5 research outputs found


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    In this paper the effectiveness of one more physical method based on the use of electrohydraulic effect was analyzed. Realization of purposes was achieved though reconstituting Lev Yutkin's layout for electrohydraulic impact and conducting several special experiments, description of which can be found at the article pages. Results of experiments carried out are interesting scientific material, which can be effectively used in oil and gas industry.В данной работе был проведён анализ эффективности ещё одного физического способа, основанного на применении электрогидравлического эффекта. По схеме макета Юткина Л. В. воссоздали электрогидравлический эффект, благодаря этому стало возможным проведение целого ряд испытаний, результаты которых можно найти на страницах данной работы. Выводы, сделанные при анализе результатов этих испытаний, являют собой интересный материал, который может быть эффективно применён в нефтедобывающей промышленности

    Electrohydraulic effect as an example of electrophysical technologies application in the oil industry

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    This work was devoted to studies of electrohydraulic effect applicability in the oil industry. The major aim was to determine if the effect would be really useful in cleaning field pipelines from different precipitations such as calcium and barium sulphates, calcium and magnesium carbonates, sodium chloride salts and also tar and paraffin. In addition to it, another fields of possible applicability of the electrohydraulic effect were supposed to be find. Realisation of purposes put was achieved though reconstituting Lev Yutkin's layout for electrohydraulic impact and conducting several special experiments. Their thoughtful description with necessary accompanying illustrations can be find at the pages of this article. Results of experiments carried out, have proved the electrohydraulic impact effectiveness as a mean for cleaning pipes. Moreover, some results gave a reason to think that the effect worth applying to for increasing of the wellbore zone permeability as well as for extracting of solid minerals. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Exchanging traditional pumping unit for a "geron" hydraulic drive

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    This work was devoted to analysis of the efficiency of the application of a "Geron" hydraulic drive as an alternative to a beam pumping unit. The issue of replacement old drives for new one was considered in the context of economic profitableness taking into account field conditions of Russia and neighbor countries. To prepare this scientific article, different data about field experience of usage the machines in different countries and fields were asked for and obtained. Thanks to information got general characteristics of both machines with their advantages and disadvantages based generally on technological, energetical and economic data were composed. After this the drives were compared with each other. As a result, hydraulic drive "Geron" was taken to be a good alternative of traditional pumping unit. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The work is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the replacement of pumpjacks for modern hydraulic drives of the “Geron” type, as well as to an overview of these drives. The results of field tests of real companies were used as initial data. Energy efficiency and ease of maintenance achieved in Heron hydraulic drives through the introduction of an intelligent electronic control system were decisive criterias of the comparison. As a result of the work carried out, conclusions about the profitability of replacing pumpjacks with hydraulic drives “Geron” were drawn.Работа посвящена анализу эффективности замены станковкачалок на современные гидравлические приводы типа «Герон», а также обзору этих приводов. В качестве исходных данных использовались результаты промысловых испытаний реальных компаний. Важными критериями сравнения были энергоэффективность и простота обслуживания, достигаемые в гидравлических приводах «Герон» за счёт внедрения электронной системы управления. В результате проведённой работы были сделаны выводы о рентабельности замены станков качалок на гидравлические приводы «Герон»

    The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I – results from the test flight on the space shuttle

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