14 research outputs found

    Quality parameters and distribution of calcium in Idared apples under different fertilizer treatments

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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium fertilizer treatments on fruit quality and distribution of calcium in apple fruit (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Idared). Four treatments were tested: application of calcium nitrate through the fertigation system, foliar application of calcium nitrate, application of calcium oxide through soil, and control treatment (without calcium fertilizer). In the experiment, freshly picked apples harvested in Gorazde region (eastern Bosnia) in September 2018 were analyzed. The highest impact to increase calcium content in apple had a treatment where calcium nitrate was added through the fertigation system. It was the result of the balance between calcium and nitrogen in the applied solution as well as the fertigation capacity to timely deliver nutrition to the main rooting zone. Calcium distribution was not uniform within the fruit: the highest content was found in the apple core, decreasing in the apple flesh, and rising again in the apple skin, regardless of fertilizer treatment. There was no difference among calcium fertilizer treatments in total soluble solids and titratable acidity of apple, indicating that these treatments were insufficient in order to improve the examined parameters of fruit quality

    Influence of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on Fruit Cold Storage of 'Williams' Pear Variety

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati uticaj tretmana 1-metilciklopropenom (1-MCP) na čuvanje i promjenu kvaliteta plodova kruške sorte 'Vilijamovka'. Plodovi kruške tretirani su sa 1-MCP (SmartfreshTM; 0,14% MCP) koncentracije625 ppb tokom 24 sata, a zatimuskladišteni tokom dva mjeseca na temperaturi od 4°C i uslovima od 90% relativne vlage zraka (NA hladnjača). Neki parametri kvaliteta, kao što su čvrstoća mesa ploda, sadržaj ukupno rastvorljive suhe tvari, sadržaj titracijskih kiselina i boja pokožice ploda (određena kolorimetrijski) su mjereni prije postharvest treatmana 1-MCP-om, kao i nakon skladištenja u trajanju od 60 dana. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je tretman 1-MCP bio učinkovit na stepen omekšavanja plodova, povećanje sadržaja ukupno rastvorljive suhe tvari i smanjenje sadržaja titracijskih kiselina u plodu. 1-MCP nije imao značajan uticaj na promjenu boje pokožice ploda. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ovog istraživanja 1-MCP se može preporučiti kao potencijalno dobro sredstvo za odlaganje dozrijevanja i promjena u kvalitetu plodova kruške tokom 60 dana čuvanja u hladnjači.The objective of this research was to investigate the effect oftreatment with 1-MCP on storage and fruit quality changes of'Williams' pear cultivar. Pear fruits were treated with 1- MCP (SmartfreshTM; 0.14% MCP) with concentration of 625 ppb for 24 hours and were stored for two months at 4°C temperature and 85–90% relative humidity conditions (NA storage room). Some quality parameters such as fruit firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and fruit skin colour (alalyzed colorimetrically) were measured before postharvest treatment of 1-MCP and after storage period of 60 days. The obtained results indicated that 1- MCP treatment were effective on the rate of softening, increase of total soluble solids and decrease of titratable acids. 1-MCP did not influeced the change of fruit skin color. On the basis of obtained results in this study, 1-MCP could be recommended as a potential tool to delay ripening and enhance pear fruit quality during 60 days of cold storage

    How do consumers perceive sensory attributes of apple?

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    Pomological characteristics and consumer acceptability of four scab-resistant apple cultivars (\u27Topaz\u27, \u27Florina\u27, \u27Goldstar\u27 and \u27Golden Orange\u27) and standard commercial cultivar \u27Golden Delicious\u27 were investigated. Consumer acceptability consisted of rating fruit samples on Likert scales measuring appearance, flavour, size, sweetness, acidity, crispiness, juiciness, skin texture and general impression. Consumers better evaluated the cultivar \u27Topaz\u27 sensory characteristics of flavour, juiciness, taste and general impression than other evaluated scab-resistant apple cultivars and the cultivar \u27Golden Delicious\u27. \u27Golden Delicious\u27 got good grades for appearance, size and sweetness. \u27Topaz\u27 also had the best pomological characteristic related to measured fruit firmness, contents of soluble solids and organic acids. It can be concluded that only the cultivar \u27Topaz\u27 among the scab-resistant apple cultivars achieved a good consumer assessment

    The effect of pruning on fruiting capacity of Black Magic table grape variety

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    Black Magic table grape variety is a newly introduced variety in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of various types of pruning on fruiting of Black Magic variety in the conditions of Herzegovina, given that no researches have been done so far for this variety. The research lasted three years (2011, 2012 and 2013), and three pruning variants were used (28, 32 and 40 buds/vine). On the basis of obtained results it is evident that the values of the examined parameters were the highest in 2011 (grape yield /vine of 11.06 kg, total number of productive canes/vine was 24.72, number of productive canes/vine 23.79 and number of bunch/vine 44.87), and the lowest in 2013 (grape yield /vine 7.49 kg, total number of productive canes/vine 21.02, number of productive canes/vine 21.11 and number of bunch/vine 23.16). Pruning variant III (40 buds/vine) had the highest levels of these parameters in all three experimental years, and variant I (28 buds/vine) the lowest

    Influence of cultivar, storage time, and processing on the phenol content of cloudy apple juice

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of cultivar and storage time on the total phenol content (TPC) of three actual apple cultivars (Topaz, Pinova, Pink Lady) and three autochthonous apple cultivars (Ruzmarinka, Ljepocvjetka, Paradija) as well to determine their physical and chemical characteristics. Total phenol content has been determined by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent during cold storage at 1 °C, for 60 days. Changes of apple juice samples phenolics in relation to oxidation time after pressing (0 hours, 2 h and 4 h) were examined. A significant variation in content of phenols in apple cultivars under investigation was noted. Paradija, autochthonous apple contained the highest content of phenols (1.003 g GAE/L), while Topaz, actual apple cultivar had the lowest content (0.596 g GAE/L), during the storage time. TPC of apple cultivars stayed at a relatively constant level during the storage, with the exception of Pink Lady and Paradija apples, where TPC changed significantly during cold storage. The level of TPC in cloudy apple juice samples of all apple cultivars decreased during the oxidation time after pressing


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    The paper reports the physical and chemical characteristic in fresh fruit from two populations of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) wild genotypes originated from Bosnia and Herzegovina during the two years 2012 and 2013. Fruits were assayed for physical properties (fruit and stone weight, fruit length, width, thickness, and stone length and width) and soluble solids, total acidity, reducing sugar, ascorbic acid, total phenol and anthocyanin contents. The cornelian cherries weighed from 1.6 g (Bugojno area, 2012 year) up to 2.1g ( Konjic area, 2012 year). Ascorbic acid content ranged from 253.62 (Bugojno area, 2012) up to 440.60 (Konjic area, 2013) mg 100g-1 fresh weight. Anthocyanin content ranged from 389.10 (Konjic area, 2012) up to 398.92 (Bugojno area, 2012) mg cyanidin-3- glucoside equivalents 100 g-1 fresh weight whereas phenol content ranged from 2158.55 (Konjic area, 2012) up to 2750.38 (Konjic area, 2013) mg gallic acid equivalents 100 g-1 fresh weight

    Geographic variability of sugars and organic acids in selected wild fruit species

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    The chemical variability of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.), cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) and rosehip (Rosa canina L.) based on the content of individual and total sugars and organic acids in fruit was investigated. The fruits were picked in fully ripened condition within the period from 2014 to 2015 from different locations. The fresh fruits were analyzed with the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique for the purpose of identifying and quantifying the content of glucose, fructose and sucrose, as well as malic, citric, fumaric and shikimic acids. However, the content of individual sugars and organic acids differed by locations as well as by growing year within the same wild fruit species. The differences between wild fruit species as well as among different locations are presented by principal component analysis (PCA). Based on results obtained, rosehip fruits with higher sugars and organic acids ratio (S/A) are suitable for production of “pekmez” and drying, while genotypes of cornelian cherry, wild strawberry and bilberry with lower S/A are recommended for production of juices and gelatin products. The research results show that specific environmental conditions may influence significantly the content of analyzed parameters, as is the case with cornelian cherry and rosehip. Considering that the food industry is searching for new products, the wild fruit species analyzed represent a promising source of ingredients for the development of beverages and foods with functional properties as well as for supplements and nutraceuticals

    Profil slakorjev, kislin in polifenolov komercialnih in lokalnih sort jabolk za predelavo

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    Three commercial apple cultivars (\u27Jonagold\u27, \u27Granny Smith\u27 and \u27Idared\u27) and the local apple cultivar (\u27Prijedorska Zelenika\u27) from Bosnia and Herzegovina were analysed by HPLC-MS for the content of phenolic compounds in peel and pulp as well content of individual sugars and organic acids. Catechin, (-)-epicatechin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, quercetin 3-O-xyloside, quercetin 3-O-arabinoside, quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, quercetin 3-O-galactoside and quercetin 3-O-glucoside were identified in apple peel and (-)-epicatechin, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid in apple pulp at all observed cultivars. The total sugars content of analysed apple cultivars ranged between 91.61 and 105.45 g kg-1 FM, while the total organic acids content was from 5.70 to 15.05 g kg-1 FM. The levels of total organic acids and sugars, glucoce/fructose ratio and sugar/acid ratio were affected by cultivars. The mean content of total phenolic compounds was between 427.92 and 1457.95 mg kg-1 FM in peel and from 113.58 to 439.83 mg kg-1 FM in pulp and depending upon the cultivars. The presented data clearly demonstrated that traditional apple cultivar (\u27Prijedorska Zelenika\u27) had significantly higher individual phenolic compounds in pulp in comparison to the commercial cultivars, i.e., \u27Idared\u27, \u27Jonagold\u27 and \u27Granny Smith\u27 and with respect of that \u27Prijedorska Zelenika\u27 is recommended as raw material for cloudy juice processing.Pri treh komercialnih sortah jabolk: \u27Jonagold\u27, \u27Granny Smith\u27 in \u27Idared\u27, ter lokalni sorti jabolk \u27Prijedorska Zelenika\u27 iz Bosne in Hercegovine smo analizirali s HPLC-MS vsebnost fenolnih spojin v olupku in mesu ter vsebnost posameznih sladkorjev in organskih kislin. Katehin, (-)-epikatehin, klorogenska kislina, kavna kislina, kvercetin-3-ksilozid, kvercetin-3-arabinozid, kvercetin-3-ramnozid, kvercetin-3-rutinozid, kvercetin-3-galaktozid in kvercetin-3-glukozid so bili določeni v olupku jabolk in (-)-epikatehin, klorogenska kislina in kavina kislina v mesu jabolk pri vseh sortah v poskusu. Vsebnost skupnih sladkorjev je bila v analiziranih sortah jabolk med 91,61 in 105,45 g kg-1 sveže mase, skupna vsebnost organskih kislin pa od 5,70 do 15,05 g kg-1 sveže mase. Sorte so vplivale na vsebnost skupnih organskih kislin in skupnih sladkorjev, razmerje glukoza/fruktoza in razmerje sladkorji/kisline. Povprečna vsebnost fenolnih spojin je bila med 427,92 in 1457,95 kg kg-1 sveže mase v olupku in od 113,58 do 439,83 mg kg-1 sveže mase v mesu, kar je bilo odvisno od sorte. Predstavljeni podatki kažejo, da je imela tradicionalna sorta jabolk \u27Prijedorska Zelenika\u27 bistveno večje vsebnosti posameznih fenolnih spojin v mesu v primerjavi s komercialnimi sortami, kot so \u27Idared\u27, \u27Jonagold\u27 in \u27Granny Smith\u27, in zato se sorto \u27Prijedorska Zelenika\u27 priporoča kot surovino za predelavo v motni sok