61 research outputs found

    Severe hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis and hypertension in a 54 year old male with ectopic ACTH syndrome: a case report

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    Ectopic ACTH syndrome is a rare cause of Cushing’s syndrome accounting for about 15% of all cases. Small cell lung cancer and bronchial carcinoids account for about half of the cases. Malignant neoplasm has rapid and more aggressive metabolic effects. We report a 54-year-old male patient with phenotypic features of Cushing’s syndrome with severe hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypertension and altered mental status as manifestations of an ACTH-secreting small cell carcinoma from the lung. Ectopic ACTH syndrome should be highly considered in patients with hypertension and severe hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, especially when a lung mass is discovered

    Características métricas de la Escala de Actitudes hacia las Personas con Discapacidad (EAPD)

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    Due to the relevance in the understanding of the role of attitudes towards people with disability in the inclusive education process, numerous psychometric tools have been developed. In the Spanish-speaking context, the Scale of Attitudes towards People with Disabilities (SAPD) stands out. However, its validity has not been demonstrated yet on the Mexican population. For this reason, this work aims at evaluating the validity evidence of the SAPD and proposing a modified version in a sample of 1934 higher educationstudents from Sonora, Mexico. An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as a Rasch and invariance analysis were carried out. Results show that the modified version has appropriate psychometric properties and a bifactorial structure with egalitarian and discriminatory attitudes about disability.Debido a la relevancia que supone entender el papel que juega la actitud hacia las personas con discapacidad en el proceso de inclusión educativa, se han elaborado numerosos instrumentos de medición. En el contexto hispano-parlante, se destaca la Escala de Actitudes hacia las Personas con Discapacidad (EAPD). Sin embargo, esta escala no ha sido validada en México. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la evidencia de validez de la EAPD, así como proponer una versión modificada del instrumento en una muestra de 1934 estudiantes universitarios del estado de Sonora, México. Para ello se llevaron a cabo un análisis Rasch, un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, y uno de invarianza entre sexos. Los resultados muestran que la escala modificada cuenta con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas y se divide en una estructura bifactorial con actitudes igualitarias y discriminatorias sobre la discapacidad

    Características métricas de la Escala de Actitudes hacia las Personas con Discapacidad (EAPD)

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    Due to the relevance in the understanding of the role of attitudes towards people with disability in the inclusive education process, numerous psychometric tools have been developed. In the Spanish-speaking context, the Scale of Attitudes towards People with Disabilities (SAPD) stands out. However, its validity has not been demonstrated yet on the Mexican population. For this reason, this work aims at evaluating the validity evidence of the SAPD and proposing a modified version in a sample of 1934 higher educationstudents from Sonora, Mexico. An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, as well as a Rasch and invariance analysis were carried out. Results show that the modified version has appropriate psychometric properties and a bifactorial structure with egalitarian and discriminatory attitudes about disability.Debido a la relevancia que supone entender el papel que juega la actitud hacia las personas con discapacidad en el proceso de inclusión educativa, se han elaborado numerosos instrumentos de medición. En el contexto hispano-parlante, se destaca la Escala de Actitudes hacia las Personas con Discapacidad (EAPD). Sin embargo, esta escala no ha sido validada en México. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la evidencia de validez de la EAPD, así como proponer una versión modificada del instrumento en una muestra de 1934 estudiantes universitarios del estado de Sonora, México. Para ello se llevaron a cabo un análisis Rasch, un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, y uno de invarianza entre sexos. Los resultados muestran que la escala modificada cuenta con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas y se divide en una estructura bifactorial con actitudes igualitarias y discriminatorias sobre la discapacidad

    Por el Ilustrissimo señor Marques de Ariza en la causa de denunciacion que tiene pendiente : se responde al informe contrario

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    Precede al texto en p.1, viñeta con la inscripción: "Jesus, Maria, Joseph"Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít tomados de p.1, y mención de responsabilidad del final del textoTexto fechado al final del mismo en Zaragoza ... 1694Sign.: A-H\p2\sInic. grab. xil. en p.

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XIX Otoño-Invierno 2001 n. 3 pp. 707-751]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaTortella, G. La revolución del siglo XX (Por Jordi Palafox Gámir).-- Marichal, C. La bancarrota del virreinato. Nueva España y las finanzas del imperio español, 1780-1810 (Por Pedro Pérez Herrero).-- Eicnengreen, B. La globalización del capital. Historia del Sistema Monetario Internacional (Por Ana Fernández-Ardavín).-- Hayes, P. Industry and Ideology. IG Farben in the Nazi Era (Por Nuria Puig Raposo).-- Sáez García, M. A. Álava en la siderurgia moderna española. San Pedro de Araya (1847-1935) (Por Stefan Houpt).-- Brincas Gutiérrez, M. A. La productividad de los factores en la agricultura española, 1752-1935 (Por Esteban Nicolini).-- Madrazo, S. Estado débil y ladrones poderosos en la España del siglo XVIII. Historia de un peculado en el reinado de Felipe V (Por Juan Zafra).-- Jurado Sánchez, J. El gasto de la Casa Real, su financiación y sus repercusiones hacendísticas y económicas (Por Luis María Bilbao).-- Ángulo Morales, A. Del éxito en los negocios al fracaso del Consulado. La formación de la burguesía mercantil de Vitoria (1670-1840) (Por Miguel Ángel Melón Jiménez).-- Marcos Martín, A. España en los siglos XVI,XVII y XVIII. Economía y Sociedad (Por Enrique Llopis Agelán).-- Tortella, T. Una guía de fuentes sobre inversiones extranjeras en España (1780-1914) (Por Pablo Martín Aceña)Publicad

    Superparamagnetic and light-emitting bifunctional nanocomposites of iron oxide and erbium or thulium doped yttrium orthovanadate

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    Advances in biomedical research have increased interest in obtaining and studying new bifunctional materials for use in theragnostic. Here we describe in detail the preparation of new magnetic-fluorescent bifunctional (Y0.9Ln0.1VO4/Fe3O4)@SiO2 and [(Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 @SiO2)/Fe3O4)@SiO2] nanocomposites with Ln = Er or Tm. In addition, their magnetic and optical properties were carefully analyzed. The influence of Fe3O4 content and the silica shell thickness on the fluorescent emission in the VIS-NIR region of Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 cores was evaluated as well as their use as display systems with the possibility of directing them by means of external magnetic fields. Samples were prepared using wet chemistry methods involving low temperatures and short reaction times. Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 samples that are not easily oxidizable were prepared by a hydrothermal method, while Fe3O4 sample was synthesized by a coprecipitation process in which the mixture of precursors was treated at very low temperature to avoid oxidation. The powder amalgamation of both Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 and Fe3O4 samples was possible due to the silica polymeric network synthetized by a modified Stöber method. The purity of all samples was ensured by XRD and FTIR techniques. Diffraction profiles of Y0.9Ln0.1VO4 samples show diffraction maxima that can be indexed to a tetragonal symmetry of space group I41/amd, compatible with the zircon structure-type of YVO4 host. All reflections present in the diffraction profile of Fe3O4 sample can be indexed to a cubic symmetry of space group Fd3̅m, characteristic of an inverse spinel structure-type. The amorphous silica incorporation on the samples was also evaluated by TEM images. Studies of the magnetic behavior and luminescent emission intensity of the investigated samples showed their dependence on both, the silica coating thickness, and the contact or not between the luminescent samples and the magnetic powder

    BAFF system expression in double negative 2, activated naïve and activated memory B cells in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    IntroductionB cell activating factor (BAFF) has an important role in normal B cell development. The aberrant expression of BAFF is related with the autoimmune diseases development like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) for promoting self-reactive B cells survival. BAFF functions are exerted through its receptors BAFF-R (BR3), transmembrane activator calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) and B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) that are reported to have differential expression on B cells in SLE. Recently, atypical B cells that express CD11c have been associated with SLE because they are prone to develop into antibody-secreting cells, however the relationship with BAFF remains unclear. This study aims to analyze the BAFF system expression on CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subsets double negative 2 (DN2), activated naïve (aNAV), switched memory (SWM) and unswitched memory (USM) B cells.MethodsForty-five SLE patients and 15 healthy subjects (HS) were included. Flow cytometry was used to evaluate the expression of the receptors in the B cell subpopulations. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to quantify the soluble levels of BAFF (sBAFF) and IL-21.ResultsWe found increased frequency of CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subpopulations DN2, aNAV, SWM and USM B cells in SLE patients compared to HS. SLE patients had increased expression of membrane BAFF (mBAFF) and BCMA receptor in classic B cell subsets (DN, NAV, SWM and USM). Also, the CXCR5+ CD11c- DN1, resting naïve (rNAV), SWM and USM B cell subsets showed higher mBAFF expression in SLE. CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subpopulations DN2, SWM and USM B cells showed strong correlations with the expression of BAFF receptors. The atypical B cells DN2 in SLE showed significant decreased expression of TACI, which correlated with higher IL-21 levels. Also, lower expression of TACI in atypical B cell DN2 was associated with high disease activity.DiscussionThese results suggest a participation of the BAFF system in CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subsets in SLE patients. Decreased TACI expression on atypical B cells DN2 correlated with high disease activity in SLE patients supporting the immunoregulatory role of TACI in autoimmunity

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año III Primavera-Verano 1985 n. 2 pp. 349-381]

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    José F. de la Peña. Oligarquía y propiedad en Nueva España, 1550-1624 (Por Carlos D. Malamud).-- Aldo de Maddalena. (Por Antonio Miguel Bernal).-- Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña. El cólera de 1834 en Granada. Enfermedad catastrófica y crisis social (Por Octavio Ruiz Manjón-Cabeza).-- Arno J. Mayer. La persistencia del Antiguo Régimen. Europa hasta la Gran Guerra (Por Guillermo Gortázar).-- Isabel Sánchez Casado. La Estadística del Estado en los periodos constitucionales (Por Joaquín del Moral Ruiz).-- José A. Ayala ; Mª del Carmen Bel Adell ; et al. Estudios sobre Historia Económica Contemporánea en la región de Murcia (Por Clara Eugenia Núñez).-- Carmen Martín Gaite. El conde de Guadalhorce. Su época y su labor (Por Juan Velarde Fuertes).-- José Morilla Critz. La crisis económica de 1929 (Por Jordi Palafox).-- Luis Germán Zubero. Aragón en la II República. Estructura económica y comportamiento político (Por Mercedes Cabrera).-- Ricardo Robledo Hernández. La renta de la tierra en Castilla la Vieja y León (1836-1913) (Por Carlos Bárdela)Publicad

    La conservación y reutilización de los datos científicos en España. Informe del grupo de trabajo de buenas prácticas

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    González Copeiro, C.; Serrano-Muñoz, J.; García-García, A.; Ferrer Sapena, A.; Peset Mancebo, MF.; Bernal, I.; Lacunza, I.... (2012). La conservación y reutilización de los datos científicos en España. Informe del grupo de trabajo de buenas prácticas. Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología FECYT. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/58896