8 research outputs found

    Chapter Tracking Venice’s Maritime Traffic in the First Age of Globalization: A Geospatial Analysis

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    The present collaborative work in progress is an empirical attempt verifying the interplay between political change, fleet nationality, and the evolution of shipping networks. On the basis of historical data on ship positions retracted from archival sources, we create GIS-based online maps to conduct a geospatial analysis of the traffic intensity and movement patterns along the regional and inter-regional sea routes that connected the Venetian port system with the Mediterranean ports, with special attention to the Eastern Mediterranean. In this sense, the platform “simulates” modern real-time technologies used to visualise shipping trends per vessel types

    Le funzioni mercantili dei consoli della Repubblica Settinsulare, 1800-1807

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    La posizione geografica delle Isole Ionie sull’asse mercantile che collegava l’Oriente all’Occidente, la loro vicinanza al territorio ottomano, ma anche le necessità tecniche della navigazione a vela, hanno conferito loro una particolare importanza strategica ed hanno definito il loro carattere di centri marittimi e di mercati di transito. L’avanzata dell’esercito napoleonico in Oriente, nel 1797, pose fine al dominio veneziano nella zona, un dominio che era durato più di quattro secoli. Nel ..

    Typology of the War at Sea in the Ionian Sea (late fifteenth–early nineteenth century)

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    In the geographical and chronological limits defined by the title of this study, which is a first approach to a complex issue, we will attempt to formulate and classify the main types of warfare that took place in the Ionian Sea and affected local communities to a greater or lesser extent. We will also seek an analysis of the means offered by traditional and modern literature for the examination of war, with a clear emphasis on the area under consideration

    Chapter Tracking Venice’s Maritime Traffic in the First Age of Globalization: A Geospatial Analysis

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    The present collaborative work in progress is an empirical attempt verifying the interplay between political change, fleet nationality, and the evolution of shipping networks. On the basis of historical data on ship positions retracted from archival sources, we create GIS-based online maps to conduct a geospatial analysis of the traffic intensity and movement patterns along the regional and inter-regional sea routes that connected the Venetian port system with the Mediterranean ports, with special attention to the Eastern Mediterranean. In this sense, the platform “simulates” modern real-time technologies used to visualise shipping trends per vessel types

    Deviant ideas, prohibited books and aberrant practices: reflections of the Roman Inquisition in the societies of the Venetian Ionian Islands (sixteenth–seventeenth centuries)

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