
The effect of pruning on fruiting capacity of Black Magic table grape variety


Black Magic table grape variety is a newly introduced variety in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of various types of pruning on fruiting of Black Magic variety in the conditions of Herzegovina, given that no researches have been done so far for this variety. The research lasted three years (2011, 2012 and 2013), and three pruning variants were used (28, 32 and 40 buds/vine). On the basis of obtained results it is evident that the values of the examined parameters were the highest in 2011 (grape yield /vine of 11.06 kg, total number of productive canes/vine was 24.72, number of productive canes/vine 23.79 and number of bunch/vine 44.87), and the lowest in 2013 (grape yield /vine 7.49 kg, total number of productive canes/vine 21.02, number of productive canes/vine 21.11 and number of bunch/vine 23.16). Pruning variant III (40 buds/vine) had the highest levels of these parameters in all three experimental years, and variant I (28 buds/vine) the lowest

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