8 research outputs found

    On the design of Neutral Scanning Helium Atom Microscopes (SHeM) : Optimal configurations and evaluation of experimental findings

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    Scanning Helium Microscopes (SHeMs) are novel microscopy tools using neutral helium atoms as the imaging probe. Helium atoms have several advantages compared to other probes such as electrons or helium ions. Helium atoms are neutral and inert and when compared to electrons their higher mass leads to a smaller de-Broglie wavelength for a given energy. Furthermore, helium atoms are strictly surface sensitive, scattering off the electron density distribution off the surface. These combined properties allow for non-destructive mapping of the surface of virtually any vacuum-compatible solid sample. Helium ions have a similar mass but they interact more strongly with the sample because they are not inert and require much higher energies to achieve electrostatic focusing. Charge neutrality makes helium a great imaging corpuscle, but also means that designing SHeMs is very difficult. Neutral helium atoms are very hard to manipulate, as electromagnetic fields cannot be used to focus and redirect the beam - instead, one needs to use diffraction optics and apertures. They are also hard to detect because helium has the highest ionisation potential of all atoms - hindering the task of ionisation based detectors. Therefore, to have a functioning microscope, one needs to form a highly intense atom beam. This thesis presents the work done over the last years to optimise the intensity of SHeMs, and more generally their atom-optics configuration. Amongst the papers included here are the first ones to show that SHeM optics have well-defined intensity maxima that give optimal designs. These papers show that existing designs were suboptimal and that the intensity could be increased several orders of magnitude. This thesis also features the first paper to present a design for a 3D imaging SHeM. A true nano-scale stereo microscope based on Heliometric stereo, a technique adapted from light. Besides these theoretical papers, two papers are included that focus on understanding the helium beam using experimental data. These papers are important as they provide the experimental foundations for the theoretical models used. Amongst other findings, the papers explore the importance of the Knudsen number at the skimmer, the validity of different intensity models, and the top-hat profile of the beam. The research presented here happened in parallel to a two order of magnitude improvement in detector efficiency. I believe that now we are in the position to build high-resolution SHeMs that have the potential to become an important tool for science and industry.. . .Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Recurrent Neural Networks for real-time distributed collaborative prognostics

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    We present the first steps towards real-time distributed collaborative prognostics enabled by an implementation of the Weibull Time To Event - Recurrent Neural Network (WTTE-RNN) algorithm. In our system, assets determine their time to failure (TTF) in real-time according to an asset-specific model that is obtained in collaboration with other similar assets in the asset fleet. The presented approach builds on the emergent field of similarity analysis in asset management, and extends it to distributed collaborative prognostics. We show how through collaboration between assets and distributed prognostics, competitive time to failure estimates can be obtained

    On the design of Neutral Scanning Helium Atom Microscopes (SHeM) : Optimal configurations and evaluation of experimental findings

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    Scanning Helium Microscopes (SHeMs) are novel microscopy tools using neutral helium atoms as the imaging probe. Helium atoms have several advantages compared to other probes such as electrons or helium ions. Helium atoms are neutral and inert and when compared to electrons their higher mass leads to a smaller de-Broglie wavelength for a given energy. Furthermore, helium atoms are strictly surface sensitive, scattering off the electron density distribution off the surface. These combined properties allow for non-destructive mapping of the surface of virtually any vacuum-compatible solid sample. Helium ions have a similar mass but they interact more strongly with the sample because they are not inert and require much higher energies to achieve electrostatic focusing. Charge neutrality makes helium a great imaging corpuscle, but also means that designing SHeMs is very difficult. Neutral helium atoms are very hard to manipulate, as electromagnetic fields cannot be used to focus and redirect the beam - instead, one needs to use diffraction optics and apertures. They are also hard to detect because helium has the highest ionisation potential of all atoms - hindering the task of ionisation based detectors. Therefore, to have a functioning microscope, one needs to form a highly intense atom beam. This thesis presents the work done over the last years to optimise the intensity of SHeMs, and more generally their atom-optics configuration. Amongst the papers included here are the first ones to show that SHeM optics have well-defined intensity maxima that give optimal designs. These papers show that existing designs were suboptimal and that the intensity could be increased several orders of magnitude. This thesis also features the first paper to present a design for a 3D imaging SHeM. A true nano-scale stereo microscope based on Heliometric stereo, a technique adapted from light. Besides these theoretical papers, two papers are included that focus on understanding the helium beam using experimental data. These papers are important as they provide the experimental foundations for the theoretical models used. Amongst other findings, the papers explore the importance of the Knudsen number at the skimmer, the validity of different intensity models, and the top-hat profile of the beam. The research presented here happened in parallel to a two order of magnitude improvement in detector efficiency. I believe that now we are in the position to build high-resolution SHeMs that have the potential to become an important tool for science and industry.. .

    Velocity distributions in microskimmer supersonic expansion helium beams: High precision measurements and modeling

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    Supersonic molecular beams are used in many applications ranging from spectroscopy and matter wave optics to surface science. The experimental setup typically includes a conically shaped, collimating aperture, the skimmer. It has been reported that microskimmers with diameters below 10 ÎĽm produce beams with significantly broader velocity distributions (smaller speed ratios) than larger skimmers. Various explanations for this phenomenon have been proposed, but up till now, only a limited amount of data has been available. Here we present a systematic study of the velocity distribution in microskimmer supersonic expansion helium beams. We compare a 4 ÎĽm diameter skimmer with a 390 ÎĽm diameter skimmer for room temperature and cooled beams in the pressure range 11-181 bars. Our measurements show that for properly aligned skimmers, the only difference is that the most probable velocity for a given pressure and temperature is slightly lower for a microskimmed beam. We ascribed this to the comparatively narrow and long geometry of the microskimmers which can lead to local pressure variations along the skimmer channel. We compare our measurements to a model for the supersonic expansion and obtain good agreement between the experiments and simulations