107 research outputs found

    An Early Diagnosis of Gastroepiploic Arterial Aneurysm during a Routine Abdominal Ultrasound Study

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    Gastroepiploic arterial aneurysm (GEAA) is a rare condition, but the rupture risk is very high. We report the case of a patient with incidental finding of GEAA during US examination. The diagnosis was confirmed by a computed tomography and an angiographic study. A classic laparotomy with aneurysmectomy has been successfully performed

    The slow-paced digital evolution of pathology: lights and shadows from a multifaceted board

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    Objective: The digital revolution in pathology represents an invaluable resource fto optimise costs, reduce the risk of error and improve patient care, even though it is still adopted in a minority of laboratories. Barriers include concerns about initial costs, lack of confidence in using whole slide images for primary diagnosis, and lack of guidance on transition. To address these challenges and develop a programme to facilitate the introduction of digital pathology (DP) in Italian pathology departments, a panel discussion was set up to identify the key points to be considered. Methods: On 21 July 2022, an initial conference call was held on Zoom to identify the main issues to be discussed during the face-to-face meeting. The final summit was divided into four different sessions: (I) the definition of DP, (II) practical applications of DP, (III) the use of AI in DP, (IV) DP and education. Results: Essential requirements for the implementation of DP are a fully tracked and automated workflow, selection of the appropriate scanner based on the specific needs of each department, and a strong commitment combined with coordinated teamwork (pathologists, technicians, biologists, IT service and industries). This could reduce human error, leading to the application of AI tools for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction. Open challenges are the lack of specific regulations for virtual slide storage and the optimal storage solution for large volumes of slides. Conclusion: Teamwork is key to DP transition, including close collaboration with industry. This will ease the transition and help bridge the gap that currently exists between many labs and full digitisation. The ultimate goal is to improve patient care

    The usual Interstitial pneumonia pattern in autoimmune rheumatic diseases

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    : Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP) is characterized by progression of lung parenchyma that may be observed in various autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARDs), including rheumatoid arthritis and connective tissue diseases. From a diagnostic point of view, a UIP pattern related to ARDs may display imaging and pathological features able to distinguish it from that related to IPF, such as the "straight-edge" sign at HRCT and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates at histologic specimens. Multidisciplinary approach (MDD), involving at least pulmonologist, rheumatologist and radiologist, is fundamental in the differential diagnosis process, but MDD is also required in the evaluation of severity, progression and response to treatment, that is based on the combination of changes in symptoms, pulmonary function trends, and, in selected patients, serial CT evaluation. Differently from IPF, in patients with ARDs both functional evaluation and patient-reported outcomes may be affected by systemic involvement and comorbidities, including musculoskeletal manifestations of disease. Finally, in regards to pharmacological treatment, immunosuppressants have been considered the cornerstone of therapy, despite the lack of solid evidence in most cases; recently, antifibrotic drugs were also proposed for the treatment of progressive fibrosing ILDs other than IPF. In ARD-ILD, the therapeutic choice should balance the need for the control of systemic and lung involvements with the risk of adverse events from multi-morbidities and -therapies. Purpose of this review is to summarize the definition, the radiological and morphological features of the UIP pattern in ARDs, together with risk factors, diagnostic criteria, prognostic evaluation, monitoring and management approaches of the UIP-ARDs

    Prevention of quercetin precipitation in red wines: a promising enzymatic solution

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    Flavonols are known for causing undesirable deposits in both red and white wines. Among flavonols, quercetin is widely considered the principal factor determining this phenomenon. One of the most accredited hypotheses claims that glycosylated derivatives of quercetin undergo hydrolysis of the glycosylic bond during the fermentation and the wine ageing, releasing quercetin aglycone, which is much less soluble in water solution and causes the precipitation. Our work describes the dynamics of quercetin-derived deposition in Chianti wines and purposes a new method, based on the enzymatic quercetin glycoside hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond, to prevent the unpleasant deposit formation during the wine ageing. In our study, forty-four monovarietal wines obtained from 7 different Italian grape varieties were compared in the content of total quercetin-3-glycosides (rutin, quercetin-3-glucuronide, quercetin-3-glucoside) and quercetin aglycone. The data confirmed the literature revealing Sangiovese as the richest in quercetin. We tested then, in a Sangiovese wine, four fining agents (PVPP, PVPP/PVI, bentonite and a vegetal protein) for quercetin removal, showing that only the PVPP had a modest aglycone removal activity. Then, the kinetics of deposit formation was studied in three Chianti wines which differed in the initial content of quercetin aglycone. This investigation highlighted that the chemical equilibrium of quercetin changes over time as the turbidity slowly increases, as previously documented. The comparison of the three dynamics also permitted us to conclude that different wines show a different ability to keep in solution quercetin. Finally, a new approach for deposit prevention was studied by a precocious Chianti wine treatment with a pectolytic enzyme having secondary glycosidase activity. This enzyme significantly accelerated the hydrolysis of glycosylated quercetins into their aglycone, which could enhance the deposition before bottling, without serious wine colour depletion. Our study represents the first evidence of the promising potential of using the pectolytic enzyme with secondary glycosidase activity to prevent quercetin deposit during Chianti ageing, in a way that is compatible with organic wine production

    Unsupervised neural networks as a support tool for pathology diagnosis in MALDI-MSI experiments:A case study on thyroid biopsies

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    Artificial intelligence is getting a foothold in medicine for disease screening and diagnosis. While typical machine learning methods require large labeled datasets for training and validation, their application is limited in clinical fields since ground truth information can hardly be obtained on a sizeable cohort of patients. Unsupervised neural networks - such as Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) - represent an alternative approach to identifying hidden patterns in biomedical data. Here we investigate the feasibility of SOMs for the identification of malignant and non-malignant regions in liquid biopsies of thyroid nodules, on a patient-specific basis. MALDI-ToF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization -Time of Flight) mass spectrometry-imaging (MSI) was used to measure the spectral profile of bioptic samples. SOMs were then applied for the analysis of MALDI-MSI data of individual patients' samples, also testing various pre-processing and agglomerative clustering methods to investigate their impact on SOMs' discrimination efficacy. The final clustering was compared against the sample's probability to be malignant, hyperplastic or related to Hashimoto thyroiditis as quantified by multinomial regression with LASSO. Our results show that SOMs are effective in separating the areas of a sample containing benign cells from those containing malignant cells. Moreover, they allow to overlap the different areas of cytological glass slides with the corresponding proteomic profile image, and inspect the specific weight of every cellular component in bioptic samples. We envision that this approach could represent an effective means to assist pathologists in diagnostic tasks, avoiding the need to manually annotate cytological images and the effort in creating labeled datasets

    Renal involvement in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis

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    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a necrotizing vasculitis, which typically affects small-to medium-sized blood vessels. It is characterized by the presence of tissue infiltrates rich in eosinophils, along with the formation of granulomatous lesions. About 40% of cases have positive anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies (ANCA), with predominant perinuclear staining, and anti-myeloperoxidase (anti-MPO) specificity in about 65% of cases. Typical manifestations of EGPA include the late onset of asthma, nasal and sinus-related symptoms, peripheral neuropathy, and significant eosinophilia observed in the peripheral blood. In contrast to granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis, renal involvement in EGPA is less frequent (about 25%) and poorly studied. Necrotizing pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis is the most common renal presentation in patients with ANCA-positive EGPA. Although rarely, other forms of renal involvement may also be observed, such as eosinophilic interstitial nephritis, mesangial glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy, or focal sclerosis. A standardized treatment for EGPA with renal involvement has not been defined, however the survival and the renal outcomes are usually better than in the other ANCA-associated vasculitides. Nonetheless, kidney disease is an adverse prognostic factor for EGPA patients. Larger studies are required to better describe the renal involvement, in particular for patterns different from crescentic glomerulonephritis, and to favor the development of a consensual therapeutic approach. In this article, in addition to personal data, we will review recent findings on patient clinical phenotypes based on ANCA, genetics and the impact of biological drugs on disease management

    Thyrospheres from B-CPAP cell line with BRAF and TERT promoter mutations have different functional and molecular features than parental cells

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    Human thyroid cancer derived cell lines are widely used to study the mechanisms involved in thyroid carcinogenesis. However, there is limited availability of non-cross-contaminated cancer cell lines derived from papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), and the B-CPAP cell line is one of the few such lines. B-CPAP cells have been genetically and cytogenetically well-characterized, but details of their stemness features remain uncertain. Considering that this cell line is extensively used for in vitro studies on thyroid tumorigenesis, we broaden its functional and molecular profiles as well as the tumorigenic capacity. We used functional assays (sphere-forming capacity and efficiency), assessed self-renewal and propagation efficiency and tested in vivo tumorigenicity in Hsd:Athymic Nude-Foxn1nu mice. Expression of markers of stemness, differentiation, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition were estimated at RNA and protein levels in adherent parental cells and sphere-forming cells. Functional aspects and stemness features were compared with normal thyrocytes. Protein expression of xenograft tumors was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. B-CPAP sphere-forming cells were able to form thyrospheres theoretically indefinitely in an appropriate serum-free medium, reverting to the adherent parental cell phenotype when cultured in differentiation medium. Different expression of ALDH1-A1 and CD44 stemness markers and TTF-1 and CK19 differentiation markers allowed discrimination between isolated sphere-forming cells and adherent parental cells, indicating that sphere-forming cells retained stem-like features. In keeping with these observations, tumorigenicity assays confirmed that, relative to parental adherent cells, thyrospheres had enhanced capacity to initiate xenograft tumors. Thyrospheres from normal cell line retained very low functional capacity, as well as different stemness markers expression compared to tumor thyrospheres. Our findings may constitute a useful background to develop an in vitro model for assessing the origin and progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma bearing BRAFV600E and TERT promoter mutations
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