509 research outputs found

    STSE education and cinema: proposal for science teacher training

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    El cine es un recurso educativo con la capacidad de hacer pensar, consolidar conocimientos, generar actitudes, despertar el sentido crítico y fomentar la creatividad. Estos atributos hacen del cine un recurso interesante para transmitir las relaciones CTSA (Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad- Ambiente) al profesorado en formación. El objetivo de este trabajo es promover el uso del cine en educación para trabajar el enfoque CTSA. En concreto, se describe una propuesta didáctica para trabajar el enfoque CTSA a través de la película Wall-E en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje. La propuesta planteada pretende permitir al futuro profesorado colaborar activamente para extraer las relaciones CTSA presentes en la película Wall-E y practicar en la preparación de materiales y el uso de recursos con potencialidad CTSA, como es el cine, lo que se espera mejore la motivación y conocimiento del alumnado hacia el uso de este enfoque en el aula de secundaria.Cinema is a tool for science education. Movies promote reflective and critical thinking, supply knowledge construction and improve creativity development. These attributes make cinema an interesting resource to transmit the STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) approach in teacher training. The aim of this study is to promote the role of cinema as a tool to STSE teaching and learning approach. Specifically, a didactic proposal to teach STSE education is described through the film Wall-E in a virtual learning environment. The outlined proposal aims to allow future science teachers to collaborate actively to extract the STSE relationships from the film Wall-E and to practice in the preparation and use of educational tools with STSE potential, such as cinema. It is expected that the lesson plan improves the motivation and knowledge of the teachers towards the use and the implementation of this approach in their future secondary science classroom.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electron streaking in the autoionization region of H2

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    We use a UV-pump/IR-probe scheme, combining a single attosecond UV pulse and a 750 nm IR pulse, to explore laser-assisted photoionization of the hydrogen molecule in the autoionization region. The electron energy distributions exhibit unusual streaking patterns that are explored for different angles of the electron ejection with respect to the polarization vector and the molecular axis. Moreover, by controlling the time delay between the pulses, we observe that one can suppress the autoionization channe

    Molecular interferometer using XUV attosecond pulses to unravel electron and nuclear dynamics

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    Two identical XUV attosecond pulses interact with the hydrogen molecule creating an interferometer resulting from the direct and sequential two-photon absorption paths reaching the same final ionized states. The dependence of the ionization yields with the time delay between the pulses allows to reconstruct the pumped vibronic (electronic and vibrational) wave packet created in the singly excited states of the molecule. The use of XUV pulses avoids a laser-induced distortion of the molecular potential, ensuring the characterization of the intrinsic behaviour of the syste

    Finite element DVR method for molecular single and double ionization by strong laser pulses

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    We are developing an ab initio numerical method to compute molecular single and double ionization processes induced by intense laser pulses. We present our first time-dependent simulations in the H2+ molecular ion including both electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom. We compare different methods for the extraction of excitation and ionization probabilities from the numerical time-dependent wave function, which will be applied to more complex targets in the futur

    A pump-probe scheme with a single chirped pulse to image electron and nuclear dynamics in molecules

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    A single chirped few-femtosecond pulse can be used to control and image coupled electron-nuclear dynamics. Using full ab initio simulations of the simplest molecule, H+ 2 , as a prototype target, we show that for intermediate values of the chirp, interference between sequential and direct contributions enables significant control over ionization yields, even when taking into account the effective decoherence introduced by nuclear motion and the presence of an electronic continuum. For larger values of the chirp, the single chirped pulse reproduces a classical pump-probe setup, with the chirp parameter mapping an effective time delay between the pumping and probing frequencies of the pulse. After demonstrating this numerically, we present a full analytical solution for the two-photon ionization amplitudes that provides an intuitive analogy between the molecular dynamics induced by a single chirped pulse and a traditional pump-probe setupThis work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under grants no. 290853 XCHEM and ERC-2016-STG-714870 MMUSCLES and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) projects FIS2013-42002-R and FIS2016-77889-R. JF and AP acknowledge Ramón y Cajal contracts from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain). FM acknowledges support from the “Severo Ochoa” (SEV-2016-0686), and FM and JF from the “María de Maeztu” (MDM-2014-0377) Programmes for Center of Excelence in R&

    Imaging ultrafast molecular wave packets with a single chirped UV pulse

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    We show how to emulate a conventional pump-probe scheme using a single frequency-chirped ultrashort UV pulse to obtain a time-resolved image of molecular ultrafast dynamics. The chirp introduces a spectral phase in time that encodes the delay between the pump and the probe frequencies contained in the pulse. By comparing the results of full dimensional ab initio calculations for the H2+ molecule with those of a simple sequential model, we demonstrate that, by tuning the chirp parameter, two-photon energy-differential ionization probabilities directly map the wave-packet dynamics generated in the molecule. As a result, one can also achieve a significant amount of control of the total ionization yields, with a possible enhancement by more than an order of magnitudeWe acknowledge support from the European Research Council under ERC Grants No. 290853 XCHEM and No.290981 PLASMONANOQUANTA, European COST Action CM1204 XLIC, the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad projects FIS2013-42002-R and FIS2016-77889-R, and the “María de Maeztu” programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0377), European grants MC-ITN CORINF and MC-RG ATTOTREND 268284. A.P. acknowledges a Ramón y Cajal contract from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. The project has been supported with computer time allocated in Mare Nostrum BSC-RES and in the Centro de Computación Científica from UA

    Relación estructura-función del supresor tumoral ING4

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular I, leída el 27-03-2009Depto. de Bioquímica y Biología MolecularFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEpu

    Terra. Paisaje valenciano en el Guadalquivir. Acercamiento fotográfico y audiovisual

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    [ES] Isla Mayor puede recordar remotamente al fin del mundo. Un lugar al que tan sólo se puede llegar tras recorrer unas curvas angulosas que parecen no terminar nunca. Las curvas están rodeadas de tierra. A veces desértica, a veces húmeda, a veces un mar inmenso y tranquilo. Al atravesar el pueblo, que se presenta escueto y humilde, acabas en otro sinfín de tierra aún mayor. Un laberinto de campos de arroz que se alzan bajo el sol andaluz. Hay quien dice que es donde el viento se da la vuelta. Hace miles de años era mar; con el tiempo el mar se convirtió en marisma. Numerosas personas intentaron domar la tierra, personas de aquí y de allá, desde Andalucía hasta Inglaterra, pero la tierra se resistía. La solución no llegó hasta los años 50, durante la campaña de colonización agraria impulsada por Francisco Franco, para mitigar la hambruna de la posguerra. Una de las colonizaciones llevadas a cabo fue en las Marismas del Guadalquivir. Lo cual, supuso una emigración masiva de agricultores de la Ribera valenciana rumbo a un lugar lleno de hambre y miseria. Los colonos levantinos repartieron sus conocimientos sobre el cultivo del arroz por doquier. A través de una inmensa labor realizada por jornaleros de distintos lugares de España, se consiguió prosperar. De esta manera nació el pueblo, inicialmente llamado Villafranco del Guadalquivir y, posteriormente, Isla Mayor. Un pueblo con una cultura propia formada por la unión de las distintas culturas de sus integrantes. Pero sobre todo, por la hibridación entre la cultura andaluza y la valenciana. Terra nació por la necesidad de contar la historia de mi pueblo, la historia de mi familia. Homenajear a todos aquellos que dejaron su casa para adentrarse en un mar de barro. Dar a conocer lo que realmente sucedió en las marismas. Contar la historia que hay detrás del paisaje. En cuanto a la parte práctica, la producción artística de este proyecto está conformada por un ensayo fotográfico y una pieza audiovisual.[EN] Isla Mayor can remotely remember the end of the world. A place that can only be reached after going through angular curves that never seem to end. The curves are surrounded by fields. Sometimes desert, sometimes humid, sometimes a huge, calm sea. As you pass through the village, which presents itself as small and humble, you end up in an even greater land. A labyrinth of rice fields rising under the Andalusian sun. Some people say that this place it¿s where the wind turns around. Thousands of years ago it was sea; over time the sea became marsh. Many people tried to tame the land, people from here and there, from Andalusia to England, but the land resisted. The solution did not come until the 1950s, during the agrarian colonization campaign promoted by Francisco Franco, to mitigate the post-war famine. One of the colonizations carried out was in the Marshes of Guadalquivir. This meant a massive emigration of farmers from the Valencian coast to a place full of hunger and misery. The Levantine settlers spread their knowledge of rice cultivation everywhere. Through an immense work carried out by day labourers from different places of Spain, they managed to prosper. That¿s how the town was born, initially called Villafranco del Guadalquivir and, later, Isla Mayor. A town with a culture of their own; formed by the union of different cultures of its members. But above all, because of the hybridization between Andalusian and Valencian culture. Terra was born out of the need to tell the story of my people, the story of my family. To pay homage to all those who left their home to go into a sea of mud. To make known what really happened in the marshes. Tell the story behind the landscape. As for the practical part, the artistic production of this project is formed by a photography essay and an audiovisual piece.Palacios Ferri, A. (2020). Terra. Paisaje valenciano en el Guadalquivir. Acercamiento fotográfico y audiovisual. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/147987TFG

    Retorno, reconstrucción y reconocimiento del paisaje a través del proyecto fotográfico

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    My gaze has been educated through a flat, changing and infinite landscape. However, I was not able to see the historical and cultural value of the landscape until I left there. Living far away from my hometown gave me the possibility to look at it from an external perspective. In the present document I talk about the birth and the process of an intimate and documentary photographic project; which allowed me to rebuild my gaze towards the territory that I had always inhabited. In addition, several photographs that conform the project, entitled LAND. Valencian landscape in the Guadalquivir, are showed.Mi mirada ha sido educada a través de un paisaje plano, cambiante e infinito. Sin embargo, no fui capaz de ver el valor histórico y cultural que poseía hasta que me alejé de él. Vivir lejos de mi pueblo natal me aportó la posibilidad de mirarlo desde una perspectiva externa. En este texto narro el nacimiento y el proceso de un proyecto fotográfico intimista y documental; que me permitió reconstruir mi mirada hacia el territorio que había habitado siempre. Como acompañamiento del relato muestro varias fotografías del proyecto titulado TERRA. Paisaje valenciano en el Guadalquivir

    Wave packet dynamics in molecular excited electronic states

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    We theoretically explore the use of UV pump-UV probe schemes to resolve in time the dynamics of nuclear wave packets in excited electronic states of the hydrogen molecule. The pump pulse ignites the dynamics in singly excited states, that will be probed after a given time delay by a second identical pulse that will ionize the molecule. The field-free molecular dynamics is first explored by analyizing the autocorrelation function for the pumped wave packet and the excitation probabilities. We investigate both energy and angle differential ionization probabilities and demonstrate that the asymmetry induced in the electron angular distributions gives a direct map of the time evolution of the pumped wave packe