330 research outputs found

    Slow magnetic dynamics and hysteresis loops of a bulk ferromagnet

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    Magnetic dynamics of a bulk ferromagnet, a new single crystalline compound Co7(TeO3)4Br6, was studied by ac susceptibility and the related techniques. Very large Arrhenius activation energy of 17.2 meV (201 K) and long attempt time (2x10^(-4)s) span the full spectrum of magnetic dynamics inside a convenient frequency window, offering a rare opportunity for general studies of magnetic dynamics. Within the experimental window the ac susceptibility data build almost ideally semicircular Cole-Cole plots. Comprehensive study of experimental dynamic hysteresis loops of the compound is presented and interpreted within a simple thermal-activation-assisted spin lattice relaxation model for spin reversal. Quantitative agreement between the experimental results and the model's prediction for dynamic coercive field is achieved by assuming the central physical quantity, the Debye relaxation rate, to depend on frequency, as well as on the applied field strength and sample temperature. Cross-over between minor- to major hysteresis loops is carefully analyzed. Low-frequency limitations of the model, relying on domain wall pinning effects, are experimentally detected and appropriately discussed.Comment: A paragraph on dynamical-hysteresis assymetry added, text partially revised; Accepted in Physical Review

    Learning Optimal Strategies for Temporal Tasks in Stochastic Games

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    Synthesis from linear temporal logic (LTL) specifications provides assured controllers for systems operating in stochastic and potentially adversarial environments. Automatic synthesis tools, however, require a model of the environment to construct controllers. In this work, we introduce a model-free reinforcement learning (RL) approach to derive controllers from given LTL specifications even when the environment is completely unknown. We model the problem as a stochastic game (SG) between the controller and the adversarial environment; we then learn optimal control strategies that maximize the probability of satisfying the LTL specifications against the worst-case environment behavior. We first construct a product game using the deterministic parity automaton (DPA) translated from the given LTL specification. By deriving distinct rewards and discount factors from the acceptance condition of the DPA, we reduce the maximization of the worst-case probability of satisfying the LTL specification into the maximization of a discounted reward objective in the product game; this enables the use of model-free RL algorithms to learn an optimal controller strategy. To deal with the common scalability problems when the number of sets defining the acceptance condition of the DPA (usually referred as colors), is large, we propose a lazy color generation method where distinct rewards and discount factors are utilized only when needed, and an approximate method where the controller eventually focuses on only one color. In several case studies, we show that our approach is scalable to a wide range of LTL formulas, significantly outperforming existing methods for learning controllers from LTL specifications in SGs

    Eastern Frequency Response Study

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    This study was specifically designed to investigate the frequency response of the Eastern Interconnection that results from large loss-of-generation events of the type targeted by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. Standard BAL-003 Frequency Response and Frequency Bias Setting (NERC 2012a), under possible future system conditions with high levels of wind generation

    Clinical and molecular characterization of HER2 amplified-pancreatic cancer

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    <p>Background: Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal and molecularly diverse malignancies. Repurposing of therapeutics that target specific molecular mechanisms in different disease types offers potential for rapid improvements in outcome. Although HER2 amplification occurs in pancreatic cancer, it is inadequately characterized to exploit the potential of anti-HER2 therapies.</p> <p>Methods: HER2 amplification was detected and further analyzed using multiple genomic sequencing approaches. Standardized reference laboratory assays defined HER2 amplification in a large cohort of patients (n = 469) with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).</p> <p>Results: An amplified inversion event (1 MB) was identified at the HER2 locus in a patient with PDAC. Using standardized laboratory assays, we established diagnostic criteria for HER2 amplification in PDAC, and observed a prevalence of 2%. Clinically, HER2- amplified PDAC was characterized by a lack of liver metastases, and a preponderance of lung and brain metastases. Excluding breast and gastric cancer, the incidence of HER2-amplified cancers in the USA is >22,000 per annum.</p> <p>Conclusions: HER2 amplification occurs in 2% of PDAC, and has distinct features with implications for clinical practice. The molecular heterogeneity of PDAC implies that even an incidence of 2% represents an attractive target for anti-HER2 therapies, as options for PDAC are limited. Recruiting patients based on HER2 amplification, rather than organ of origin, could make trials of anti-HER2 therapies feasible in less common cancer types.</p&gt

    Surveillance sanitaire des cocoteraies adultes en Afrique de l'Ouest. I. Contrôles ordinaires

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    La plupart des ravageurs connus dans les cocoteraies d'Afrique de l'Ouest passent le plus souvent inaperçus, bien qu'ils soient toujours présents. Dans certaines conditions, difficiles à définir, il y a pullulation d'un ou de plusieurs d'entre eux et, en conséquence, des dégâts importants peuvent alors se produire. Des contrôles sanitaires fréquents sont nécessaires pour la conduite de la méthode de lutte intégrée, généralement adoptée à présent en défense des cultures, ce qui suppose une bonne connaissance des ravageurs, de leur biologie et de leurs ennemis naturels. Comme pour le palmier à huile, il y a deux types de contrôles phytosanitaires : - les contrôles ordinaires, décrits dans ces " Conseils ", qui permettent de suivre l'ensemble des populations de ravageurs, d'insectes auxiliaires, et de détecter toute anomalie susceptible de se traduire par des dégâts préjudiciables ; - les contrôles spéciaux, spécifiques d'un ravageur donné, qui feront l'objet d'une autre page de Pratique agricole (1 ), et sont réalisés sur un échantillon d'observation plus important. Ils permettent de suivre plus précisément l'évolution de ce ravageur, l'intensité et l'étendue des dégâts qu'il provoque. Toutefois, la décision d'intervention par traitement ne peut être prise à bon escient qu'après examen attentif des résultats d'un ou de plusieurs contrôles spéciaux réalisés après détection de l'attaque par un contrôle ordinaire. La présente " Page de pratique agricole " traite de la conduite des contrôles phytosanitaires en cocoteraie de plus de quatre ans, entrée en production. La surveillance des jeunes cocoteraies, beaucoup plus vulnérables, fera également l'objet d'autres " Conseils ". (Résumé d'auteur

    Long-term results from the EARLY study of bosentan in WHO functional class II pulmonary arterial hypertension patients.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: The double-blind phase of the EARLY study of bosentan remains the only randomized controlled trial of a PAH-targeted therapy in World Health Organization functional class (FC) II patients. We report on the efficacy, safety, disease worsening, survival and prognostic factors in mildly symptomatic pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients treated with bosentan in the open-label extension phase of the EARLY study. METHODS: Exploratory efficacy outcomes included 6-minute walk distance (6 MWD) and WHO FC. Adverse events were recorded. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to estimate time to first PAH worsening event (death, initiation of intravenous or subcutaneous prostanoids, atrial septostomy or lung transplantation) and survival. Cox regression analysis determined factors prognostic of survival. RESULTS: Median exposure to bosentan (n=173) was 51 months. At the end of the bosentan-treatment assessment period, 77.8% of patients were in WHO FC I/II. Adverse events led to discontinuation of bosentan in 20.2% of patients. Aminotransferase elevations>3× upper limit of normal occurred in 16.8%. Four-year PAH-event-free survival and survival were 79.5% (95% confidence intervals [95% CI] 73.4, 85.6) and 84.8% [95% CI 79.4, 90.2], respectively. Low 6 MWD, low mixed venous oxygenation, high N-terminal pro hormone of brain natriuretic peptide levels and PAH associated with connective tissue disease were associated with a higher risk of death. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients exposed to long-term bosentan maintained or improved their functional class. Approximately 20% of the patients discontinued treatment because of adverse events, which were most commonly PAH worsening and elevated liver enzymes

    Lack of correlation of stem cell markers in breast cancer stem cells

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    BACKGROUND: Various markers are used to identify the unique sub-population of breast cancer cells with stem cell properties. Whether these markers are expressed in all breast cancers, identify the same population of cells, or equate to therapeutic response is controversial. METHODS: We investigated the expression of multiple cancer stem cell markers in human breast cancer samples and cell lines in vitro and in vivo, comparing across and within samples and relating expression with growth and therapeutic response to doxorubicin, docetaxol and radiotherapy. RESULTS: CD24, CD44, ALDH and SOX2 expression, the ability to form mammospheres and side-population cells are variably present in human cancers and cell lines. Each marker identifies a unique rather than common population of cancer cells. In vivo, cells expressing these markers are not specifically localized to the presumptive stem cell niche at the tumour/stroma interface. Repeated therapy does not consistently enrich cells expressing these markers, although ER-negative cells accumulate. CONCLUSIONS: Commonly employed methods identify different cancer cell sub-populations with no consistent therapeutic implications, rather than a single population of cells. The relationships of breast cancer stem cells to clinical parameters will require identification of specific markers or panels for the individual cancer