17 research outputs found

    Implication of 5-HT7 receptor in prefrontal circuit assembly and detrimental emotional effects of SSRIs during development

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    Altered development of prefrontal cortex (PFC) circuits can have long-term consequences on adult emotional behavior. Changes in serotonin homeostasis during critical periods produced by genetic or pharmacological inactivation of the serotonin transporter (SERT, or Slc6a4), have been involved in such developmental effects. In mice, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), administered during postnatal development cause exuberant synaptic connectivity of the PFC to brainstem dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) circuits, and increase adult risk for developing anxiety and depressive symptoms. SERT is transiently expressed in the glutamate neurons of the mouse PFC, that project to the DRN. Here, we find that 5-HTR7 is transiently co-expressed with SERT by PFC neurons, and it plays a key role in the maturation of PFC-to-DRN synaptic circuits during early postnatal life. 5-HTR7-KO mice show reduced PFC-to-DRN synaptic density (as measured by array-tomography and VGLUT1/synapsin immunocytochemistry). Conversely, 5-HTR7 over-expression in the developing PFC increased PFC-to-DRN synaptic density. Long-term consequences on depressive-like and anxiogenic behaviors were observed in adults. 5-HTR7 over-expression in the developing PFC, results in depressive-like symptoms in adulthood. Importantly, the long-term depressive-like and anxiogenic effects of SSRIs (postnatal administration of fluoxetine from P2 to P14) were not observed in 5-HTR7-KO mice, and were prevented by co-administration of the selective inhibitor of 5-HTR7, SB269970. This study identifies a new role 5-HTR7 in the postnatal maturation of prefrontal descending circuits. Furthermore, it shows that 5-HTR7 in the PFC is crucially required for the detrimental emotional effects caused by SSRI exposure during early postnatal life.Fil: Olusakin, Jimmy. Sorbonne University; Francia. Inserm; Francia. University of Geneva; SuizaFil: Moutkine, Imane. Inserm; Francia. Sorbonne University; FranciaFil: Dumas, Sylvie. Oramacell; FranciaFil: Ponimaskin, Evgeni. Hannover Medical School; AlemaniaFil: Paizanis, Eleni. Inserm; Francia. Universite de Caen Basse Normandie; FranciaFil: Soiza Reilly, Mariano. Sorbonne University; Francia. Inserm; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Gaspar, Patricia. Sorbonne University; Francia. Inserm; Francia. Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle; Franci

    Hippocampal Neurogenesis, Depressive Disorders, and Antidepressant Therapy

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    There is a growing body of evidence that neural stem cells reside in the adult central nervous system where neurogenesis occurs throughout lifespan. Neurogenesis concerns mainly two areas in the brain: the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus and the subventricular zone, where it is controlled by several trophic factors and neuroactive molecules. Neurogenesis is involved in processes such as learning and memory and accumulating evidence implicates hippocampal neurogenesis in the physiopathology of depression. We herein review experimental and clinical data demonstrating that stress and antidepressant treatments affect neurogenesis in opposite direction in rodents. In particular, the stimulation of hippocampal neurogenesis by all types of antidepressant drugs supports the view that neuroplastic phenomena are involved in the physiopathology of depression and underlie—at least partly—antidepressant therapy

    Life-long hippocampal neurogenesis: environmental, pharmacological and neurochemical modulations.

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    International audienceIt is now well documented that active neurogenesis does exist throughout the life span in the brain of various species including human. Two discrete brain regions contain progenitor cells that are capable of differentiating into neurons or glia, the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation. Recent studies have shown that neurogenesis can be modulated by a variety of factors, including stress and neurohormones, growth factors, neurotransmitters, drugs of abuse, and also strokes and traumatic brain injuries. In particular, the hippocampal neurogenesis may play a role in neuroadaptation associated with pathologies, such as cognitive disorders and depression. The increased neurogenesis at sites of injury may represent an attempt by the central nervous system to regenerate after damage. We herein review the most significant data on hippocampal neurogenesis in brain under various pathological conditions, with a special attention to mood disorders including depression and addiction

    Environmental enrichment enhances episodic-like memory in association with a modified neuronal activation profile in adult mice.

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    International audienceAlthough environmental enrichment is well known to improve learning and memory in rodents, the underlying neuronal networks' plasticity remains poorly described. Modifications of the brain activation pattern by enriched condition (EC), especially in the frontal cortex and the baso-lateral amygdala, have been reported during an aversive memory task in rodents. The aims of our study were to examine 1) whether EC modulates episodic-like memory in an object recognition task and 2) whether EC modulates the task-induced neuronal networks. To this end, adult male mice were housed either in standard condition (SC) or in EC for three weeks before behavioral experiments (n = 12/group). Memory performances were examined in an object recognition task performed in a Y-maze with a 2-hour or 24-hour delay between presentation and test (inter-session intervals, ISI). To characterize the mechanisms underlying the promnesiant effect of EC, the brain activation profile was assessed after either the presentation or the test sessions using immunohistochemical techniques with c-Fos as a neuronal activation marker. EC did not modulate memory performances after a 2 h-ISI, but extended object recognition memory to a 24 h-ISI. In contrast, SC mice did not discriminate the novel object at this ISI. Compared to SC mice, no activation related to the presentation session was found in selected brain regions of EC mice (in particular, no effect was found in the hippocampus and the perirhinal cortex and a reduced activation was found in the baso-lateral amygdala). On the other hand, an activation of the hippocampus and the infralimbic cortex was observed after the test session for EC, but not SC mice. These results suggest that the persistence of object recognition memory in EC could be related to a reorganization of neuronal networks occurring as early as the memory encoding

    Deletion of the serotonin receptor type 7 disrupts the acquisition of allocentric but not egocentric navigation strategies in mice

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    International audienceSpatial navigation is achieved through both egocentric (body-centered) and allocentric (externally-centered) strategies but decline with age, especially allocentric strategies. A better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these strategies would allow the development of new treatments to mitigate this deterioration. Among them, the modulation of 5-HT7 receptor (5-HT7R) may constitute a potential strategy. Indeed, this receptor is known to play a role in spatial navigation, however its precise role in egocentric and allocentric strategies remains unclear. Here, we first examined the effect of 5-HT7 genetic invalidation (knock-out (KO) mice) in two versions of a water cross-maze task in which only egocentric or allocentric strategies were efficient to solve the task. Our results demonstrated that KO mice are able to learn an allocentric strategy. However, contrary to wild-type mice (WT mice), the acquisition rate was slower compared to the task requiring the acquisition of an egocentric strategy. Mice were then trained in a third version of the water maze, allowing the use of both egocentric and allocentric strategies. When facing conflicting spatial information, both KO and WT mice preferentially used an egocentric strategy. However, only WT mice displayed a greater latency to achieve the task. This suggests that WT mice are able to learn both information in parallel, but not KO mice (i.e. only learning an egocentric strategy). Altogether, these results provide evidence for the essential role of the 5HT7R in the acquisition of an allocentric strategy and in the ability to learn concomitantly both strategies

    Spatial memory deficit across aging: current insights of the role of 5-HT7 receptors

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    WOS:000348100700001International audienceElderly persons often face biological, psychological or social changes over time that may cause discomfort or morbidity. While some cognitive domains remain stable over time, others undergo a decline. Spatial navigation is a complex cognitive function essential for independence, safety and quality of life. While egocentric (body centered) navigation is quite preserved during aging, allocentric (externally centered) navigation based on a cognitive map using distant landmarks declines with age. Recent preclinical studies showed that serotonergic 5-HT7 receptors are localized in brain regions associated with allocentric spatial navigation processing. Behavioral assessments with pharmacological or genetic tools have confirmed the role of 5-HT7 receptors in allocentric navigation. Moreover, few data suggested a selective age-related decrease in the expression of 5-HT7 receptors in pivotal brain structures implicated in allocentric navigation such as the hippocampal CA3 region. We aim to provide a short overview of the potential role of 5-HT7 receptors in spatial navigation, and to argue for their interests as therapeutic targets against age-related cognitive decline

    Environmental Enrichment Duration Differentially Affects Behavior and Neuroplasticity in Adult Mice

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    International audienceEnvironmental enrichment is a powerful way to stimulate brain and behavioral plasticity. However the required exposure duration to reach such changes has not been substantially analyzed. We aimed to assess the time-course of appearance of the beneficial effects of enriched environment. Thus, different behavioral tests and neurobiological parameters (such as neurogenesis, brain monoamines levels, and stress-related hormones) were concomitantly realized after different durations of enriched environment (24 h, 1, 3, or 5 weeks). While short enrichment exposure (24 h) was sufficient to improve object recognition memory performances, a 3-week exposure was required to improve aversive stimulus-based memory performances and to reduce anxiety-like behavior; effects that were not observed with longer duration. The onset of behavioral changes after a 3-week exposure might be supported by higher serotonin levels in the frontal cortex, but seems independent of neurogenesis phenomenon. Additionally, the benefit of 3-week exposure on memory was not observed 3 weeks after cessation of enrichment. Thus, the 3-week exposure appears as an optimal duration in order to induce the most significant behavioral effects and to assess the underlying mechanisms. Altogether, these results suggest that the duration of exposure is a keystone of the beneficial behavioral and neurobiological effects of environmental enrichment

    Brain activation experimental design. A.

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    <p>After 3 weeks in either standard condition (SC) or enriched condition (EC), memory performances of mice were tested in an object-recognition task performed in a Y-maze with an inter-session interval (ISI) of 24 h (“Test” groups, n = 12 for each housing condition). <b>B.</b> Ninety minutes after the presentation or after the test session, animals were euthanized and the brains were collected for c-Fos immunohistochemistry (“Presentation” groups and “Test” groups, n = 10 per housing condition). Additional mice were exposed to the same behavioral procedures but without any object (“Control of presentation” groups and “Control of test” groups, n = 8 and n = 10 per housing condition respectively).</p