19 research outputs found

    Jogo educativo sobre drogas para cegos: construção e avaliação

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    Estudo realizado com o objetivo de construir e avaliar um jogo educativo sobre drogas psicoativas acessível a pessoas cegas, desenvolvido em três etapas: construção do jogo educativo, avaliação por três especialistas em educação especial e doze cegos. Foi construído um jogo de tabuleiro denominado Drogas: jogando limpo . Na Versão Alfa os especialistas fizeram sugestões em relação às e instruções e ao tabuleiro: textura das casas, peças do jogo e escrita em Braille. Na Versão Beta, procedeu-se à avaliação pelos cegos, os quais sugeriram alterações na textura das casas e colocação de velcro para fixação do pino no tabuleiro. Passou-se, então, à Versão Gama, jogada pelas últimas três duplas de cegos e considerada adequada. Na avaliação dos juízes, o jogo revelou-se adequado, pois permite o acesso à informação sobre drogas psicoativas de maneira lúdica

    Can problem-solving attitudes explain the gender gap in financial literacy? Evidence from Italian students’ data

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    Recent results from the OECD PISA (Financial literacy assessment framework. Australian Council for Educational Research. ACER, Australia, 2012) highlight that Italy is the only surveyed country where, among 15-year-old students, boys perform significantly better than girls in terms of financial literacy. This gap is relevant because financially literacy is crucial to make sound financial decisions and, consequently, it is likely to impact strongly on well-being of women. The main findings reveal that studentsâ performance in financial literacy is most strongly influenced by some personality traits, such as perseverance and openness to solving complex problems, and, at same time, by the school career and the type of school attended. Their effects are larger among low-performing students than in the upper tail of the score distribution. A decomposition exercise of the gender gap in financial literacy confirms the role played by motivational and attitudinal factors and, at the same time, highlights that putting males and females on an even footing with respect to personal characteristics does not suffice to close the gap

    Heat Stress and Lipopolysaccharide Stimulation of Chicken Macrophage-Like Cell Line Activates Expression of Distinct Sets of Genes

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    Acute heat stress requires immediate adjustment of the stressed individual to sudden changes of ambient temperatures. Chickens are particularly sensitive to heat stress due to development of insufficient physiological mechanisms to mitigate its effects. One of the symptoms of heat stress is endotoxemia that results from release of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from the guts. Heat-related cytotoxicity is mitigated by the innate immune system, which is comprised mostly of phagocytic cells such as monocytes and macrophages. The objective of this study was to analyze the molecular responses of the chicken macrophage-like HD11 cell line to combined heat stress and lipopolysaccharide treatment in vitro. The cells were heat-stressed and then allowed a temperature-recovery period, during which the gene expression was investigated. LPS was added to the cells to mimic the heat-stress-related endotoxemia. Semi high-throughput gene expression analysis was used to study a gene panel comprised of heat shock proteins, stress-related genes, signaling molecules and immune response genes. HD11 cell line responded to heat stress with increased mRNA abundance of the HSP25, HSPA2 and HSPH1 chaperones as well as DNAJA4 and DNAJB6 co-chaperones. The anti-apoptotic gene BAG3 was also highly up-regulated, providing evidence that the cells expressed pro-survival processes. The immune response of the HD11 cell line to LPS in the heat stress environment (up-regulation of CCL4, CCL5, IL1B, IL8 and iNOS) was higher than in thermoneutral conditions. However, the peak in the transcriptional regulation of the immune genes was after two hours of temperature-recovery. Therefore, we propose the potential influence of the extracellular heat shock proteins not only in mitigating effects of abiotic stress but also in triggering the higher level of the immune responses. Finally, use of correlation networks for the data analysis aided in discovering subtle differences in the gene expression (i.e. the role of the CASP3 and CASP9 genes)