13 research outputs found

    Los contaminantes emergentes en las aguas subterráneas: el caso del NE de Gran Canaria

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    En Gran Canaria se ha planteado el monitoreo de agua de riego y aguas subterráneas en el acuífero subyacente a un campo de golf regado con agua regenerada desde 1976. Con muestreos trimestrales entre 2009 y 2011, se han analizado 10 metales pesados en todo el periodo, 183 contaminantes emergentes y sustancias prioritarias (2008/105/CE) en el primer año y 350 en el segundo. Este trabajo discute las posibles fuentes de contaminación, relaciona la presencia de los contaminantes con la calidad del agua subterránea y analiza los resultados de 60 compuestos. De las sustancias analizadas en todo el periodo, el 67% se detectaron al menos una vez en alguna muestra. Los compuestos más frecuentes son cafeína y nicotina (analizados el primer año), hexaclorobenceno, clorpirifós etil, fenantreno, fluoreno y pireno. En general, la concentración fue inferior a 50 ngL-1 aunque algunos fármacos y productos fitosanitarios alcanzaron incluso valores superiores a 0.1 μgL-1.In Gran Canaria island, reclaimed water and groundwater have been monitored in an aquifer below a golf course irrigated with reclaimed water since 1976. The quarterly monitoring was carried out from 2009 to 2011 and 10 heavy metals, 183 emerging contaminants and priority substances (2008/105/CE) were determined the first year and 350 the second year. This paper discusses the potential sources of contamination, relates the presence of compounds with the quality of groundwater and analyzes the results of 60 compounds. Of the substances tested throughout the whole period, 67% were detected at least once in any sample. The most common compounds are caffeine and nicotine (analyzed the first year), hexachlorobenzene, chlorpyrifos ethyl, phenanthrene, fluorene and pyrene. Generally, concentrations were lower than 50 ngL-1 although some ph armaceuticals and peticides occasionally reached values higher than 0.1 μgL-1.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume

    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social Apuestas para el desarrollo regional.

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    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social: apuestas para el desarrollo regional [Edición 1 / Nov. 6 - 7: 2019 Bogotá D.C.]El Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social “Apuestas para el Desarrollo Regional”, se llevó a cabo los días 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2019 en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. como un evento académico e investigativo liderado por la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -UNIMINUTO – Rectoría Cundinamarca cuya pretensión fue el fomento de nuevos paradigmas, la divulgación de conocimiento renovado en torno a la Responsabilidad Social; finalidad adoptada institucionalmente como postura ética y política que impacta la docencia, la investigación y la proyección social, y cuyo propósito central es la promoción de una “sensibilización consciente y crítica ante las situaciones problemáticas, tanto de las comunidades como del país, al igual que la adquisición de unas competencias orientadas a la promoción y al compromiso con el desarrollo humano y social integral”. (UNIMINUTO, 2014). Dicha postura, de conciencia crítica y sensibilización social, sumada a la experiencia adquirida mediante el trabajo articulado con otras instituciones de índole académico y de forma directa con las comunidades, permitió establecer como objetivo central del evento la reflexión de los diferentes grupos de interés, la gestión de sus impactos como elementos puntuales que contribuyeron en la audiencia a la toma de conciencia frente al papel que se debe asumir a favor de la responsabilidad social como aporte seguro al desarrollo regional y a su vez al fortalecimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social Apuestas para el desarrollo regional.

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    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social: apuestas para el desarrollo regional [Edición 1 / Nov. 6 - 7: 2019 Bogotá D.C.]El Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social “Apuestas para el Desarrollo Regional”, se llevó a cabo los días 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2019 en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. como un evento académico e investigativo liderado por la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -UNIMINUTO – Rectoría Cundinamarca cuya pretensión fue el fomento de nuevos paradigmas, la divulgación de conocimiento renovado en torno a la Responsabilidad Social; finalidad adoptada institucionalmente como postura ética y política que impacta la docencia, la investigación y la proyección social, y cuyo propósito central es la promoción de una “sensibilización consciente y crítica ante las situaciones problemáticas, tanto de las comunidades como del país, al igual que la adquisición de unas competencias orientadas a la promoción y al compromiso con el desarrollo humano y social integral”. (UNIMINUTO, 2014). Dicha postura, de conciencia crítica y sensibilización social, sumada a la experiencia adquirida mediante el trabajo articulado con otras instituciones de índole académico y de forma directa con las comunidades, permitió establecer como objetivo central del evento la reflexión de los diferentes grupos de interés, la gestión de sus impactos como elementos puntuales que contribuyeron en la audiencia a la toma de conciencia frente al papel que se debe asumir a favor de la responsabilidad social como aporte seguro al desarrollo regional y a su vez al fortalecimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Environment in Veterinary Education

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    Environmental concerns have become priority issues over the last third of the 20th century. The EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) has gone from rules which supported the farming sector after years of famine to being oriented towards looking at environmental aspects. Therefore, it has evolved not only to react to a changing market and consumer demands but also to respond to climate change and the need for sustainable development. Environmental education is an important pillar for responding and adapting to climate change. The CAP policies oriented towards optimizing the use of natural resources, residue management, antimicrobial use reduction, the decrease of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and animal welfare need linked educational programs. In this context, veterinarians, being experts in animal production, welfare, and food safety and its technology and public health under the One Health concept, are scarcely informed in environmental aspects, which would help them to understand and face the consequences of climate change in the rural world. Future veterinarians must be able to quantify the effects of animal production on the environment, optimizing the use of natural resources, minimizing GHG emissions, and managing the risks associated with climate change by using different analysis tools that need to be included in their learning programs

    Improving Water Use in Fodder Production

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    Water deficit in semi-arid regions limits the future of the livestock sector. Also, its high price represents a percentage of the total cost of forage production. Non-conventional water resources applied by subsurface drip irrigation (SDI), in which the safe use lies in the management and not on the level of water treatment, would enhance the ruminant production sustainability. To obtain the optimal benefit, the transformation of water per kilogram of dry matter produced must have a high grade of effectiveness. Under this premise, a maralfalfa crop (Penissetum sp, hybridum) has been established with an SDI system and reclaimed water. Forage yield is analyzed with respect to a 40% irrigation reduction. This study shows that, with the use of these good irrigation management practices, it is possible to harvest an annual production of 90 to 72 t·ha−1 in the warmer regions of the Canary Islands. This implies water consumption between 13,200 and 8100 m3·ha−1. A water consumption of 21,000 m3·ha−1 per year for the same production, at a ratio of 230 L·t−1, can be estimated for the rest of the Canary Islands coastal regions. The use of the water management described in this paper can be profitable in the Canary Islands for fodder production

    Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Groundwater from the Gran Canaria Island (Spain)

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    The presence of pharmaceutical compounds in the whole environment is a growing concern. These compounds might be present in the effluents of wastewater treatment plants and, hence, irrigation with treated sewage may be a source of groundwater pollution. The volcanic aquifer that lies NE of Gran Canaria (Spain) was studied to address the relationship of the occurrence of pharmaceutical compounds and a golf course that has been irrigated with regenerated water since 1973. Of the 14 analyzed groundwater samples, five wells were chosen to perform annual monitoring. Irrigation water and soil leachate were also evaluated. The target analytes were atenolol, metamizole, fluoxetine, ibuprofen, nicotine, permethrin, caffeine, and their metabolite paraxanthine. The environmental risk is limited as the concentrations of the pharmaceuticals measured in the sampled wells were always below 60 ng·L−1 (lower than the detected caffeine and nicotine concentrations). Wide variations for the same wells were measured among sampling campaigns, and also among the different wells. The study points to the importance of sample conservation during transport and the need to perform analyses immediately, or to follow an in-situ extraction procedure to carry concentrated samples under better conditions

    Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Groundwater from the Gran Canaria Island (Spain)

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    The presence of pharmaceutical compounds in the whole environment is a growing concern. These compounds might be present in the effluents of wastewater treatment plants and, hence, irrigation with treated sewage may be a source of groundwater pollution. The volcanic aquifer that lies NE of Gran Canaria (Spain) was studied to address the relationship of the occurrence of pharmaceutical compounds and a golf course that has been irrigated with regenerated water since 1973. Of the 14 analyzed groundwater samples, five wells were chosen to perform annual monitoring. Irrigation water and soil leachate were also evaluated. The target analytes were atenolol, metamizole, fluoxetine, ibuprofen, nicotine, permethrin, caffeine, and their metabolite paraxanthine. The environmental risk is limited as the concentrations of the pharmaceuticals measured in the sampled wells were always below 60 ng·L−1 (lower than the detected caffeine and nicotine concentrations). Wide variations for the same wells were measured among sampling campaigns, and also among the different wells. The study points to the importance of sample conservation during transport and the need to perform analyses immediately, or to follow an in-situ extraction procedure to carry concentrated samples under better conditions

    Cape Verde (West Africa) Successful Water Reuse Pilot Project: A Sustainable Way for Increasing Food Production in a Climate Change Scenario

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    Cape Verde, which has agricultural land that is mainly rainfed, will be severely affected by climate change due to increased drought conditions. Scarce water availability makes this country highly dependent on imports for its food supply, resulting in more than 80% food importation. Improving water use efficiency, implementing precision irrigation could help achieve sustainable use of water resources. Cereal production reusing treated water could contribute to strengthening resilience and adaptation to climate change in Cape Verde. Our pilot project demonstrates that the safe and profitable reuse of water produced by Cape Verde’s water treatment plants is possible by avoiding water and plant contact using Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI), obtaining food yields between 10,000 and 7000 kg of cob/ha, with a water consumption of about 300 L/kg Dry-Matter and a Water-Use-Efficiency of about 3 g/L. These studies also showed that it is necessary to provide training to farmers and to conduct further studies to help solve present challenges. This project identif installation failures as water shortages can compromise farmers’ profitability. To guarantee the sustainability of water reuse, it is also necessary to consider economic and social factors, including that all water that is not reused is poured, increasing environmental and sanitary risk and decreasing the possibility of recovering water treatment costs

    Twenty-five years using reclaimed water to irrigate a golf course in Gran Canaria

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    Low focus in water management and short time data availability are the main limiting factors for reclaimed water project analysis. One of the oldest Spanish golf courses with a medium period of available data was selected to study and describe the medium time effects (25 years) on soil and aquifer as a consequence of reclaimed water reuse, and to compare the experimental results with reclaimed water quality criteria under a sustainability point of view. An excess of reclaimed water (83%) is used for this golf course irrigation in spite of the high water price (� 0.4 m�3). The excess water reduced the risk of substances accumulation in soils, but for several of them the foresaid excess increased the possibility of polluting the aquifer (nitrates). Experimental data confirmed sustainability water quality criteria which predicted phosphorus and boron accumulation in soil. Soil characteristics and water management have to be also considered as critical factors to explain water quality effects in land and environmental conditions