4 research outputs found

    La comunicación como valor añadido a la innovación

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    This article explains how IBV applies People- Driven Innovation techniques in order to develop communication strategies. These techniques allow communicating to consumers in each campaign the innovative value of products and services.El presente artículo explica cómo aplica el Instituto de Biomecánica las técnicas de Innovación Orientada por las Personas para elaborar estrategias de comunicación. Estas técnicas permiten transmitir al consumidor en cada campaña el valor innovador de los productos y servicios que se comercializan

    Baseline drinking water consumption and changes in body weight and waist circumference at 2-years of follow-up in a senior Mediterranean population

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    The PREDIMEDPlus trial was supported by the Spanish government's official funding agency for biomedical research, ISCIII, through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (FIS) and cofunded by European Union ERDF/ESF, "A way to make Europe"/"Investing in your future" (five coordinated FIS projects led by JS-S and JVid, including the following: PI13/00272, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI13/00233, PI13/00728, PI14/01722, PI14/00636, PI14/01206, PI14/01919, PI14/01374, PI16/01873, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI16/00533, PI16/00366, PI17/00764, PI17/01827, PI17/01441, PI17/01732, PI17/00926, PI19/00309, PI19/01032, PI19/00576, PI19/00017, and PI19/00781) , the Special Action Project entitled: Implementacion y evaluacion de una intervencion intensiva sobre la actividad fisica Cohorte PREDIMED-Plus grant to JSS, the European Research Council (Advanced Research Grant 2013-2018, 340918) to MAMG, the Recercaixa Grant to JS-S (2013ACUP00194) , a grant from the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2017/017) , a SEMER-GEN grant, and funds from the European Regional Development Fund (CB06/03) . Study resulting from the SLT006/17/00246 grant, funded by the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya by the call "Accio instrumental de programes de recerca orientats en l'ambit de la recerca i la innovacio en salut". We thank the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. This publication has been possible with the support of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICINN) (FPU 17/01925) . Jordi SalasSalvado, senior author of this study, is partially supported by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme. IP-G receives a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU 17/01925) . Dr. NB-T is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship (Juan de la Cierva-Formacion, FJC2018-036016-I) . I.M GimenezAlba received an FPU grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (reference FPU 18/01703) . C.B. received a Fernando Tarongi Bauza PhD Grant.Background & aims: The association between drinking water consumption and adiposity has been poorly explored. Therefore, we aimed to analyse the associations between the frequency of drinking water consumption and body weight and waist circumference changes in an elderly Mediterranean cohort. Methods: A total of 1832 elderly participants (aged 55e75 years) with metabolic syndrome from the PREDIMED-Plus study with baseline data on drinking water and other beverages assessed by a validated 32-item Spanish fluid-intake questionnaire and with data on body weight (BW) and waist circumference (WC) at 1-year and 2-year were included in these prospective analyses. Multivariable linear regression models were fitted to assess the b-coefficients and 95% confidence interval (CI) for BWand WC changes in terms of categories of baseline drinking water consumption (tap water and bottled water). The theoretical effect on BWand WC of replacing several beverages with drinking water was assessed using mathematical models. Results: The baseline frequency of drinking water consumptionwas inversely associated with 1-year and 2- year changes in BW. b-coefficients (95%CI) across categories ofwater consumption (<2.5, 2.5 to <5, 5 to < 7.5, 7.5 servings/d) expressed in % of weight changes at 2 years of follow-up were 0.0, 0.80 ( 1.48, 0.12), 1.36 ( 2.18, 0.54), and 1.97 ( 3.09, 0.86), respectively. Individuals in the two highest categories of drinkingwater consumption (5 to < 7, and 7.5 servings/d) also showed a higher decrease inWC (expressed as % of change) after 2 years of follow-up: 1.11 ( 1.96, 0.25) and 1.45 ( 2.66, 0.24) compared to the reference intake (<2.5 servings/day), after adjustment for potential confounding factors. The theoretical replacement of soups, beers, spirits, hot beverages, dairy beverages, and other beverages group with drinking water was associated with greater reductions in BWat one- and two-years of follow-up. Conclusions: Drinking water consumption was inversely associated with 2-year adiposity changes in an elderly Mediterranean cohort at high cardiovascular risk. Our results also suggest that the consumption of drinking water instead of energy-containing beverages is associated with lower weight gain.Spanish Government European CommissionEuropean Union ERDF/ESF, "A way to make Europe"/"Investing in your future" PI13/00272 PI13/01123 PI13/00462 PI13/00233 PI13/00728 PI14/01722 PI14/00636 PI14/01206 PI14/01919 PI14/01374 PI16/01873 PI16/01094 PI16/00501 PI16/00533 PI16/00366Special Action Project entitled: Implementacion y evaluacion de una intervencion intensiva sobre la actividad fisica Cohorte PREDIMED-Plus grantEuropean Research Council (ERC)European Commission 340918Recercaixa Grant 2013ACUP00194Generalitat Valenciana European Commission PROMETEO/2017/017SEMER-GEN grant European Commission CB06/03Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya SLT006/17/00246Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICINN) FPU 17/01925ICREA under the ICREA Academia programmeSpanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports FPU 17/01925Juan de la Cierva-Formacion FJC2018-036016-IMinistry of Science, Innovation and Universities FPU 18/01703Fernando Tarongi Bauza PhD GrantThe European Union ERDF/ESF, "A way to make Europe"/"Investing in your future" PI17/00764 PI17/01827 PI17/01441 PI17/01732 PI17/00926 PI19/00309 PI19/01032 PI19/00576 PI19/00017 PI19/0078

    Typo EINA 15 years

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    Aquest llibre commemora els 15 anys dels cursos de tipografia a Eina. Han estat 15 edicions de durades i continguts diferents però que sempre han considerat la lletra com la manera per entendre i construir la pàgina. Les primeres tres edicions no van tenir cap mena de tiulació per després passar a un postgrau i finalment a un màster de títol propi de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. A les pàgines següents, trobareu les dates, la llista de professors i la llista d’alumnes de cada curs i, a continuació, una tria de treballs destacats d’alguns alumnes que han cursat els estudis. En fer aquesta publicació, un cop acabada la tria, és quan ens hem adonat de la importància d’allò que ha deixat el curs i de com de diferents són els ambits relacionats amb la lletra.Este libro conmemora los 15 años de los cursos de tipografía en Eina. Han sido 15 ediciones de duraciones y contenidos diferentes pero que siempre han considerado la letra como la forma de entender y construir la página. Las primeras tres ediciones no tuvieron forma de titulación alguna, para después pasar a un posgrado y finalmente a un máster de título propio en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Encontraréis en la siguientes páginas las fechas, la lista de profesores y la lista de alumnos de cada curso, y a continuación una selección de trabajos destacados de quienes pasaron por los cursos. Al hacer esta publicación, una vez terminada la selección, es cuando nos hemos dado cuenta de cómo de importante es lo que ha dejado el curso y de cómo de diferentes son los ámbitos relacionados con la letra.This book commemorates 15 years of typography courses at Eina. These courses have had different lengths and contents, but all have considered the letter as the key to understanding and building the page. For the first three years, there was no formal degree attached to the program, but Typography later became a postgraduate degree and finally an accredited Master´s degree from Autonomous University of Barcelona. In the following pages you’ll find the dates, professors and students of each year of the program, followed by a selection of outstanding projects. Putting this publication together was a reminder of just how important this course is, and of the many different ways there are of thinking about letters