61 research outputs found

    Quality of cream products with the addition of emulsifiers from different sources

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    The aim of this work was to determinate the physical characteristics of the cream spreads produced in the laboratory ball mill, with the addition of emulsifier lecithin from soybean, sunflower and oilseed rape, depending on refining time. The physical properties of the cream products with penetration were defined by hardness at temperature of 20°C, where it was determined that the cream samples with the longest retention time in the ball mill have the highest hardness. Rheological measurements confirmed thixotropic flow curves of all samples. The samples with retention time of 30 minutes in the ball mill have the best uniformity and stability of system, but the samples of cream with the addition of lecithin from soybean and sunflower, with retention time of 45 minutes, have the best and very similar sensory characteristics

    The effect of soy flour on cookie quality

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    Cookies are a popular confectionery product with a unique texture and taste, long shelf life and a relatively cheap price; therefore, it is a widespread snack among people of all generations. Nevertheless, cookies are usually made of wheat flour and most formulations are highly caloric and have a low fiber content. Soy flour is an excellent source of proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals and it is being considered as a great supplement to wheat flour because it increases nutritive characteristics of the final product. By their digestibility and amino acid content, soy proteins are very similar to proteins derived from animals. They also contain many essential amino acids, which are deficient in most of the cereals. The purpose of this work was to determine the effect of soy flour on quality of cookies. Wheat flour was supplemented with 35% of soy flour (full-fat toasted, low-fat toasted, defatted lightly toasted, toasted and soy protein concentrate). The supplementation of wheat flour with soy flour had affected nutritive value and sensory characteristics of cookies

    Influence of combined emulsifier on physical characteristics of fat filling

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    The influence of mixture of two separate emulsifiers and a new generation of emulsifier 2 in 1, which nowadays has a tendency to replace these two, on the rheological and textural properties and sensory quality of fat filling was investigated. Emulsifiers were added in concentrations of 0.3, 0.45 and 0.75%, and calculated on the total mass of raw materials. The addition of emulsifiers in concentrations of 0.3 and 0.45% had a significant influence on the textural and rheological parameters of fat filling. These results showed that is not necessary to add a maximum amount of an emulsifier in order to achieve optimal spreadibility and hardness, which is certainly justified from an economic point of view. The addition of emulsifier 2 in 1 caused starchy taste and migration of fat to the surface of fat filling. The sample with 0.45%, which was a combination of two emulsifiers, had the best sensory quality and spreadability characteristics

    Influence of emulsifiers on the optimization of processing parameters of refining milk chocolate in the ball mill

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    Chocolate manufacture is a complex process which includes a large number of technology operations. One of the obligatory phases is milling, called refining, which aims at obtaining the appropriate distribution of particle size, resulting in the chocolate with optimal physical and sensory characteristics. The aim of this work was to define and optimize the process parameters for the production of milk chocolate by a non-conventional procedure, using the ball mill. The quality of chocolate mass, produced on this way, is determined by measuring the following parameters: moisture, size of the largest cocoa particle, yield flow, and Casson plastic viscosity. A special consideration of this study is the optimization of the types and amounts of emulsifiers, which are responsible for achieving the appropriate rheological and physical characteristics of the chocolate mass. The obtained parameters are compared with those which are typical for the standard procedure

    Environmetal friendly method in the sugar-beet production for the colourants removal

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    Despite the fact that the sugar industry is one of the causes of the environmental pollution, not enough has been done on its improvement. According to CEFS, specific energy consumption was 31.49 kWh/100 kg sugar beet. While the overall water used is about 15 m3 /t sugar beet processed, the consumption of fresh water is 0.25 – 0.4 m3 /t sugar beet processed, or even less in modern sugar factories. The separation operation deserves special attention because of its significant consumption of water end energy. Ultrafiltration could be one of the solutions for energy saving and more effective separation of coloured compounds (which during the crystallisation build into the sucrose crystals) from intermediate products from which sucrose directly crystallises. The aim of this experimental work is to determine the influence of operating parameters on the efficiency on coloured matter removal in high concentrated syrup. In this work syrup solution, which is an intermediate product in the phase of sucrose crystallisation, with 60% dry matter content, is the main feed. Experimental investigations were performed on 20 nm ceramic tubular membrane. Effects of colour removal on syrup solution are investigated at 60 and 80º C, in the range of transmembrane pressure between 4 and 10 bars. Optimal values of flow rates are chosen between 100 and 400 L/h. For defining the effects of the membrane separation process, permeate flux are determined. According to mentioned conditions colour is by 35 - 40 % in average, and turbidity is by 80% in average lower according to the feed. The permeate flux could be reached is 45 L/m2 h at flow rate 400 L/h and at 80o C

    Environmental friendly method in the sugar-beet production for the colourants removal

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    Despite the fact that the sugar industry is one of the causes of the environmental pollution, not enough has been done on its improvement. According to CEFS, specific energy consumption was 31.49 kWh/100 kg sugar beet. While the overall water used is about 15 m3/t sugar beet processed, the consumption of fresh water is 0.25 – 0.4 m3/t sugar beet processed, or even less in modern sugar factories. The separation operation deserves special attention because of its significant consumption of water end energy. Ultrafiltration could be one of the solutions for energy saving and more effective separation of coloured compounds (which during the crystallisation build into the sucrose crystals) from intermediate products from which sucrose directly crystallises. The aim of this experimental work is to determine the influence of operating parameters on the efficiency on coloured matter removal in high concentrated syrup. In this work syrup solution, which is an intermediate product in the phase of sucrose crystallisation, with 60% dry matter content, is the main feed. Experimental investigations were performed on 20 nm ceramic tubular membrane. Effects of colour removal on syrup solution are investigated at 60 and 80 ºC, in the range of transmembrane pressure between 4 and 10 bars. Optimal values of flow rates are chosen between 100 and 400 L/h. For defining the effects of the membrane separation process, permeate flux are determined. According to mentioned conditions colour is by 35 - 40 % in average, and turbidity is by 80% in average lower according to the feed. The permeate flux could be reached is 45 L/m2h at flow rate 400 L/h and at 80 ºC

    A Review

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    Funding Information: This study was conducted under the TwiNSol-CECs project, which received funding from a Horizon Europe program under grant agreement No. 101059867. Funding Information: This research was funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EU executive agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are chemicals or materials that are not under current regulation but there are increasing concerns about their possible occurrence in the environment because of their potential threat to human and environmental health, with wastewater perceived as their primary source. Although various techniques for their removal from water have been studied, it should be emphasized that the choice should also consider the use of resources and energy within the removal processes, which must be minimized to avoid additional carbon footprints and environmental impact. In this context, the use of biomass-based sorbents might represent a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach for the removal of CECs from water because they are based on preferably local renewable resources with lower negative impacts on the global carbon cycle through greenhouse gas emissions than the conventional nonrenewable ones. This paper provides an overview of the studies dealing with the application of such so-called biosorbents for the removal of CECs from water and discusses the use of their different forms: sorbents after a minimal pretreatment of the original lignocellulosic biomass; sorbents extracted from lignocellulosic biomass and/or modified; and biochar-based sorbents obtained after thermochemical conversion of biomass. It explains possible modifications of biosorbents and discusses the efficiency of various biosorbents for the removal of selected emerging compounds that belong to the classes of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and pesticides and compares the adsorption capacities, kinetic models, and mechanisms reported in the relevant literature. Biochar-based sorption has been studied more often if compared to other considered biosorbents. In some cases, removal efficiencies of contaminants greater than 90% were achieved, but nonetheless a wide range of efficiencies for different CECs indicates that for successful simultaneous multicompound removal, a combination of different processes seems to be a more appropriate approach than the stand-alone use of biosorbents. Finally, this review discusses the reasons behind the limited commercial application of the considered biosorbents and provides directions for possible further research, in particular the use of spent biosorbents from a perspective of circular systems.publishersversionpublishe

    The Effect of Soy Flour on Cookie Quality

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    Cookies are a popular confectionery product with a unique texture and taste, long shelf life and a relatively cheap price; therefore, it is a widespread snack among people of all generations. Nevertheless, cookies are usually made of wheat flour and most formulations are highly caloric and have a low fiber content. Soy flour is an excellent source of proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals and it is being considered as a great supplement to wheat flour because it increases nutritive characteristics of the final product. By their digestibility and amino acid content, soy proteins are very similar to proteins derived from animals. They also contain many essential amino acids, which are deficient in most of the cereals. The purpose of this work was to determine the effect of soy flour on quality of cookies. Wheat flour was supplemented with 35% of soy flour (full-fat toasted, low-fat toasted, defatted lightly toasted, toasted and soy protein concentrate). The supplementation of wheat flour with soy flour had affected nutritive value and sensory characteristics of cookies

    Boja i mramoriranost M. semimembranosus i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum pet čistih rasa svinja odgajanih u Vojvodini

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    Sensory evaluation of colour and marbling of M. semimembranosus (SM) and M.   longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from five purebred pigs produced in   Vojvodina (Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire and Pietrain) was   performed. Colour was evaluated by the panellists with 6-point colour score   cards (1-pale pinkish-gray to white; 6-dark purplish-red). Marbling was   evaluated by the panellists with7-point marbling score cards (1-devoid,   6-moderate/10-abundant).The differences in the colour and in the marbling of   the SM muscles and of the LTL muscles among the five purebred pigs were not   significant (P>0.05). A darker colour was obtained for SM muscles than for   LTL muscles for all five purebred pigs, with a significant differences for   Durok (P=0.018) and Pietrain (P=0.002). The type of the muscles had no   significant effect on marbling (P>0.05). The Vojvodian pork meat showed   lighter colour than optimum for pork. According to average marbling scores   fat content in pork produced in Vojvodina was less than 2 %.Senzorski kvalitet mesa se smatra jednim od najvažnijih faktora kvaliteta jer   utiče na odluku za ponovnu kupovinu od strane potrošača. M. semimembranosus   (SM) i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) su dva ekonomski   najznačajnija mišića na trupu svinja. Boja i mramoriranost su ispitivani na   SM i LTL mišićima svinja rasa: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116), Durok   (n=112), Hempšir (n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Uzorci za   određivanje boje i mramoriranosti uzeti su iz centralnog dela svakog mišića   (tri odreska), upravno na dužu osu mišića; minimalna debljina uzoraka bila   je 2,5 cm. Boja je ocenjena korišćenjem skale u boji (karti) od 1 do 6   (1-bledo-ružičasto-siva do bela; 6-tamno purpurno-crvena). Mramoriranost je   ocenjena korišćenjem skale u boji (karti) od 1 do 6 (10) (1-bez   mramoriranosti; 6-umerena/10-oblina). Razlike u boji i mramoriranosti mišića   SM kao i mišića LTL između pet čistih rasa svinja nisu bile značajne   (P>0,05). Tamnija boja mišića SM u odnosu na mišiće LTL utvrđena je kod svih   pet čistih rasa svinja, sa značajnom razlikom kod Duroka (P=0,018) i   Pietrena (P=0,002). Ukupno, boja mišića SM i LTLje ocenjena prosečnim   ocenama 2,48 i 2,19, redom, sa značajnom razlikom (P lt 0,001). Tip mišića nije   imao značajan uticaj na mramoriranost (P>0,05). Ukupno, mramoriranost mišića   SM i LTL je ocenjena prose;nim ocenama 1,78 i 1,6, redom. Svinjsko meso   proizvedeno u Vojvodini ima svetliju boju od optimalne. Na osnovu prosečnih   ocena za mramoriranost može se zaključiti da je sadržaj masti u svinjskom   mesu proizvedenom u Vojvodini manji od 2%. PR Research was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, project No TR31032. These results are part of the project No 114-451-1016/2014 which is financially supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia