47 research outputs found

    Populismus – Gefahr oder hilfreiches Korrektiv für die gegenwärtige Demokratie?

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    ZusammenfassungMit gegenwärtigen Tendenzen zur Postdemokratie geht eine Zunahme an Populismus einher. Die dunklen Seiten des Populismus stehen uns heute in Europa besonders deutlich vor Augen, wenn wir auf seine Neigung zur Jagd auf Sündenböcke blicken, die sich insbesondere in Form einer Islamfeindlichkeit zeigt. Gleichzeitig betonen Vertreter einer radikalen Demokratie die Wichtigkeit von Gleichheit und Volkssouveränität als populistische Quelle zur Revitalisierung der Demokratie. Diese Ambivalenz des Populismus verweist sowohl auf rechtsstaatliche Institutionen als auch auf die politische Kultur als Voraussetzungen einer menschengerechten Demokratie. Beispielhaft werden im Blick auf die politische Kultur die Gewaltfreiheit und die Geschwisterlichkeit als wichtige politische Tugenden hervorgehoben.AbstractThe current tendencies towards post-democracy are accompanied by an increase of populism. The dark side of populism is clearly visible in contemporary Europe if we look at its leanings towards scapegoating and its islamophobic agitations. At the same time, however, representatives of a radical form of democracy are emphasizingthe importance of equality and sovereignty of the people as populist sources to revitalize democracy. This ambivalence of populism requires the constitutional institutions as well as a certain political culture as preconditions for a human democracy. Concerning political culture, the article discusses the political virtues of non-violence and fraternalism as examples

    Direito à memória

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    Muitos são os dispositivos que tratam da preservação do patrimônio arqueológico, mas são poucas as ações que, de fato, atendem a esses dispositivos, sobretudo àquelas que envolvem o planejamento urbano e os setores dinâmicos da sociedade em municípios com forte crescimento urbano. Esse artigo, exploratório e reflexivo, baseado em análise qualitativa, fundamentado em evidências arqueológicas e documentos históricos, visa problematizar a forma como se tem efetivado o princípio da extroversão arqueológica, que consiste na expansão, comunicação, socialização, divulgação e publicização dos bens arqueológicos no município de São José dos Campos


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    Occupational nurses play a fundamental role in identifying occupational risks, carrying out medical examinations and educating workers about preventive measures. They also contribute to the analysis of environmental risks, accident prevention, mental health promotion and ergonomic adaptation. During the Covid-19 pandemic, occupational nursing has been crucial in implementing education, prevention and control measures. Objective: to describe the scientific evidence available in national and international literature regarding the professional activity of Occupational Nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The methodology adopted was based on extensive research in academic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar, using relevant keywords related to occupational nursing, occupational health and safety at work. Result: Occupational nursing plays a crucial role in preventing occupational diseases through the identification and control of risks present in work environments, promotion and safety of workers. Discussion: The challenges faced by occupational nursing were observed, such as the lack of adequate resources to carry out their activities effectively, personal protective equipment, limited access to complementary exams and inadequate infrastructure in the workplace. And the need for integration between occupational nursing and other segments of occupational health. Conclusion: Occupational nursing plays a key role in promoting and preserving the health of employees, as well as preventing occupational diseases.La enfermera ocupacional juega un papel fundamental en la identificación de riesgos laborales, la realización de exámenes médicos y la educación de los trabajadores sobre las medidas preventivas. También contribuyen al análisis de riesgos ambientales, la prevención de accidentes, la promoción de la salud mental y la adaptación ergonómica. Durante la pandemia de Covid-19, la enfermería ocupacional ha sido crucial en la implementación de medidas de educación, prevención y control. Objetivo: describir la evidencia científica disponible en la literatura nacional e internacional sobre la actividad profesional de la Enfermería Ocupacional durante la pandemia Covid-19. Método: La metodología adoptada se basó en una extensa investigación en bases de datos académicas, como PubMed, Scopus y Google Scholar, utilizando palabras clave relevantes relacionadas con enfermería ocupacional, salud ocupacional y seguridad en el trabajo. Resultado: La enfermería ocupacional juega un papel crucial en la prevención de enfermedades profesionales a través de la identificación y control de los riesgos presentes en los ambientes laborales, la promoción y la seguridad de los trabajadores. Discusión: Se observaron los desafíos que enfrenta la enfermería ocupacional, como la falta de recursos adecuados para realizar sus actividades de manera efectiva, equipos de protección personal, acceso limitado a exámenes complementarios e infraestructura inadecuada en el lugar de trabajo. Y la necesidad de integración entre la enfermería ocupacional y otros segmentos de la salud ocupacional. Conclusión: La enfermería ocupacional juega un papel clave en la promoción y preservación de la salud de los empleados, así como en la prevención de enfermedades profesionales.Os enfermeiros do trabalho desempenham um  papel fundamental na identificação de riscos ocupacionais, na realização de exames de saúde e na educação dos trabalhadores sobre medidas preventivas. Eles também contribuem para a análise de riscos ambientais, prevenção de acidentes, promoção da saúde mental e adequação ergonômica. Durante a pandemia de Covid-19, a enfermagem do trabalho tem sido crucial na implementação de medidas de educação, prevenção e controle. Objetivo: descrever as evidências científicas disponíveis na literatura nacional e internacional acerca da atividade profissional do Enfermeiro do Trabalho durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Métodos: O método adotado baseou-se em uma ampla pesquisa em bases de dados acadêmicas, como PubMed, Scopus e Google Scholar, utilizando palavras-chave relevantes relacionadas à enfermagem do trabalho, saúde ocupacional e segurança no trabalho. Resultados: A enfermagem do trabalho desempenha um papel crucial na prevenção de doenças ocupacionais por meio da identificação e controle dos riscos presentes nos ambientes de trabalho, promoção e segurança dos trabalhadores. Discussão: Observou-se os desafios enfrentados pela enfermagem do trabalho, como a falta de recursos adequados para realizar suas atividades de forma eficaz, de equipamentos de proteção individual, acesso limitado a exames complementares e infraestrutura inadequada nos locais de trabalho. E a necessidade de integração entre a enfermagem do trabalho e os demais seguimentos da saúde ocupacional. Conclusão: A enfermagem ocupacional exerce um papel primordial na promoção e preservação da saúde dos colaboradores, assim como na prevenção de patologias laborais.Introdução: Os enfermeiros do trabalho desempenham um  papel fundamental na identificação de riscos ocupacionais, na realização de exames de saúde e na educação dos trabalhadores sobre medidas preventivas. Eles também contribuem para a análise de riscos ambientais, prevenção de acidentes, promoção da saúde mental e adequação ergonômica. Durante a pandemia de COVID-19, a enfermagem do trabalho tem sido crucial na implementação de medidas de educação, prevenção e controle. Objetivo: descrever as evidências científicas disponíveis na literatura nacional e internacional acerca da atividade profissional do Enfermeiro do Trabalho durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Métodos: O método adotado baseou-se em uma ampla pesquisa em bases de dados acadêmicas, como PubMed, Scopus e Google Scholar, utilizando palavras-chave relevantes relacionadas à enfermagem do trabalho, saúde ocupacional e segurança no trabalho. Resultados: A enfermagem do trabalho desempenha um papel crucial na prevenção de doenças ocupacionais por meio da identificação e controle dos riscos presentes nos ambientes de trabalho, promoção e segurança dos trabalhadores. Discussão: Observou-se os desafios enfrentados pela enfermagem do trabalho, como a falta de recursos adequados para realizar suas atividades de forma eficaz, de equipamentos de proteção individual, acesso limitado a exames complementares e infraestrutura inadequada nos locais de trabalho. E a necessidade de integração entre a enfermagem do trabalho e os demais seguimentos da saúde ocupacional. Conclusão: A enfermagem ocupacional exerce um papel primordial na promoção e preservação da saúde dos colaboradores, assim como na prevenção de patologias laborais

    The mimetic politics of lone-wolf terrorism

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    Written at a time of crisis in the project of social and political modernity, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 1864 novel Notes from Underground offers an intriguing parallel for the twenty-first century lone-wolf; it portrays an abject, outcast, spiteful unnamed anti-hero boiling with rage, bitter with resentment and on the verge of radicalisation. A Girardian reading of the poetic truths contained in Dostoevsky’s work is able to provide important keys to explain the contemporary transformation from ‘fourth-wave’ religious terrorism to ‘fifth-wave’ lone-wolf terrorism. Such a reading argues that it is mimetic rivalry – rather than much-trumpeted forms of religious violence or cultural differences – that fuels the triangular relation between governments, terrorists and civilian victims at heart of terrorist acts. This approach is further able to blend social inquiry with an account of the individual, in fact anthropological, conditions of lone-wolf terrorism by tracing the globalisation of resentment and the individualisation of violence to the hyper-mimeticism characterising the globalisation of late modernity. Finally, a mimetic reading of ‘fifth-wave’ terrorism accounts for the turbulence of a global politics in which victimhood and scapegoating no longer have the ability to stabilise social order and warns against a future where violence proliferates and escalates unchecked

    Collective Identity and Christianity: Europe between Nationalism and an Open Patriotism

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    Times of crisis push human beings, a clannish creature, to retreat into closed societies. Anthropologically, this can be explained with concepts such as pseudospeciation, group narcissism, or parochial altruism. Politically, the preference for closed societies results in our modern world in nationalism or imperialism. Henri Bergson’s distinction between static and dynamic religion shows which type of religion promotes such tendencies of closure and which type can facilitate the path toward open society. Bergson rejected nationalism and imperialism and opted for an open patriotism with its special relation to dynamic religion. Dynamic religion relativizes political institutions such as the state and results today in an option for civil society as the proper space where religions can and must contribute to its ethical development. It aligns more easily with a counter-state nationhood than with a state-framed nationalism. Whereas Bergson saw in Christianity the culmination of dynamic religion, a closer look shows that it can be found in all post-Axial religions. Martin Buber, Mohandas Gandhi, Leo Tolstoy, Abul Kalam Azad, and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan exemplify this claim. After World War II, Catholic thinkers such as Jacques Maritain or Robert Schuman by partly following Bergson chose patriotism over nationalism and helped to create the European Union. Today, however, a growing nationalism in Europe forces religious communities to strengthen dynamic religion in their own traditions to contribute to a social culture that helps to overcome nationalist closures. The final part provides a positive example by referring to the fraternal Catholic modernity as it culminates today in Pope Francis’ call for fraternity and his polyhedric model of globalization that connects local identity with universal concerns

    Gandhi’s Militant Nonviolence in the Light of Girard’s Mimetic Anthropology

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    Nuclear rivalry, as well as terrorism and the war against terror, exemplify the dangerous escalation of violence that is threatening our world. Gandhi’s militant nonviolence offers a possible alternative that avoids a complacent indifference toward injustice as well as the imitation of violence that leads to its escalation. The French-American cultural anthropologist René Girard discovered mimetic rivalries as one of the main roots of human conflicts, and also highlighted the contagious nature of violence. This article shows that Gandhi shares these basic insights of Girard’s anthropology, which increases the plausibility of his plea for nonviolence. Reading Gandhi with Girard also complements Girard’s mimetic theory by offering an active practice of nonviolence as a response to violent threats, and by broadening the scope of its religious outreach. Gandhi’s reading of the Sermon on Mount not only renounces violence and retaliation like Girard but also underlines the need to actively break with evil. Both Gandhi and Girard also address the religious preconditions of nonviolent action by underlining the need to prefer godly over worldly pursuits, and to overcome the fear of death by God’s grace. This congruence shows that Girard’s anthropology is valid beyond its usual affinity with Judaism and Christianity