144 research outputs found


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    Nissan Motor Thailand (NMT) is one of the companies that are engaged in daily operation with diverse customers especially the Parts Logistics Department. This department corresponds with customers by using email transaction. In this context, understanding different communication strategies and interpersonal devices when dealing with overseas customers can be very important to understand different kinds of attitudes and communication strategies that are negotiated in the emails.The result of the study shows that there are various communication strategies used by different customers. These are politeness, clarification, acknowledgement, relationship bonding, lead in and topic focus strategies. Various attitudes [affect, judgment and appreciation] are also identified through the use of various lexico-grammatical items and other linguistic instruments such as 'modality', 'adverbials', 'capitalization and abbreviation' and 'punctuations'. These items indicate positive and negative attitudes while modalities in most cases are used to soften or sharpen the transaction.With the impact of AEC, this research supports the current policy of the company to promote NMT mindset about 'cross-cultural function' in both internal and external organizations

    The Divine Perspestive(s): God and Time

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    So far as the credibility of theism is concerned, it is important to clarify what is meant by God and time since this is basic to a proper appreciation of the relation of God to the processes of reality. Widespread and traditional thought about these matters has put forward certain notions that are at least debatable and probably incredible. In this paper, therefore, I want to consider what may emerge about the relationship between God and time if we understand

    Factors Influencing Academic Achievement in Preclinical Students

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    Academic achievement is a major concern of preclinical students. This study aimed to determine factors influencing academic achievement in preclinical years. Questionnaires were sent to all students of the 2019 class at the 1st (2019/1) and 2nd preclinical years (2019/2) and the 2018 class at the 2nd preclinical year (2018/2) without sampling, with 85.11% (280/328), 86.32% (284/328), and 83.54% (274/328) being returned, respectively. Students were divided into Q1 (lowest)-Q2-Q3-Q4 (highest) according to quartiles of their GPA. Q4 students had higher examination expectation and achievement of study targets in all classes and more time spent on non-recorded-e-lecture study in the 2018/2 and 2019/2 classes; but lower time spent on recorded-e-lecture study in the 2019/1 class and non-academic-internet use in the 2019/2 and 2018/2 classes than other groups. In contrast, Q1 students had higher instances of lateness and absence/year in the 2019/2 and 2018/2 classes but lower happiness scores in the 2018/2 class compared to other groups. Obese and overweight students had significantly lower GPA than normal weight and underweight students of the 2019/2 class (p<0.05 all). The current year GPA had significant positive correlations with the previous year GPA, examination expectation, achievement of study targets, and time spent on non-recorded-e-lecture study; but had significant negative correlations with time spent on recorded-e-lecture study and non-academic internet use, instances of lateness and absence/year, and BMI (p<0.05 all). In conclusion, students with more self-regulation strategies in many aspects of self-regulated learning, including time management, learning strategies, emotion control, motivation, and self-efficacy, had better academic outcomes

    Evaluating Factors Influencing Happiness of Preclinical Students

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    This study aimed to determine factors influencing happiness in preclinical students especially in aspects of teaching and learning, students’ motivation, study habits, and academic achievement. This study was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study. The questionnaire was validated and approved for clarity, readability, rational analysis, and comprehensiveness by the experts. Questionnaires were sent to all second and/or third-year medical students of the 2018 (328) and 2019 (329) classes, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand. Cronbach’s alpha values were 0.886. The data were analyzed by the Statistical Package for Social Science version 18. From open-ended questions, the top 5 ranking factors increasing students’ happiness were teaching of instructors, content satisfaction, content understanding, free time, and handouts. Factors that had positive influences/associations with happiness of preclinical students were happiness in learning subjects taught in a particular year; satisfaction of content, study outcomes, materials, handouts, teaching motivating desire to learn, and applicability of content to medical profession; high motivation to study medicine, expected score, and the percentage of achievement of study targets; less amount of time spent on recorded-e-lecture study and internet for non-academic use; and low stress. Happiness of preclinical students was influenced by satisfaction in teaching and learning, their attitude, study habits, and academic achievement. Further studies on determining students’ happiness after improvement of teaching and learning environments, augmenting activities that enhance students’ motivation, and promoting good study habits among medical students, are required to prove whether enhancement of these factors could effectively increase students' happiness

    Usulan Perbaikan Tata Letak Lantai Produksi Menggunakan Algoritma CRAFT dalam Meminimumkan Ongkos Material Handling dan Total Momen Jarak Perpindahan (Studi Kasus PT. Grand Kartect Jakarta)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki tata letak lantai produksi pada PT. Grand Kartech Jakarta – Pulo Gadung yang akan dikhususkan untuk produksi boiler. Adanya aliran bolak-balik material dengan frekuensi yang tinggi mengakibatkan tingginya momen jarak perpindahan material yang liniear dengan tingginya ongkos material handling.  Metode CRAFT sebagai salah satu algoritma perbaikan layout digunakan pada penelitian ini yang memberikan solusi terbaik dalam penataan ulang layout perusahaan. Hasil analisis menunjukan  bahwa total momen jarak perpindahan layout awal yaitu sebesar 4.683 meter, setelah dilakukan perbaikan dan penyesuaian menggunakan algoritma CRAFT maka total momen jarak perpindahan sebesar 3.748,6 meter atau terjadi penghematan sebesar 19,95% dari layout awal. Total OMH layout awal yaitu sebesar Rp. 1.896.375, setelah dilakukan perbaikan dan penyesuaian menggunakan algoritma CRAFT maka total OMH sebesar 1.451.343 atau terjadi penghematan sebesar 23,46% dari layout awa


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    Yellowfin tuna is the leading prima donna in the capture fisheries sector in Maluku Province with a total national contribution of the two foreign exchange earners. The increase in production volume has not been able to meet the increasing demand for regional and global markets. This has led to an increase in fishing intensity in almost all Indonesian waters. Especially in Maluku. The increasing intensity of fishing causes yellowfin tuna to experience fishing pressure which can result in a decrease in stock size, both individual size and population size. The method used is the delivery of theoretical material and interactive discussions to fishermen. The results of the counseling on efforts to maintain the sustainability of the yellowfin tuna fisheries show that the community understands the importance of the availability of catch data both in the number and size of fish caught. The community must also participate in efforts to limit the number of fish caught because it is a wise thing to provide opportunities for fish to reproduce. This counseling is a very relevant suggestion to the condition of the available yellowfin tuna fishery resource


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    This study builds on the extant literature on motivation and information systems by examining the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in the relationship between system type and system use, the moderating role of perceived usefulness in the effect of intrinsic motivation on system use, and the moderating role of perceived competence in the impact of system use on performance. This study manipulates three system types; that is, PATH (Principles Aren’t That Hard), Blackboard, and the traditional paper medium, and measures the participant’s intrinsic motivation, perceived usefulness, perceived competence, system use, and performance. PATH incorporates interest-enhancing features, Blackboard has limited interest-enhancing features, and the traditional paper medium does not have these attributes. A total of 173 undergraduate students enrolled in the introductory financial accounting course participated in this study. The structural equation model results provide support for the hypotheses in the research model. An important contribution of this study is development of an educational computer game, PATH, and inclusion of Blackboard and the traditional paper medium to facilitate comparison of the level of intrinsic motivation associated with each system type. Another contribution is administration of the treatment variable (i.e., system type), measurements of the key constructs, and direct assessment of the participants’ performance in the same experimental setting
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