9 research outputs found

    Malaria treatment in remote areas of Mali: use of modern and traditional medicines, patient outcome

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    Use of official health services often remains low despite great efforts to improve quality of care. Are informal treatments responsible for keeping a number of patients away from standard care, and if so, why? Through a questionnaire survey with proportional cluster samples, we studied the case histories of 952 children in Bandiagara and Sikasso areas of Mali. Most children with reported uncomplicated malaria were first treated at home (87%) with modern medicines alone (40%), a mixture of modern and traditional treatments (33%), or traditional treatment alone (27%). For severe episodes (224 cases), a traditional treatment alone was used in 50% of the cases. Clinical recovery after uncomplicated malaria was above 98% with any type of treatment. For presumed severe malaria, the global mortality rate was 17%; it was not correlated with the type of treatment used (traditional or modern, at home or elsewhere). In the study areas, informal treatments divert a high proportion of patients away from official health services. Patients' experience that outcome after standard therapeutic itineraries is not better than after alternative care may help to explain low use of official health services. We need to study whether some traditional treatments available in remote villages should be considered real, recommendable first ai

    Fardeau psychosocial, culturel et économique lié à la prise en charge de l’épilepsie par les tradithérapeutes au Mali : Cas du Plateau Dogon de Bandiagara.

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    Summary Traditional healers provide almost all the care for epileptics in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara and are still the first resort for epileptics and their families. For popular opinion, traditional medicine seems better suited than conventional medicine for the management of epileptics, even if this care provided by traditional therapists seems to constitute a psychological, social, cultural and economic burden for epileptics and their families. The objective of this study was to assess the importance of this psychological, social, cultural and economic burden linked to the treatment of epilepsy by traditional therapists in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara. The clinical observations of six epileptic patients who underwent treatment with a traditional therapist and chosen from among the patients followed at the center for this study after the informed consent of them and their relatives. This study allowed us to specify the nature and importance of the burden of the care of epileptics by traditional therapists, in particular the psychological burden, the social burden, the cultural burden and the economic burden which would have above all lead to the pauperization of families of epilepsy. However, these various burdens could be minimized or even avoided, through good collaboration between the actors of modern medicine and traditional therapists. Keywords: Treatment - Epilepsy - Traditherapists - burden – Mali.RĂ©sumĂ©  Les tradithĂ©rapeutes assurent la quasi-totalitĂ© de la prise en charge des Ă©pileptiques au Plateau Dogon de Bandiagara et constituent encore le premier recours pour les Ă©pileptiques et leurs familles. Pour l’opinion populaire, la mĂ©decine traditionnelle semble mieux indiquĂ©e que la mĂ©decine conventionnelle pour la prise en charge des Ă©pileptiques, mĂŞme si cette prise en charge assurĂ©e par les tradithĂ©rapeutes semble constituer un fardeau psychologique, social, culturel et Ă©conomique pour les Ă©pileptiques et leurs familles.    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer l’importance de ce fardeau psychologique, social, culturel et Ă©conomique liĂ© Ă  la prise en charge de l’épilepsie par les tradithĂ©rapeutes au Plateau Dogon de Bandiagara.  Les observations cliniques de six malades Ă©pileptiques ayant suivi un traitement auprès d’un tradithĂ©rapeute et choisis parmi les patients suivis au centre pour cette Ă©tude après le consentement Ă©clairĂ© de ces derniers et de leurs proches.  Cette Ă©tude nous a permis de prĂ©ciser la nature et l’importance du fardeau que constitue la prise en charge des Ă©pileptiques par les tradithĂ©rapeutes notamment le fardeau psychologique, le fardeau social, le fardeau culturel et le fardeau Ă©conomique qui aurait surtout conduire Ă  la paupĂ©risation des familles des Ă©pileptiques.  Cependant, ces diffĂ©rents fardeaux pourraient ĂŞtre minimisĂ©s voire Ă©vitĂ©s, par une bonne collaboration entre les acteurs de la mĂ©decine moderne et les tradithĂ©rapeutes.   Mots-clĂ©s : Prise en charge- Epilepsie - TradithĂ©rapeutes - fardeau - Mal

    Prise en charge des troubles mentaux en milieu rural au Mali : quelle articulation entre les deux systèmes de soins (conventionnel et traditionnel) au Centre Régional de Recherche en Médecine Traditionnelle de Bandiagara ?

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    The efficiency of the management of mental disorders in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara requires better collaboration between the actors of the two medicines. The objective was to describe the main strategies that have enabled the Regional Center for Traditional Medicine to lay the foundations for this collaboration by setting up an information exchange mechanism between 20 THP in mental health and doctors, visits to these THP, mixed consultations (doctor and THP consulted the same patient together) from 2007 to 2012. 89 interned patients and 345 outpatients were treated by THP through the use of plants associated with rites. The magical or religious conceptions of mental disorders and the difficulties in dealing with agitation and aggression were mentioned. The area of ​​competence of each actor has been defined and complementarity the rule. Thus, 34 patients were referred by the THP to the doctors and 17 by them to the THP. The management of mental disorders in rural areas requires collaboration between the actors of the two medicines, the prerequisite of which remains the establishment of a climate of mutual trust.Keywords: Management - Mental disorders- THP- Rural environment- Mali.L’efficience de la prise en charge des troubles mentaux au Plateau Dogon de Bandiagara, requiert une meilleure collaboration entre les acteurs des deux médecines. L’objectif est de décrire les principales stratégies ayant permis au Centre Régional de Médecine Traditionnelle, de jeter les bases de cette collaboration par la mise en place d’un dispositif d’échanges d’informations entre 20 TPS en santé mentale et les médecins, les visites auprès de ces TPS, les consultations mixtes (médecin et TPS consultant ensemble le même patient) de 2007 à 2012. 89 patients internés et 345 en ambulatoire, ont été pris en charge par les TPS par l’utilisation de plantes associées aux rites. Les conceptions magicoreligieuses des troubles mentaux et les difficultés à gérer l’agitation et l’agressivité, ont été mentionnées. Le domaine de compétence de chaque acteur, a été défini et la complémentarité a été la règle. Ainsi, 34 patients ont été référés par les TPS aux médecins et 17 par ceux-ci aux TPS. La prise en charge des troubles mentaux en milieu rural, nécessite la collaboration entre les acteurs des deux médecines, dont le préalable demeure l’instauration d’un climat de confiance réciproque

    Perceptions des troubles mentaux par les Tradipraticiens de santé au Mali : cas du District de Bamako

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    Abstract The interpretative models of mental disorders by traditional health practitioners in the District of Bamako have not only made it possible to name the disorders and to enumerate their etiological referents. The objective of this study was to analyze traditional interpretations of mental disorders and their etiological referents by traditional health practitioners in the District of Bamako. The survey was carried out between September 1rst and 30, 2017 among 15 traditional health practitioners in the District of Bamako. Interviews using a questionnaire and note-taking allowed data to be collected. Aggression by spirits, drug addiction, bad luck, supernatural illnesses, different forms of madness were the names of mental disorders. The aetiological referents were identified, favor to procedures such as divination, questioning, inspection and the behavior of the patient. In addition to the causes of magico-religious origin, complications of organic conditions, child abuse and hereditary factors have also been reported. An in-depth study of diagnostic procedures would allow a better understanding of the traditional psychopathological approach to mental disorders in the district of Bamako.  RĂ©sumĂ©  Les reprĂ©sentations des troubles mentaux par les tradipraticiens de santĂ© dans le District de Bamako, ont permis de nommer les troubles mais aussi d’énumĂ©rer leurs rĂ©fĂ©rents Ă©tiologiques. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’analyser ces reprĂ©sentations traditionnelles et leurs rĂ©fĂ©rents Ă©tiologiques dans le District de Bamako.  L’enquĂŞte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e entre le 1er et le 30 Septembre 2017 auprès de 15 tradipraticiens de santĂ© dans le district de Bamako. Des interviews utilisant un questionnaire et la prise de notes ont permis de collecter les donnĂ©es. L’agression par les esprits, la toxicomanie, le mauvais sort, les maladies surnaturelles et les diffĂ©rentes formes de folie, ont Ă©tĂ© les dĂ©nominations des troubles mentaux. Les rĂ©fĂ©rents Ă©tiologiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pertoriĂ©s, grâce aux procĂ©dĂ©s comme la divination, l’interrogatoire, l’inspection et le comportement du malade. En plus des causes d’origine magico-religieuse, les complications des affections organiques, l’abus de substances psychoactives (alcool, drogue), la maltraitance infantile et les facteurs hĂ©rĂ©ditaires ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement rapportĂ©s. Une Ă©tude approfondie des procĂ©dĂ©s diagnostiques permettrait de mieux cerner l’approche psychopathologique traditionnelle des troubles mentaux dans le District de Bamako.

    Problématique du recensement des tradipraticiens en santé mentale au plateau dogon de Bandiagara, Mali

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    Abstract Collaboration with traditional health practitioners (THP) necessarily involves their inentory, which requires the implementation of sociocultural approach strategies of the THP. The objective was to describe the strategies that made it possible to identify THP in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara. The census from the administrative list of influential people This list had enabled the census of THP at the level of each sub-prefecture. The census based on consultations activities from 1990 to 2002 The section on therapeutic routes in patient files allowed us to draw up a list of THP with their main contact details. Visits to these THP, had made it possible to identify a certain number. The census of by the associations of Traditional Health Practitioners from 2002 to 2016 Existing associations have identified other THP during this period. From 1986 to 1990 : 312 THP including 27 in mental health identified in the region. Among these THP, 87 including 9 in mental health identified in the Dogon Plateau and 8 THP associations formed by THP in mental health. From 1990 to 2000 : the THP of 8 existing associations identified over THP, and the number of associations increased to 12 in 2000 then to 20 in 2002 with respectively 67, 95 and 156 members including 15 THP in mental health. From 2002 to 2016 : 31 federated associations with more than 700 members including 20 in mental health. The census of THP, is an essential period allowing to establish a climate of confidence, essential for a future better collaboration. The first contact must require mutual respect, friendliness and humility. Keywords : Census of Traditional mental health Practitioners- Issue - Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara- Regional Center of Traditional Medicine of Bandiagara - MaliLa collaboration avec les Tradipraticiens de santĂ© (TPS), passe nĂ©cessairement par leur recensement, qui nĂ©cessite la mise en place de stratĂ©gies d’approche socioculturelle du TPS. L’objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les diffĂ©rentes approches ayant permis de recenser les TPS au Plateau Dogon de Bandiagara. Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude longitudinale qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e au Plateau Dogon de 1986 Ă  2016 en utilisant diffĂ©rentes approches de recensement des Tradipraticiens de santĂ©: le recensement Ă  partir de la liste administrative de personnalitĂ©s influentes, le recensement Ă  partir des activitĂ©s de consultations de 1990 Ă  2002 et le recensement d’autres TPS par les associations existantes de Tradipraticiens de santĂ© de 2002 Ă  2016.Ces diffĂ©rentes approches ont permis de recenser de 1986 Ă  1990 312 TPS dont 27 en santĂ© mentale recensĂ©s dans la region, 87 dont  9 en santĂ© mentale recensĂ©s au Plateau Dogon et 8 associations de TPS formĂ©s autour  des TPS en santĂ© mentale de 1990 Ă  2000, les TPS des 8 associations existantes ont recensĂ© d’autres TPS et le nombre d’associations est passĂ© Ă  12 en 2000 puis Ă  20 en 2002 avec respectivement 67, 95 et 156 adhĂ©rents dont 15 TPS en santĂ© mentale et de 2002 Ă  2016, 31 associations fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©es avec plus de 700 adhĂ©rents dont 20 en santĂ© mentale. Les difficultĂ©s liĂ©es au recensement notamment les risques de complexes et les solutions pour les minimiser, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement repertoriĂ©es. Le recensement du TPS, est une pĂ©riode essentielle permettant d’asseoir un climat de confiance indispensable pour une future meilleure collaboration. Le premier contact doit requĂ©rir respect mutuel, convivialitĂ© et humilitĂ©. Cette expĂ©rience, pourrait ĂŞtre rĂ©pliquĂ©e dans d’autres parties de la rĂ©gion voire du Mali en tenant compte des spĂ©cificitĂ©s locales

    Représentations des troubles du spectre schizophrénique et autres psychoses par les tradipraticiens de santé du Plateau Dogon de Bandiagara, Mali.

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    Abstract The interpretative models of schizophrenic spectrum disorders and other psychoses in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara, make it possible both to name the disorders and their causes and to specify the therapeutic means for their management. The objective of this study was to analyze the traditional interpretations of these disorders and their etiological referents by traditional health practitioners. The survey was carried out at the Plateau Dogon between July 22 and August 15, 2012 among 20 TPS taking care of mental disorders. The study took place at the Regional Center for Traditional Medicine of Bandiagara. Interviews using a questionnaire and note-taking enabled data to be collected. Names such as aggression by spirits, bad luck, anthropophagic witchcraft, different forms of madness and their referent causes have been listed, thanks to diagnostic procedures such as divination, questioning, inspection and the behavior of the sick. An in-depth study of these procedures would make it possible to better understand the traditional psychopathological approach to schizophrenic spectrum disorders and other psychoses in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara.Les modèles interprétatifs des troubles du spectre schizophrénique et autres psychoses au Plateau Dogon de Bandiagara, permettent aussi bien de nommer les troubles et leurs causes et de préciser les moyens thérapeutiques pour leur prise en charge. L’objectif de cette étude était d’analyser les interprétations traditionnelles de ces troubles et leurs référents étiologiques par les tradipraticiens de santé.  L’enquête a été réalisée au Plateau Dogon entre le 22 Juillet et le 15 Août 2012 auprès de 20 TPS en santé mentale. L’étude avait pour cadre le Centre Régional de Médecine Traditionnelle de Bandiagara. Des interviews utilisant un guide d’entretien et la prise de notes ont permis de collecter les données. Les dénominations comme l’agression par les esprits, le mauvais sort, la sorcellerie/ anthropophagie, les différentes formes de folie et leurs référentes causes ont été répertoriées, grâce aux procédés diagnostiques comme la divination, l’interrogatoire, l’inspection et le comportement du malade. Une étude approfondie de ces procédés permettrait de mieux cerner l’approche psychopathologique traditionnelle des troubles du spectre schizophrénique et autres psychoses au Plateau Dogon de Bandiagar

    Mental health capacity building in Mali by training rural general practitioners and raising community awareness

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    International audienceIntroduction: despite the high prevalence and significant burden of mental disorders, they remain grossly under-diagnosed and undertreated. In low-income countries, such as Mali, integrating mental health services into primary care is the most viable way of closing the treatment gap. This program aimed to provide a mental health training intervention to rural general practitioners (GPs), to organize community awareness activities, and to evaluate the impact on mental health knowledge and through the number of new patients diagnosed with mental disorders and managed by these general practitioners. Methods: a pre-test/post-test design and the monthly monitoring of the number of new patients diagnosed with mental disorders by the trained GPs were used to evaluate the effect of the training interventions (two face-to-face group training workshops followed by individual follow-up supervisions) and of the community awareness activities. Results: the mean knowledge score of the 19 GPs who completed the initial 12-day group training raised from 24.6/100 at baseline, to 61.5/100 after training (p<0.001), a 150% increase. Among them, sixteen completed the second 6-day group training with a mean score increasing from 50.2/100 to 70.1/100 (p<0.001), a 39.6% improvement. Between July 2018 and June 2020, 2,396 new patients were diagnosed with a mental disorder by the 19 GPs who took part in the program. Conclusion: despite limited data regarding the effect of the community awareness component at this stage, the findings from this study suggest that the training intervention improved GPs' knowledge and skills, resulting in a significant number of new patients being identified and managed