89 research outputs found

    Modular Evolution and Population Variability of Oikopleura dioica Metallothioneins

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    Chordate Oikopleura dioica probably is the fastest evolving metazoan reported so far, and thereby, a suitable system in which to explore the limits of evolutionary processes. For this reason, and in order to gain new insights on the evolution of protein modularity, we have investigated the organization, function and evolution of multi-modular metallothionein (MT) proteins in O. dioica. MTs are a heterogeneous group of modular proteins defined by their cysteine (C)-rich domains, which confer the capacity of coordinating different transition metal ions. O. dioica has two MTs, a bi-modular OdiMT1 consisting of two domains (t-12C and 12C), and a multi-modular OdiMT2 with six t-12C/12C repeats. By means of mass spectrometry and spectroscopy of metal-protein complexes, we have shown that the 12C domain is able to autonomously bind four divalent metal ions, although the t-12C/12C pair -as it is found in OdiMT1- is the optimized unit for divalent metal binding. We have also shown a direct relationship between the number of the t-12C/12C repeats and the metal-binding capacity of the MTs, which means a stepwise mode of functional and structural evolution for OdiMT2. Finally, after analyzing four different O. dioica populations worldwide distributed, we have detected several OdiMT2 variants with changes in their number of t-12C/12C domain repeats. This finding reveals that the number of repeats fluctuates between current O. dioica populations, which provides a new perspective on the evolution of domain repeat proteins

    Two unconventional Metallothioneins in the apple snail Pomacea Bridgesii have lost their metal specificity during adaptation to freshwater habitats

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    Metallothioneins (MTs) are a diverse group of proteins responsible for the control of metal homeostasis and detoxification. To investigate the impact that environmental conditions might have had on the metal-binding abilities of these proteins, we have characterized the MTs from the apple snail Pomacea bridgesii, a gastropod species belonging to the class of Caenogastropoda with an amphibious lifestyle facing diverse situations of metal bioavailability. P. bridgesii has two structurally divergent MTs, named PbrMT1 and PbrMT2, that are longer than other gastropod MTs due to the presence of extra sequence motifs and metal-binding domains. We have characterized the Zn(II), Cd(II), and Cu(I) binding abilities of these two MTs after their heterologous expression in E. coli. Our results have revealed that despite their structural differences, both MTs share an unspecific metal-binding character, and a great ability to cope with elevated amounts of different metal ions. Our analyses have also revealed slight divergences in their metal-binding features: PbrMT1 shows a more pronounced Zn(II)-thionein character than PbrMT2, while the latter has a stronger Cu(I)-thionein character. The characterization of these two unconventional PbrMTs supports the loss of the metal-binding specificity during the evolution of the MTs of the Ampullariid family, and further suggests an evolutionary link of this loss with the adaptation of these gastropod lineages to metal-poor freshwater habitats

    Metal-Specificity Divergence between Metallothioneins of Nerita peloronta (Neritimorpha, Gastropoda) Sets the Starting Point for a Novel Chemical MT Classification Proposal

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    Metallothioneins' (MTs) biological function has been a matter of debate since their discovery. The importance to categorize these cysteine-rich proteins with high coordinating capacity into a specific group led to numerous classification proposals. We proposed a classification based on their metal-binding abilities, gradually sorting them from those with high selectivity towards Zn/Cd to those that are Cu-specific. However, the study of the NpeMT1 and NpeMT2isoforms of Nerita peloronta, has put a new perspective on this classification. N. peloronta has been chosen as a representative mollusk to elucidate the metal-binding abilities of Neritimorpha MTs, an order without any MTs characterized recently. Both isoforms have been recombinantly synthesized in cultures supplemented with ZnII, CdII, or CuII, and the purified metal-MT complexes have been thoroughly characterized by spectroscopic and spectrometric methods, leading to results that confirmed that Neritimorpha share Cd-selective MTs with Caenogastropoda and Heterobranchia, solving a so far unresolved question. NpeMTs show high coordinating preferences towards divalent metal ions, although one of them (NpeMT1) shares features with the so-called genuine Zn-thioneins, while the other (NpeMT2) exhibits a higher preference for Cd. The dissimilarities between the two isoforms let a window open to a new proposal of chemical MT classification

    The Zn- or Cu-thionein character of a metallothionein determines its metal load when synthesized in physiological (metal-unsupplemented) conditions

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    The present work comprises the recombinant synthesis of four metallothioneins (MTs) in metal-unsupplemented cultures and the characterization of the recovered metal complexes by means of analytical and spectrometric techniques. The four MTs are two Drosophila (MtnA and MtnB), one yeast (Crs5), and one mouse (mMT1) metallothionein isoforms. These four MTs exhibit distinct metal binding preferences, from a clear Cu-thionein character to a definite Zn-thionein nature, respectively. Although in all cases, the only metal ion present in the purified complexes is Zn²+, our results highlight an inherently different behaviour of those two types of MTs, in conditions that would mimic their synthesis in physiological environments. Therefore, intrinsically different roles can be hypothesized for the constitutively-produced MT peptides in the absence of any metal overload, depending on their Zn- or Cu-thionein character

    The Modular architecture of metallothioneins facilitates domain rearrangements and contributes to their evolvability in metal-accumulating mollusks.

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    Protein domains are independent structural and functional modules that can rearrange to create new proteins. While the evolution of multidomain proteins through the shuffling of different preexisting domains has been well documented, the evolution of domain repeat proteins and the origin of new domains are less understood. Metallothioneins (MTs) provide a good case study considering that they consist of metal-binding domain repeats, some of them with a likely de novo origin. In mollusks, for instance, most MTs are bidomain proteins that arose by lineage-specific rearrangements between six putative domains: α, β1, β2, β3, γ and δ. Some domains have been characterized in bivalves and gastropods, but nothing is known about the MTs and their domains of other Mollusca classes. To fill this gap, we investigated the metal-binding features of NpoMT1 of Nautilus pompilius (Cephalopoda class) and FcaMT1 of Falcidens caudatus (Caudofoveata class). Interestingly, whereas NpoMT1 consists of α and β1 domains and has a prototypical Cd2+ preference, FcaMT1 has a singular preference for Zn2+ ions and a distinct domain composition, including a new Caudofoveata-specific δ domain. Overall, our results suggest that the modular architecture of MTs has contributed to MT evolution during mollusk diversification, and exemplify how modularity increases MT evolvability

    Shaping mechanisms of metal specificity in a family of metazoan metallothioneins: evolutionary differentiation of mollusc metallothioneins

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    Background: The degree of metal binding specificity in metalloproteins such as metallothioneins (MTs) can be crucial for their functional accuracy. Unlike most other animal species, pulmonate molluscs possess homometallic MT isoforms loaded with Cu+ or Cd2+. They have, so far, been obtained as native metal-MT complexes from snail tissues, where they are involved in the metabolism of the metal ion species bound to the respective isoform. However, it has not as yet been discerned if their specific metal occupation is the result of a rigid control of metal availability, or isoform expression programming in the hosting tissues or of structural differences of the respective peptides determining the coordinative options for the different metal ions. In this study, the Roman snail (Helix pomatia) Cu-loaded and Cd-loaded isoforms (HpCuMT and HpCdMT) were used as model molecules in order t o elucidate the biochemical and evolutionary mechanisms permitting pulmonate MTs to achieve specificity for their cognate metal ion. Results: HpCuMT and HpCdMT were recombinantly synthesized in the presence of Cd2+, Zn2+ or Cu2+ and corresponding metal complexes analysed by electrospray mass spectrometry and circular dichroism (CD) and ultra violet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry. Both MT isoforms were only able to form unique, homometallic and stable complexes (Cd6-HpCdMT and Cu12-HpCuMT) with their cognate metal ions. Yeast complementation assays demonstrated that the two isoforms assumed metal-specific functions, in agreement with their binding preferences, in heterologous eukaryotic environments. In the snail organism, the functional metal specificity of HpCdMT and HpCuMT was contributed by metal-specific transcription programming and cell-specific expression. Sequence elucidation and phylogenetic analysis of MT isoforms from a number of snail species revealed that they possess an unspecific and two metal-specific MT isoforms, whose metal specificity was achieved exclusively by evolutionary modulation of non-cysteine amino acid positions. Conclusion: The Roman snail HpCdMT and HpCuMT isoforms can thus be regarded as prototypes of isoform families that evolved genuine metal-specificity within pulmonate molluscs. Diversification into these isoforms may have been initiated by gene duplication, followed by speciation and selection towards opposite needs for protecting copper-dominated metabolic pathways from nonessential cadmium. The mechanisms enabling these proteins to be metal-specific could also be relevant for other metalloproteins

    Does Variation of the Inter-Domain Linker Sequence Modulate the Metal Binding Behaviour of Helix pomatia Cd-Metallothionein?

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    Snail metallothioneins (MTs) constitute an ideal model to study structure/function relationships in these metal-binding polypeptides. Helix pomatia harbours three MT isoforms: the highly specific CdMT and CuMT, and an unspecific Cd/CuMT, which represent paralogous proteins with extremely different metal binding preferences while sharing high sequence similarity. Preceding work allowed assessing that, although, the Cys residues are responsible for metal ion coordination, metal specificity or preference is achieved by diversification of the amino acids interspersed between them. The metal-specific MT polypeptides fold into unique, energetically-optimized complexes of defined metal content, when binding their cognate metalions, while they produce a mixture of complexes, none of them representing a clear energy minimum, with non-cognate metal ions. Another critical, and so far mostly unexplored, region is the stretch linking the individual MT domains, each of which represents an independent metal cluster. In this work, we have designed and analyzed two HpCdMT constructs with substituted linker segments, and determined their coordination behavior when exposed to both cognate and non-cognate metal ions. Results unequivocally show that neither length nor composition of the inter-domain linker alter the features of the Zn(II)- and Cd(II)-complexes, but surprisingly that they influence their ability to bind Cu(I), the non-cognate metal ion

    The Modular Architecture of Metallothioneins Facilitates Domain Rearrangements and Contributes to Their Evolvability in Metal-Accumulating Mollusks

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    Protein domains are independent structural and functional modules that can rearrange to create new proteins. While the evolution of multidomain proteins through the shuffling of different preexisting domains has been well documented, the evolution of domain repeat proteins and the origin of new domains are less understood. Metallothioneins (MTs) provide a good case study considering that they consist of metal-binding domain repeats, some of them with a likely de novo origin. In mollusks, for instance, most MTs are bidomain proteins that arose by lineage-specific rearrangements between six putative domains: α, β1, β2, β3, γ and δ. Some domains have been characterized in bivalves and gastropods, but nothing is known about the MTs and their domains of other Mollusca classes. To fill this gap, we investigated the metal-binding features of NpoMT1 of Nautilus pompilius (Cephalopoda class) and FcaMT1 of Falcidens caudatus (Caudofoveata class). Interestingly, whereas NpoMT1 consists of α and β1 domains and has a prototypical Cd preference, FcaMT1 has a singular preference for Zn ions and a distinct domain composition, including a new Caudofoveata-specific δ domain. Overall, our results suggest that the modular architecture of MTs has contributed to MT evolution during mollusk diversification, and exemplify how modularity increases MT evolvability

    Modularity in protein evolution: modular organization and de novo domain evolution in mollusc metallothionein

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    Metallothioneins (MTs) are proteins devoted to the control of metal homeostasis and detoxification, and therefore, MTs have been crucial for the adaptation of the living beings to variable situations of metal bioavailability. The evolution of MTs is, however, not yet fully understood, and to provide new insights into it, we have investigated the MTs in the diverse classes of Mollusks. We have shown that most molluskan MTs are bimodular proteins that combine six domains α, β1, β2, β3, γ, and δ in a lineage-specific manner. We have functionally characterized the Neritimorpha β3β1 and the Patellogastropoda γβ1 MTs, demonstrating the metal-binding capacity of the new γ domain. Our results have revealed a modular organization of mollusk MT, whose evolution has been impacted by duplication, loss, and de novo emergence of domains. MTs represent a paradigmatic example of modular evolution probably driven by the structural and functional requirements of metal binding

    Cell-penetrating peptide-conjugated copper complexes for redox-mediated anticancer therapy

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    Metal-based chemotherapeutics like cisplatin are widely employed in cancer treatment. In the last years, the design of redox-active (transition) metal complexes, such as of copper (Cu), has attracted high interest as alternatives to overcome platinum-induced side-effects. However, several challenges are still faced, including optimal aqueous solubility and efficient intracellular delivery, and strategies like the use of cell-penetrating peptides have been encouraging. In this context, we previously designed a Cu(II) scaffold that exhibited significant reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated cytotoxicity. Herein, we build upon the promising Cu(II) redox-active metallic core and aim to potentiate its anticancer activity by rationally tailoring it with solubility- and uptake-enhancing functionalizations that do not alter the ROS-generating Cu(II) center. To this end, sulfonate, arginine and arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) derivatives have been prepared and characterized, and all the resulting complexes preserved the parent Cu(II) coordination core, thereby maintaining its reported redox capabilities. Comparative in vitro assays in several cancer cell lines reveal that while specific solubility-targeting derivatizations (i.e., sulfonate or arginine) did not translate into an improved cytotoxicity, increased intracellular copper delivery via CPP-conjugation promoted an enhanced anticancer activity, already detectable at short treatment times. Additionally, immunofluorescence assays show that the Cu(II) peptide-conjugate distributed throughout the cytosol without lysosomal colocalization, suggesting potential avoidance of endosomal entrapment. Overall, the systematic exploration of the tailored modifications enables us to provide further understanding on structure-activity relationships of redox-active metal-based (Cu(II)) cytotoxic complexes, which contributes to rationalize and improve the design of more efficient redox-mediated metal-based anticancer therapy