29 research outputs found

    Effect Of Oestradiol On Mouse Vaginal Epithelium

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    Oestradiol which induces the proliferation of the vaginal epithelium is used in the oestrogen replacement therapy for menopausal and postmenopausal disorders. The exact onset of induced cell proliferation and recovery to the controlled level has not been reported before. Hence this study was done in ovariectomised mice and the period of cellular response to ethinyl estradiol, a semisynthetic ester (0.025mg/kg) was recorded. The vaginal epithelium was studied for histological changes and incidence of mitotic figures. The onset of proliferation started at 4h after exposure and reached its maximum at 32h and declined gradually thereafter to reach the base level at 60h

    Axillary Arch (Of Langer): Incidence, Innervation, Importance

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    The present study was planned to find out the incidence of accessory muscle arches in the axilla of 68 upper limb (38 right and 30 left) dissections. Langer’s arch was observed in one right limb out of the 68 limbs, total incidence was 1.47%. The arch extended from the latissimus dorsi to the fascia covering the biceps brachii. The incidence is low in South Indian population (Dravidians) compared to the various other populations reported in literature. A branch from the lateral cord of brachial plexus supplied it in contrast with the previous reports. The surgical significance of this muscle is reviewe

    Knowledge and awareness of the cause, prevention and control of cervical cancer amongst female undergraduates and faculty of health sciences: a cross sectional survey

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    Background: Carcinoma cervix is the second most common cancer in women worldwide, and the most common in India. In this study, the current knowledge of female undergraduates and faculty of health sciences regarding the various parameters like risk factors, symptoms, screening tests and vaccinations pertaining to cervical cancer was assessed.Methods: A cross-sectional, self-administered anonymous questionnaire-based survey was carried out, in a medical college in Mangalore, which included 260 staff and students. Non random sampling was done and the study was carried out only after gaining institutional Ethical community approval and written informed consent from the subjects.Results: Majority of the participants 185 (71.4%) were aware that cervical cancer is one of the most wide- spread gynecological cancers in Asia. The awareness of causative agents of cervical cancer was known to 53.9% of the undergraduates and 50% of the faculty members. 73% of the total study groups have heard of HPV and around 68% agreed that it was detectable. 71% of the study sample had heard about the Pap smear test and 42% have undergone the test. The questions pertaining to the preventive measures of cervical cancer had good faculty preponderance with 91.8% giving a positive response. 84.1% of the students and 79.5% of the faculty members knew that abnormal vaginal bleeding was a symptom.Conclusions: In this study an attempt has been made to study the correlates of knowledge of cervical cancer in a cohort which consisted of health care undergraduate and faculty. Majority of our study group was well aware of the various risk factors of cervical cancer and its preventable nature however awareness regarding the association between diets, multiple pregnancies and use of tobacco was poor

    Variability in the Origin of the Obturator Artery

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    INTRODUCTION: General surgeons dealing with laparoscopic herniorrhaphy should be aware of the aberrant obturator artery that crosses the superior pubic ramus and is susceptible to injuries during dissection of the Bogros space and mesh stapling onto Cooper's ligament. The obturator artery is usually described as a branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery, although variations have been reported. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was conducted on 98 pelvic halves of embalmed cadavers, and the origin and course of the obturator artery were traced and noted. RESULTS: In 79% of the specimens, the obturator artery was a branch of the internal iliac artery. It branched off at different levels either from the anterior division or posterior division, individually or with other named branches. In 19% of the cases, the obturator artery branched off from the external iliac artery as a separate branch or with the inferior epigastric artery. However, in the remaining 2% of the specimens, both the internal and the external iliac arteries branched to form an anastomotic structure within the pelvic cavity. CONCLUSION: The data obtained in this study show that it is more common to find an abnormal obturator artery than was reported previously, and this observation has implications for pelvic surgeons and is of academic interest to anatomists. Surgeons dealing with direct, indirect, femoral, or obturator hernias need to be aware of these variations and their close proximity to the femoral ring


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    Objective: Methylphenidate [MPH] is one of the drugs of choice for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD] since many decades with good effect. Consumption of this drug by normal children and adolescents to boost their cognition skills is of concern. MPH induced cognitive enhancement involves brain dopamine and norepinephrine levels in areas concerned with cognition especially hippocampus. Altered expression of these neurotransmitters can affect neuronal population of hippocampus which may have the significant effect in later part of the life. Hence we evaluate the effect of MPH on cognition and histopathological changes in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus.Methods: Two month old male wistar rats were given either 2 or 5 mg/kg dose of MPH for 10 successive days and another set of rats served as control. The rats were tested for learning and memory activities followed by histopathological studies in hippocampus and dentate gyrus using Nissl staining.Results: MPH at both the doses has enhanced learning abilities as well as retention of memory. The histopathological studies did not show any significant effect on dentate gyrus as well as hippocampus.Conclusion: Though MPH is known to provide sound results in ADHD, from the present study it is clear that MPH treatment in normal rats also temporarily enhance the cognitive skills especially declarative memory. However, its effect on long term memory is to be investigated. MPH treatment has not affected the neuronal population hence possible cytotoxic effects on neurons can be ruled out from the present study.Â

    Anatomy of Nutrient Foramina in the Lower Limb Long Bones

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    BackgroundKnowledge regarding nutrient foramina of bones is useful in surgical procedures such as microvascular bone transfer in order to preserve the circulation. The objective of the present study was to study the morphology and topography of nutrient foramina and to determine the foraminal index of the lower limb long bones to provide detailed data on such features.Method  The study comprised examination of 206 lower limb long bones which included femora, tibiae and fibulae. The nutrient foramina were identified analysed macroscopically and the foramen index calculated. Each bone was divided into five parts and topographical analysis was performed on each section. ResultsFemora had single nutrient foramen in 47.7% of the cases, double foramen in 44.2% of the cases, triple in 3.5% of the cases and an absence of foramen in 4.6%. In the case of tibiae, 98.6% showed single foramen and in 1.4% of the cases, the foramen was absent. With respect to fibulae, 90.2% had single foramen and foramen was absent in 9.8%. The mean foraminal index was 38.9 for the femora, 32.5 for tibiae and 49.2 for fibulae. The majority (51.3%) of the foramina in the femora were located at the 2/5th part, 98.3% of the tibiae foramina at the 2/5th part and 60% of the fibulae at the 3/5th part. ConclusionThe study provides information on the morphology and topography of nutrient foramina in lower limb long bones. The double foramina were more common in femur and rare in the tibia and fibula. The foramina of the femur and tibia were commonly observed at their upper part, whereas in the fibula they were present on the lower part. This knowledge of the nutrient foramina has to be kept in mind during surgical procedures

    Role of Acorus calamus in preventing depression, anxiety, and oxidative stress in long-term socially isolated rats

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    Background and Aim: Social isolation stress (SIS) and individual housing have been shown to cause abnormal cognitive insufficiencies, altered anxiety levels, and signs of psychiatric diseases. Acorus calamus (AC), commonly known as Sweet Flag, has been widely used in India to treat neurological, metabolic, and respiratory disorders, indicating its potential therapeutic value. This study aimed to determine the antidepressant and antioxidative effects of AC on rats subjected to long-term, social-isolation-induced stress. Materials and Methods: This study involved 2-month-old male rats (24) weighing approximately 180200 g bred in-house. The rats were divided into four groups (n = 6): Group-1 received saline, Group-2 received SIS, Group-3 received only 50mg/kg AC, and Group-4 received 50mg/kg AC and SIS for 6 weeks. After this, behavioral, biochemical, and neuronal assay was conducted. Results: Behavioral experiments showed significantly higher activity levels (p < 0.001) in AC-treated rats than in the SIS group. In addition, rats subjected to SIS with AC treatment exhibited enhanced total antioxidants, superoxide dismutase, and neuronal assays compared to rats subjected to SIS alone. Conclusion: Acorus calamus treatment improved the antidepressant and antioxidant potential against SIS in rat brain tissue. Moreover, we proved that AC can effectively reverse the neurotoxicity induced by SIS in animal models. As we battle against the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and social isolation, AC could be considered a supplementary treatment to alleviate depressive-like symptoms in oBackground and Aim: Social isolation stress (SIS) and individual housing have been shown to cause abnormal cognitive insufficiencies, altered anxiety levels, and signs of psychiatric diseases. Acorus calamus (AC), commonly known as Sweet Flag, has been widely used in India to treat neurological, metabolic, and respiratory disorders, indicating its potential therapeutic value. This study aimed to determine the antidepressant and antioxidative effects of AC on rats subjected to long-term, social-isolation-induced stress. Materials and Methods: This study involved 2-month-old male rats (24) weighing approximately 180200 g bred in-house. The rats were divided into four groups (n = 6): Group-1 received saline, Group-2 received SIS, Group-3 received only 50mg/kg AC, and Group-4 received 50mg/kg AC and SIS for 6 weeks. After this, behavioral, biochemical, and neuronal assay was conducted. Results: Behavioral experiments showed significantly higher activity levels (p < 0.001) in AC-treated rats than in the SIS group. In addition, rats subjected to SIS with AC treatment exhibited enhanced total antioxidants, superoxide dismutase, and neuronal assays compared to rats subjected to SIS alone. Conclusion: Acorus calamus treatment improved the antidepressant and antioxidant potential against SIS in rat brain tissue. Moreover, we proved that AC can effectively reverse the neurotoxicity induced by SIS in animal models. As we battle against the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and social isolation, AC could be considered a supplementary treatment to alleviate depressive-like symptoms in our present-day lifestyle

    Thickness and width of the menisci of adult knee joint: a descriptive cross-sectional observational study in cadavers [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background The goal was to determine the thickness and width of the knee joint meniscus at their different regions. The objective was to compare the dimensions at these regions and over the right- and left-sided specimens. Methods The present study included 50 adult cadaveric knee joints, and 100 menisci (50 medial menisci and 50 lateral menisci) were studied. The meniscus was distributed into anterior, middle and posterior parts. Thickness and width at the mid-point of these three parts were determined by using the Vernier caliper. Results The breadth of the medial meniscus was 8.38 ± 1.64 mm, 7.68 ± 1.92 mm and 13.93 ± 2.69 mm at the anterior, middle and posterior one-third regions. Same measurements for the lateral menisci at these regions were 9.84 ± 1.78 mm, 8.82 ± 2.01 mm and 10.18 ± 2.23 mm, respectively. The thickness of the medial meniscus was 4.49 ± 0.78 mm, 4.07 ± 0.81 mm and 4.79 ± 0.93 mm at these regions. The lateral meniscus thickness was 3.82 ± 0.69 mm, 4.43 ± 0.98 mm and 4.36 ± 0.8 mm, respectively. Conclusion It is believed that this data is enlightening to the arthroscopic surgeon during the meniscus transplantation either by using synthetic material or allograft as the proper sizing of the meniscus is important to prevent complications due to inaccurate sizing

    A study of alterations in DNA epigenetic modifications (5mC and 5hmC) and gene expression influenced by simulated microgravity in human lymphoblastoid cells

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    Cells alter their gene expression in response to exposure to various environmental changes. Epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation are believed to regulate the alterations in gene expression patterns. In vitro and in vivo studies have documented changes in cellular proliferation, cytoskeletal remodeling, signal transduction, bone mineralization and immune deficiency under the influence of microgravity conditions experienced in space. However microgravity induced changes in the epigenome have not been well characterized. In this study we have used Next-generation Sequencing (NGS) to profile ground-based “simulated” microgravity induced changes on DNA methylation (5-methylcytosine or 5mC), hydroxymethylation (5-hydroxymethylcytosine or 5hmC), and simultaneous gene expression in cultured human lymphoblastoid cells. Our results indicate that simulated microgravity induced alterations in the methylome (~60% of the differentially methylated regions or DMRs are hypomethylated and ~92% of the differentially hydroxymethylated regions or DHMRs are hyperhydroxymethylated). Simulated microgravity also induced differential expression in 370 transcripts that were associated with crucial biological processes such as oxidative stress response, carbohydrate metabolism and regulation of transcription. While we were not able to obtain any global trend correlating the changes of methylation/ hydroxylation with gene expression, we have been able to profile the simulated microgravity induced changes of 5mC over some of the differentially expressed genes that includes five genes undergoing differential methylation over their promoters and twenty five genes undergoing differential methylation over their gene-bodies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first NGS-based study to profile epigenomic patterns induced by short time exposure of simulated microgravity and we believe that our findings can be a valuable resource for future explorations