробних перев’язувальних матеріалів щодо виділених штамів мікроорганізмів S. aureus (n 32), E. coli (n 25), P. аureginosa (n 20), C. albicans (n 16) від хворих на цукровий діабет з гнійно-запальними ускладненнями. Антимікробні властивості антисептиків вивчали методом серійних двократних розведень. Антимікробну активність зразків (1,0x1,0 см) медичної бавовни, імпрегнованої АМК; офіцинальних перев’язувальних матеріалів: серветок антисептичних з хлорогексидином (САХ); Traumastem Biodress Disinfect®(TBD); активтекс®Х; активтекс®ХФ на клінічні ізоляти мікроорганізмів вивчали на щільних поживних середовищах. Встановлено бактерицидну дію на S. aureus в присутності АМК (1,4±0,2 мкг/мл); ДС (1,73±0,2 мкг/мл); ХГ (12,8±2,1 мкг/мл); МР (8,3±0,9 мкг/мл). Бактерицидні властиво- сті ДС і МР щодо E. соli визначали в присутності 6,68±0,71 та 17,9±1,9 мкг/мл відповідно. АМК (4,9±0,5 мкг/мл) була в 6 разів активнішою щодо E. соli порівняно з ХГ (р<0,001). Антипсевдомонадна дія ДС була в 1,5 рази вищою (79,2±7,4 мкг/мл), а АМК у 2,8 рази вищою, ніж у ХГ (р<0,001). Бактерицидну дію МР щодо P. aeruginosa встановили в присутності 72,9±2,2 мкг/мл. Встановлено чутливість C. albicans до АМК (7,4±1,9 мкг/мл), декасану (14,6±1,9мкг/мл), мірамістину (26,0±3,6 мкг/мл). ХГ виявив низьку ефективність щодо C. albicans (32,8±7,4 мкг/мл). Визначені переваги антимікробної дії сучасних антимікробних перев’язувальних матеріалів з АМК щодо S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, C. albicans (р<0,05)

    Endoparasitoses of the Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) on the northern Black Sea coast of Ukraine

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    One of the main tasks of ecological parasitology at the present stage is to determine patterns of spread of invasive diseases of poultry in the environment through a thorough epidemiological examination, as well as to determine the main directions and factors of spread of parasites in Ukraine. Some pigeon health problems can affect their populations, but parasitic infections play an important role. Our research found that 83.3% of Eurasian collared doves examined (Streptopelia decaocto) were affected by endoparasites. The commonest helminths were Raillietina spp. with the average invasion intensity of 4.9 ± 1.3 specimens/ind., Baruscapillaria spp. and Ascaridia columbae with an invasion intensity of 4.6 ± 1.5 and 3.7 ± 2.1 specimens/ind., respectively. The commonest cestodes were Raillietina spp. with the extent of invasion of 52.2% and Davainea proglottina – 6.7%. The Amoebotaenia cuneata cestodes were recorded in 3 (3.3%) doves, and Echinolepis carioca – only in 2 (2.2%) doves. Six doves (6.7%) were infected with the nematode Ascaridia columbae and 5 (5.6%) – Baruscapillaria spp. Eimerian oocysts were found in 9 (10%) collared doves, and Trichomonas gallinae was recorded in 15 (16.7%) birds. According to the results of helminthological autopsy and identification of the isolated pathogens, 8 varieties of mixinvasions were identified. In association with the Rayetins, there were the protozoa Eimeria spp. and Trichomonas gallinae and the nematode Ascaridia columbae. Two-component invasions were registered in 78.6% of doves, three-component infestations in 14.3% and four-component infestations in 7.1% of birds. Mixed infection with Raillietina spp. + Ascaridia columbae was found in the small intestine of Streptopelia decaocto, which was also pathomorphologically observed to have catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis, which was accompanied by the formation of a large number of spotted hemorrhages on the mucous membrane, and in the places of attachment of cestodes - necrotic-caseous areas. Temperature and other weather conditions such as humidity, precipitation, etc. of the northern Black Sea coast affect the population size of intermediate host cestodes. Continuous monitoring of invasive diseases of pigeons of different species will help to take the necessary preventive measures against endoparasitoses of birds

    Contamination of animal-keeping premises with eggs of parasitic worms

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    Today, one of the important problems in the cultivation and maintenance of agricultural and domestic animals, both in industrial and private farms, is the spread of ecto- and endoparasites, which cause a significant decline in animal productivity, endanger their health and cause economic losses. The study of the level of distribution and conducting of diagnostic studies on parasitoses of animals in farms with different production orientation is an important and integral part of the overall complex of preventive and health-improving measures. The research was carried out during 2007–2017 in livestock enterprises of Kharkiv Oblast. As a part of the research work, 540 samples were collected from livestock farms, of which 180 were from the premises for keeping pigs, 100 from premises for keeping sheep, 120 from premises for keeping cattle, 80 from premises for dogs and 60 – from the surrounding territories of the livestock enterprises. We found that the objects of livestock rearing (pig complex, sheep farm, dairy farm, cynological center) in Kharkiv Oblast have a significant level of sanitary contamination with exogenous forms of helminths (21.7–45.6%) and the soil of the territories (20.0–36.6%). From samples taken from premises for pigs, eggs of four morphotypes were isolated (Ascaris suum – 5.3%, Trichuris suis – 14.6%, Oesophagostomum dentatum – 60.6%, Strongyloides ransomi – 19.4%), from premises for sheep – three morphotypes (Dicrocoelium lanceatum – 3.8%, Trichuris ovis – 29.3%, Strongylata spp. – 46.9%), from premises for cows – three morphotypes (Neoascaris vitulorum – 2.7%, Trichuris skrjabini – 12.9%, Strongylata spp. – 34.5%), premises for dogs – four morphotypes (Toxocara canis – 6.1%, Toxascaris leonina – 5.4%, Trichuris vulpis – 20.6%, Ancylostoma caninum – 17.5%). It should be noted that the places most contaminated with eggs of helminths were manure gutters (100%) and the floor of livestock buildings (50.0–86.7%). It has also been determined that, in the conditions of the cynological center, the Musca domestica was the source of environmental contamination with exogenous forms of Toxocara canis and Trichuris vulpis, and that the Muscina stabulans and Stomoxys calcitrans can be the source of spread of larvae of Ancylostoma caninum and eggs of Trichuris vulpis respectively

    Parasites of domestic and wild pigeons in the south of Ukraine

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    Pigeons are closely related to human life and are both a source of food and object for hobbies and sports. Parasitic diseases of birds are the main reason for their growth retardation, reduced productivity and viability. The article presents the results of studying the prevalence of trichomonosis, cestodes and nematodes among the population of wild and domestic pigeons in the south of Ukraine. According to the results of the conducted researches it is established that in the south of Ukraine endoparasitoses of domestic and wild pigeons are quite widespread, and all species of this bird are carriers of Trichomonas gallinae. At the same time, the highest rate of Trichomonas infection was recorded in Columba palambus and C. livia domestica, and the overall infestation of males is higher by 4.4% compared to females. It was determined that domestic pigeons C. livia domestica were infested with trichomonosis (27.5%) and nematodes (Ascaridia columbae, 57.1%), C. palambus – trichomonosis (32.1%) and cestodes (Raillietina spp., 82.4%), Streptopelia turtur – cestodes (Raillietina spp., 12.5%) and S. decaocto – cestodes (Raillietina spp., 71.4%) and nematodes (Heterakis gallinarum, A. columbae – 33.3% and 44.4% respectively). The overall rate of infestation of pigeons with cestodes was 28.4% and the incidence in males was higher by 3.9% compared to females. It was found that the most common species among pigeon cestodes is Raillietina spp. In addition, 22.9% of pigeons are carriers of nematodes (H. gallinarum, A. columbae and Capillaria spp.). Continuous monitoring of pigeon parasites is necessary because they, in most cases, come into contact with other species of poultry and are a source of general invasion. In terms of further research, it would be promising to study the prevalence of helminthic infestation among wild migratory birds

    Distribution, bioecological peculiarities of staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in livestock biocenoses of forest-steppe and steppe Ukraine

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    As a result of research in the territory of livestock farms, 103 species of predatory Coleoptera were found, including Staphylinidae accounting for 51.4%, Histeridae – 27.3%, Carabidae – 21.3%. A total of 39 species of the Staphylinidae family were identified, belonging to 5 subfamilies: Oxytelinae, Steninae, Staphylininae, Tachyporinae, Aleocharinae. Species composition of staphylinids varied in relation to the types of animal rearing premises. In cowsheds and calf pens species diversity was higher (35 species). To study the peculiarities of feeding in laboratory conditions, we monitored 9 species of Staphylinidae: Philonthus addendus Sharp, Ph. cruentatus (Gmel.), Ph. rectangulus Sharp, Ph. varians (Payk.), Ph. spinipes Sharp, Ph. nitidus F., Creophilus maxillosus (L.), Ontholestes murinus (L.), Oxytelus sp. Feeding specialization of imagoes and larvae of different ages was studied. We determined that the mass of food consumed per day is higher than the weight of the beetles. Large species of staphylinids prefer feeding on average-aged larvae of flies and can eat puparia. Peculiarities of the development of coprophilous staphylinids were studied on the example of Ph. spinipes Sharp. During 24 h a female laid 1–3 eggs (in +28°С). Duration of the egg phase depends on the temperature regime (in +20 °С – 4–5, +28 °С – 3–4 days). Cessation of egg laying was observed with decrease in the temperature to +14 °С. The development takes part in three larval stages. Duration of the larva phase at +28 °С was 8–10 days, at +20 °С – 13–14 days. The first moulting was observed on the 2–3th days (in +28 °С) after the larvae emerged from the eggs. At +28 °С the pupa phase lasted 8–10 days. Decrease in temperature prolonged the rate of the development. At +24 °С it practically did not change (9–10 days), at +18 °С – increased to 13–15 days

    Ecology of zoophilic flies in livestock biocenoses of Ukraine

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    In modern animal husbandry of Ukraine, there are still some unresolved issues related to the high number of zoophilic flies in the territories of facilities and the spread of animal infectious and parasitic diseases. A detailed study of bioecological peculiarities of the dominant zoophilic fly species contributes to improving the effectiveness of measures to control ectoparasites. 27 zoophilic fly species have been found in animal breeding complexes. The maximum number of parasitic Diptera species was recorded on cattle-keeping premises. The biological properties of Neomyia cornicina (Fabricius, 1781) (size, shape, colour, duration of preimaginal phase development) were studied. Also, we studied the dynamics of the number and daily activity of dominant fly species (Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758, M. autumnalis De Geer, 1776, Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus, 1758)). When studying the intraspecies competition, a high-degree survival of M. domestica and M. autumnalis was determined in the conditions of critical nutritional deficiency (0.5 g of nutrient medium per larva) and increased density of individuals (the imago emergence was 38.6% and 34.0%, respectively). In similar maintenance conditions, the emergence of N. cornicina imago was low (14.6%). With a two-fold increase in the insectarium volume and in the amount of nutrient medium (1 g per larva), the imago emergence of M. domestica, M. autumnalis and N. cornicina increased to 64.0%, 39.2%, and 24.0%, respectively. With an even greater increase in the amount of nutrient medium (2 g per larva), the maximum emergence of imagoes of all the studied fly species was observed (M. domestica, M. autumnalis, and N. cornicina: 96.6%, 91.2% and 72.6%, respectively). In the conditions of interspecific competition, M. autumnalis suppressed N. cornicina even in conditions of a sufficient amount of nutrient substrate. In the competition between M. domestica and M. autumnalis, house fly dominated. Increasing the nutrient medium volume narrowed the gap between the competing species