311 research outputs found

    HbA1c is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in association with oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death in diabetic subjects. Glycaemic status is one of the vital factor involved in vascular complications. It was clear the effect of glycaemia on microvascular complications, but uncertain on macrovascular complications. As we know oxidative stress plays a major role in the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Since oxidative stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the study has designed to perceive an association between HbA1c and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for early prediction of cardiovascular events.Methods: 120 subjects were taken into the study, among these 60 type 2 diabetic subjects and remaining 60 subjects were healthy controls. The parameters like HbA1c, MDA and FRAP were estimated by established methods. ‘Kruskal Wallis’ test was used for variables in the parameters and Pearson correlation test was used to perform correlation between HbA1c and oxidative stress.Results: High level of HbA1c and MDA, low level of FRAP were found in patients with type 2 diabetes than healthy controls. The study was also found HbA1c have positive association with malondialdehyde (MDA) and negative association with FRAP.Conclusions: HbA1c was positively associated with oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this scenario, type 2 diabetic patients with high level of HbA1c might have risk of cardiovascular events

    Maternal and fetal outcome of malaria in pregnancy

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    Background: Malaria, an oldest recorded parasitic infection transmitted by mosquitoes, is one of the most devastating infectious diseases. Mangalore, government headquarters of Dakshin Kannada district in Karnataka, receives high rainfall and exhibits humid tropical environment, harboring high vector density and contributing to high incidences of malaria. The aim of the present study was to observe maternal and fetal outcome of malaria in pregnancy.Methods: This is an observational prospective study conducted from September 2014 to September 2015 at Lady Goschen Hospital, Mangalore which serves as tertiary level hospital. Study population included were pregnant women diagnosed to have malaria by rapid diagnostic test or microscopy as an outpatient or inpatient during the study period. Complications were noted in terms of maternal and foetal complications.Results: A total of 12600 pregnant women attended LGH during study period out of which 41 were positive for malaria which has a prevalence of 0.32%. Among the malaria cases, 23 cases were primigravidae and 18 were multi-gravidae. The commonest pathogen found was Plasmodium vivax accounting for 63.4%. Regarding complications maternal anaemia and thrombocytopenia accounted for 34.1% and 26.8% respectively. Pregnancy outcomes were 17% of spontaneous miscarriage, 21.8% preterm deliveries, 29.1% low birth weight babies and 2.4% perinatal deaths.Conclusions: Malaria adversely affects both pregnant female as well as fetus. It is therefore advised all patients with fever in pregnancy must have screening for malarial parasite and treated adequately by medicine and supportive care to improve the maternal and fetal outcome


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Asahan, Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani, Kecamatan Kisaran Timur Kabupaten Asahan Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan kondisi topografi datar dan ketinggian tempat ± 20 m dpl., dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Mei 2020.Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah benih jagung ketan hibrida F1varietas Arumba, limbah rajungan, pupuk Multi KP, air, insektisida Regent 50 SC (bahan aktif Fipronil 50 g/l) dan fungisida Cabrio Gold 183 SE (bahan aktif Piraklostrobin 133 g/l, Epoksikonazol50 g/l). Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain cangkul, garu, parang, pisau, gergaji, palu, paku, batang kayu, ember, gembor, hansprayer, tali plastik, meteran, timbangan digital, papan kode plot penelitian, alat tulis dan spanduk penelitian.Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan 2 faktorperlakuan dan 3 ulangan.Faktorperlakuan pertama adalah penggunaan POC limbah rajungan dengan 4 taraf yaitu:R0 = 0 ml/plot, R1 = 75ml/plot, R2 = 150 ml/plot dan R3 = 225ml/plot. Faktor perlakuan kedua adalah penggunaan pupuk MULTI KP dengan 3 taraf yaitu K0 = 0g/plot, K1 = 14 g/plot, dan K2 = 28 g/plot.Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa Pemberian pupuk organik cair limbah rajungan berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman jagung pulut umur 4 MST dengan perlakuan dosis terbaik yaitu 150 ml/plot menghasilkan tinggi tanaman 105,09 cm, jumlah daun 11,19 helai, waktu munculnya bunga 41,30 hari, diameter tongkol 45,33 hari, panjang tongkol 27,56 cm, produksi per tanaman 450 g dan produksi per plot 3,51 kg.  Pemberian pupuk MULTI KP berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman jagung pulut umur 4 MST dengan perlakuan dosis terbaik yaitu 28g/plot menghasilkan tinggi tanaman 103,90 cm, jumlah daun 11,00 helai, waktu munculnya bunga 41,33 hari, diameter tongkol 44,45 hari, panjang tongkol 27,81 cm, produksi per tanaman 468,06 g dan produksi per plot 3,54 kg.  Tidak ada pengaruh interaksi pemberian pupuk organik cair limbah rajungan dan pupuk MULTI KP terhadap seluruh parameter amatan yang diamati.                                                     Kata Kunci : POC, Limbah Rajungan, Pupuk, Jagun

    The virtual hospital: the emergence of telemedicine

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    The current practice of medicine, while utilizing the advances in biological and physical science, still takes place in the physician office or hospital. Unfortunately, traditional practice as integrated into the current Healthcare system is unsustainable. Accommodating the increase demand for medical services with the attendant rising costs has caused a crisis in healthcare. Telemedicine, the practice of medicine by means of mobile/internet is a transformative process that will impact healthcare globally. Already, teleradiology (diagnostic radiology remotely by means of digital images that are electronically exported) and electronic medical records are gaining wide acceptance. The ability to distribute medical services by means of mobile and internet technology is a natural and almost irresistible direction for the field of Medicine. The healthcare crisis has created an opportunity for new solutions and mobile/Internet technology has laid the infrastructure upon which one can build a powerful, innovative and badly needed platform for health services: The Global Virtual Hospital (GVH). The GVH will be a group of connected centers around the world that overlap (in time zones) throughout the working day. Patients will have access through the Internet or mobile phones. Medical records will be electronically stored, shared among authorized personal and updated with each medical interaction. The GVH, will serve as a platform and laboratory for the creation of innovative devices and technology that will improve the remote interaction.The Global Virtual Hospital System will exemplify the convergence of technology and medicine and will be integrated into standard practice in the next 5-10 years

    Migrasi Internasional Penduduk Pulau Jawa Menjadi Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Luar Negeri

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    International migration by Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) not only has a positive impact on improving the economic conditions of PMI families but also contributes to developing the country's economy through PMI remittances. This study aims to determine the effect of Unemployment, minimum wages, poverty, and human development index on international migration of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) on the island of Java. This study uses secondary data in the form of panel data, with time-series data (2010 - 2019) and cross-section data (6 provinces on Java island). The data analysis method uses a panel data regression with the Common Effect Model (CEM) approach. Statistical tests use simultaneous tests, partial tests, and the coefficient of determination. This study uses the classic assumption test, the multicollinearity test, the heteroscedasticity test, and the normality test. The study results concluded that simultaneously Unemployment, minimum wages, poverty, and the human development index had a significant effect on international migration. Partially, Unemployment and poverty have a positive and significant impact, minimum wages have a negative and significant effect, while the human development index has a positive and not significant effect on international migration

    [The Role of Abdul Hay Kurban Ali to The Development of Islam in Tokyo, Japan] Peranan Abdul Hay Kurban Ali Terhadap Perkembangan Islam di Tokyo, Jepun

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    Abstract Abdul Hay Kurban Ali’s arrival in Japan in 1924 has a huge impact on the development of Islam and towards the Muslim community in Tokyo Japan. The migration of the Turkic Tatar Muslim to Japan resulting from the Russian Revolution un 1917 has cause several Islamic Associations to emerge in Japan. Abdul Hay Kurban Ali was the leader of one of this Islamic Association for the Muslim community representing the Turkic-Tatar Muslim in Japan under the name Mahalla Islamiya. With this, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali has carried the interests from each of the Islamic Association from the Muslim community in Japan to build education institution and mosque in Tokyo, Japan. As such, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali cooperate with Syeikh Abdul Rashid Ibrahim in creating good relationship between Turkey and Japan to ease the construction of education institution and mosque in Tokyo, Japan. This research is a qualitative research using the historical history design. This research used the documentation method through data collection that focus on sources under four themes which is historical background of Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, the arrival of Islam in Japan, the role of Da’wah by Abdul Hay Kurban Ali and his contributions in Tokyo, Japan. Meanwhile, the researcher use descriptive and historical methods in analysing the data and sources under the prescribed themes. The finding from the research showed that the four thematic analyses has given a clear and organized information. The role of Abdul Hay Kurban towards the development of Islam in Tokyo, Japan is very significant for the Da’wah aspect towards the Japanese community, the Islamic Association of the Muslim community and the construction of education institution and mosque. Keywords: Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, Muslim community, Turkey, Islam in Japan, mosque   Abstrak   Kedatangan Abdul Hay Kurban Ali ke Jepun pada tahun 1924 memberi kesan yang besar terhadap perkembangan Islam dan komuniti Muslim di Tokyo, Jepun. Penghijrahan komuniti Muslim Turki Tatar ke Jepun akibat revolusi Rusia pada tahun 1917 telah menyebabkan wujudnya beberapa persatuan-persatuan Islam di Jepun. Abdul Hay Kurban Ali telah mengetuai salah satu daripada persatuan komuniti Muslim bagi bangsa Turki-Tatar di Jepun, Mahalla Islamiya. Menerusi hal ini, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali telah membawa hasrat daripada setiap persatuan-persatuan komuniti Muslim di Jepun untuk membina institusi pendidikan dan masjid di Tokyo, Jepun. Oleh itu, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali bekerjasama dengan Syeikh Abdul Rashid Ibrahim untuk mengadakan hubungan baik bersama kerajaan Turki dan Jepun bagi memudahkan pembinaan institusi pendidikan dan masjid di Tokyo, Jepun. Kajian Ini merupakan kajian berbentuk kualitatif dengan menggunakan reka bentuk kajian sejarah. Kajian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi melalui pengumpulan data dengan menfokuskan pada sumber-sumber yang berkaitan empat tema iaitu, sejarah latar belakang Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, kedatangan Islam di Jepun, peranan dakwah Abdul Hay Kurban Ali dan sumbangan beliau di Tokyo, Jepun. Manakala pengkaji menggunakan metode deskriptif dan metode sejarah untuk menganalisis data-data dan sumber-sumber menerusi tema yang ditetapkan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa sumber-sumber menerusi empat tematik yang dikaji oleh pengkaji telah memberikan maklumat yang tersusun dan jelas. Peranan Abdul Hay Kurban Ali terhadap perkembangan Islam di Tokyo, Jepun amat besar jasanya dari aspek dakwah kepada komuniti Jepun, penyatuan persatuan-persatuan komuniti Muslim dan pembinaan institusi pendidikan dan masjid. Kata kunci: Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, Komuniti Muslim, Turki, Islam di Jepun, Masji

    Ecofriendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles from garden rhubarb (rheum rhabarbarum)

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    Bioreduction of silver ions following one pot process is described to achieve Rheum rhabarbarum (RR) based silver nanoparticles (SNPs) which is termed as "RR-SNPs." The Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis) confirms the characteristic surface plasmon resonance band for RR-SNPs in the range of 420-460 nm. The crystalline nature of SNPs was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) peaks at 38.2 degrees, 45.6 degrees, 64.2 degrees, and 76.8 degrees. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) confirm the shape of synthesized SNPs. They are roughly spherical but uniformly distributed, and size varies from 60 to 80 nm. These biogenic SNPs show persistent zeta potential value of 34.8mV even after 120 days and exhibit potent antibacterial activity in presence of Escherichia coli (CCM 4517) and Staphylococcus aureus (CCM 4516). In addition, cytotoxicity of RR-SNPs against in vitro human epithelial carcinoma (HeLa) cell line showed a dose-response activity. The lethal concentration (LC50) value was found to be 28.5 mu g/mL for RR-SNPs in the presence of HeLa cells. These findings help us to evaluate their appropriate applications in the field of nanotechnology and nanomedicine

    El Familisterio de Guise, un palacio social atemporal

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    Aquest treball és una anàlisi social i tècnic del familisteri de Guise, una colònia d'obrers del segle XIX que pot aparentar a un projecte d'habitatges futuristes. L'estudi tracta d'entendre a nivell funcional, formal i constructiu aquest exemple d'arquitectura del passat que ha sabut conservar la seva funció i alhora reinventar-se per a durar en el temps. La interpretació i la trobada amb tècniques i conceptes actuals permeten entendre que aquesta obra ens pot servir de referència de cara als reptes actuals de l'habitatge social.Este trabajo es un análisis social y técnico del familisterio de Guise, una colonia de obreros del siglo XIX que puede aparentar a un proyecto de viviendas futuristas. El estudio trata de entender a nivel funcional, formal y constructivo este ejemplo de arquitectura del pasado que ha sabido conservar su función y a la vez reinventarse para durar en el tiempo. La interpretación y el encuentro con técnicas y conceptos actuales permiten entender que esta obra nos puede servir de referencia de cara a los retos actuales de la vivienda social