5 research outputs found

    Identification et mise en oeuvre d'un consolidant de surface et d'un adhésif appliqués sur deux poissons momifiés égyptiens

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    Le MusĂ©um National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris possĂšde une collection de poissons momifiĂ©s Ă©gyptiens (Perches du Nil) ramenĂ©s lors de l'expĂ©dition en Egypte de NapolĂ©on Bonaparte, par Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Les spĂ©cimens de cette collection sont relativement biens conservĂ©s mais deux d'entre eux sont dans un Ă©tat de conservation critique. Leur conservation Ă  long terme nĂ©cessite l'application d'un consolidant de surface afin de limiter les altĂ©rations et d'un adhĂ©sif pour remettre en connexion les parties dĂ©solidarisĂ©es et redonner une lisibilitĂ© Ă  l'"objet". Pour cela, il est important de connaĂźtre la composition physico-chimique de la peau et des Ă©cailles ainsi que les procĂ©dĂ©s de momification ayant Ă©tĂ© employĂ©s et la nature des substances utilisĂ©es. En effet, leur dĂ©termination est primordiale car l'adhĂ©sif et le consolidant ne devront pas interfĂ©rer avec la composition physico-chimique du substrat, d'oĂč l'intĂ©rĂȘt de mener en amont une Ă©tude Ă  la fois thĂ©orique et pratique. Une fois celle-ci achevĂ©e, diffĂ©rents adhĂ©sifs et consolidants seront prĂ©parĂ©s et testĂ©s en fonction de paramĂštres prĂ©alablement dĂ©finis (NeutralitĂ©, Ă©lasticitĂ©, matitĂ©, pĂ©nĂ©tration limitĂ©e, etc.). AprĂšs avoir sĂ©lectionnĂ© l'adhĂ©sif et le consolidant le plus appropriĂ© et dĂ©terminer les mĂ©thodes de mise en oeuvre, il est procĂ©dĂ© Ă  leur application sur les momies de poissons. L'intervention de conservation-restauration sur des objets aussi fragiles est trĂšs dĂ©licate mais nĂ©cessaire Ă  leur "survie".The National Natural History Museum (MNHN) of Paris possesses a collection of Egyptian mummified fishes (Nil perchs) returned during the Napoleon Bonaparte's expedition in Egypt, by Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. The specimens of this collection are relatively well preserved but two of them are in a state of critical preservation. Their long-term preservation requires the application of a surface' strengthening to limit the alterations and of an adhesive to hand in connection the separated parts and restore the "object" 's legibility. For that purpose, it is important to know the skin and scales physico chemical composition as well as the mummification processes having been used (employed) and the nature of used substances. Indeed, their determination is essential because the adhesive and strengthening will not have to interfere with the substratum physico-chemical composition, where from the interest to lead upstream an at once theoretical and practical study. Once this one finished, various adhesives and consolidants will be prepared and tested according to parameters beforehand defined (Neutrality, elasticity, matt effect, penetration limited, etc.). Having selected the adhesive and strengthening it the most appropriate and having determined the methods of implementation, it is proceeded to their application on the fishes' mummies. The intervention of preservation-restoration on so fragile objects is very delicate but necessary for their "survival"

    Un exemple de conservation-restauration de momies animales

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    Cette Ă©tude de cas de deux poissons momifiĂ©s Ă©gyptiens, dont l’état critique de conservation nĂ©cessitait une intervention de conservation-restauration afin de leur redonner une certaine lisibilitĂ©, a Ă©tĂ© l’occasion de s’interroger sur les choix Ă  opĂ©rer, sur les limites de l’intervention et sur la lĂ©gitimitĂ© Ă  privilĂ©gier la pĂ©rennitĂ© sur la rĂ©versibilitĂ©.This case study of two Egyptian mummified fish, whose critical state of conservation required a conservation/restoration intervention so as to give them a certain ‘definition’ once again, has been the opportunity to think about firstly the choices that needed to be made, secondly about the limits of this type of intervention, and finally about the question whether it’s better to ensure long-term conservation rather than reversibility

    Tip tilt and focus estimation based on LGS and downlink joint measurements for ground to GEO satellite optical communication link

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    Achieving high data rates in GEO Feeder optical uplinks faces challenges due to the fading nature of the channel induced by atmospheric turbulence. Adaptive optics pre-compensation using downlink measurements is a solution to mitigate the impact of the turbulence. However, the point-ahead angle anisoplanatism, inherent to the bidirectional link geometry, limits the uplink correction efficiency, leading to persistent signal fades and loss of information onboard the satellite. We recently proposed a new minimum mean square error method that improves the phase estimation at the PAA based on the downlink phase and log amplitude measurements, reducing the anisoplanatism impact on the coupled flux. Alternatively, a laser guide star can be used to measure the phase at the PAA. However, it is currently challenging to retrieve the tip, tilt, and focus modes, whose correction is essential to improve the link quality. In this article, we propose to combine both techniques to estimate the tip, tilt, and focus at the PAA by incorporating the LGS high-order measurements in the MMSE formalism. We develop the associated analytical reconstructor and evaluate the performance of the phase estimation and the gain on the coupled flux statistics aboard the GEO satellite, considering an idealized LGS system. The new estimator is shown to reduce the tip, tilt, and focus error variances by up to 70% of their initial value

    Emulation et caractérisation des conditions de forte turbulence pour les liaisons optiques espace-sol : le banc PICOLO

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    International audienceWe present a method to develop a turbulence emulation bench for low-Earth-orbit satellite-to-ground optical communication links under strong turbulence. We provide guidelines to characterize the spatio-temporal dynamics of phase disturbances and scintillation produced by the emulator on a laser beam. We implemented such an emulator for a link at 10 deg elevation and discuss here its design method and characterization. The characterization results are compared to numerical simulations, and this characterization results in the validation of a digital twin of the emulator. The emulator will serve as a testing platform for adaptive optics systems and other free-space optical communication components under strong turbulence conditions.Nous présentons une méthode pour développer un banc d'émulation de turbulence pour les liaisons de communication optique satellite-sol en orbite terrestre basse sous forte turbulence. Nous fournissons des lignes directrices pour concevoir et caractériser avec précision la dynamique spatio-temporelle des perturbations de phase et de la scintillation produite par l'émulateur sur un faisceau laser. Nous avons implémenté un tel émulateur pour une liaison à 10° d'élévation et discutons ici son processus de conception et de caractérisation. Les résultats sont comparés aux simulations numériques. Le banc servira de plateforme de test pour les systÚmes d'optique adaptative et autres composants de communication optique en espace libre dans des conditions de fortes turbulences