8 research outputs found

    Dinamika Sebaran Bakteri Heterotrofik di Teluk Jakarta

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    Jakarta Bay is one of the aquatic ecosystems with the highest level of organic pollution in the world. Ecological condition of Jakarta Bay’s water will affect the ecosystem, including the distribution of heterotrophic bacteria. This study aims to determine the dynamics of the distribution of heterotrophic bacteria in the Jakarta Bay. Sampling was done by 4 repetitions during the year of 2013. Primary and secondary data was used in this research. The results showed an abundance of heterotrophic bacteria fluctuate and are relatively high in the area close to the mouth of the river and decreasing abundance in the ocean. The highest abundance obtained at Station 10 with 3,5 × 106 CFU/ml density and the lowest abundance obtained at Station 1 with 1,8 × 105 CFU/ml density. The highest density obtained in October with an average of 1,3 × 106 CFU/ml and the lowest density obtained in July with the average of 3,5 x 105 CFU/ml. Abundance of heterotrophic bacteria have a close relationship with chlorophyll-


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    Pembentukan ikan mas transgenik merupakan salah satu program penelitian di Balai Penelitian Pemuliaan Ikan, Sukamandi dalam rangka menghasilkan varietas unggul ikan mas tahan infeksi KHV (Koi herpesvirus). Pada tahun 2015 telah dilakukan pembentukan ikan mas transgenik tahan KHV generasi F-2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi transmisi gen krt-GP11, ketahanan ikan mas transgenik F-2 terhadap infeksi KHV, keberadaan marka Cyca-DAB1*05 tahan KHV pada populasi ikan mas transgenik F-2. Ikan mas transgenik F-2 dihasilkan dengan memijahkan ikan mas transgenik F-1 jantan dengan betina non-transgenik. Pengujian transmisi transgen dan deteksi marka ketahanan KHV pada transgenik F-2 dilakukan dengan metode PCR menggunakan primer spesifik untuk transgen krt-GP11 dan gen Cyca-DAB1*05. Evaluasi ketahanan ikan mas transgenik F-2 terhadap infeksi KHV dilakukan dengan uji tantang secara kohabitasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transmisi gen krt-GP11 pada keturunan F-2 memiliki persentase yang relatif rendah yaitu sebesar 0%-2%. Ikan mas transgenik F-2 memiliki ketahanan relatif baik terhadap KHV dengan sintasan uji tantang sebesar 90% dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan ikan mas pembanding atau non-transgenik (P>0,05). Tingginya pesentase keberadaan marka Cyca-DAB1*05 pada populasi transgenik berperan pada ketahanan ikan mas transgenik terhadap infeksi KHV.Creating of transgenic common carp is one of the breeding programs in Research Institute for Fish Breeding for producing a superior strain of common carp resistant to KHV(Koi herpesvirus). Since 2015, the creation of common carp transgenic has been conducted to produce F2 population resistant to KHV. This study was aimed to evaluate the transmission of krt-GP11 gen,the resistantce of F2 transgenic common carp against to KHV infection, and the existence of Cyca-DAB1*05 marker resistant to KHV in F2 transgenic population. F2 transgenic population has been produced by mating F1 transgenic male with non transgenic female. Transgene transmission and the existence of marker resistant to KHV in F2 transgenic population were evaluated by PCR method using specific primer to krt-GP11 gene and Cyca-DAB1*05 gene, respectively. The resistance of F2 transgenic population againstto KHV infection was evaluated by challenge test using cohabitation method. The result showed that transmission of krt-GP11 gene in F2transgenic population was relatively low with percentage of 0-2%. The resistance of F2 transgenic common carp against to KHV was relatively high with survival rate of 90% and was not significantly different from non transgenic (p>0.05). High percentage of transgenic population having Cyca-DAB1*05 marker had a role in resistance of transgenic population against KHV infection


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    Ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) merupakan komoditas budidaya yang mudah beradaptasi dengan berbagai kondisi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh genotipe, lingkungan, dan interaksi antara genotipe dengan lingkungan terhadap stabilitas penampilan fenotipik ikan mas dalam kegiatan budidaya. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan faktorial 3 x 5 dengan lima ulangan. Lima strain ikan mas, yaitu Rajadanu, Sutisna, Majalaya, Wildan, dan Sinyonya dipelihara secara komunal di dalam tiga model wadah budidaya, yaitu kolam beton, kolam jaring, dan kolam tanah, selama 90 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penampilan fenotipik ikan mas dipengaruhi oleh genotipe, lingkungan dan interaksi kedua faktor tersebut. Strain Sutisna dan Wildan mempunyai nilai sintasan yang paling baik di semua lingkungan dibanding tiga strain lainnya. Strain Sutisna mempunyai pertumbuhan terbaik di kolam tanah sedangkan strain Wildan di kolam jaring. Hal ini menyebabkan kedua strain tersebut menghasilkan biomassa panen terbaik pada lingkungan yang berbeda. Hasil analisis stabilitas menunjukkan bahwa kelima strain ikan mas dalam penelitian ini relatif tidak stabil dan mempunyai respons yang berbeda jika dipelihara pada lingkungan yang berbeda. Strain Wildan dan Rajadanu merupakan strain ikan mas yang mempunyai respons terhadap perbedaan lingkungan paling tinggi. Strain dengan karakteristik tersebut akan mempunyai performa terbaik pada lokasi dan kondisi pemeliharan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, tetapi mempunyai penampilan fenotipik yang rendah jika kondisi lingkungan budidayanya tidak sesuai. Strain Sutisna, Sinyonya, dan Majalaya merupakan strain ikan mas dengan daya responsi terhadap lingkungan lebih rendah. Karakteristik ini menyebabkan penampilan fenotipik ketiga strain tersebut relatif stabil pada semua lokasi dan kondisi budidaya, meskipun tidak bisa mencapai hasil yang maksimal.Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is known as fish species highly adaptable to various environmental conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of genotype, environment, and their interaction in phenotypic performance stability of common carp. The experimental design used a 3 x 5 factorial design with five repetitions. Five strains of common carp, namely Rajadanu, Sutisna, Majalaya, Wildan, and Sinyonya were stocked communally for 90 days in three culture systems: concrete pond, net cage pond, and earthen pond. The result showed that the phenotypic performance of common carp was influenced by genotype, environment, and their interaction. Sutisna and Wildan strains have a higher survival rate compared to other strains in all culture systems. Sutisna and Wildan strains have the best growth performance in the earthen pond and net cage pond, respectively. Both strains also have the highest biomass production at harvest in all culture systems. Based on the stability performance analysis, Wildan and Rajadanu have the highest response to the different environmental conditions. Strains with this characteristic perform best in different locations or culture systems as long as the environmental conditions are suitable. However, these fish will likely perform poor in the unsuitable culture environment. Sutisna, Sinyonya, and Majalaya are carp strains with lower responsiveness to environmental change. Such characteristic causes the phenotypic performance of these three strains cannot achieve the maximum results, yet it is relatively stable in all locations


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    Salah satu varietas unggul ikan mas adalah “Mustika”. Varietas ini merupakan hasil seleksi berbasis marka molekuler untuk karakter tahan penyakit KHV (Koi Herpesvirus). Pengembangan ikan mas Mustika di masyarakat memerlukan informasi terkait performa fenotipe varietas tersebut di lingkungan budidaya yang beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi adaptabilitas dan stabilitas produksi ikan mas Mustika pada beberapa kondisi lingkungan budidaya. Penelitian dilakukan di empat lokasi dengan dua model sistem budidaya berbeda, yaitu karamba jaring apung (KJA) di tiga lokasi (Waduk Cirata, Cianjur; Waduk Jatiluhur, Purwakarta; dan Waduk Darma, Kuningan) serta di kolam air deras (KAD) di Tanjungsiang, Subang. Ikan mas Majalaya yang berasal dari unit pembenihan rakyat (UPR) di masing-masing lokasi uji digunakan sebagai pembanding. Penelitian dilakukan selama 90 hari dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, ikan mas Mustika mempunyai daya adaptabilitas dan stabilitas yang baik pada semua kondisi lingkungan budidaya. Hal ini diindikasikan dengan nilai koefisien regresi (bi) karakter daya hasil panen tidak berbeda nyata dengan satu dan simpangan baku koefisien regresi (S2di) sama dengan nol. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, budidaya ikan mas Mustika tidak membutuhkan spesifikasi lokasi tertentu dan dapat dilakukan di semua lokasi budidaya.“Mustika” is a new superior common carp variety genetically selected as KHV (Koi Herpesvirus) resistant. This research was conducted to evaluate the adaptability and production stability of the fish strain in different farming systems and sites. The treatments consisted of culturing the fish strain at four locations with two different culture systems, that is in floating net cage at three locations (Cirata Reservoir, Cianjur; Jatiluhur Reservoir Purwakarta; and Darma Reservoir, Kuningan) and in a running water pond (KAD) at Tanjungsiang, Subang. Majalaya carp produced from a local hatchery (U.P.R.) in each location was also cultured as the control treatment. All treatments in this experiment were conducted for 90 days with three replications. The results showed that Mustika common carp has high adaptability and production stability in all culture systems and sites. Such results were indicated by the coefficient of regression (bi) of biomass at harvest was not significantly different from 1.0, and the standard deviation of regression (S2di) was zero. Based on these results, it is concluded that the culture of Mustika common carp does not require a strict or specific culture system and can be farmed in most of suitable culture environment


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    Seleksi ikan mas berdasarkan marka ketahanan terhadap penyakit (MHC-II) telah menghasilkan ikan mas “Mustika” sebagai ikan unggul tahan KHV (koi herpes virus). Adanya fenomena trade-off antar karakter menyebabkan laju pertumbuhan ikan mas Mustika relatif lebih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperbaiki performa ikan mas Mustika khususnya pada karakter pertumbuhan melalui seleksi. Pembentukan populasi F-1 hingga F-3 dilakukan menggunakan metode “back-cross”, yaitu betina F-0><jantan F-1, betina F-1><jantan F-2 dan betina F-2><jantan F-3. Evaluasi pertumbuhan populasi ikan mas Mustika dari F-1, F-2, dan F-3 dilakukan pada karamba jaring apung selama tiga bulan. Pada evaluasi penampilan fenotipik populasi F-3 ikan mas Mustika pada kegiatan budidaya, digunakan populasi ikan mas Majalaya dari unit pembenihan rakyat (UPR) sebagai populasi kontrol eksternal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai respons seleksi karakter bobot ikan mas Mustika F-1, F-2, dan F-3 secara berturut-turut sebesar 7,29%; 34,51%; dan 8,12%; sehingga total respons seleksi yang diperoleh sebesar 49,72%. Pada kegiatan budidaya, populasi ikan mas Mustika mempunyai pertumbuhan, bobot individu panen, biomassa panen, konversi rasio pakan, dan produktivitas lebih baik dibandingkan dengan populasi ikan mas Majalaya dari UPR, masing-masing sebesar 5,99%; 11,60%; 13,32%; 39,59%; dan 11,19%.Marker-assisted selection (MAS) using MHC-II has successfully formed “Mustika” as a resistant common carp strain against KHV. However, the trade-off among characters to form the KHV resistant carp strain has suppressed the growth trait of the species. This study was aimed to improve the growth character of Mustika common carp based on the selection of growth performance. The F-1, F-2, and F-3 populations were formed using the “walk-back” method by crossing females of F-0 ><males of F-1, females of F-1 ><males of F-2, and females of F-2 ><males of F-3. Growth evaluation of each generation was based on body weight gain during the three months experiment. The growth evaluation of the F-3 Majalaya strain from a local breeder (UPR) was used as the external control. The results showed that the response to the selection of F-1, F-2, and F-3 of Mustika common carp were 7.29%, 34.51%, and 8.12%, respectively, with a total response to selection of 49.72%. In culture condition, the Mustika common carp has a better specific growth rate, individual weight, biomass at harvest, food conversion ratio, and productivity than the Majalaya common carp of 5.99%, 11.60%, 13.32%, 39.59%, and 11.19%, respectively


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    Ikan mas Mustika merupakan varietas unggul ikan mas hasil seleksi tahan penyakit Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). Secara laboratoris, uji tantang ikan mas Mustika dengan KHV menghasilkan sintasan lebih dari 90%. Namun demikian, performa ikan mas Mustika di lingkungan budidaya terkait pertumbuhan dan tingkat produktivitasnya belum banyak dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi performa ikan mas Mustika sebagai varietas unggul tahan KHV di beberapa lokasi sentra budidaya. Penelitian dilakukan di kolam air deras (KAD) di Tanjungsiang, Subang; serta karamba jaring apung (KJA) di Waduk Jatiluhur, Purwakarta; Waduk Cirata, Cianjur; dan Waduk Darma, Kuningan. Sebagai pembanding digunakan ikan mas Majalaya yang berasal dari unit pembenihan rakyat (UPR) setempat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tiga kali ulangan selama 90 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performa ikan mas lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan daripada faktor genetik, serta interaksi kedua faktor tersebut. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa kualitas perairan di Waduk Darma lebih rendah dibanding lokasi lainnya. Di lokasi tersebut, ikan mas Mustika mempunyai pertumbuhan, produktivitas, dan rasio konversi pakan sebesar 2,81%/hari; 13,42 kg/m2; dan 1,43 secara nyata lebih baik daripada varietas pembanding, sebesar 2,21%/hari; 8,16 kg/m2; dan 2,54. Di lokasi lainnya, performa ikan mas Mustika tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietas pembanding. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa ikan mas Mustika mempunyai toleransi yang lebih baik terhadap kondisi lingkungan perairan yang buruk, daripada varietas pembanding.Mustika is the newly produced superior variety of common carp strains resistant to Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). The challenge test of Mustika common carp against KHV resulted in a survival rate of more than 90%. However, the information on the growth and productivity of Mustika common carp in culture conditions is not yet available to supplement its superior resistance to KHV. This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of Mustika as a superior variety of common carp resistant to KHV resistance through multi-location tests which were in: running water ponds (KAD) in Tanjungsiang, Subang; floating net cages (KJA) in Jatiluhur Reservoir, Purwakarta; Cirata Reservoir, Cianjur; and Darma Reservoir, Kuningan. In all trial locations, Majalaya carp from the local hatchery (UPR) were used as the comparison population. The study was conducted for 90 days with three replications. The result showed that the performance of the carp was more affected by the environmental factor than both genetic and interaction of genetic >< environment factors. In Darma reservoir which has poorer water quality conditions, Mustika common carp had better growth, productivity and food conversion ratio of 2.81%/day, 13.42 kg/m2, and 1.43, respectively, compared to that of the comparison population of 2.21%/day, 8.16 kg/m2, and 2.54. Among the locations used in the multi-location test, the performances of Mustika common carp and the comparison population were not significantly different. These results indicate that Mustika common carp is more tolerant of being cultured in poorer water quality condition


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    Upaya meningkatkan performa budidaya ikan mas dapat dilakukan melalui seleksi. Salah satu faktor keberhasilan program seleksi adalah tingkat keragaman genetik yang tinggi pada populasi bahan seleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan membentuk dan mengevaluasi keragaan populasi dasar (F-0) ikan mas sebagai populasi awal dalam kegiatan seleksi. Materi kegiatan ini adalah populasi sintetis yang merupakan penggabungan lima strain ikan mas, yakni Majalaya, Rajadanu, Sutisna, Wildan, dan Sinyonya. Pembentukan populasi dasar (F-0) dilakukan menggunakan metode seleksi berdasarkan indeks individu dari empat karakter fenotipik, yakni panjang, tebal, tinggi, dan bobot. Masing-masing karakter diberi nilai 1:1:1:2. Titik cut-off seleksi populasi dasar (F-0) sebesar 60%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi F-0 ikan mas yang dibentuk terdiri atas individu hasil seleksi sebanyak 1.662 ekor, dengan komposisi 723 jantan dan 939 betina. Populasi dasar (F-0) sintetis hasil seleksi tersebut mempunyai keragaman genetik lebar karena diperoleh dari 25 populasi hasil persilangan dalam proporsi yang berbeda-beda. Kontribusi genetik paling besar dalam pembentukan populasi F-0 tersebut diberikan oleh strain Sutisna (22,55%) diikuti Majalaya (21,52%), Rajadanu (20,84%), Wildan (18,33%), dan Sinyonya (16,75%). Tingginya tingkat keragaman genetik populasi dasar ini berpotensi besar dalam keberhasilan kegiatan pemuliaan ikan mas khususnya melalui program seleksi.Improvement on phenotipic characters in common carp culture can be achieved through selection. In order to achive that goal, A base population (F-0) must be initially formed. This study aimed to establish and evaluate the performance of base populations (F-0) common carp. The synthetic populations had been created which were the combinations of five common carp strains, namely Majalaya, Rajadanu, Sutisna, Wildan, and Sinyonya. These common carp base populations (F-0) were created through a selection based on the individual index of four phenotypic characters, i.e. length, thickness, height and weight, which scored 1:1:1:2, respectively. The selection cut-off in this program was 60%. The results showed that the base populations (F-0) of common carp formed from 1,662 selected fish consisted of 723 males and 939 females. These F-0 populations have wide genetic diversity as the crossing results of 25 populations with different proportions. The Sutisna strain (22.55%) had the most genetic contribution in the formation of the F-0 populationss followed by Majalaya (21.52%), Rajadanu (20.84%), Wildan (18.33%), and Sinyonya (16.75%). High level of genetic variation in this base population has great potential in the success of common carp breeding activities, especially trough selection program

    Geometric morphometric analysis of morphological variation in Bogor and Solok populations of bony lip barb (

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    Bony lip barb (Osteochilus vittatus) represents a freshwater species belonging to the Cyprinidae family, which is naturally widely distributed in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, it is reported to occur widely in the inland waters of the main islands of Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. Geographic isolation may contribute to divergent evolution, resulting in phenotypic diversity. The present study used the geometric morphometric method to identify and describe morphological feature differences between geographically distant populations, namely Bogor (West Java) and Solok (West Sumatera). Seventy individual samples were collected from Bogor and Solok, respectively. Images of each sample were taken using a digital camera, then digitized on 17 landmark points using tpsdig software, followed by shape analysis using MorphoJ software. Results showed that Geometric Morphometric analysis could identify and distinguish the body shape of both populations. Morphologically, the Bogor population had a slender body shape, while the Solok population had a shorter and broader (stubby) body shape. A combination of landmark points forming the dorsal arch (LMs 2, 3, and 15), those forming the ventral curve (LMs 9-14), and those located in the peduncle area (LM15) contributed most to the body shape differences. Possible factors causing the observed phenomena are discussed