435 research outputs found


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    Cancer development involves the loss of the pRB tumor suppressor and activation of E2F-dependent transcription. Cell proliferation and apoptosis are both controlled by the E2F1 transcription factor, where it acts as either an oncogene or a tumor suppressor gene. While the oncogenic activity of E2F1 is known to be controlled through its direct interaction with pRB, its tumor suppressor role remains uncharacterized. In this thesis, the role of E2F1 as a tumor suppressor was studied by investigating how the DNA damage response interferes with E2Fl-pRB interactions, thus inducing apoptosis. Following DNA damage, E2F1 is stabilized by phosphorylation of serine residues through ATM and Chk2, and acetylation of lysine residues through P/CAF. I demonstrated that serine 31 phosophorylation and acetylation of multiple lysines on E2F1 disrupt the pRB-E2Fl interaction thus allowing E2F1 to induce apoptosis. Furthermore, phosphorylation and acetylation events occur independently of one another

    Changes in an Idiolect from Childhood to Middle Age

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    Since the 1960s, sociolinguists have been investigating dialect change mainly byusing the so-called apparent time method, which compares the spoken languageof people from different age groups. In recent decades, researchers have begunto test the apparent time method by combining it with the real time method, whichconcentrates on the influence of time in the language of a certain speech community or certain individuals. When the samples under investigation are collected by using the same principles and represent the same community at different times, the study can be called a trend survey. A more laborious and rarer method is a longitudinal follow-up study of individual infonnants, a panel survey, which is usually realized as part of a more extensive trend survey

    Digestion capasity, nutrient digestibilities and physico-chemical conditions in the intestine influenced by the age of growing turkeys

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    Six experiments have been conducted to examine digestibility and feeding value of domestic Finnish fibre-rich cereals (barley and oats as compared to maize and wheat) and protein sources (rapeseed meal and cake, peas, faba beans, lupin seeds) for growing turkeys and to investigate effects of age of the birds (from 3 to 12 weeks of age) on digestion process and estimated nutrient digestibility and energy values. Besides, an objective of the study was to test applications of digestibility research methodology for turkeys. Total tract digestibility and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) was assayed in experimental cages using excreta collection, and a slaughter method was applied to sample small intestinal digesta for determination of apparent ileal crude protein digestibility (AICPD), jejuno-duodenal digesta viscosity and caecal volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. Digesta viscosity decreased and caecal VFA production increased with age of growing turkeys. Digesta retention times in the small intestine were generally longer in the older birds than in the younger ones. Crude fat digestibility and AME increased with age of growing turkeys, especially with viscous diets. AICPD seemed to decrease with age in most cases. Supplementation with β-gucanase-xylanase decreased viscosity, improved crude fat digestibility and metabolizable energy value and increased VFA production especially in barley-fed turkeys and especially in the young birds. Poor protein digestibility and low energy value of rapeseed meal and rapeseed cake decreased their feeding value for turkeys. In addition, a typical goitrogenic effect of rapeseed feeding was detected. Use of legume seeds as feed for growing turkeys is limited mostly by the low energy value in lupin seeds and the low ileal protein and amino acid digestibility in faba beans. Digestibility of fibre-rich protein sources was not improved with age of the turkeys. Euthanizing the turkeys for AICPD determination by carbon dioxide and bleeding led to lower digestibility values than mechanical stunning and cervical dislocation, suggesting inferiority of carbon dioxide stunning in experimental use. Comparison of AICPD and AME results obtained using different markers showed that considerable differences may occur, especially on total tract level, when acid-insoluble ash gave considerably lower AME values than titanium dioxide and chromic oxide.Helsingin yliopiston Kotieläintieteen laitoksella ja MTT:n Eläinravitsemuksen osastolla toteutetuista kuudesta kokeesta koostuvassa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kotimaisten, maailmalla käytettäviä kuitupitoisempien rehuraaka-aineiden sulavuuksia ja energia-arvoja kasvavien kalkkunoiden eri ikävaiheissa (3 - 12 viikkoa). Tutkittavia raaka-aineita olivat rehuviljat ohra ja kaura (erityisesti verrattuna maissiin ja vehnään), valkuaisrehuista rypsirouhe- ja puriste (verrattuna vastaaviin soijatuotteisiin) sekä herneen, härkäpavun ja sinilupiinin siemenet. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli tutkia eri rehuviljojen vaikutuksia suolen ruoansulatustoimintaan liittyviin muuttujiin ja lintujen iän merkitystä tässä sekä testata ja tarkastella siipikarjalla ja erityisesti kalkkunoilla käytettävää ruoansulatustutkimuksen tekniikkaa. Aiempi ruoansulatustutkimus siipikarjalla on tehty lähinnä broilereita ja aikuisia kukkoja käyttämällä, eikä lintujen iän vaikutuksesta ruoansulatukseen ole ollut paljon tietoa aivan ensimmäisiä päiviä ja viikkoja lukuunottamatta. Eri-ikäisille ja -lajisille linnuille käytetään samoja rehuarvoja. Kuitenkin kalkkunan pitkähkön kasvatusiän voisi olettaa tuovan myös sulatuskykyyn muutoksia. Erityisesti kotimaiset kuitupitoiset rehuviljat tuovat tähän mielenkiintoisen tarkastelukulman, varsinkin kun niitä usein täydennetään rehuentsyymeillä, joiden vaikutuksesta eri ikäisillä kalkkunoilla ei kuitenkaan ole ollut tietoa. Ravintoaineiden kokonaissulavuuden ja rehujen näennäisen muuntokelpoisen energian määritys perustui sulavuuskoehäkeissä hoidettujen kalkkunoiden sontanäytteiden analysointiin. Näytteet raakavalkuaisen ohutsuolisulavuuden, suolensisällön viskositeetin ja umpisuolten haihtuvien rasvahappojen tuotannon määrittämiseksi otettiin eri ikäisinä lopetetuilta koekalkkunoilta. Sulavuusmääritykset perustuivat sulamattomien merkkiaineiden (happoon liukenematon tuhka, titaanioksidi ja kromioksidi) käyttöön. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan ohutsuolen ruokasulan viskoottisuus väheni, ruokasulan viipymäaika ohutsuolessa piteni ja umpisuolten haihtuvien rasvahappojen tuotanto lisääntyi iän myötä. Tulokset vahvistivat myös käsitystä, että rasvan sulavuus ja rehujen energia-arvo paranevat iän myötä, erityisesti viskoottisuutta aiheuttavilla rehuilla. Johtopäätöksiä valkuaisen ohutsuolisulavuuden muutoksista iän mukana on vaikeampi tehdä, mutta laskeva ikätrendi havaittiin useimmissa tapauksissa. Rehuentsyymilisäys, joka sisälsi β-glukanaasia ja ksylanaasia, alensi viskositeettia, paransi rasvan sulavuutta ja rehun energia-arvoa sekä lisäsi haihtuvien rasvahappojen tuotantoa erityisesti ohraruokinnalla ja erityisesti nuorilla kalkkunoilla. Heikko valkuaisen sulavuus ja matala energiapitoisuus heikensivät rypsituotteiden arvoa kalkkunoiden ruokinnassa. Vaikka nykyisten rypsilajikkeiden pitäisi olla rehukäytössä lähes haitattomia, rypsin haitta-aineiden struuman kaltaisia oireita aiheuttavasta vaikutuksesta oli viitteitä. Palkokasvisiementen käyttömahdollisuudet todettiin rajallisiksi erityisesti lupiinin heikon energia-arvon, lupiinin ja herneen matalahkon valkuaispitoisuuden ja härkäpavun heikon valkuaisen ja aminohappojen sulavuuden vuoksi. Kuitupitoisten valkuaisrehujen sulavuudessa ei tapahtunut paranemista lintujen iän mukana. Määritettäessä valkuaisen ohutsuolisulavuutta lopetustekniikalla verrattiin hyväksyttäviä lopetusmenetelmiä ja havaittiin, että lopetus näytteenottoa varten hiilidioksiditainnutuksella ja verenlaskulla johti hiukan matalampiin näennäisen sulavuuden arvoihin kuin lopetus mekaanisella tainnutuksella ja niskamurrolla, minkä perusteella hiilidioksidimenetelmää voidaan pitää huonompana vaihtoehtona. Eri merkkiaineilla havaittiin saatavan toisistaan eroavia tuloksia erityisesti kokonaissulavuuksissa, mikä antaa aihetta suhtautua kriittisesti eri merkkiaineilla määritettyjen sulavuuksien keskinäiseen vertailukelpoisuuteen

    Metrics for Distribution Similarity Applied to the Bucking to Demand Procedure

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    In the computerized bucking to demand procedure bucking is done according to a given price list and demand matrix, which defines the demands for different log length-diameter class proportions. To achieve as good a log length-diameter distribution as possible, the computer compares demand and actual output to appropriately direct bucking. A comparison has been made with a variable called distribution level, which, however, is unable to distinguish between error that is close to the optimum log length-diameter class proportion and error that is further away. In addition, the distribution level does not distinguish between log length-diameter classes, even though error in one class can be far more undesirable than in another. In this study, bucking to demand using the distribution level was compared to bucking to value and bucking to demand using the penalty segmented distribution level, squared distribution level, chi-square formula and flexible penalty segmented distribution level. The bucking outcome employing these various techniques was achieved by using a bucking simulator and artificially generated stand and stem data. The results show that the best bucking outcomes were produced by methods with a squared error term, i.e. the squared distribution level, chi-squared formula and flexible penalty segmented distribution level. In addition, it was possible to direct error toward preferred log length-diameter classes without substantial loss in overall goodness of fit

    Influence of Local Dynamic Conditions on Logistics Costs of Timber Procurement: Analyzed by Applying a Technique of Geographically Decentralized Decision Making

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    Timber procurement is part of the flow of wood from forest to production. In the present study, it is referred to as timber flow, which consists of logging, roadside inventory, transportation, and mill inventory functions. Local timber flows should be managed by tactical means of decentralized decision making (DDM), which are facilitated by dynamic models of a decision system. The technique consists of several hierarchical negotiation levels which can solve a local procurement problem by the technique of functionally decentralized decision making (FDDM). Models describing the system are also bigger and more complicated than models which are constructed for geographically decentralized decision making (GDDM). Consequently, the models may cause different dynamic results. Therefore, this study has two main objectives: 1) to introduce a technique of GDDM and 2) to consider the effects of the time-factor using dynamically determined functions of local procurement. Using this application, the system can be controlled for balancing timber flows, because the system's internal adjustment process is defined with higher precision; the extra costs caused by a disturbance can be diminished by adjusting the durations of local timber-flow functions. The implications of these results for improving decision making (DM) of local timber procurement in Finland are discussed

    Yleis- ja erikoisgeminaation vaikutuksista

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    On the indirect effects of primary gemination and of secondary gemination of eastern Finnish dialects (englanti)Kielenaineksethyyri (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 248)kyynel (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)kyynärä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)kyyti (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)kyyttö (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)kyyttö (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 248)mennä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 241)panna (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 241)pitää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 241)py(y)hkiä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)pyynt|i, -ö (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)ryyni (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 248)syyni (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)tehdä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 241)tulla (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 241)tyyn(n)i (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 248)tyyris (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247)vy(y)hti (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 247

    Productivity and Costs of Harwarder Systems in Industrial Roundwood Thinnings

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    In several studies, the harwarder has proven to be a more cost-effective wood harvesting system than the traditional two-machine (harvester-forwarder) system, especially when the average stem size of the marked stand is relatively small, the removals per hectare/stand low (i.e. the harvesting site small), and the forwarding distance short. One of the strengths of a harwarder is considered to be the lower relocation costs compared to the two-machine system. The time consumption of harwarder relocations have not, however, been reported in the previous harwarder studies. Metsäteho Oy conducted a follow-up study of harwarders in industrial roundwood harvesting, and also investigated the relocations of harwarders. A total of five – three Ponsse Wisent Dual and two Valmet 801 Combi – harwarders were examined in the follow-up study. The amount of harvested industrial roundwood in the study totalled nearly 30,000 m3. The cost calculations showed that the harwarder system is more competitive than the twomachine system when the average stem size of the marked stand is relatively low, i.e. less than 110–170 dm3. Furthermore, harwarders were the most competitive at low-removal harvesting sites. The proportion of the total working time of harwarders used in relocations between harvesting sites was 2.5%, and the effective relocation time was, on the average, 1.3 hours/relocation. The study results underlined that it makes sense to harvest relatively small-removal and small-diameter thinning stands marked for harvesting with a harwarder while, conversely, it is more worthwhile to harvest sites with larger removals and trees using a two-machine harvester-forwarder system, thereby raising the profitability of forest machine business