62 research outputs found

    Analisis Hubungan Ipm dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    The purpose of this research is to know term relation of human developmentindex (HDI) and economic growth regency/city in north of sumatera provinceduring the period 2004-2012.This research uses panel data, with method klassen typology to see benefitof regional, and cointegration test for to see long term relationship beetwen Humandevelopment index and growth of economic by using eviews programe 6.The result showed that by using klassen typology is 1 regency and 4 city forcategory quadrant I. meanwhile 8 regency and 1 city in quadrant II. And then 4regency and 2 city category in quadrant III. And also 12 regency and 1 citycategory in quadrant 4. From result of cointegration test showed a long termequilibrium relationship beetween Human development index and economic growth

    Analisis Estimasi Permintaan dan Penawaran Kredit Konsumsi di Sumatera Utara (Periode 1990-2011)

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    This study aims to determine how much influence the Interest Rate and Per Capita Income of the consumer credit demand in North Sumatera as well as to determine how much influence the, Gross Domestic Regional Product and Non Performing Loan (NPL) to offer consumer credit in North Sumatera.In this study, data obtained from Bank Indonesia branch of North Sumatera, Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sumatera and other sources that is research result and journals. Data beginning in 1990-2011using Two Stage Least Square method.The results showed demand for consumer credit in North Sumatera, according to the results of TSLS influenced by Third Party Funds, Interest Rate and Income Per Capita. While consumer credit offering in North Sumatera by TSLS results are influenced by Third Party Funds

    Analisis Kausalitas antara BI Rate dengan Jumlah Uang Beredar di Indonesia

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    This research has a purpose to analyze causality relationship between BI Rate and money supply (M1) in Indonesian. This research used time series data is monthly data period 2010-2012. The method of this research is method Cointegration test, Granger Causality test, and VAR. The results of analysis Cointegration test with VAR model, which means not a proper balance in the long run between BI Rate and M1. Granger Causality test analysis results, indicates that there is a bilateral causality relationship, are the BI Rate affect M1, and M1 affect BI Rate too

    Analisis Kausalitas Dan Kointegrasi Antara Tingkat Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia (Bi Rate) Dengan Suku Bunga Bank Amerika Serikat (the Fed)

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    This study aims to analyze Causality and Cointegration among Interest Rates of Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) and the U.S. Interest Rate (the Fed), using time series data, that is a monthly data during the time period January 2008 to November 2013. The method used to test the causality is Granger's Causality method, and the method used to test cointegration is Johansen's Multivariate Cointegration Test. The results of the analysis data shows that there is a cointegration between the Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) and U.S. Interest Rate (the Fed). It means that between the Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) and U.S. Interest Rate (the Fed) have a long-term equilibrium relationship. While the results of the Granger Causality test found a direct relationship. It means that only variable of U.S. Interest Rate (the Fed) affects the Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia (BI Rate), while the Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) does not affect the U.S. Interest Rate (the Fed)

    Analisis Daya Saing Ekonomi Kota Binjai Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the factors determining economic competitiveness in Binjai 2014. Methods of data collection is done by purposive sampling method by distributing questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).The analysis shows that there are three dominant factors affecting the competitiveness of the economy in Binjai city is a factor of physical infrastructure, regional economic factors and factors of labor and productivity. The main priority is to build the physical infrastructure to improve the quality of infrastructure. Then, to build the local economy his top priority is to optimize the economic potential of the region. Next to the main priority in building labor and productivity is to increase labor productivity

    Analisis Kausalitas antara Volatilitas Saham dengan Variabel Makroekonomi Indonesia

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    This study aims to know whether there is a significant interrelationship between the stock volatility (Jakarta Composite Index ) and the macroeconomic variables (Inflation and BI Rate) in Indonesia. The test is carried out using Stationarity Test, Cointegration Test, Granger Causality Test, and Vector Auto Regression (VAR) test for the period 2008.1 – 2012.12. From Cointegration test results that there is no long-term equilibrium relationship between Jakarta Composite index, BI Rate, and Inflation. While Granger Causality test result revealed that there is a direct relationship the inflation affect the Jakarta Composite Indexand there is reciprocal relationship between the BI Rate and the Jakarta Composite Index. Based on the result of impluse Response Function, it was found that the stock volatility (Jakarta Composite Index) has a negative effect on the macroeconomic variables (Inflationand BI Rate), similarly the macroeconomic variables (Inflation and BI Rate) has a negative effect on the Jakarta Composite Index. While the result of variance decomposition showed that the role of Inflation and BI rate is significant than Jakarta Composite Index

    Involvement of Families as Owners of Cultural Heritage Improving Religious Tourism in Banda Aceh: Perspective of Maslahah Theory

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    The increase in the tourism sector, particularly religious and cultural tourism to Indonesia, especially Aceh, can contribute to the increasing number of visits. This study aims to discuss families’ involvement in managing cultural heritage in Banda Aceh. The research method is phenomenological qualitative research, analyzed using maslahah theory. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and document analysis. The results indicate that some cultural heritages in Banda Aceh have economic, historical, and religious value. One of the preferred tourist destinations is the Tomb of Sheikh Abdurrauf, which is visited by many domestic and foreign tourists. Apart from that, the involvement of families or heirs as managers of cultural heritage will provide maslahah value, or benefits, for the heirs, country, tourists, and the public in general. Among others, the benefits for the heirs are both economically and responsibly as an inheritance from their ancestors. For the country, the cultural sites will be maintained and remain sustainable, thus bringing in foreign exchange. Meanwhile, for the tourists and the public, the benefit will meet their tourism, spiritual and economic needs. Another addition is that the site is historical evidence of the great scholar who played a role in the spread of Islam in the archipelago and the Southeast Asian peninsula. Therefore, the preservation of cultural heritage involving the heirs is paramount in the context of maslahah. 

    Element-specific probe of quantum criticality in CeCoIn5\mathrm{CeCoIn_{5}}

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    Employing the elemental sensitivity of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), we study the valence and magnetic order in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5_5. We probe spin population of the f-electrons in Ce and d-electrons in Co as a function of temperature (down to 0.1 K) and magnetic field (up to 6 T). From the XAS we find a pronounced contribution of Ce4+^{4+} component at low temperature and a clear temperature dependence of the Ce valence below 5 K, suggesting enhanced valence fluctuations, an indication for the presence of a nearby quantum critical point (QCP). We observe no significant corresponding change with magnetic field. The XMCD displays a weak signal for Ce becoming clear only at 6 T. This splitting of the Kramers doublet ground state of Ce3+^{3+} is significantly smaller than expected for independent but screened ions, indicating strong antiferromagnetic pair interactions. The unconventional character of superconductivity in CeCoIn5_5 is evident in the extremely large specific heat step at the superconducting transition.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information (4 pages, 5 figures

    Developing Augmented Reality of Virus as Learning Media

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    This This study aims to: (1) develop Augmented Reality Virus (ARVI) as learning media for class X students; (2) determine the feasibility of learning media Augmented Reality virus (ARVI). The method used in this research is Research and Development with the ADDIE model limited to the Development stage. Product assessment is carried out by lecturers of material experts, lecturers of media experts, and biology teachers, each of which consists of two people. The limited trial was conducted on 18 students grade XI. Data were collected using a questionnaire and if necessary interviews were conducted with the informants. The data analysis was done quantitatively. The results of this study resulted in a product in the form of an Android application containing Augmented Reality feature that can display 3-dimensional illustrations of viruses that can be rotated and adjust the magnification when directed at the marker. Applications developed can run on the Android operating system 6 and above. The developed learning media has very feasible criteria. This is based on the results of the validation of material experts of 98.71%, media experts of 77.60%, biology teachers 91.31%, and students of 83.96%
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